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    Rimowa Electronic Tag短视频,活动广告营销案例



    Rimowa 电子标签

    案例简介:概要 任务是开发一个以数字用户为中心的概念,强调优质品牌 RIMOWA 的创新特征,同时满足行李制造商的高标准。我们的目标是继续将 RIMOWA 定位为未来舒适旅行的先驱。 执行 RIMOWA 电子标签用集成到手提箱中的数字数据模块取代了传统的纸质行李标签。专用智能手机应用程序与手提箱通信,并允许您添加个人数据。然后行李的数据可以被发送到航空公司,航空公司反过来会向行李箱发送数字标签。这允许你从任何地方托运行李,节省了你在办理登机手续柜台的压力和等待时间。RIMOWA 电子标签已经被汉莎航空和 Eva-Air 成功使用。 战略 装有 RIMOWA 电子标签的行李箱主要用于国际常客。目标群体的特点是他们的高品牌亲和力、对质量和功能的高需求以及对优秀设计的欣赏。大多数 RIMOWA 客户属于高成功者环境,其次是逃避现实者。从长远来看,RET 是为所有乘客设计的,因为该系统可以使航空公司和机场完全数字化,从而节省人员和处理成本。 结果 带有集成 RET 模块的手提箱的销售大大促进了 RIMOWA 的销售。仅在几个月内,汉莎航空的官方发布合作伙伴就得到了更多的航空合作伙伴,如 Eva Air 、 United 、 Condor 和 Thomas Cook。其他 30 多家航空公司正在与 RIMOWA 谈判。这是第一个完全数字化的行李托运解决方案,使其成为整个航空旅行行业的游戏规则改变者。硬件制造商通过创建一个独特的软件解决方案,让客户拥有更多最宝贵的资源: 时间,从而成为数字时代的先锋。 活动描述 用数字模块替换纸质标签: RIMOWA 电子标签 -- 第一个行李数字登记解决方案。这允许航班乘客从他们所在的任何地方通过智能手机登记他们的手提箱,并在几秒钟内送到机场,没有任何大惊小怪或延误。

    Rimowa 电子标签

    案例简介:Synopsis The task was to develop a digital user-centred concept that emphasises the innovative character of the quality brand RIMOWA while meeting the luggage manufacturer’s high standards. We aimed at continuing to position RIMOWA as the pioneer of comfortable travel in the future. Execution RIMOWA Electronic Tag replaces the conventional paper baggage tag with a digital data module that is integrated into the suitcase. A dedicated smartphone app communicates with the suitcase and allows you to add your personal data. The luggage’s data can then be sent to the airline, which in turn sends a digital tag to the suitcase. This allows you to check in your luggage from wherever you are, saving you stress and waiting time at the check-in counter. The RIMOWA Electronic Tag is already being successfully used by Lufthansa and Eva-Air. Strategy Suitcases equipped with the RIMOWA Electronic Tag are primarily intended for international frequent-travellers. The target group is characterised by their high brand affinity, their high demand for quality and functionality as well as an appreciation of good design. The majority of RIMOWA customers belong to the high achiever milieu, followed by people in the escapist category. In the long term, the RET is designed for all passengers, as airlines and airports can become fully digitised as a result of the system, thus saving on personnel and processing costs. Outcome The sale of suitcases with an integrated RET module significantly contributes to RIMOWA’s sales. In just a few months the official launch partner, Lufthansa, has been followed by more airline partners such as Eva Air, United, Condor and Thomas Cook. More than 30 other airlines are now in negotiations with RIMOWA. This is the first fully digital check-in solution for luggage, making it a game-changer for the whole air travel industry. The hardware manufacturer becomes a pioneer in the digital age by creating a unique software solution that allows its costumers to have more of their most precious resource: time. CampaignDescription Replacing the paper tags with a digital module: the RIMOWA Electronic Tag – the first digital check-in solution for luggage. This allows flight passengers to check in their suitcase via smartphone from wherever they are and hand it in at the airport in a matter of seconds – without any fuss or delays.

    Rimowa Electronic Tag

    案例简介:概要 任务是开发一个以数字用户为中心的概念,强调优质品牌 RIMOWA 的创新特征,同时满足行李制造商的高标准。我们的目标是继续将 RIMOWA 定位为未来舒适旅行的先驱。 执行 RIMOWA 电子标签用集成到手提箱中的数字数据模块取代了传统的纸质行李标签。专用智能手机应用程序与手提箱通信,并允许您添加个人数据。然后行李的数据可以被发送到航空公司,航空公司反过来会向行李箱发送数字标签。这允许你从任何地方托运行李,节省了你在办理登机手续柜台的压力和等待时间。RIMOWA 电子标签已经被汉莎航空和 Eva-Air 成功使用。 战略 装有 RIMOWA 电子标签的行李箱主要用于国际常客。目标群体的特点是他们的高品牌亲和力、对质量和功能的高需求以及对优秀设计的欣赏。大多数 RIMOWA 客户属于高成功者环境,其次是逃避现实者。从长远来看,RET 是为所有乘客设计的,因为该系统可以使航空公司和机场完全数字化,从而节省人员和处理成本。 结果 带有集成 RET 模块的手提箱的销售大大促进了 RIMOWA 的销售。仅在几个月内,汉莎航空的官方发布合作伙伴就得到了更多的航空合作伙伴,如 Eva Air 、 United 、 Condor 和 Thomas Cook。其他 30 多家航空公司正在与 RIMOWA 谈判。这是第一个完全数字化的行李托运解决方案,使其成为整个航空旅行行业的游戏规则改变者。硬件制造商通过创建一个独特的软件解决方案,让客户拥有更多最宝贵的资源: 时间,从而成为数字时代的先锋。 活动描述 用数字模块替换纸质标签: RIMOWA 电子标签 -- 第一个行李数字登记解决方案。这允许航班乘客从他们所在的任何地方通过智能手机登记他们的手提箱,并在几秒钟内送到机场,没有任何大惊小怪或延误。

    Rimowa Electronic Tag

    案例简介:Synopsis The task was to develop a digital user-centred concept that emphasises the innovative character of the quality brand RIMOWA while meeting the luggage manufacturer’s high standards. We aimed at continuing to position RIMOWA as the pioneer of comfortable travel in the future. Execution RIMOWA Electronic Tag replaces the conventional paper baggage tag with a digital data module that is integrated into the suitcase. A dedicated smartphone app communicates with the suitcase and allows you to add your personal data. The luggage’s data can then be sent to the airline, which in turn sends a digital tag to the suitcase. This allows you to check in your luggage from wherever you are, saving you stress and waiting time at the check-in counter. The RIMOWA Electronic Tag is already being successfully used by Lufthansa and Eva-Air. Strategy Suitcases equipped with the RIMOWA Electronic Tag are primarily intended for international frequent-travellers. The target group is characterised by their high brand affinity, their high demand for quality and functionality as well as an appreciation of good design. The majority of RIMOWA customers belong to the high achiever milieu, followed by people in the escapist category. In the long term, the RET is designed for all passengers, as airlines and airports can become fully digitised as a result of the system, thus saving on personnel and processing costs. Outcome The sale of suitcases with an integrated RET module significantly contributes to RIMOWA’s sales. In just a few months the official launch partner, Lufthansa, has been followed by more airline partners such as Eva Air, United, Condor and Thomas Cook. More than 30 other airlines are now in negotiations with RIMOWA. This is the first fully digital check-in solution for luggage, making it a game-changer for the whole air travel industry. The hardware manufacturer becomes a pioneer in the digital age by creating a unique software solution that allows its costumers to have more of their most precious resource: time. CampaignDescription Replacing the paper tags with a digital module: the RIMOWA Electronic Tag – the first digital check-in solution for luggage. This allows flight passengers to check in their suitcase via smartphone from wherever they are and hand it in at the airport in a matter of seconds – without any fuss or delays.

    Rimowa 电子标签


    Rimowa Electronic Tag










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