案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 故事 #1 [这首歌是当地乐队在火灾中作为告别建筑而演奏的那首歌] 故事 #2 [原始无线电通信总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 站,scrub fire 报道,圣何塞-Pavas,必胜客以南 800米。1-5-7-23-14-23.UNIT: 1-5 承认 M-35.HQ: OCO 7-1 M-35.UNIT: M-35,M-35,在北侧启动程序。广泛的灌木丛火灾,威胁到几个建筑和商店。启动应用程序。请求西部报道的 E-23。Pavas Command 5 northside.HQ: OCO 7-1 到现场的单位。Pavas 命令副本。协调 7-7-14-37.HQ: 7-1 正在从靠近 Movistar 天线的帕瓦斯必胜客以南 800米传递我们的信息。仓库火灾。7-0 单元: Pavas 命令 7-1 我在现场。M-62 在这里工作。目前,仓库没有受到影响。总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 命令。单位: 我们正在保护东侧,向当地 M-35。M-32 几乎在同一个地方工作。没有水流,我重复一遍,没有水流。我们需要那个地方的蓄水池。我需要另一个灭火器单位在西区工作,我重复一遍,西区。总部: OCO 7-1 Charlie-0.UNIT: 我们有一个严重火灾威胁的建筑,现在危及一个大约 500 的仓库。其中一堵墙着火了,其他仓库也受到威胁。2 个灭火器单位来支持我们。总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 命令。单位: 我需要你的注意,试着将其他命令传递给其他频道。给我另一个灭火器单元和一个平台单元。总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 命令。单位: 确认信息。我们有两个仓库。一个大约 5,000米,用明火,用博览会。第二个仓库,大约 1,000米,尾部有火灾。总部: 7-1 副本。15-14。从 1-5 途中的平台,从 4-1 的 M-111,从 1-9 的 M-43 和从 1-3 的 M-23: 我们还需要工程人员。总部: 7-1 协调 7-4 到地点。故事 #3WALL (老人): 我记得,在祈祷后,胡安出去在附近散步。我独自一人,就像大多数夜晚一样,凝视着小房间的黑暗,在连续第四个夜晚,被逾越节蜡烛昏暗地照亮。在向萨拉的照片致敬几天后,蜡烛已经被消耗了一半,就在几天前,他已经过上了更好的生活。它散发着如此多的热量,以至于我,一个古老的斜面木墙,开始感觉到我的温度是如何快速上升的。我在燃烧。火焰在我身上形成,很快烟雾就让我变暗了。大火到达窗帘,火势迅速蔓延。火焰变得越来越强烈,寻找一个出去的空间,给氧气和逃生。他们走向房子的后面,但无处可逃,把整个建筑变成了烤箱。这不仅妨碍了消防员的工作,而且最终导致三个孩子丧生。我仍然无法解释,在这场灾难之后,我仍然在这里。也许我在生活中留下的目的是分享这个信息,以避免像这样的可怕情况会发生在你和你的身上。故事 #4 (双耳) [模糊的餐厅喋喋不休和噪音,爆炸和火灾,然后警笛声嚎叫和消防员部署] 故事 #5 墙 (强壮的人):他们说有些故事只意味着由最强的人来生活。也许这就是为什么这个发生在我身上,一个混凝土砌块墙。 2014年11月5日,和往常一样,我坐在一张简陋的扶手椅后面,三个孩子在那里玩和看电视。我仍然难以理解发生了什么,我试图记住,但只是空白,一切都模糊不清。我开始认为那天我吸收的烟让我失去了记忆。专家说,一切都可以从孩子玩火柴开始。我唯一记得的是,突然,几乎神奇地,一团火焰从隔壁房间的床下面传来,在几秒钟内把所有的火焰都烧掉了。大火是由一些胶水、油漆、古龙水和蜡烛的残留物引发的。谁把这些东西放在同一个房间里?我和孩子们逃不掉了,我们被困在那里,唯一的选择是向火灾投降。只有我留下来,其他一切都被消耗掉了。那天我什么也做不了,因为,正如你所见,我是一堵简单的墙。但是今天,我可以。我可以告诉你这个故事,虽然悲伤和痛苦,但可能有助于你阻止,因为这样的故事可能发生在任何人身上。故事 #6 [原始消防局法医报告] 亨利: 亨利 · 莫拉莱斯,预防和调查股消防部门官员,代码奥斯卡-3。今天 2012年10月12日开始对圣卡洛斯波科索尔火灾的调查。结构: 住宅,94 平方米,周围有混凝土砌块墙,门窗上有烟雾和火灾痕迹。房子屋顶的显著结构倒塌。我们现在正在进入房子里,以确定这场火灾的原因。该结构Ture 有分裂的混凝土块和木墙,被大火完全损坏。未观察到电缆或配电板的电气损坏。窗框完全不见了。在拐角处,有一个垫子,在那里可能放置了一名 55 岁的妇女和一名 9 岁的男孩的尸体,这些尸体在我们到达之前被司法调查机构移走了。判断卧室区域的痕迹,混凝土墙壁的清洁燃烧,天花板和屋顶倒塌的损坏,窗框的丢失和垫子的变形, 我们确定这一点是火灾的根源。尽管大火摧毁了所有证据,我们将扩大调查范围,但隔离墙将是这里发生的事情的唯一目击者。故事 #7EUGENIA (年轻女性): 我的名字是 Eugenia。我是蓬塔雷纳斯埃尔罗布尔学校的老师。在新学校的第一天总是很难。好像我,28 岁,又上二年级了。但是学校着火了,这是另一回事。我没有教十分钟,那时热和火焰就在我们身边。我感觉到一股烧焦的气味,然后我看到烟雾从天花板里冒出来。班上的烟很快就浓密了,我只是想让孩子们快点出去。所以,我毫不犹豫地告诉他们必须做什么。保持冷静很困难,但我知道为了避免受伤是必要的。警笛声几乎立即响起,第二声,消防队员已经扑灭了大火。我们他们走了,只剩下烧焦的气味。第二天早上,当孩子们回来时,我看着他们的眼睛,我注意到他们对我的看法不同,好像我是一个女英雄。故事 #8 墙 (老妇人): 那些在悲剧中幸存下来的人有义务把他们的证词留给其他人,也许这样,可以防止这种情况再次发生。这是我的。2013年2月8日,星期二,如果我没有错的话,我,60 岁,曾经是 Puriscal 一家叫 Las á guilas 的酒店的北侧墙。那天晚上,突然,从我在 8 号房间的位置,我开始瞥见一场红色橙色的大火。烟雾开始淹没酒店走廊,然后到达我的房间,完全淹没了它。不可思议的事情发生了: 一个简单风扇的引擎过热,融化的塑料掉到了木地板上,大火开始猛烈燃烧,烧毁了酒店,蔓延到了一些商店。绝望的哭泣,经济损失,最重要的是,几分钟后就发生了人类的损失。所有 16 间酒店房间,3 间商店,5 条生命,数百平方米完全倒塌,最终,幸运的是,唯一站着的人是 60 岁的我。你需要关注老年人,所以当我告诉你像这样的悲剧可能会发生在任何人身上时,那是因为我知道,我也经历过。故事 9 墙 (年轻女子): 一天比一天,我得到了很多访问。从这里,我可以看到未来的房子,公寓和办公室的内部。但是那天,在所有平常的忙碌中,我们有一个不速之客。多少?一点也不大,还有她制造的烂摊子! 当一些男人在仓库外部做焊接工作时,一个微小的火花从和她一样小的洞里跳了进来,就像她是一名奥林匹克撑杆跳运动员一样, 在泡沫床垫上着陆。不可思议的事情发生了。火焰迅速蔓延…… 在几秒钟内,所有的地方都被烧毁了。我是最后一堵受影响的墙之一。当大火吞噬我的油漆时,已经可以听到哀号了。所有的货物都被销毁了: 桌子、椅子、床、花园家具…… 一切都变成了灰烬。消防队员急忙扑灭火焰,淹没了整个地方,试图避免更糟糕的结果。扑灭火并不容易; 他们花了几个小时。但是火花,那小小的闪光穿过空气,落在可能最糟糕的地方,她只花了几秒钟就把所有东西都拿出来了。我仍然在想,这么少的东西,比一毛钱还小,怎么会引起一百万美元的损失。 简要解释 “如果墙会说话” 艺术展览。九堵墙的九个故事。每堵墙都是不同火灾的幸存者,它把自己的故事告诉了前面的人。一些墙壁以第一人称说话,另一些墙壁通过消防部门档案的原始音频文件来讲述这个故事,例如消防站和灭火单位之间的录音无线电通信,另一个故事是通过一个乐队在火灾时向大楼演奏的告别歌曲讲述的。最后一个故事来自餐馆的墙壁,来自苏打 de Alajuela。人们可以听到这个受欢迎的场所通常的喧闹。一切正常,直到丙烷气瓶爆炸并着火。混乱随之而来,警笛呼啸,消防员到来.一些故事是沉浸式体验的双耳故事。请使用耳机。 EntrySummary 在过去的两年里,意外火灾的成本A Rica 增长 25%。在这段时间里,意外火灾的最常见原因是: 手工制作的电气设备不良,没有监督的焊接工程,变质的煤气罐,过热的电器,孩子们玩火柴, 焚烧垃圾,点燃夜晚留下的蜡烛。
案例简介:ScriptInEnglish Story #1[The song is the same one a local band played as a farewell to the building during its fire]Story #2 [Original radio communication]HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas station, scrub fire reported, San José-Pavas, 800 meters south of Pizza Hut. 1-5-7-23-14-23.UNIT: 1-5 Acknowledge M-35.HQ: OCO 7-1 M-35.UNIT: M-35, M-35, initiating procedure in the north side. Wide scrub fire, threatening several structures and shops. Initiating application. Requesting an E-23 for west coverage. Pavas Command 5 northside.HQ: OCO 7-1 to the unit on scene. Pavas Command copy. Coordinating 7-7-14-37.HQ: 7-1 is relaying us information from 800 meters south of Pavas Pizza Hut, near the Movistar antenna. Warehouse fire. 7-0.UNIT: Pavas Command 7-1 I'm located at the scene. M-62 is working here. For now, the warehouse is not affected.HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas Command.UNIT: We are protecting the east side with M-35 towards local areas. M-32 is working almost at the same location. There is no water flow, I repeat, there is no water flow. We need cisterns at the location. I require another extinguisher unit to work at the west sector, I repeat, west sector.HQ: OCO 7-1 Charlie-0.UNIT: We have a scrub fire threatening structures and compromising right now a warehouse of about 500 square meters. One of the walls has catched fire, and other warehouses are threatened. 2 extinguisher units are coming to support us.HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas Command.UNIT: I need your attention, try to relay other commands to other channels. Send me another extinguisher unit and a platform unit to the location.HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas Command.UNIT: Confirming the information. We have 2 warehouses. One about 5,000 meters, with open fire, with exposition. And a second warehouse, about 1,000 meters, with fire in its rear end.HQ: 7-1 Copy. 15-14. Platform from 1-5 en route, M-111 from 4-1, M-43 from 1-9 and M-23 from 1-3.UNIT: We also need engineering personnel.HQ: 7-1 Coordinating 7-4 to the location.Story #3WALL (Old man): I remember that, having said his prayers, Juan went out to take a stroll in the neighborhood.I remained alone, as most nights, staring at the darkness of the little room, dimly lit by a paschal candle for the fourth straight night.The candle was already a consumed half way after several days of paying tribute to a picture of Sara, who just a few days before had passed to a better life.It was radiating so much heat, that I, an old bevelled wood wall, started to feel how my temperature rose fast. I was burning. Flames took form on my body and soon smoke was darkening me. Blazes reached a curtain, and the fire spread quickly.The flames were becoming more intense, looking for a space to go out, to oxygenate and escape. They headed toward the back of the house, but had nowhere to run, turning the whole building into an oven. This not only hampered the work of firefighters, but eventually, caused three children to lose their lives.I still cannot explain how after all this catastrophe, I'm still here. Maybe my purpose in what I have left of my life is sharing this message to avoid that a terrible situation like this can happen to you and yours.Story #4 (Binaural)[Indistinct restaurant chatter and noises, the explosions and fire, then sirens wailing and firefighter deployment]Story #5WALL (Strong man): They say some stories are only meant to be lived by the strongest ones. Maybe that’s why this one happened to me, a concrete block wall.On November 5th, 2014, I was, as always, behind a humble armchair, where three kids spent their days playing and watching TV.I still struggle to understand what happened, I try to remember but only go blank, everything’s blurry. I’ve started to think the smoke I absorbed that day made me lose my memory.Experts say everything could have started as a child’s game with matches. The only thing I do remember is that out of the blue, almost magically, a flame came from under the next room’s bed, consuming all in there in a matter of seconds. The fire was fueled by some remains of glue, paint, cologne, and candles. Who the hell keeps all this stuff in the same room?Me and the kids had no escape, we were trapped with the only option of surrendering to the fire. Only I remained, everything else was consumed.That day I could do nothing, since, as you see, I’m a simple wall. But today, I can. I can tell you this tale that, though sad and painful, might help you prevent, because a story like this can happen to anyone.Story #6 [Original fire department forensic report]HENRY: Henry Morales, Fire Department officer from the Prevention and Investigation Unit, code Oscar-3. Initiating today October 12th, 2012, the investigation of the fire in Pocosol, San Carlos. Structure: residential house, 94 square meters, with perimetral walls of concrete blocks, presenting smoke and fire marks in windows and doors. Notable structural collapse of the roof over the house. We are now entering inside the house to determine the cause of origin of this fire. The structure has divisive concrete block and wood walls which were completely damaged by the fire. Electrical damage in cable or distribution panels is not observed. Window frames are completely gone. At the corner, there's a mattres where probably laid the corpses of a 55 years old woman and a 9 years old boy which were removed prior to our arrival by the Judicial Investigation Agency. Judging the marks in the bedroom area, clean combustion fo concrete walls, damage in the ceiling and roof collapse, lose of window frame, and mattres deformation, we determine that this spot was the origin of the fire. In spite of the fire destroying all evidence, we will widen the investigation, but the wall will be the only witness of what happened here.Story #7EUGENIA (Young women): My name is Eugenia. I'm a teacher at El Roble School in Puntarenas. The first day at a new school is always difficult. It's as if I, 28 years old, was again attending second grade. But having the school on fire, that's another story. I hadn't been teaching ten minutes, when heat and flames were around us. I sensed a burnt smell, then I saw smoke entering through the ceiling. The smoke in the class quickly got dense, and I only thought in getting the kids out quickly. So, without second thinking, I told them what they had to do. Keeping calm was difficult, but I knew it was needed in order to avoid injuries. Sirens wailed almost immediately, and second after, firefighters were already taking out the fire. We they were gone, only the burnt smell remained. Next morning, when the kids returned, I look into their eyes, and I noticed they were looking at me differently, as if I was a heroine.Story #8WALL (Old women): Those who survive a tragedy have the obligation of leaving their testimony to the others, and maybe that way, it could be prevented that it happens again. Here's mine. On February 8th, 2013, tuesday if I'm not wrong, I, 60 years old, used to be the northside wall of a hotel called Las Águilas in Puriscal. It was night, when suddenly, from my location in room #8, I started to glimpse a red-orange blaze. Smoke started flooding the hotel corridors, and then got to my room and completely flooded it. The unthinkable happened: the engine of a simple fan overheated, the melted plastic fell to the wooden floor and fire started intensely, consuming the hotel and spreading to some shops. Desperate cries, economic losses, and most important, human losses happened in a matter of minutes. All 16 hotel rooms, 3 shops, 5 lives, hundreds of square meters completely collapsed, and ultimately, with some luck, the only one who kept standing was me, being 60. You need to pay attention to old people, so when I tell you that a tragedy like this one could happen to anybody, it's because I know, and I experienced it.Story #9WALL (Young woman): Day by day, I get a lot of visits. From here, I can see the future interior of houses, apartments and offices. But that day, among all the usual bustle, we had a little uninvited guest. How little? Not bigger that a dime, and the mess she made!While some men were doing welding work on the warehouse exterior, a tiny spark jumped in, through a hole as tiny as her, and as if she were an olympic pole vault athlete, came to land on a foam mattress. The unthinkable, happened.Flames propagated quickly… In a matter of seconds all the place burned up. I was one of the last walls affected.By the time the fire was consuming my paint, wailing could already be heard. All the goods had been destroyed: desks, chairs, beds, garden furniture… Everything reduced to ashes. Firefighters hastened to extinguish the flames and flood the entire place, trying to avoid an even bleaker outcome. Putting out the fire was not easy; it took them several hours. But the spark, that tiny little flash of light who crossed the air and fell in the worst place possible, it only took her seconds to take out everything.I still wonder, how something so little, smaller than a dime, could provoke a million-dollar loss. BriefExplanation "If walls could talk" artistic exhibition.Nine stories from nine walls. Each wall, a survivor from a different fire, told its story to the person in front of it.There were different kind of narrations. Some walls talked in first person.Others told the story through original audio files from the Fire Department archives, such as recorded radio communication between the fire station and the units fighting the fire, or audio forensic fire inspector reports.Another story was told through the farewell song a band played to the building during its fire.The last one came from a restaurant wall, from the Soda de Alajuela. The usual bustle in the popular venue can be heard. Everything is normal until a propane gas cylinder explodes and sets the place on fire. Chaos ensues, sirens wail, firefighters arrive...Some stories are binaural for an immersive experience. Please, use earphones. EntrySummary In the last 2 years accidental fires in Costa Rica increased by 25%.Most common causes of accidental fires during this period of time were: poorly hand-made electric installations, welding works without supervision, deteriorated gas tanks, overheating electrical appliances, kids playing with matches, garbage burning, and lit candles left during the night.
If Walls Could Talk
案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 故事 #1 [这首歌是当地乐队在火灾中作为告别建筑而演奏的那首歌] 故事 #2 [原始无线电通信总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 站,scrub fire 报道,圣何塞-Pavas,必胜客以南 800米。1-5-7-23-14-23.UNIT: 1-5 承认 M-35.HQ: OCO 7-1 M-35.UNIT: M-35,M-35,在北侧启动程序。广泛的灌木丛火灾,威胁到几个建筑和商店。启动应用程序。请求西部报道的 E-23。Pavas Command 5 northside.HQ: OCO 7-1 到现场的单位。Pavas 命令副本。协调 7-7-14-37.HQ: 7-1 正在从靠近 Movistar 天线的帕瓦斯必胜客以南 800米传递我们的信息。仓库火灾。7-0 单元: Pavas 命令 7-1 我在现场。M-62 在这里工作。目前,仓库没有受到影响。总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 命令。单位: 我们正在保护东侧,向当地 M-35。M-32 几乎在同一个地方工作。没有水流,我重复一遍,没有水流。我们需要那个地方的蓄水池。我需要另一个灭火器单位在西区工作,我重复一遍,西区。总部: OCO 7-1 Charlie-0.UNIT: 我们有一个严重火灾威胁的建筑,现在危及一个大约 500 的仓库。其中一堵墙着火了,其他仓库也受到威胁。2 个灭火器单位来支持我们。总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 命令。单位: 我需要你的注意,试着将其他命令传递给其他频道。给我另一个灭火器单元和一个平台单元。总部: OCO 7-1 Pavas 命令。单位: 确认信息。我们有两个仓库。一个大约 5,000米,用明火,用博览会。第二个仓库,大约 1,000米,尾部有火灾。总部: 7-1 副本。15-14。从 1-5 途中的平台,从 4-1 的 M-111,从 1-9 的 M-43 和从 1-3 的 M-23: 我们还需要工程人员。总部: 7-1 协调 7-4 到地点。故事 #3WALL (老人): 我记得,在祈祷后,胡安出去在附近散步。我独自一人,就像大多数夜晚一样,凝视着小房间的黑暗,在连续第四个夜晚,被逾越节蜡烛昏暗地照亮。在向萨拉的照片致敬几天后,蜡烛已经被消耗了一半,就在几天前,他已经过上了更好的生活。它散发着如此多的热量,以至于我,一个古老的斜面木墙,开始感觉到我的温度是如何快速上升的。我在燃烧。火焰在我身上形成,很快烟雾就让我变暗了。大火到达窗帘,火势迅速蔓延。火焰变得越来越强烈,寻找一个出去的空间,给氧气和逃生。他们走向房子的后面,但无处可逃,把整个建筑变成了烤箱。这不仅妨碍了消防员的工作,而且最终导致三个孩子丧生。我仍然无法解释,在这场灾难之后,我仍然在这里。也许我在生活中留下的目的是分享这个信息,以避免像这样的可怕情况会发生在你和你的身上。故事 #4 (双耳) [模糊的餐厅喋喋不休和噪音,爆炸和火灾,然后警笛声嚎叫和消防员部署] 故事 #5 墙 (强壮的人):他们说有些故事只意味着由最强的人来生活。也许这就是为什么这个发生在我身上,一个混凝土砌块墙。 2014年11月5日,和往常一样,我坐在一张简陋的扶手椅后面,三个孩子在那里玩和看电视。我仍然难以理解发生了什么,我试图记住,但只是空白,一切都模糊不清。我开始认为那天我吸收的烟让我失去了记忆。专家说,一切都可以从孩子玩火柴开始。我唯一记得的是,突然,几乎神奇地,一团火焰从隔壁房间的床下面传来,在几秒钟内把所有的火焰都烧掉了。大火是由一些胶水、油漆、古龙水和蜡烛的残留物引发的。谁把这些东西放在同一个房间里?我和孩子们逃不掉了,我们被困在那里,唯一的选择是向火灾投降。只有我留下来,其他一切都被消耗掉了。那天我什么也做不了,因为,正如你所见,我是一堵简单的墙。但是今天,我可以。我可以告诉你这个故事,虽然悲伤和痛苦,但可能有助于你阻止,因为这样的故事可能发生在任何人身上。故事 #6 [原始消防局法医报告] 亨利: 亨利 · 莫拉莱斯,预防和调查股消防部门官员,代码奥斯卡-3。今天 2012年10月12日开始对圣卡洛斯波科索尔火灾的调查。结构: 住宅,94 平方米,周围有混凝土砌块墙,门窗上有烟雾和火灾痕迹。房子屋顶的显著结构倒塌。我们现在正在进入房子里,以确定这场火灾的原因。该结构Ture 有分裂的混凝土块和木墙,被大火完全损坏。未观察到电缆或配电板的电气损坏。窗框完全不见了。在拐角处,有一个垫子,在那里可能放置了一名 55 岁的妇女和一名 9 岁的男孩的尸体,这些尸体在我们到达之前被司法调查机构移走了。判断卧室区域的痕迹,混凝土墙壁的清洁燃烧,天花板和屋顶倒塌的损坏,窗框的丢失和垫子的变形, 我们确定这一点是火灾的根源。尽管大火摧毁了所有证据,我们将扩大调查范围,但隔离墙将是这里发生的事情的唯一目击者。故事 #7EUGENIA (年轻女性): 我的名字是 Eugenia。我是蓬塔雷纳斯埃尔罗布尔学校的老师。在新学校的第一天总是很难。好像我,28 岁,又上二年级了。但是学校着火了,这是另一回事。我没有教十分钟,那时热和火焰就在我们身边。我感觉到一股烧焦的气味,然后我看到烟雾从天花板里冒出来。班上的烟很快就浓密了,我只是想让孩子们快点出去。所以,我毫不犹豫地告诉他们必须做什么。保持冷静很困难,但我知道为了避免受伤是必要的。警笛声几乎立即响起,第二声,消防队员已经扑灭了大火。我们他们走了,只剩下烧焦的气味。第二天早上,当孩子们回来时,我看着他们的眼睛,我注意到他们对我的看法不同,好像我是一个女英雄。故事 #8 墙 (老妇人): 那些在悲剧中幸存下来的人有义务把他们的证词留给其他人,也许这样,可以防止这种情况再次发生。这是我的。2013年2月8日,星期二,如果我没有错的话,我,60 岁,曾经是 Puriscal 一家叫 Las á guilas 的酒店的北侧墙。那天晚上,突然,从我在 8 号房间的位置,我开始瞥见一场红色橙色的大火。烟雾开始淹没酒店走廊,然后到达我的房间,完全淹没了它。不可思议的事情发生了: 一个简单风扇的引擎过热,融化的塑料掉到了木地板上,大火开始猛烈燃烧,烧毁了酒店,蔓延到了一些商店。绝望的哭泣,经济损失,最重要的是,几分钟后就发生了人类的损失。所有 16 间酒店房间,3 间商店,5 条生命,数百平方米完全倒塌,最终,幸运的是,唯一站着的人是 60 岁的我。你需要关注老年人,所以当我告诉你像这样的悲剧可能会发生在任何人身上时,那是因为我知道,我也经历过。故事 9 墙 (年轻女子): 一天比一天,我得到了很多访问。从这里,我可以看到未来的房子,公寓和办公室的内部。但是那天,在所有平常的忙碌中,我们有一个不速之客。多少?一点也不大,还有她制造的烂摊子! 当一些男人在仓库外部做焊接工作时,一个微小的火花从和她一样小的洞里跳了进来,就像她是一名奥林匹克撑杆跳运动员一样, 在泡沫床垫上着陆。不可思议的事情发生了。火焰迅速蔓延…… 在几秒钟内,所有的地方都被烧毁了。我是最后一堵受影响的墙之一。当大火吞噬我的油漆时,已经可以听到哀号了。所有的货物都被销毁了: 桌子、椅子、床、花园家具…… 一切都变成了灰烬。消防队员急忙扑灭火焰,淹没了整个地方,试图避免更糟糕的结果。扑灭火并不容易; 他们花了几个小时。但是火花,那小小的闪光穿过空气,落在可能最糟糕的地方,她只花了几秒钟就把所有东西都拿出来了。我仍然在想,这么少的东西,比一毛钱还小,怎么会引起一百万美元的损失。 简要解释 “如果墙会说话” 艺术展览。九堵墙的九个故事。每堵墙都是不同火灾的幸存者,它把自己的故事告诉了前面的人。一些墙壁以第一人称说话,另一些墙壁通过消防部门档案的原始音频文件来讲述这个故事,例如消防站和灭火单位之间的录音无线电通信,另一个故事是通过一个乐队在火灾时向大楼演奏的告别歌曲讲述的。最后一个故事来自餐馆的墙壁,来自苏打 de Alajuela。人们可以听到这个受欢迎的场所通常的喧闹。一切正常,直到丙烷气瓶爆炸并着火。混乱随之而来,警笛呼啸,消防员到来.一些故事是沉浸式体验的双耳故事。请使用耳机。 EntrySummary 在过去的两年里,意外火灾的成本A Rica 增长 25%。在这段时间里,意外火灾的最常见原因是: 手工制作的电气设备不良,没有监督的焊接工程,变质的煤气罐,过热的电器,孩子们玩火柴, 焚烧垃圾,点燃夜晚留下的蜡烛。
If Walls Could Talk
案例简介:ScriptInEnglish Story #1[The song is the same one a local band played as a farewell to the building during its fire]Story #2 [Original radio communication]HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas station, scrub fire reported, San José-Pavas, 800 meters south of Pizza Hut. 1-5-7-23-14-23.UNIT: 1-5 Acknowledge M-35.HQ: OCO 7-1 M-35.UNIT: M-35, M-35, initiating procedure in the north side. Wide scrub fire, threatening several structures and shops. Initiating application. Requesting an E-23 for west coverage. Pavas Command 5 northside.HQ: OCO 7-1 to the unit on scene. Pavas Command copy. Coordinating 7-7-14-37.HQ: 7-1 is relaying us information from 800 meters south of Pavas Pizza Hut, near the Movistar antenna. Warehouse fire. 7-0.UNIT: Pavas Command 7-1 I'm located at the scene. M-62 is working here. For now, the warehouse is not affected.HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas Command.UNIT: We are protecting the east side with M-35 towards local areas. M-32 is working almost at the same location. There is no water flow, I repeat, there is no water flow. We need cisterns at the location. I require another extinguisher unit to work at the west sector, I repeat, west sector.HQ: OCO 7-1 Charlie-0.UNIT: We have a scrub fire threatening structures and compromising right now a warehouse of about 500 square meters. One of the walls has catched fire, and other warehouses are threatened. 2 extinguisher units are coming to support us.HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas Command.UNIT: I need your attention, try to relay other commands to other channels. Send me another extinguisher unit and a platform unit to the location.HQ: OCO 7-1 Pavas Command.UNIT: Confirming the information. We have 2 warehouses. One about 5,000 meters, with open fire, with exposition. And a second warehouse, about 1,000 meters, with fire in its rear end.HQ: 7-1 Copy. 15-14. Platform from 1-5 en route, M-111 from 4-1, M-43 from 1-9 and M-23 from 1-3.UNIT: We also need engineering personnel.HQ: 7-1 Coordinating 7-4 to the location.Story #3WALL (Old man): I remember that, having said his prayers, Juan went out to take a stroll in the neighborhood.I remained alone, as most nights, staring at the darkness of the little room, dimly lit by a paschal candle for the fourth straight night.The candle was already a consumed half way after several days of paying tribute to a picture of Sara, who just a few days before had passed to a better life.It was radiating so much heat, that I, an old bevelled wood wall, started to feel how my temperature rose fast. I was burning. Flames took form on my body and soon smoke was darkening me. Blazes reached a curtain, and the fire spread quickly.The flames were becoming more intense, looking for a space to go out, to oxygenate and escape. They headed toward the back of the house, but had nowhere to run, turning the whole building into an oven. This not only hampered the work of firefighters, but eventually, caused three children to lose their lives.I still cannot explain how after all this catastrophe, I'm still here. Maybe my purpose in what I have left of my life is sharing this message to avoid that a terrible situation like this can happen to you and yours.Story #4 (Binaural)[Indistinct restaurant chatter and noises, the explosions and fire, then sirens wailing and firefighter deployment]Story #5WALL (Strong man): They say some stories are only meant to be lived by the strongest ones. Maybe that’s why this one happened to me, a concrete block wall.On November 5th, 2014, I was, as always, behind a humble armchair, where three kids spent their days playing and watching TV.I still struggle to understand what happened, I try to remember but only go blank, everything’s blurry. I’ve started to think the smoke I absorbed that day made me lose my memory.Experts say everything could have started as a child’s game with matches. The only thing I do remember is that out of the blue, almost magically, a flame came from under the next room’s bed, consuming all in there in a matter of seconds. The fire was fueled by some remains of glue, paint, cologne, and candles. Who the hell keeps all this stuff in the same room?Me and the kids had no escape, we were trapped with the only option of surrendering to the fire. Only I remained, everything else was consumed.That day I could do nothing, since, as you see, I’m a simple wall. But today, I can. I can tell you this tale that, though sad and painful, might help you prevent, because a story like this can happen to anyone.Story #6 [Original fire department forensic report]HENRY: Henry Morales, Fire Department officer from the Prevention and Investigation Unit, code Oscar-3. Initiating today October 12th, 2012, the investigation of the fire in Pocosol, San Carlos. Structure: residential house, 94 square meters, with perimetral walls of concrete blocks, presenting smoke and fire marks in windows and doors. Notable structural collapse of the roof over the house. We are now entering inside the house to determine the cause of origin of this fire. The structure has divisive concrete block and wood walls which were completely damaged by the fire. Electrical damage in cable or distribution panels is not observed. Window frames are completely gone. At the corner, there's a mattres where probably laid the corpses of a 55 years old woman and a 9 years old boy which were removed prior to our arrival by the Judicial Investigation Agency. Judging the marks in the bedroom area, clean combustion fo concrete walls, damage in the ceiling and roof collapse, lose of window frame, and mattres deformation, we determine that this spot was the origin of the fire. In spite of the fire destroying all evidence, we will widen the investigation, but the wall will be the only witness of what happened here.Story #7EUGENIA (Young women): My name is Eugenia. I'm a teacher at El Roble School in Puntarenas. The first day at a new school is always difficult. It's as if I, 28 years old, was again attending second grade. But having the school on fire, that's another story. I hadn't been teaching ten minutes, when heat and flames were around us. I sensed a burnt smell, then I saw smoke entering through the ceiling. The smoke in the class quickly got dense, and I only thought in getting the kids out quickly. So, without second thinking, I told them what they had to do. Keeping calm was difficult, but I knew it was needed in order to avoid injuries. Sirens wailed almost immediately, and second after, firefighters were already taking out the fire. We they were gone, only the burnt smell remained. Next morning, when the kids returned, I look into their eyes, and I noticed they were looking at me differently, as if I was a heroine.Story #8WALL (Old women): Those who survive a tragedy have the obligation of leaving their testimony to the others, and maybe that way, it could be prevented that it happens again. Here's mine. On February 8th, 2013, tuesday if I'm not wrong, I, 60 years old, used to be the northside wall of a hotel called Las Águilas in Puriscal. It was night, when suddenly, from my location in room #8, I started to glimpse a red-orange blaze. Smoke started flooding the hotel corridors, and then got to my room and completely flooded it. The unthinkable happened: the engine of a simple fan overheated, the melted plastic fell to the wooden floor and fire started intensely, consuming the hotel and spreading to some shops. Desperate cries, economic losses, and most important, human losses happened in a matter of minutes. All 16 hotel rooms, 3 shops, 5 lives, hundreds of square meters completely collapsed, and ultimately, with some luck, the only one who kept standing was me, being 60. You need to pay attention to old people, so when I tell you that a tragedy like this one could happen to anybody, it's because I know, and I experienced it.Story #9WALL (Young woman): Day by day, I get a lot of visits. From here, I can see the future interior of houses, apartments and offices. But that day, among all the usual bustle, we had a little uninvited guest. How little? Not bigger that a dime, and the mess she made!While some men were doing welding work on the warehouse exterior, a tiny spark jumped in, through a hole as tiny as her, and as if she were an olympic pole vault athlete, came to land on a foam mattress. The unthinkable, happened.Flames propagated quickly… In a matter of seconds all the place burned up. I was one of the last walls affected.By the time the fire was consuming my paint, wailing could already be heard. All the goods had been destroyed: desks, chairs, beds, garden furniture… Everything reduced to ashes. Firefighters hastened to extinguish the flames and flood the entire place, trying to avoid an even bleaker outcome. Putting out the fire was not easy; it took them several hours. But the spark, that tiny little flash of light who crossed the air and fell in the worst place possible, it only took her seconds to take out everything.I still wonder, how something so little, smaller than a dime, could provoke a million-dollar loss. BriefExplanation "If walls could talk" artistic exhibition.Nine stories from nine walls. Each wall, a survivor from a different fire, told its story to the person in front of it.There were different kind of narrations. Some walls talked in first person.Others told the story through original audio files from the Fire Department archives, such as recorded radio communication between the fire station and the units fighting the fire, or audio forensic fire inspector reports.Another story was told through the farewell song a band played to the building during its fire.The last one came from a restaurant wall, from the Soda de Alajuela. The usual bustle in the popular venue can be heard. Everything is normal until a propane gas cylinder explodes and sets the place on fire. Chaos ensues, sirens wail, firefighters arrive...Some stories are binaural for an immersive experience. Please, use earphones. EntrySummary In the last 2 years accidental fires in Costa Rica increased by 25%.Most common causes of accidental fires during this period of time were: poorly hand-made electric installations, welding works without supervision, deteriorated gas tanks, overheating electrical appliances, kids playing with matches, garbage burning, and lit candles left during the night.
If Walls Could Talk
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