干旱眼镜 (胶卷)
案例简介:土耳其正处于严重缺水的边缘,该品牌发起了一场大型运动,呼吁每个人开始为子孙后代储蓄。这种短缺的最明显迹象之一是湖泊的水位,那里的水位已经严重下降。因此,我们研究了 5 个湖泊 (塞夫、苏拉、伊尔格恩、卡拉塔什和布尔都尔湖) 的地形,并将它们的形状变成了玻璃,每个玻璃代表一个湖。它们容纳的水量也是这些湖泊中剩余水量的百分比。所以,如果博尔杜尔湖只剩下 64% 的水,玻璃也可以容纳这个比例的水。这款眼镜于 3月22日世界水日首次推出,这也是最大的国家经济论坛的日期;Uluda 的经济论坛。活动中的所有眼镜都被我们的眼镜替换了。在这里,我们接触了 2.200 人,他们是国家的主要意见领袖: 政府成员、高级院士、公司首席执行官和所有新闻频道。我们黑进了事件。当他们试图用浅杯喝水时,他们可以看到我们的网站。
干旱眼镜 (胶卷)
案例简介:Turkey is on the brink of serious water shortage, and the brand has launched a huge campaign calling everyone to start saving for future generations. One of the most evident signs of this shortage is the water levels in the lakes, where water levels have seriously dropped. So we have studied the topography of 5 lakes (Seyfe, Suğla, Ilgın, Karataş and Burdur Lakes) and turned their shapes into glasses, each glass representing a lake. The amount of water they hold is also the percentage of the water remaining in those lakes. So, if there’s only 64% of water left in Burdur lake, the glass can also hold that percentage of water.The glasses were first launched on the 22nd March, World Water Day, which also happens to be the date of the biggest national economic forum; Uludağ Economical Forum.All the glasses at the event were swapped with our glasses. Here we reached 2.200 people the major opinion leaders of the country: Members of the government, top academicians, company CEO’s and all the news channels. We hacked the event. As they tried to drink water out of a shallow glass, they could see our website.
Glasses of Drought (Film Case)
案例简介:土耳其正处于严重缺水的边缘,该品牌发起了一场大型运动,呼吁每个人开始为子孙后代储蓄。这种短缺的最明显迹象之一是湖泊的水位,那里的水位已经严重下降。因此,我们研究了 5 个湖泊 (塞夫、苏拉、伊尔格恩、卡拉塔什和布尔都尔湖) 的地形,并将它们的形状变成了玻璃,每个玻璃代表一个湖。它们容纳的水量也是这些湖泊中剩余水量的百分比。所以,如果博尔杜尔湖只剩下 64% 的水,玻璃也可以容纳这个比例的水。这款眼镜于 3月22日世界水日首次推出,这也是最大的国家经济论坛的日期;Uluda 的经济论坛。活动中的所有眼镜都被我们的眼镜替换了。在这里,我们接触了 2.200 人,他们是国家的主要意见领袖: 政府成员、高级院士、公司首席执行官和所有新闻频道。我们黑进了事件。当他们试图用浅杯喝水时,他们可以看到我们的网站。
Glasses of Drought (Film Case)
案例简介:Turkey is on the brink of serious water shortage, and the brand has launched a huge campaign calling everyone to start saving for future generations. One of the most evident signs of this shortage is the water levels in the lakes, where water levels have seriously dropped. So we have studied the topography of 5 lakes (Seyfe, Suğla, Ilgın, Karataş and Burdur Lakes) and turned their shapes into glasses, each glass representing a lake. The amount of water they hold is also the percentage of the water remaining in those lakes. So, if there’s only 64% of water left in Burdur lake, the glass can also hold that percentage of water.The glasses were first launched on the 22nd March, World Water Day, which also happens to be the date of the biggest national economic forum; Uludağ Economical Forum.All the glasses at the event were swapped with our glasses. Here we reached 2.200 people the major opinion leaders of the country: Members of the government, top academicians, company CEO’s and all the news channels. We hacked the event. As they tried to drink water out of a shallow glass, they could see our website.
干旱眼镜 (胶卷)
Glasses of Drought (Film Case)
- 广告战役: #Glasses of Drought#
- 广告品牌: Finish
- 发布日期: 2019-03-01
- 行业领域: 卫生清洁 , 日用品/母婴
- 媒体类别: 短视频 , 海报/平面
- 广告语言: 英语
- 媒介平台: 网络