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    Follow The White Rabbit短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果和有效性: 我们的成功是通过:-超过预期的收视率和吸引新观众来衡量的。自 2007年以来,Syfy 的周日晚上收视率最高。28% 的首映观众是新观众。-产生数字嗡嗡声。在纽约发现这只兔子的消费者上传了数百条推文、照片和视频。博客提到一天中增加了一倍多。搜索获得了近 100,000 次点击。@ WhiteRabbitInc 在纽约入侵期间每两分钟提到一次,在首映式期间每一分钟提到一次。-驾驶数字交通到 Syfy.com 650,000 + 访问我们的人造微型网站的踪迹。1.4 米点击驱动 syfy.com。 创意执行: 带消费者进入我们创作的多媒体兔子洞。跟随白兔横幅: 丰富的媒体将兔子包围在他的横幅和网站内容之外。用户跟随白兔沿着…… 数字兔子洞前进: 这条人造微网站的线索,戏弄电影中的元素和角色,最终引导参与者进入 Syfy.com 的爱丽丝页面。兔子投影: 兔子从网上跳上纽约的街道,以比现实更大的视频投影 -- 攀登、奔跑和跳跃穿过历史悠久的纽约建筑立面。白兔入侵: 50 名街头团队成员,装扮成更新的角色 (配有巨大的兔子头),在首映前的周五入侵曼哈顿街头。“@ WhiteRabbitInc”: 我们将整个活动与推特联系在一起,所有媒体都指向 http://twitter.com/whiterabbitinc 。该账户与追随者进行了交谈,并允许每个人都体验纽约的事件。 见解、战略和想法: 使用开创性的媒体和更新的图标来重振一个古老的经典故事。Syfy 的新标语 “想象更大”,恳求为爱丽丝发起一场富有想象力和创新的营销活动,这是对刘易斯 · 卡罗尔经典《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的现代重新想象。尽管大多数人多年来都没有对最初的故事有亲身经历,但我们需要一种方式来激发对 Syfy 两晚电影活动的期待。研究表明,标志性的白兔角色是人们从经典中回忆起的第一件事。还有 Syfy 版本的白兔 -- 现在是一个黑色的刺客,头部是一只巨大的白兔, 由红心女王雇佣的 -- 是新版本中最引人注目的、最有趣的角色。我们决定这个更新的图标将是我们努力的重点,并邀请我们的观众在跨越数字和现实世界的多媒体冒险中 “跟随白兔”。


    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: Our success was measured by: - Exceeding expected ratings and drawing new viewers. Highest-rated Sunday night on Syfy since 2007. 28% of premiere audience were new viewers. - Generating digital buzz. Hundreds of tweets, photos and videos uploaded by consumers who spotted the rabbit in NYC. Blog mentions more than doubled in one day. Search garnered almost 100,000 clicks. @WhiteRabbitInc mentioned every two minutes during NYC invasion, every one minute during premiere. - Driving digital traffic to Syfy.com 650,000+ visits to our trail of faux microsites. 1.4m clicks driven to syfy.com. Creative Execution: To take consumers down a multimedia rabbit hole of our creation. Follow the White Rabbit banners: Rich media featured the rabbit bounding beyond the confines of his banners and across websites’ content. Users followed the White Rabbit Down The… … Digital Rabbit Hole: This trail of faux microsites, teasing elements and characters from the movie, eventually led participants to Alice’s page at Syfy.com. Rabbit Projections: The rabbit hopped off the web and onto the streets of NY, in larger-than-life video projections—climbing, running, and jumping across historic NYC building facades. White Rabbit Invasion: 50 street-team members, dressed as the updated character (complete with giant rabbit heads), invaded the streets of Manhattan on the Friday before premiere. “@WhiteRabbitInc”: We tied the entire campaign together with Twitter, with all media pointing to http://twitter.com/whiterabbitinc . The account talked back to followers and allowed everyone to experience the events in NY. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: Use groundbreaking media and an updated icon to reinvigorate an old classic tale. Syfy’s new tagline, Imagine Greater, begged for an imaginative and innovative marketing campaign for Alice, a modern-day reimagining of Lewis Carroll's classic Alice in Wonderland. Although most people have not had a personal experience with the original tale in years, we needed a way in to fuel anticipation for Syfy's two-night movie event. Research showed that the iconic white rabbit character was the first thing people recalled from the classic. Also, the white rabbit in Syfy’s version—now a dark-suited assassin with the head of a giant white rabbit, hired by the Queen of Hearts—was the most striking and intriguing character in the new version. We decided this updated icon would be the focus of our efforts, and invited our audience to “follow the white rabbit” on a multimedia adventure spanning the digital and real worlds.

    Follow The White Rabbit

    案例简介:结果和有效性: 我们的成功是通过:-超过预期的收视率和吸引新观众来衡量的。自 2007年以来,Syfy 的周日晚上收视率最高。28% 的首映观众是新观众。-产生数字嗡嗡声。在纽约发现这只兔子的消费者上传了数百条推文、照片和视频。博客提到一天中增加了一倍多。搜索获得了近 100,000 次点击。@ WhiteRabbitInc 在纽约入侵期间每两分钟提到一次,在首映式期间每一分钟提到一次。-驾驶数字交通到 Syfy.com 650,000 + 访问我们的人造微型网站的踪迹。1.4 米点击驱动 syfy.com。 创意执行: 带消费者进入我们创作的多媒体兔子洞。跟随白兔横幅: 丰富的媒体将兔子包围在他的横幅和网站内容之外。用户跟随白兔沿着…… 数字兔子洞前进: 这条人造微网站的线索,戏弄电影中的元素和角色,最终引导参与者进入 Syfy.com 的爱丽丝页面。兔子投影: 兔子从网上跳上纽约的街道,以比现实更大的视频投影 -- 攀登、奔跑和跳跃穿过历史悠久的纽约建筑立面。白兔入侵: 50 名街头团队成员,装扮成更新的角色 (配有巨大的兔子头),在首映前的周五入侵曼哈顿街头。“@ WhiteRabbitInc”: 我们将整个活动与推特联系在一起,所有媒体都指向 http://twitter.com/whiterabbitinc 。该账户与追随者进行了交谈,并允许每个人都体验纽约的事件。 见解、战略和想法: 使用开创性的媒体和更新的图标来重振一个古老的经典故事。Syfy 的新标语 “想象更大”,恳求为爱丽丝发起一场富有想象力和创新的营销活动,这是对刘易斯 · 卡罗尔经典《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的现代重新想象。尽管大多数人多年来都没有对最初的故事有亲身经历,但我们需要一种方式来激发对 Syfy 两晚电影活动的期待。研究表明,标志性的白兔角色是人们从经典中回忆起的第一件事。还有 Syfy 版本的白兔 -- 现在是一个黑色的刺客,头部是一只巨大的白兔, 由红心女王雇佣的 -- 是新版本中最引人注目的、最有趣的角色。我们决定这个更新的图标将是我们努力的重点,并邀请我们的观众在跨越数字和现实世界的多媒体冒险中 “跟随白兔”。

    Follow The White Rabbit

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: Our success was measured by: - Exceeding expected ratings and drawing new viewers. Highest-rated Sunday night on Syfy since 2007. 28% of premiere audience were new viewers. - Generating digital buzz. Hundreds of tweets, photos and videos uploaded by consumers who spotted the rabbit in NYC. Blog mentions more than doubled in one day. Search garnered almost 100,000 clicks. @WhiteRabbitInc mentioned every two minutes during NYC invasion, every one minute during premiere. - Driving digital traffic to Syfy.com 650,000+ visits to our trail of faux microsites. 1.4m clicks driven to syfy.com. Creative Execution: To take consumers down a multimedia rabbit hole of our creation. Follow the White Rabbit banners: Rich media featured the rabbit bounding beyond the confines of his banners and across websites’ content. Users followed the White Rabbit Down The… … Digital Rabbit Hole: This trail of faux microsites, teasing elements and characters from the movie, eventually led participants to Alice’s page at Syfy.com. Rabbit Projections: The rabbit hopped off the web and onto the streets of NY, in larger-than-life video projections—climbing, running, and jumping across historic NYC building facades. White Rabbit Invasion: 50 street-team members, dressed as the updated character (complete with giant rabbit heads), invaded the streets of Manhattan on the Friday before premiere. “@WhiteRabbitInc”: We tied the entire campaign together with Twitter, with all media pointing to http://twitter.com/whiterabbitinc . The account talked back to followers and allowed everyone to experience the events in NY. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: Use groundbreaking media and an updated icon to reinvigorate an old classic tale. Syfy’s new tagline, Imagine Greater, begged for an imaginative and innovative marketing campaign for Alice, a modern-day reimagining of Lewis Carroll's classic Alice in Wonderland. Although most people have not had a personal experience with the original tale in years, we needed a way in to fuel anticipation for Syfy's two-night movie event. Research showed that the iconic white rabbit character was the first thing people recalled from the classic. Also, the white rabbit in Syfy’s version—now a dark-suited assassin with the head of a giant white rabbit, hired by the Queen of Hearts—was the most striking and intriguing character in the new version. We decided this updated icon would be the focus of our efforts, and invited our audience to “follow the white rabbit” on a multimedia adventure spanning the digital and real worlds.



    Follow The White Rabbit










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