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    The R Word短视频广告营销案例



    R 字

    案例简介:概要 我们的客户是一家领先的非营利社区组织,支持残疾人在自己的家庭和社区生活。其中很大一部分是帮助他们感到融入社区,并得到尊严和尊重。社区如何对待他们,以及如何看待他们,是非常重要的。我们的简报旨在促进社区对残疾人的包容和尊重。品牌意识不是强制性的 -- 社会意识是强制性的。由于预算限制和目标受众 (普通社区) 的规模,我们期待社交媒体来提高认识。这让我们看到了一个令人震惊的统计数据; “延迟” 这个词每 5 秒钟出现一次。我们的目标是提高全球社会对这个词产生影响的认识,并最终重新考虑使用它。 战略 推特拥有超过 330 用户的全球社区。对 “迟钝” 一词的快速搜索显示了一个令人震惊的统计数据 -- 该词每 5 秒钟使用一次 (远远高于 Facebook 和 Instagram 的使用率)。使用推特的 API,我们创建了一个推特机器人,查看平台上出现的每一条新推特,以及每条推特中 “弱智” 或 “弱智” 一词的任何用法。机器人只看英语账户,因为 “弱智” 这个词在法语账户中经常被正确使用。一旦检测到这个词,机器人会立即回复一个受 R 词影响的人的视频信息,直接与刚刚使用它的人交谈。为了尽量减少机器人被关闭的机会, 我们通过创建一个算法来限制我们每天 2400 条推文的回复率,该算法允许我们在 10 比 1 到 50 比 1 的推文之间进行定位, 根据当天的使用率。还创建了多个 bot 账户来打击推特阻止我们的账户发送重复的推特 (创建了十条不同的推特信息来进一步阻止被阻止)。 相关性 这个活动是围绕两个非常具体的数据片段建立的 -- 包含 “延迟” 和 “延迟” 两个词的推文。这些单词每 5 秒钟在推特上出现一次。为了提高人们对 R 字的影响的认识,我们创建了一个推特机器人,并使用推特的 API,它检测到这些单词的任何英语使用。然后,它用一个受这个词影响的人的视频信息实时回复,直接和刚刚使用这个词的人交谈。数据是这一想法的催化剂,并能够与我们的确切目标受众进行实时接触。 结果 62% 的收件人观看了他们的视频信息 -- 许多人发表评论,表示行为改变,包括; “自从我看了你的视频后,我再也不会使用这个词了”-@ Iceninjaice “我很抱歉。该推文已被删除。我真诚地为让我的情绪变得更好而道歉。@ siya _ bele01 “好吧,现在我感觉很糟糕。对不起 ”-@ rnharer 在第一天赚了 200,000 多美元的媒体,有国家电视、广播和在线报道。•全球参与覆盖 30 个国家 • 在第一周观看 10,363 条直接视频信息。•自活动开始以来,我们的客户 “Avivo” 的谷歌搜索增加了 42%。•58% Avivo 网页的访问量增加 (从发布前到发布后) Avivo Facebook 页面上的 R Word 帖子获得了比非 R Word 帖子高 300% 以上的参与率。•推特机器人对这条线索发表评论后,成千上万的攻击性对话停止了。 媒体战略 数据增强了我们的创造性产出,因为我们毫不含糊地知道,我们正在和我们需要的人 -- R 字的用户交谈。正因为如此,加上社交媒体的匿名性质, 我们对这些用户的创造性回应是用一个个人受 R 字影响的视频来回应他们的攻击性帖子。考虑到这个词影响了如此多不同类型的人,我们创建了一套 12 条视频信息,机器人可以随机选择发送。这种个性化的方法让 62% 的收件人观看了他们发送的视频 -- 在任何社交平台上的成功率都惊人。我们还通过向访问者实时展示,整合了我们在网站上捕获的数据 (延迟和弱智的使用), 过去 7 天内使用 R 字的人数。 活动描述 “弱智” 每 5 秒钟出现在推特上。然而,这个词是冒犯性的,不仅对残疾人,而且对他们的朋友和家人。为了提高人们对 R 字的影响的认识,我们创建了一个推特机器人来检测任何英语使用它。机器人然后立即回复受这个词影响的人的视频信息,直接和刚刚使用它的人交谈。收件人被引导到我们的网站,了解这个词的效果,以及了解每个视频背后的人。一个实时计数器显示了在推特上使用 R 字的频率 (在过去的 7 天内) 和 vIsiters 可以通过向 Facebook 和 Twitter 分享我们的意识视频来表示支持。有许多现有的运动致力于阻止使用 R 词,但它们通常会吸引现有的支持者和倡导者。这项活动是独一无二的,因为它直接针对通过我们在推特上捕获的数据实时使用这个词的人。

    R 字

    案例简介:Synopsis Our client is a leading not-for-profit community organisation, supporting people with disabilities to live life in their own homes and communities. A big part of this is to help them feel included in the community, and to be treated with dignity and respect. How the community treats them, and refers to them, is incredibly important. Our brief was to promote inclusiveness and respect for people with disabilities in the community. Brand awareness wasn’t mandatory – social awareness was. Due to the budget restraints and the size of the target audience (the general community) we looked to social media to raise awareness. This lead us to an alarming statistic; The word Retard appears on Twitter every 5 seconds. Our aim was to raise awareness among the global community that the word has an impact, and to ultimately reconsider using it. Strategy Twitter has a global community of over 330m users. And a quick search for mentions of the word ‘Retard’ revealed an alarming statistic – the word was being used every 5 seconds (far higher than usage on Facebook and Instagram). Using Twitter’s API, we created a Twitter bot that looked at every new Tweet appearing on the platform and any use of the word ‘Retard’ or ‘Retarded’ within each tweet. The bot only looked at English language accounts, as the word ‘retard’ is commonly, and correctly, used across French language accounts. Once the word was detected, the bot responded instantly with a video message from someone affected by the R word, talking directly to the person who just used it. To minimise the chances of the bot being shut down, we limited our response rate to under the 2400 tweets per day cap by creating an algorithm that allowed us to target between 1-in-10 to 1-in-50 tweets, depending on the useage rate on the day. Multiple bot accounts were also created to combat Twitter blocking our account for sending repeated tweets (ten different tweet messages were created to further hinder being blocked). Relevancy This campaign is built around two very specific pieces of data – tweets containing the words ‘Retard’ and ‘Retarded’. These words pop up every 5 seconds on Twitter. To raise awareness about the impact the R word has, we created a Twitter bot, and using Twitter’s API, it detected any English language use of these words. It then replied in real-time with a video message from someone affected by the word, talking directly to the person who just used it. The data IS the catalyst for this idea, and enabled real-time engagement with our exact target audience. Outcome • 62% of recipients watched their video message – many responded with a comment indicating behavioural change, including; “I will never use that word again since I watch your video” - @Iceninjaice “My apologies. The tweet has been deleted. I sincerely apologise for allowing my emotions to get the better of me. @siya_bele01 “Ok, now I feel bad. I’m sorry” - @rnharer • $200,000+ of earned media on day one, with national TV, radio and online coverage. • Global engagement reach across 30 countries • 10,363 direct video messages viewed in week one. • 42% increase in Google searches for our client, “Avivo”, since the campaign went live. • 58% increase in traffic to Avivo’s webpage (from pre-launch to post-launch) • R Word posts on Avivo’s Facebook page received 300%+ higher engagement rates than non-R Word posts. • Thousands of offensive conversations stopped after the Twitter bot commented on the thread. MediaStrategy Our creative output was enhanced by data because we knew unequivocally that we were talking to the very people we needed to – users of the R word. Because of this, and coupled with the faceless nature of social media, our creative response to these users was to respond to their offensive posts with a video from someone who is personally affected by the R word. Given that the word affects so many different types of people, we created a suite of twelve video messages that the bot could randomly select to send. This personalised approach saw 62% of recipients watch the video they had been sent – a staggering success rate on any social platform. We also integrated the data we captured (uses of the words Retard and Retarded) on our website by showing visitors the real-time, live numbers of people using the R word in the past 7 days. CampaignDescription ‘Retard’ appears on Twitter every 5 seconds. Yet the word is offensive, not just to people with disability, but to their friends and families. To raise awareness about the impact the R word has, we created a Twitter bot to detect any English language use of it. The bot then instantly replies with a video message from someone affected by the word, talking directly to the person who just used it. Recipients were directed to our website to learn about the effect the word has, as well as getting to know the people behind each video. A real-time counter showed how often the R word was being used on Twitter (over the last 7-days), and visitors could show their support by sharing our awareness video to Facebook and Twitter. There are a number of existing campaigns dedicated to stopping the use of the R word, but they typically attract existing supporters and advocates of the cause. This campaign is unique in that it directly targets the very people using the word, in real time, through the data we captured on Twitter.

    The R Word

    案例简介:概要 我们的客户是一家领先的非营利社区组织,支持残疾人在自己的家庭和社区生活。其中很大一部分是帮助他们感到融入社区,并得到尊严和尊重。社区如何对待他们,以及如何看待他们,是非常重要的。我们的简报旨在促进社区对残疾人的包容和尊重。品牌意识不是强制性的 -- 社会意识是强制性的。由于预算限制和目标受众 (普通社区) 的规模,我们期待社交媒体来提高认识。这让我们看到了一个令人震惊的统计数据; “延迟” 这个词每 5 秒钟出现一次。我们的目标是提高全球社会对这个词产生影响的认识,并最终重新考虑使用它。 战略 推特拥有超过 330 用户的全球社区。对 “迟钝” 一词的快速搜索显示了一个令人震惊的统计数据 -- 该词每 5 秒钟使用一次 (远远高于 Facebook 和 Instagram 的使用率)。使用推特的 API,我们创建了一个推特机器人,查看平台上出现的每一条新推特,以及每条推特中 “弱智” 或 “弱智” 一词的任何用法。机器人只看英语账户,因为 “弱智” 这个词在法语账户中经常被正确使用。一旦检测到这个词,机器人会立即回复一个受 R 词影响的人的视频信息,直接与刚刚使用它的人交谈。为了尽量减少机器人被关闭的机会, 我们通过创建一个算法来限制我们每天 2400 条推文的回复率,该算法允许我们在 10 比 1 到 50 比 1 的推文之间进行定位, 根据当天的使用率。还创建了多个 bot 账户来打击推特阻止我们的账户发送重复的推特 (创建了十条不同的推特信息来进一步阻止被阻止)。 相关性 这个活动是围绕两个非常具体的数据片段建立的 -- 包含 “延迟” 和 “延迟” 两个词的推文。这些单词每 5 秒钟在推特上出现一次。为了提高人们对 R 字的影响的认识,我们创建了一个推特机器人,并使用推特的 API,它检测到这些单词的任何英语使用。然后,它用一个受这个词影响的人的视频信息实时回复,直接和刚刚使用这个词的人交谈。数据是这一想法的催化剂,并能够与我们的确切目标受众进行实时接触。 结果 62% 的收件人观看了他们的视频信息 -- 许多人发表评论,表示行为改变,包括; “自从我看了你的视频后,我再也不会使用这个词了”-@ Iceninjaice “我很抱歉。该推文已被删除。我真诚地为让我的情绪变得更好而道歉。@ siya _ bele01 “好吧,现在我感觉很糟糕。对不起 ”-@ rnharer 在第一天赚了 200,000 多美元的媒体,有国家电视、广播和在线报道。•全球参与覆盖 30 个国家 • 在第一周观看 10,363 条直接视频信息。•自活动开始以来,我们的客户 “Avivo” 的谷歌搜索增加了 42%。•58% Avivo 网页的访问量增加 (从发布前到发布后) Avivo Facebook 页面上的 R Word 帖子获得了比非 R Word 帖子高 300% 以上的参与率。•推特机器人对这条线索发表评论后,成千上万的攻击性对话停止了。 媒体战略 数据增强了我们的创造性产出,因为我们毫不含糊地知道,我们正在和我们需要的人 -- R 字的用户交谈。正因为如此,加上社交媒体的匿名性质, 我们对这些用户的创造性回应是用一个个人受 R 字影响的视频来回应他们的攻击性帖子。考虑到这个词影响了如此多不同类型的人,我们创建了一套 12 条视频信息,机器人可以随机选择发送。这种个性化的方法让 62% 的收件人观看了他们发送的视频 -- 在任何社交平台上的成功率都惊人。我们还通过向访问者实时展示,整合了我们在网站上捕获的数据 (延迟和弱智的使用), 过去 7 天内使用 R 字的人数。 活动描述 “弱智” 每 5 秒钟出现在推特上。然而,这个词是冒犯性的,不仅对残疾人,而且对他们的朋友和家人。为了提高人们对 R 字的影响的认识,我们创建了一个推特机器人来检测任何英语使用它。机器人然后立即回复受这个词影响的人的视频信息,直接和刚刚使用它的人交谈。收件人被引导到我们的网站,了解这个词的效果,以及了解每个视频背后的人。一个实时计数器显示了在推特上使用 R 字的频率 (在过去的 7 天内) 和 vIsiters 可以通过向 Facebook 和 Twitter 分享我们的意识视频来表示支持。有许多现有的运动致力于阻止使用 R 词,但它们通常会吸引现有的支持者和倡导者。这项活动是独一无二的,因为它直接针对通过我们在推特上捕获的数据实时使用这个词的人。

    The R Word

    案例简介:Synopsis Our client is a leading not-for-profit community organisation, supporting people with disabilities to live life in their own homes and communities. A big part of this is to help them feel included in the community, and to be treated with dignity and respect. How the community treats them, and refers to them, is incredibly important. Our brief was to promote inclusiveness and respect for people with disabilities in the community. Brand awareness wasn’t mandatory – social awareness was. Due to the budget restraints and the size of the target audience (the general community) we looked to social media to raise awareness. This lead us to an alarming statistic; The word Retard appears on Twitter every 5 seconds. Our aim was to raise awareness among the global community that the word has an impact, and to ultimately reconsider using it. Strategy Twitter has a global community of over 330m users. And a quick search for mentions of the word ‘Retard’ revealed an alarming statistic – the word was being used every 5 seconds (far higher than usage on Facebook and Instagram). Using Twitter’s API, we created a Twitter bot that looked at every new Tweet appearing on the platform and any use of the word ‘Retard’ or ‘Retarded’ within each tweet. The bot only looked at English language accounts, as the word ‘retard’ is commonly, and correctly, used across French language accounts. Once the word was detected, the bot responded instantly with a video message from someone affected by the R word, talking directly to the person who just used it. To minimise the chances of the bot being shut down, we limited our response rate to under the 2400 tweets per day cap by creating an algorithm that allowed us to target between 1-in-10 to 1-in-50 tweets, depending on the useage rate on the day. Multiple bot accounts were also created to combat Twitter blocking our account for sending repeated tweets (ten different tweet messages were created to further hinder being blocked). Relevancy This campaign is built around two very specific pieces of data – tweets containing the words ‘Retard’ and ‘Retarded’. These words pop up every 5 seconds on Twitter. To raise awareness about the impact the R word has, we created a Twitter bot, and using Twitter’s API, it detected any English language use of these words. It then replied in real-time with a video message from someone affected by the word, talking directly to the person who just used it. The data IS the catalyst for this idea, and enabled real-time engagement with our exact target audience. Outcome • 62% of recipients watched their video message – many responded with a comment indicating behavioural change, including; “I will never use that word again since I watch your video” - @Iceninjaice “My apologies. The tweet has been deleted. I sincerely apologise for allowing my emotions to get the better of me. @siya_bele01 “Ok, now I feel bad. I’m sorry” - @rnharer • $200,000+ of earned media on day one, with national TV, radio and online coverage. • Global engagement reach across 30 countries • 10,363 direct video messages viewed in week one. • 42% increase in Google searches for our client, “Avivo”, since the campaign went live. • 58% increase in traffic to Avivo’s webpage (from pre-launch to post-launch) • R Word posts on Avivo’s Facebook page received 300%+ higher engagement rates than non-R Word posts. • Thousands of offensive conversations stopped after the Twitter bot commented on the thread. MediaStrategy Our creative output was enhanced by data because we knew unequivocally that we were talking to the very people we needed to – users of the R word. Because of this, and coupled with the faceless nature of social media, our creative response to these users was to respond to their offensive posts with a video from someone who is personally affected by the R word. Given that the word affects so many different types of people, we created a suite of twelve video messages that the bot could randomly select to send. This personalised approach saw 62% of recipients watch the video they had been sent – a staggering success rate on any social platform. We also integrated the data we captured (uses of the words Retard and Retarded) on our website by showing visitors the real-time, live numbers of people using the R word in the past 7 days. CampaignDescription ‘Retard’ appears on Twitter every 5 seconds. Yet the word is offensive, not just to people with disability, but to their friends and families. To raise awareness about the impact the R word has, we created a Twitter bot to detect any English language use of it. The bot then instantly replies with a video message from someone affected by the word, talking directly to the person who just used it. Recipients were directed to our website to learn about the effect the word has, as well as getting to know the people behind each video. A real-time counter showed how often the R word was being used on Twitter (over the last 7-days), and visitors could show their support by sharing our awareness video to Facebook and Twitter. There are a number of existing campaigns dedicated to stopping the use of the R word, but they typically attract existing supporters and advocates of the cause. This campaign is unique in that it directly targets the very people using the word, in real time, through the data we captured on Twitter.

    R 字


    The R Word










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