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    Sir David Attenborough's Story of Life短视频广告营销案例



    大卫 · 阿滕伯勒爵士的生活故事

    案例简介:活动描述 大卫 · 阿滕伯勒爵士的使命是激励我们所有人拥抱和保护我们的自然世界。他开创性的愿景开创了第一部自然历史纪录片,他展示的激情一直是分享他信息的强大力量。我们的想法是将这一信息带到数字世界,接触新的受众,激励下一代热爱和关心我们丰富的自然遗产。做是一个比被动消费更深、影响更大的过程。我们为用户设计了一个旅程,让他们参与大卫爵士创建里程碑式系列时采取的同样行动。首先,用户探索物种、人类和栖息地,遇到产生共鸣的想法,然后他们发现并观看主题中的精彩瞬间。最后,用户将这些片段聚集在一起,形成自己的生活故事,与世界分享。 执行 《生命的故事》专为 iOS 和安卓、平板电脑和手机四个平台设计,延续了爱登堡的使命,在每一代人中激发对自然世界的热爱。跨越 60 多年,我们收集了有史以来最大的数字收藏,收藏了他最丰富、最激动人心的时刻,三代相机操作员帮助大卫爵士通过镜头给观众带来了生活。我们的主要互动中心是使用圆形形状和手势来真正聚焦自然世界。通过追踪镜头,用户可以与纪录片制作工具进行物理连接。当他们环顾四周时,他们拨入主题焦点,创造自己的生活故事。焦点也在视觉上播放,“镜头” 之外的元素模糊。我们利用相同的模式来导航视频,将线性时间线转换成循环控制,让人想起编辑的慢跑轮。优秀的内容要求我们设计中的极简主义,所以我们确保每一招都能提供信息。从镜头显示剪辑的相对持续时间的分裂,到剪辑和收藏的简洁名字,每一个决定都基于目的。我们快速原型化了与跨职能团队的互动,该团队将技术、设计和用户体验紧密合作。每一个新的互动都是在想象的几天内测试和磨练的。数据模型是沿着边开发的,既服务于接口,又改进了接口,总共生成 30,000 个数据点。协作创建链为体验带来了巨大的凝聚力和最终产品的可靠性。经过两个月的前期制作,我们在 4 个月内开发并测试了这款应用,并在英国地球二号广播期间在全球发布。

    大卫 · 阿滕伯勒爵士的生活故事

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Sir David Attenborough’s mission is to inspire us all to embrace and protect our natural world. His pioneering vision originated the first natural history documentaries, and the passion he shows has been a powerful force in sharing his message. Our idea was to carry that message into the digital world, to reach new audiences and inspire the next generation to love and care for our rich natural heritage.Doing is a far deeper and more affecting process than passive consumption. We crafted a journey for users to participate in the same actions that Sir David takes when he creates landmark series. First users explore species, behaviours and habitats to encounter ideas that resonate, then they discover and watch outstanding moments inside that theme. Finally, users gather these clips together into their own stories of life, to share with the world. Execution Designed specifically for four platforms, iOS and Android, Tablet and Phone, The Story of Life continues Attenborough’s mission to inspire a love for the natural world in every generation.Spanning more than 60 years, we assembled the largest ever digital collection of his most informative and breathtaking moments, into a pinnacle app.Three generations of camera operators have helped Sir David to bring viewers Life through the Lens. Our key interactions centre on the use of circular shapes and gestures to literally bring the natural world into focus. By tracing the lens, users physically connect with the tools of documentary making. As they sweep around the circle, they dial in their thematic focus for creating their own stories of life. Focus also plays out visually, with elements outside the ‘lens’ blurring. We harness the same pattern for navigating videos, transforming a linear timeline into a circular control reminiscent of an editor’s jog wheel.The outstanding content demanded minimalism in our design, so we made sure that every stroke worked to give information. From the split of the lens showing the relative durations of clips, to the succinct names given to clips and collections, every decision in what to leave out and what to hero was grounded in purpose.We rapidly prototyped the interactions with a cross-functional team that brought tech, design and UX together in close collaboration. Each novel interaction was tested and honed within days of imagining. The data model was developed along side, both serving the interface and improving it, generating 30,000 data points in total. Creating the strands collaboratively brought great cohesion to the experience and a solidity to the end product.After 2 months of pre-production, we developed and tested the app in 4 months, releasing it globally during the UK broadcast of Planet Earth II.

    Sir David Attenborough's Story of Life

    案例简介:活动描述 大卫 · 阿滕伯勒爵士的使命是激励我们所有人拥抱和保护我们的自然世界。他开创性的愿景开创了第一部自然历史纪录片,他展示的激情一直是分享他信息的强大力量。我们的想法是将这一信息带到数字世界,接触新的受众,激励下一代热爱和关心我们丰富的自然遗产。做是一个比被动消费更深、影响更大的过程。我们为用户设计了一个旅程,让他们参与大卫爵士创建里程碑式系列时采取的同样行动。首先,用户探索物种、人类和栖息地,遇到产生共鸣的想法,然后他们发现并观看主题中的精彩瞬间。最后,用户将这些片段聚集在一起,形成自己的生活故事,与世界分享。 执行 《生命的故事》专为 iOS 和安卓、平板电脑和手机四个平台设计,延续了爱登堡的使命,在每一代人中激发对自然世界的热爱。跨越 60 多年,我们收集了有史以来最大的数字收藏,收藏了他最丰富、最激动人心的时刻,三代相机操作员帮助大卫爵士通过镜头给观众带来了生活。我们的主要互动中心是使用圆形形状和手势来真正聚焦自然世界。通过追踪镜头,用户可以与纪录片制作工具进行物理连接。当他们环顾四周时,他们拨入主题焦点,创造自己的生活故事。焦点也在视觉上播放,“镜头” 之外的元素模糊。我们利用相同的模式来导航视频,将线性时间线转换成循环控制,让人想起编辑的慢跑轮。优秀的内容要求我们设计中的极简主义,所以我们确保每一招都能提供信息。从镜头显示剪辑的相对持续时间的分裂,到剪辑和收藏的简洁名字,每一个决定都基于目的。我们快速原型化了与跨职能团队的互动,该团队将技术、设计和用户体验紧密合作。每一个新的互动都是在想象的几天内测试和磨练的。数据模型是沿着边开发的,既服务于接口,又改进了接口,总共生成 30,000 个数据点。协作创建链为体验带来了巨大的凝聚力和最终产品的可靠性。经过两个月的前期制作,我们在 4 个月内开发并测试了这款应用,并在英国地球二号广播期间在全球发布。

    Sir David Attenborough's Story of Life

    案例简介:CampaignDescription Sir David Attenborough’s mission is to inspire us all to embrace and protect our natural world. His pioneering vision originated the first natural history documentaries, and the passion he shows has been a powerful force in sharing his message. Our idea was to carry that message into the digital world, to reach new audiences and inspire the next generation to love and care for our rich natural heritage.Doing is a far deeper and more affecting process than passive consumption. We crafted a journey for users to participate in the same actions that Sir David takes when he creates landmark series. First users explore species, behaviours and habitats to encounter ideas that resonate, then they discover and watch outstanding moments inside that theme. Finally, users gather these clips together into their own stories of life, to share with the world. Execution Designed specifically for four platforms, iOS and Android, Tablet and Phone, The Story of Life continues Attenborough’s mission to inspire a love for the natural world in every generation.Spanning more than 60 years, we assembled the largest ever digital collection of his most informative and breathtaking moments, into a pinnacle app.Three generations of camera operators have helped Sir David to bring viewers Life through the Lens. Our key interactions centre on the use of circular shapes and gestures to literally bring the natural world into focus. By tracing the lens, users physically connect with the tools of documentary making. As they sweep around the circle, they dial in their thematic focus for creating their own stories of life. Focus also plays out visually, with elements outside the ‘lens’ blurring. We harness the same pattern for navigating videos, transforming a linear timeline into a circular control reminiscent of an editor’s jog wheel.The outstanding content demanded minimalism in our design, so we made sure that every stroke worked to give information. From the split of the lens showing the relative durations of clips, to the succinct names given to clips and collections, every decision in what to leave out and what to hero was grounded in purpose.We rapidly prototyped the interactions with a cross-functional team that brought tech, design and UX together in close collaboration. Each novel interaction was tested and honed within days of imagining. The data model was developed along side, both serving the interface and improving it, generating 30,000 data points in total. Creating the strands collaboratively brought great cohesion to the experience and a solidity to the end product.After 2 months of pre-production, we developed and tested the app in 4 months, releasing it globally during the UK broadcast of Planet Earth II.

    大卫 · 阿滕伯勒爵士的生活故事


    Sir David Attenborough's Story of Life






    广告公司: AKQA (英国 伦敦)




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