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    案例简介:WeQual推出一项使命,向女性敞开富时350指数执行委员会的大门,伦敦设计工作室ShopTalk直言不讳的品牌身份和活动宣传材料。汉普顿-亚历山大评论最近的研究强调,高层仍然存在相当大的性别不平衡。WeQual的成立旨在增强女性自信地步入更高级职位的能力,挑战这些执行委员会中男性主导的文化,并最终改善每个人的业务。英国《金融时报》前执行董事、WeQual创始人凯蒂 · 利奇菲尔德 (Katie Litchfield) 看到了提升女性商界地位的机会,并向ShopTalk提出了一个奖项项目的形成性想法。该团队被要求制定品牌指南,名称,标志,网站和活动材料; 最重要的是吸引来自整个城市的赞助商从一开始就支持这项事业。在一次沉浸式会议之后,品牌支柱被决定以策划一个有凝聚力的精神: WeQual是一个积极的,直言不讳的论坛着眼于未来,其使命是赋予妇女在所有做出重大商业决策的地方生存的权力。ShopTalk的方法表明,凭借强大的品牌原则和定向身份,包容性的信息如何与令人印象深刻的商业凭证结合在一起,给企业一种全面吸引的权威和使命感。实现平衡ShopTalk的联合创始人兼创意总监詹姆斯 · 伍德说: “WeQual就是庆祝和认可处于执行董事会地位尖端的成功女性,并协助它们向上移动的行列.因此,语气需要坦率、直率和大胆,不要说教或过于关注不平衡。信息很清楚: WeQual寻求实现的目标将惠及女性、男性和企业,有大量证据支持这一点。“但我们必须小心行事。我们想让传统机构及其主要是男性劳动力加入进来,因为他们的支持至关重要。因此,如果WeQual也要吸引那些缺乏性别平衡的企业,这种外观和感觉必须平易近人且不对抗。这一切都是关于每个人的积极结果。"所有的品牌,网站和活动宣传材料以惊人的单调色调交付,让人们明白这是一个黑白分明的问题 -- 商业和社会将受益于管理层有更多的女性。双音方法也代表了直截了当的50-50哲学。打破模式WeQual是女性平等业务的缩写portmanteau。标识包含等号,也可用于隔离整个活动材料,印刷和数字,开车回家品牌信息在所有接触点.定制的无字体 -- 通常不与传统的、热爱衬线的城市联系在一起 -- 给人一种现代、直接的感觉。凯蒂 · 利奇菲尔德说: “我联系商店谈话时想到了一个奖项计划,这将会产生真正的影响。从零开始,他们创造了整个组织所遵循的原则,并完全抓住了信息和精神。我们现在有一个强大的品牌,让我们完全信任那些意味着商业的女性。“ShopTalk的团队表现出敏捷和响应能力。他们从一开始就理解我的抱负,并与我们一起努力实现它。我们即将签约纽约市和新加坡作为活动主持人-我们在伦敦收到的品牌的强烈接待让我们充满信心,我们可以将WeQual带到世界各地。”


    案例简介:WeQual launches with a mission to open the doors of FTSE 350 executive committees to women, with straight-talking brand identity and event collateral by London design studio ShopTalk. Recent research by The Hampton-Alexander Review has highlighted that there is still a considerable gender imbalance in the higher echelons. WeQual has been set up to empower women to stride confidently into more senior positions, challenge the male-dominated culture of these executive committees and, ultimately, improve business for everyone. Former Executive Director of the Financial Times and WeQual founder, Katie Litchfield, saw an opportunity to promote women in business, and approached ShopTalk with a formative idea for an awards programme. The team were asked to develop the brand guidelines, name, logo, website and event materials; and of paramount importance was attracting sponsors from across the City to support the venture from the outset. Following an immersion session, brand pillars were decided upon in order to curate a cohesive ethos: WeQual is a positive, straight-talking forum with its eyes fixed on the future and a mission to empower women to exist in all the places where big business decisions are made. ShopTalk’s approach shows how, with strong brand principles and a directional identity, the message of inclusivity can be married with impressive business credentials, giving the venture a sense of authority and purpose that appeals across the board. Achieving balance James Wood, Co-founder and Creative Director, ShopTalk, says: “WeQual is all about celebrating and recognising successful women on the cusp of executive-board status, and assisting them in moving up the ranks. As such, the tone needed to be frank, forthright and bold, without being preachy or overly focused on imbalance. The message is clear: what WeQual seeks to achieve will benefit women, men and business, and there’s plenty of evidence to support this. “But we had to tread a careful path. We wanted to bring traditional institutions and their largely male workforces on board because their support is vital. So the look and feel had to be approachable and non-confrontational if WeQual were to appeal to the businesses that fall short on gender balance, too. It’s all about positive outcomes for everyone.” All the branding, website and event collateral has been delivered in a striking monotone palette to drive home that this is a black and white issue – business and society will benefit from having more women at executive level. The two-tone approach also represents the straight-talking, 50-50 philosophy. Breaking the mould WeQual is an abbreviated portmanteau of Women Equal Business. The logo incorporates an equal sign that can also be used in isolation across event materials, both print and digital, to drive home brand messaging at all touchpoints. And customised sans fonts – not usually associated with the traditional, serif-loving City – give it a modern, direct feel. Katie Litchfield says: “I approached ShopTalk with an idea for an awards programme that would make a real difference. From scratch, they have created the tenets on which the whole organisation hangs and totally nailed the messaging and spirit. We now have a strong brand that gives us total credibility as women who mean business. “The team at ShopTalk showed agility and responsiveness. They understood my ambition from the outset and worked with us from the ground up to make it happen. We’re on the verge of signing New York City and Singapore as event hosts – the strong reception we’ve received to the brand in London gives us every confidence that we can take WeQual to the world.”

    ShopTalk Creates Empowering Identity for Equality-In-Business Action Group WeQual

    案例简介:WeQual推出一项使命,向女性敞开富时350指数执行委员会的大门,伦敦设计工作室ShopTalk直言不讳的品牌身份和活动宣传材料。汉普顿-亚历山大评论最近的研究强调,高层仍然存在相当大的性别不平衡。WeQual的成立旨在增强女性自信地步入更高级职位的能力,挑战这些执行委员会中男性主导的文化,并最终改善每个人的业务。英国《金融时报》前执行董事、WeQual创始人凯蒂 · 利奇菲尔德 (Katie Litchfield) 看到了提升女性商界地位的机会,并向ShopTalk提出了一个奖项项目的形成性想法。该团队被要求制定品牌指南,名称,标志,网站和活动材料; 最重要的是吸引来自整个城市的赞助商从一开始就支持这项事业。在一次沉浸式会议之后,品牌支柱被决定以策划一个有凝聚力的精神: WeQual是一个积极的,直言不讳的论坛着眼于未来,其使命是赋予妇女在所有做出重大商业决策的地方生存的权力。ShopTalk的方法表明,凭借强大的品牌原则和定向身份,包容性的信息如何与令人印象深刻的商业凭证结合在一起,给企业一种全面吸引的权威和使命感。实现平衡ShopTalk的联合创始人兼创意总监詹姆斯 · 伍德说: “WeQual就是庆祝和认可处于执行董事会地位尖端的成功女性,并协助它们向上移动的行列.因此,语气需要坦率、直率和大胆,不要说教或过于关注不平衡。信息很清楚: WeQual寻求实现的目标将惠及女性、男性和企业,有大量证据支持这一点。“但我们必须小心行事。我们想让传统机构及其主要是男性劳动力加入进来,因为他们的支持至关重要。因此,如果WeQual也要吸引那些缺乏性别平衡的企业,这种外观和感觉必须平易近人且不对抗。这一切都是关于每个人的积极结果。"所有的品牌,网站和活动宣传材料以惊人的单调色调交付,让人们明白这是一个黑白分明的问题 -- 商业和社会将受益于管理层有更多的女性。双音方法也代表了直截了当的50-50哲学。打破模式WeQual是女性平等业务的缩写portmanteau。标识包含等号,也可用于隔离整个活动材料,印刷和数字,开车回家品牌信息在所有接触点.定制的无字体 -- 通常不与传统的、热爱衬线的城市联系在一起 -- 给人一种现代、直接的感觉。凯蒂 · 利奇菲尔德说: “我联系商店谈话时想到了一个奖项计划,这将会产生真正的影响。从零开始,他们创造了整个组织所遵循的原则,并完全抓住了信息和精神。我们现在有一个强大的品牌,让我们完全信任那些意味着商业的女性。“ShopTalk的团队表现出敏捷和响应能力。他们从一开始就理解我的抱负,并与我们一起努力实现它。我们即将签约纽约市和新加坡作为活动主持人-我们在伦敦收到的品牌的强烈接待让我们充满信心,我们可以将WeQual带到世界各地。”

    ShopTalk Creates Empowering Identity for Equality-In-Business Action Group WeQual

    案例简介:WeQual launches with a mission to open the doors of FTSE 350 executive committees to women, with straight-talking brand identity and event collateral by London design studio ShopTalk. Recent research by The Hampton-Alexander Review has highlighted that there is still a considerable gender imbalance in the higher echelons. WeQual has been set up to empower women to stride confidently into more senior positions, challenge the male-dominated culture of these executive committees and, ultimately, improve business for everyone. Former Executive Director of the Financial Times and WeQual founder, Katie Litchfield, saw an opportunity to promote women in business, and approached ShopTalk with a formative idea for an awards programme. The team were asked to develop the brand guidelines, name, logo, website and event materials; and of paramount importance was attracting sponsors from across the City to support the venture from the outset. Following an immersion session, brand pillars were decided upon in order to curate a cohesive ethos: WeQual is a positive, straight-talking forum with its eyes fixed on the future and a mission to empower women to exist in all the places where big business decisions are made. ShopTalk’s approach shows how, with strong brand principles and a directional identity, the message of inclusivity can be married with impressive business credentials, giving the venture a sense of authority and purpose that appeals across the board. Achieving balance James Wood, Co-founder and Creative Director, ShopTalk, says: “WeQual is all about celebrating and recognising successful women on the cusp of executive-board status, and assisting them in moving up the ranks. As such, the tone needed to be frank, forthright and bold, without being preachy or overly focused on imbalance. The message is clear: what WeQual seeks to achieve will benefit women, men and business, and there’s plenty of evidence to support this. “But we had to tread a careful path. We wanted to bring traditional institutions and their largely male workforces on board because their support is vital. So the look and feel had to be approachable and non-confrontational if WeQual were to appeal to the businesses that fall short on gender balance, too. It’s all about positive outcomes for everyone.” All the branding, website and event collateral has been delivered in a striking monotone palette to drive home that this is a black and white issue – business and society will benefit from having more women at executive level. The two-tone approach also represents the straight-talking, 50-50 philosophy. Breaking the mould WeQual is an abbreviated portmanteau of Women Equal Business. The logo incorporates an equal sign that can also be used in isolation across event materials, both print and digital, to drive home brand messaging at all touchpoints. And customised sans fonts – not usually associated with the traditional, serif-loving City – give it a modern, direct feel. Katie Litchfield says: “I approached ShopTalk with an idea for an awards programme that would make a real difference. From scratch, they have created the tenets on which the whole organisation hangs and totally nailed the messaging and spirit. We now have a strong brand that gives us total credibility as women who mean business. “The team at ShopTalk showed agility and responsiveness. They understood my ambition from the outset and worked with us from the ground up to make it happen. We’re on the verge of signing New York City and Singapore as event hosts – the strong reception we’ve received to the brand in London gives us every confidence that we can take WeQual to the world.”



    ShopTalk Creates Empowering Identity for Equality-In-Business Action Group WeQual










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