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    案例简介:概要 2016年12月第2,瑞典庆祝了世界上最古老的新闻自由法案 -- 媒体自由和透明度的 250 年。但是,在世界许多地方,基本权利和言论自由正日益受到威胁。因此,瑞典外交部决定发起一场捍卫言论自由的运动。该简报旨在围绕言论自由和透明度展开全球讨论,并表明瑞典是这一问题的坚定、长期支持者。目的是强调和理解当今世界言论自由的重要性。 结果 我们在 30 多个国家总共接触了 10 000 000 人,互动超过 130 000 人。只有 € 3000 的媒体投资,我们设法赚取了超过 € 500 的媒体价值。 战略 由于没有现有的媒体预算 (3000 欧元),并且在特定的日子里有全球观众,我们不得不为社交媒体观看定制活动,尤其是 Facebook, 实现我们的目标。因此,无论是在电影创意的设计中,还是在作为其中一部分的著名扬声器的使用中,内容都很容易共享。该计划是将数百个不同的 Facebook 账户连接到瑞典外交部,就像所有大使馆一样, 从同一个 FB 频道分享它,以最大限度地提高 Facebook 算法的效果。 执行 这项运动是在世界上最古老的瑞典《新闻自由法案》 250 周年纪念日,在标签 # freethespeech 下发起的。在那一天,瑞典驻世界各地的大使馆和机构,一个接一个地,根据他们代表的时区,在他们的社交媒体渠道上分享了这部电影。他们还负责试图把这个消息传达给当地媒体。瑞典外交部长在当天的一次重要的言论自由会议上举行了自己的 “沉默演讲”,给了这场运动一个额外的推动。我们的伙伴联合国也加入进来,并帮助在世界各地传播这一信息。 相关性 由于媒体预算有限 (3000 €),公关从一开始就是这场运动的一个组成部分,以使其有效。我们需要创造一个想法,让人们和记者都在谈论。 活动描述 在这部在线电影中,我们看到当重要的声音被沉默时,事情变得多么令人毛骨悚然。我们已经采取了众所周知的自由倡导者,如莱昂纳多 · 迪卡普里奥、艾玛 · 沃森和马拉拉 · 优素福扎伊,当他们站在联合国讲台上准备表达自己时,他们被压制了。但是,除了伟大的演讲之外,只有沉默,因为我们从他们的演讲中删除了实际的谈话,这使得人们有一个有趣、尴尬的视角,让你思考和反思这个问题。


    案例简介:Synopsis On the 2nd of December 2016 Sweden celebrated the world’s oldest Freedom of the Press Act – 250 years of media freedom and transparency. But, in many parts of the world, fundamental rights and freedom of speech are increasingly under threat. Therefore, Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs decided to launch a campaign to defend freedom of speech.The brief was to create a global discussion around freedom of speech and transparency – and show that Sweden is a strong, long-term supporter of this issue. The objective was to highlight and create understanding for the importance of free speech in the world today. Outcome We had a total reach of 10 000 000 people in over 30 countries with over 130 000 interactions. With only a media investment of €3000 we managed to earn a media value of over €500 000. Strategy With a non-existing media budget (€3000) and a global audience to reach on a specific day, we had to tailor make the campaign for social media viewing, particularly Facebook, to achieve our goals. The content was therefore created to be easily sharable, both in the design of the film idea and with the use of the famous speakers that are part of it. The plan was to have hundreds of different Facebook accounts connected to the Swedish Foreign Ministry around the world, like all the embassies, to shared it from the same FB-channel to maximize the effects of the Facebook algorithms. Execution The campaign was launched under the hashtag #freethespeech on the day of the 250th anniversary of the Freedom of Press Act in Sweden – the oldest in the world. During that day Swedish embassies and institutions all over the world, one after another depending on which time zone they represented - shared the film in their social media channels. They were also responsible for trying to get the word out to local press.Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, gave the campaign an extra push, by holding her own “silent speech” during a major freedom of speech conference that day. Our partner the United Nations also joined in and helped spread the message around the world. Relevancy With a limited media budget (3000 €) PR was from the start an integral part of this campaign to make it effective. We needed to create an idea that would have both people and journalists talking. CampaignDescription In the online film, we see how eerily quiet things become when important voices are silenced. We have taken well known freedom advocates such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Watson and Malala Yousafzai and silenced them when standing at the UN podium ready to express themselves. But instead of great speeches there is only silence, since we edited out the actual talking from their speeches, which makes for an interesting, awkward viewing that makes you think and reflect over the issue.

    Free The Speech

    案例简介:概要 2016年12月第2,瑞典庆祝了世界上最古老的新闻自由法案 -- 媒体自由和透明度的 250 年。但是,在世界许多地方,基本权利和言论自由正日益受到威胁。因此,瑞典外交部决定发起一场捍卫言论自由的运动。该简报旨在围绕言论自由和透明度展开全球讨论,并表明瑞典是这一问题的坚定、长期支持者。目的是强调和理解当今世界言论自由的重要性。 结果 我们在 30 多个国家总共接触了 10 000 000 人,互动超过 130 000 人。只有 € 3000 的媒体投资,我们设法赚取了超过 € 500 的媒体价值。 战略 由于没有现有的媒体预算 (3000 欧元),并且在特定的日子里有全球观众,我们不得不为社交媒体观看定制活动,尤其是 Facebook, 实现我们的目标。因此,无论是在电影创意的设计中,还是在作为其中一部分的著名扬声器的使用中,内容都很容易共享。该计划是将数百个不同的 Facebook 账户连接到瑞典外交部,就像所有大使馆一样, 从同一个 FB 频道分享它,以最大限度地提高 Facebook 算法的效果。 执行 这项运动是在世界上最古老的瑞典《新闻自由法案》 250 周年纪念日,在标签 # freethespeech 下发起的。在那一天,瑞典驻世界各地的大使馆和机构,一个接一个地,根据他们代表的时区,在他们的社交媒体渠道上分享了这部电影。他们还负责试图把这个消息传达给当地媒体。瑞典外交部长在当天的一次重要的言论自由会议上举行了自己的 “沉默演讲”,给了这场运动一个额外的推动。我们的伙伴联合国也加入进来,并帮助在世界各地传播这一信息。 相关性 由于媒体预算有限 (3000 €),公关从一开始就是这场运动的一个组成部分,以使其有效。我们需要创造一个想法,让人们和记者都在谈论。 活动描述 在这部在线电影中,我们看到当重要的声音被沉默时,事情变得多么令人毛骨悚然。我们已经采取了众所周知的自由倡导者,如莱昂纳多 · 迪卡普里奥、艾玛 · 沃森和马拉拉 · 优素福扎伊,当他们站在联合国讲台上准备表达自己时,他们被压制了。但是,除了伟大的演讲之外,只有沉默,因为我们从他们的演讲中删除了实际的谈话,这使得人们有一个有趣、尴尬的视角,让你思考和反思这个问题。

    Free The Speech

    案例简介:Synopsis On the 2nd of December 2016 Sweden celebrated the world’s oldest Freedom of the Press Act – 250 years of media freedom and transparency. But, in many parts of the world, fundamental rights and freedom of speech are increasingly under threat. Therefore, Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs decided to launch a campaign to defend freedom of speech.The brief was to create a global discussion around freedom of speech and transparency – and show that Sweden is a strong, long-term supporter of this issue. The objective was to highlight and create understanding for the importance of free speech in the world today. Outcome We had a total reach of 10 000 000 people in over 30 countries with over 130 000 interactions. With only a media investment of €3000 we managed to earn a media value of over €500 000. Strategy With a non-existing media budget (€3000) and a global audience to reach on a specific day, we had to tailor make the campaign for social media viewing, particularly Facebook, to achieve our goals. The content was therefore created to be easily sharable, both in the design of the film idea and with the use of the famous speakers that are part of it. The plan was to have hundreds of different Facebook accounts connected to the Swedish Foreign Ministry around the world, like all the embassies, to shared it from the same FB-channel to maximize the effects of the Facebook algorithms. Execution The campaign was launched under the hashtag #freethespeech on the day of the 250th anniversary of the Freedom of Press Act in Sweden – the oldest in the world. During that day Swedish embassies and institutions all over the world, one after another depending on which time zone they represented - shared the film in their social media channels. They were also responsible for trying to get the word out to local press.Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, gave the campaign an extra push, by holding her own “silent speech” during a major freedom of speech conference that day. Our partner the United Nations also joined in and helped spread the message around the world. Relevancy With a limited media budget (3000 €) PR was from the start an integral part of this campaign to make it effective. We needed to create an idea that would have both people and journalists talking. CampaignDescription In the online film, we see how eerily quiet things become when important voices are silenced. We have taken well known freedom advocates such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Watson and Malala Yousafzai and silenced them when standing at the UN podium ready to express themselves. But instead of great speeches there is only silence, since we edited out the actual talking from their speeches, which makes for an interesting, awkward viewing that makes you think and reflect over the issue.



    Free The Speech






    广告公司: King (瑞典 斯德哥尔摩) 制作公司: The Colony




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