案例简介:@ nataliekeyssar的照片分享了我的长期项目 “天堂的后院” 中有关北卡罗来纳州罗伯逊县的一些图片。兰伯顿是美国最贫穷的县之一的所在地。2016年,由于马修飓风,洪水泛滥成灾,造成一批永久逃离家园的人,并在祈祷FEMA援助和其他捐款以帮助他们重建时,数百人在财务和身体上被绞死。就在社区终于开始恢复的时候,佛罗伦萨飓风来袭,在许多相同的地方和更远的地方造成了洪水。在受灾最严重的地区,家庭正在努力应对水位上升的新现实。随着下一个飓风季节在大流行中开始,我一直在想着罗伯逊。在2018年10月,在这里,初级大学橄榄球运动员在伦伯顿高中 (Lumberton High School) 练习结束时祈祷,该高中在佛罗伦萨 (Florence) 之后已经下课了大约一个月。在 @ nataliekeyssar跟我来了解更多来自罗伯逊和整个美洲的故事和图像。
案例简介:Photo by @nataliekeyssar Sharing some images from my long-term project, Heaven's Back Yard, about Robeson County, North Carolina. Lumberton is the seat of one of the poorest counties in the nation. In 2016 it was catastrophically flooded due to Hurricane Matthew, creating a crop of people who fled their homes permanently, and left hundreds hanging by a thread financially and physically as they prayed for FEMA aid and other donations to help them rebuild. Just as the community finally began to recover, Hurricane Florence hit, causing flooding in many of the same places and beyond. In areas hardest hit, families are grappling with the new reality of rising waters. As the next hurricane season begins amid the pandemic, I'm keeping Robeson in my thoughts. Here, in October 2018, junior varsity football players pray at the end of practice at Lumberton High School, which was out of class for about a month after Florence. Follow me at @nataliekeyssar for more stories and images from Robeson and across the Americas.
国家地理 - Photo by @nataliekeyssar Sharing some images from my long-term project, Heaven's Back Yard, about Robeson County, North
案例简介:@ nataliekeyssar的照片分享了我的长期项目 “天堂的后院” 中有关北卡罗来纳州罗伯逊县的一些图片。兰伯顿是美国最贫穷的县之一的所在地。2016年,由于马修飓风,洪水泛滥成灾,造成一批永久逃离家园的人,并在祈祷FEMA援助和其他捐款以帮助他们重建时,数百人在财务和身体上被绞死。就在社区终于开始恢复的时候,佛罗伦萨飓风来袭,在许多相同的地方和更远的地方造成了洪水。在受灾最严重的地区,家庭正在努力应对水位上升的新现实。随着下一个飓风季节在大流行中开始,我一直在想着罗伯逊。在2018年10月,在这里,初级大学橄榄球运动员在伦伯顿高中 (Lumberton High School) 练习结束时祈祷,该高中在佛罗伦萨 (Florence) 之后已经下课了大约一个月。在 @ nataliekeyssar跟我来了解更多来自罗伯逊和整个美洲的故事和图像。
国家地理 - Photo by @nataliekeyssar Sharing some images from my long-term project, Heaven's Back Yard, about Robeson County, North
案例简介:Photo by @nataliekeyssar Sharing some images from my long-term project, Heaven's Back Yard, about Robeson County, North Carolina. Lumberton is the seat of one of the poorest counties in the nation. In 2016 it was catastrophically flooded due to Hurricane Matthew, creating a crop of people who fled their homes permanently, and left hundreds hanging by a thread financially and physically as they prayed for FEMA aid and other donations to help them rebuild. Just as the community finally began to recover, Hurricane Florence hit, causing flooding in many of the same places and beyond. In areas hardest hit, families are grappling with the new reality of rising waters. As the next hurricane season begins amid the pandemic, I'm keeping Robeson in my thoughts. Here, in October 2018, junior varsity football players pray at the end of practice at Lumberton High School, which was out of class for about a month after Florence. Follow me at @nataliekeyssar for more stories and images from Robeson and across the Americas.
国家地理 - Photo by @nataliekeyssar Sharing some images from my long-term project, Heaven's Back Yard, about Robeson County, North
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