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    Hearing Hands短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 三星在土耳其是一个非常受人尊敬和成功的品牌。是一个巨大的全球技术品牌,三星希望利用其资源来创造一个积极变化的所有产品和服务的品牌织成的织物的世界各地的社会。土耳其也不例外。考虑到这一目标,三星决定专门为土耳其 300万聋人推出一个视频呼叫中心,他们的需求在很大程度上被公共当局忽视。为了传达这一倡议,我们安排了一项行动,让人们意识到聋人的困难,并以身作则。我们为一个聋哑的年轻人 Muharrem 组织了一个惊喜。一天,当他醒来时,他看到整个社区都在说他的语言。他困惑地来到一个广告牌前,在那里他看到我们的呼叫中心专家 Melek (在土耳其语中是指天使) 宣布为像他这样的聋人提供特别的呼叫中心服务。该法案的视频发布在土耳其三星的官方 Facebook 和 YouTube 账户上。包括《时代》、《赫芬顿邮报》和《卫报》在内的大众媒体频道在电视新闻、报纸专栏和社交媒体上报道了该法案。公关覆盖的广告相当于 320万美元,仅投资 30.000 美元。最棒的是政府和流行艺术家的反应,他们宣布了为聋人提供服务的计划。 客户简报或目标 我们的目标是提高人们对土耳其聋人障碍的认识,并点燃人们行为的变化。除此之外,我们的目标是获得对该活动的积极情绪,以便该品牌在情感上更接近土耳其人。为了提出一个相关的想法,我们与土耳其聋人协会合作,利用他们的经验和资源。 有效性 在出现在三星土耳其官方 Facebook 账户上后,该视频在最初的 24 小时内被观看了 400万多次。这部电影总共达到 1700万人,被观看了 800万次 (脸谱网,2015)。竞选团队在推特上总共获得了 2.32亿次印象。它在 YouTube 上的 50 个不同频道上被观看了 3200万次,正面情绪得分为 96% (Somera,2015)。在发射的第一周,重要的国家频道的主要新闻报道了这场运动。多篇关于运动的土耳其著名报刊上发表。此外,流行的专栏作家写的运动。尊重和流行的媒体渠道,包括时间、独立、《赫芬顿邮报》、美国新闻聚合网站共同发起的网站和社交媒体账户 (Cohn & 沃尔夫,2015)。最重要的是,土耳其大国民议会的竞选之后决定审查三个不同项目的耳聋公民 (irfanneziroglu.com,2015: http://bit.ly/1xuWr8Q )。 执行 在完成了基础设施的视频,我们举办了一个行为,予以公告。在聋人社会的帮助下,我们决定选择 Muharrem 作为我们令人惊讶的特技表演。我们举办培训班的人会出现在我们的特技。经过一个月的准备期间,对该法进行帮 Muharrem 的妹妹。我们记录了每一步与隐藏的摄像头。然后贴在视频上的三星土耳其的 Facebook 页面。这是所有我们需要做的成功。该视频马上走红通过不同的渠道,而没有任何媒体增强。 结果 我们只用 30 万元的网络媒体。 相关性 继续成为有关品牌,很重要的是三星连接与观众的情感意义的方式。作为全球科技巨头三星是了解并尊重其国家的最先进的创新,但没有这么多的社交活动。聋人的视频呼叫中心是一个伟大的机会,让人们在品牌的并不全是产品,而且还改变了社会的积极方面。比之前和做一些关于在很大程度上被忽视的聋人和宣布它与真正的情感的视频是一种适当的方式使三星更接近人民。 战略 耳聋的人,与此文三星针对 “青年思想” 的人,谁关心的社会问题, 没有对世界上发生的事情,希望同牌子的行为选择。他们更倾向于品牌,履行社会责任的企业公民意识。该小组可发挥重要作用,提高了品牌的社会责任。他们知道三星与国家的最先进的产品,但没有对其社会的活动。聋人协会的帮助下,我们看到人们不清楚聋的人在日常生活中遇到的障碍。因此,没人在做些什么来使这些障碍消失。该战略是打造向人们展示消除聋人日常生活中的障碍带来的巨大情感差异的真实行为。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Samsung is a very highly respected and successful brand in Turkey. Being a giant global technology brand, Samsung wants to use its resources to create a positive change with all its products and services to become a brand woven into the fabric of the societies all over the world. Turkey was no exception. With this objective in mind, Samsung decided to launch a video call center exclusively for the three million deaf people in Turkey, whose needs are largely neglected by the public authorities. To communicate this initiative we arranged an act in order to make people aware of the difficulties of the deaf and lead by example. We organized a surprise for a deaf young man, Muharrem. When he woke up one day he saw that the entire neighborhood was speaking his language. Puzzled, he arrived at a billboard, where he saw our call center specialist Melek (which means Angel in Turkish) announcing a special call center service for deaf people like him.The video of the act was published on Samsung Turkey’s official Facebook and YouTube accounts. Popular media channels including Time, Huffington Post and Guardian, covered the act on TV news, newspaper columns and social media. The advertising equivalent of PR coverage amounted to 3.2 million USD with only an investment of 30.000K USD. Best of all was the reactions of government and popular artists, who announced plans to deliver services for deaf people. Client Brief Or Objective Our objective was to raise awareness for the obstacles of the deaf people in Turkey and ignite a change in people’s behaviors. On top of that, we aimed to receive positive sentiments about the campaign so that the brand would become emotionally closer to Turkish people. To come up with a relevant idea, we worked together with the Society of Deaf People in Turkey and utilized their experience and resources. Effectiveness After appearing on Samsung Turkey’s official Facebook account, the video was viewed over 4 million times in the first 24 hours. In total the film reached 17 million people and was viewed 8 million times (Facebook, 2015). Campaign got 232 million impressions on Twitter in total. It was viewed 32 million times from 50 different channels on YouTube with a positive sentiment score of 96% (Somera, 2015).During the first week of the launch, important national channels’ prime news covered the campaign. Numerous articles about the campaign have been published on Turkey’s prestigious newspapers. Also, popular columnists wrote about the campaign. Respected and popular media channels including Times, Independent, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed shared the campaign on their websites and social media accounts (Cohn&Wolfe, 2015).Most importantly, after the campaign Grand National Assembly of Turkey decided to review three different projects for deaf citizens (irfanneziroglu.com, 2015: http://bit.ly/1xuWr8Q). Execution Upon the completion of the infrastructure of the video center, we arranged an act to announce it. With the help of the Society of Deaf People, we decided to pick Muharrem for our surprise stunt. We organized training sessions for the people that would appear in our stunt. After a month of preparation period, the act was staged with the help of Muharrem’s sister. We recorded every step with hidden cameras. Then we posted the video of it on Samsung Turkey’s Facebook page. That was all we needed to do to succeed. The video immediately went viral through different channels without any significant media boost. Outcome We spent only 30K USD for online media. Relevancy To continue to be a relevant brand, it was vital for Samsung to connect with its audiences in emotionally meaningful ways. As a global technology giant, Samsung was known and respected for its state-of-the art innovations but not so much for its social activities. The video call center for the deaf people was a great opportunity to show people that the brand is not all about products but also about changing the society in positive ways. By noticing and making something about the largely neglected deaf people and announcing it with a genuinely emotional video would be a proper way to bring Samsung closer to people. Strategy As well as the deaf people, with this communication Samsung targeted “young-minded” people, who care about social issues, are not indifferent to what happens in the world and expect the same behavior from the brands they choose. They are more inclined to the brands that fulfill their social responsibilities as a corporate citizen. This group has an important role to increase the awareness of the brand’s social responsibility projects. They knew Samsung with its state-of-the-art products but not about its social activities. With the help of the Society of Deaf People, we saw that people were not really aware of the obstacles the deaf people face in their daily lives. Because of that, nobody was really doing anything to make those obstacles go away. The strategy was to create a real act to show people the huge emotional difference that removing the obstacles in a deaf person’s daily life makes.

    Hearing Hands

    案例简介:活动描述 三星在土耳其是一个非常受人尊敬和成功的品牌。是一个巨大的全球技术品牌,三星希望利用其资源来创造一个积极变化的所有产品和服务的品牌织成的织物的世界各地的社会。土耳其也不例外。考虑到这一目标,三星决定专门为土耳其 300万聋人推出一个视频呼叫中心,他们的需求在很大程度上被公共当局忽视。为了传达这一倡议,我们安排了一项行动,让人们意识到聋人的困难,并以身作则。我们为一个聋哑的年轻人 Muharrem 组织了一个惊喜。一天,当他醒来时,他看到整个社区都在说他的语言。他困惑地来到一个广告牌前,在那里他看到我们的呼叫中心专家 Melek (在土耳其语中是指天使) 宣布为像他这样的聋人提供特别的呼叫中心服务。该法案的视频发布在土耳其三星的官方 Facebook 和 YouTube 账户上。包括《时代》、《赫芬顿邮报》和《卫报》在内的大众媒体频道在电视新闻、报纸专栏和社交媒体上报道了该法案。公关覆盖的广告相当于 320万美元,仅投资 30.000 美元。最棒的是政府和流行艺术家的反应,他们宣布了为聋人提供服务的计划。 客户简报或目标 我们的目标是提高人们对土耳其聋人障碍的认识,并点燃人们行为的变化。除此之外,我们的目标是获得对该活动的积极情绪,以便该品牌在情感上更接近土耳其人。为了提出一个相关的想法,我们与土耳其聋人协会合作,利用他们的经验和资源。 有效性 在出现在三星土耳其官方 Facebook 账户上后,该视频在最初的 24 小时内被观看了 400万多次。这部电影总共达到 1700万人,被观看了 800万次 (脸谱网,2015)。竞选团队在推特上总共获得了 2.32亿次印象。它在 YouTube 上的 50 个不同频道上被观看了 3200万次,正面情绪得分为 96% (Somera,2015)。在发射的第一周,重要的国家频道的主要新闻报道了这场运动。多篇关于运动的土耳其著名报刊上发表。此外,流行的专栏作家写的运动。尊重和流行的媒体渠道,包括时间、独立、《赫芬顿邮报》、美国新闻聚合网站共同发起的网站和社交媒体账户 (Cohn & 沃尔夫,2015)。最重要的是,土耳其大国民议会的竞选之后决定审查三个不同项目的耳聋公民 (irfanneziroglu.com,2015: http://bit.ly/1xuWr8Q )。 执行 在完成了基础设施的视频,我们举办了一个行为,予以公告。在聋人社会的帮助下,我们决定选择 Muharrem 作为我们令人惊讶的特技表演。我们举办培训班的人会出现在我们的特技。经过一个月的准备期间,对该法进行帮 Muharrem 的妹妹。我们记录了每一步与隐藏的摄像头。然后贴在视频上的三星土耳其的 Facebook 页面。这是所有我们需要做的成功。该视频马上走红通过不同的渠道,而没有任何媒体增强。 结果 我们只用 30 万元的网络媒体。 相关性 继续成为有关品牌,很重要的是三星连接与观众的情感意义的方式。作为全球科技巨头三星是了解并尊重其国家的最先进的创新,但没有这么多的社交活动。聋人的视频呼叫中心是一个伟大的机会,让人们在品牌的并不全是产品,而且还改变了社会的积极方面。比之前和做一些关于在很大程度上被忽视的聋人和宣布它与真正的情感的视频是一种适当的方式使三星更接近人民。 战略 耳聋的人,与此文三星针对 “青年思想” 的人,谁关心的社会问题, 没有对世界上发生的事情,希望同牌子的行为选择。他们更倾向于品牌,履行社会责任的企业公民意识。该小组可发挥重要作用,提高了品牌的社会责任。他们知道三星与国家的最先进的产品,但没有对其社会的活动。聋人协会的帮助下,我们看到人们不清楚聋的人在日常生活中遇到的障碍。因此,没人在做些什么来使这些障碍消失。该战略是打造向人们展示消除聋人日常生活中的障碍带来的巨大情感差异的真实行为。

    Hearing Hands

    案例简介:Campaign Description Samsung is a very highly respected and successful brand in Turkey. Being a giant global technology brand, Samsung wants to use its resources to create a positive change with all its products and services to become a brand woven into the fabric of the societies all over the world. Turkey was no exception. With this objective in mind, Samsung decided to launch a video call center exclusively for the three million deaf people in Turkey, whose needs are largely neglected by the public authorities. To communicate this initiative we arranged an act in order to make people aware of the difficulties of the deaf and lead by example. We organized a surprise for a deaf young man, Muharrem. When he woke up one day he saw that the entire neighborhood was speaking his language. Puzzled, he arrived at a billboard, where he saw our call center specialist Melek (which means Angel in Turkish) announcing a special call center service for deaf people like him.The video of the act was published on Samsung Turkey’s official Facebook and YouTube accounts. Popular media channels including Time, Huffington Post and Guardian, covered the act on TV news, newspaper columns and social media. The advertising equivalent of PR coverage amounted to 3.2 million USD with only an investment of 30.000K USD. Best of all was the reactions of government and popular artists, who announced plans to deliver services for deaf people. Client Brief Or Objective Our objective was to raise awareness for the obstacles of the deaf people in Turkey and ignite a change in people’s behaviors. On top of that, we aimed to receive positive sentiments about the campaign so that the brand would become emotionally closer to Turkish people. To come up with a relevant idea, we worked together with the Society of Deaf People in Turkey and utilized their experience and resources. Effectiveness After appearing on Samsung Turkey’s official Facebook account, the video was viewed over 4 million times in the first 24 hours. In total the film reached 17 million people and was viewed 8 million times (Facebook, 2015). Campaign got 232 million impressions on Twitter in total. It was viewed 32 million times from 50 different channels on YouTube with a positive sentiment score of 96% (Somera, 2015).During the first week of the launch, important national channels’ prime news covered the campaign. Numerous articles about the campaign have been published on Turkey’s prestigious newspapers. Also, popular columnists wrote about the campaign. Respected and popular media channels including Times, Independent, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed shared the campaign on their websites and social media accounts (Cohn&Wolfe, 2015).Most importantly, after the campaign Grand National Assembly of Turkey decided to review three different projects for deaf citizens (irfanneziroglu.com, 2015: http://bit.ly/1xuWr8Q). Execution Upon the completion of the infrastructure of the video center, we arranged an act to announce it. With the help of the Society of Deaf People, we decided to pick Muharrem for our surprise stunt. We organized training sessions for the people that would appear in our stunt. After a month of preparation period, the act was staged with the help of Muharrem’s sister. We recorded every step with hidden cameras. Then we posted the video of it on Samsung Turkey’s Facebook page. That was all we needed to do to succeed. The video immediately went viral through different channels without any significant media boost. Outcome We spent only 30K USD for online media. Relevancy To continue to be a relevant brand, it was vital for Samsung to connect with its audiences in emotionally meaningful ways. As a global technology giant, Samsung was known and respected for its state-of-the art innovations but not so much for its social activities. The video call center for the deaf people was a great opportunity to show people that the brand is not all about products but also about changing the society in positive ways. By noticing and making something about the largely neglected deaf people and announcing it with a genuinely emotional video would be a proper way to bring Samsung closer to people. Strategy As well as the deaf people, with this communication Samsung targeted “young-minded” people, who care about social issues, are not indifferent to what happens in the world and expect the same behavior from the brands they choose. They are more inclined to the brands that fulfill their social responsibilities as a corporate citizen. This group has an important role to increase the awareness of the brand’s social responsibility projects. They knew Samsung with its state-of-the-art products but not about its social activities. With the help of the Society of Deaf People, we saw that people were not really aware of the obstacles the deaf people face in their daily lives. Because of that, nobody was really doing anything to make those obstacles go away. The strategy was to create a real act to show people the huge emotional difference that removing the obstacles in a deaf person’s daily life makes.



    Hearing Hands





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