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    The Interview短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 -在活动启动后不久在媒体上发表140篇文章-在国家和地方电视频道上获得30分钟的知名度-赢得媒体: 2,979,000 €-该活动的社会价值如此之高,以至于媒体所有者联系我们在他们的渠道上开展活动,并免费提供所有媒体空间。-媒体价值: 2.403.000 €-意大利各地的314电影院免费提供媒体空间。政治机构立即对我们的竞选活动造成的挑衅作出反应。意大利政府参议院的副总统公开宣称: “这是一场让人们和组织思考的运动。从想法到行动,多亏了网站上的建议,这项运动为在工作领域实现真正的性别平等提供了相关支持。“。社会影响如此之大,以至于教皇在梵蒂冈的周日演讲中也感到有必要解决这个微妙的问题。 执行 我们用隐藏的相机拍摄了一些工作面试,其中有一位参与该项目的女演员。最初,她以女人的身份出现,然后以男人的身份出现,这要归功于彻底的改头换面,新衣服和声音的变化。两位候选人都声明了相同的教育背景和相同的专业经历,他们都对head-hunters.Yet给出了相同的答案,当到了谈论薪水期望的时候,很明显,猎头的人有不同的方法。工作面试的镜头被用来制作一部纪录片,结尾是一个行动号召: “做一个女人仍然是一项困难的工作。让我们给它正确的价值 ”。时间线: 从2015年7月28日到1月31日播出2016位置: 网络,电视和电影院30英寸和60英寸,印刷品,海报哦,网络展示,网站www.puntosudite.it,Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pubblicitaprogresso, YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/PProgresso 相关性 该项目旨在提高人们对性别薪酬歧视的认识,并针对意大利的组织,公司和舆论领袖。关于职业机会和薪酬差距,这个问题在每个人的眼中,尤其是在商业中。然而,这仍然是一个很难谈论的问题。有时这个问题被完全否认。这场关于性别工资差距的宣传活动非常相关,以至于它接管了网络,博客上的讨论,并引起了极大的轰动。它立即到达了意大利参议院等政治机构,梵蒂冈也亲自通过教皇的声音解决了这个问题。 战略 目标受众: 各种类型和规模的组织,意见领袖,所有年龄段的男性和女性。方法: 该活动基于这样的想法,即目标必须认识到问题才能接受。为了使这种问题发生,避免叙事多余是至关重要的。这就是为什么我们选择使用纪录片的方法,让人们直面问题本身的残酷,而不是给他们一个问题的代表。 活动描述 把同一个人作为一个女人和一个男人送到同一个工作面试,然后在没有过滤的情况下清楚地展示面试官对他们的不同行为。 概要 情况: 根据在世界经济论坛上提出的全球性别差距指数2014,意大利在性别平等方面在142个国家中排名第69位。简介: 在意大利,性别工资差距是一个相关的现实,对于应届毕业生来说,这一差距可能从7% 到30%。目标: 在一个大多数人仍然认为这个问题不存在的国家,提高公共机构、公司和意见领袖对这个问题的认识。


    案例简介:Outcome -140 articles in the press just after the launch of the campaign-30 minutes of visibility on national and local tv channels-Earned media: 2,979,000 €-The social value of the campaign was so high that media owners contacted us to run the campaign on their channels and offered all the media spaces for free.-Media value: 2.403.000 €-314 cinemas all over Italy offered media spaces for free.Political institutions reacted immediately to the provocation created by our campaign. The V.P. of the Italian Government Senate publicly declared: “It’s a campaign which makes people and organisations think. From an idea to action then, thanks to the suggestions on the website this campaign gives relevant support to reach a real gender equality in the job field.” The social impact was so high that even the Pope felt the the need to address this delicate issue during his Sunday speech in the Vatican. Execution With a hidden camera we filmed some job interviews, featuring an actress who was involved in the project. Initially she presented herself as a woman, then as a man, thanks to a complete makeover, new outfit and changed voice. Both candidates declared the same educational background and the same professional experience, both of them gave the same answers to the head-hunters.Yet, when it was the time to talk about salary expectations, it was clear that the head-hunters had a different approach.The footage of the job interviews was then used to create a docu-film, ending with a call-to-action: “To be a woman is still a difficult job. Let’s give it the right value”.Timeline:ON AIR from July 28, 2015 to 31 January 2016Placement:Web, TV and cinema 30’’ and 60’’, print, posters OOH, web display, website www.puntosudite.it, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pubblicitaprogresso, YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/PProgresso Relevancy This project was created to raise awareness of the gender pay discrimination and was directed at organizations, companies, opinion leaders in Italy. This problem is under everyone's eyes, especially in business, regarding career opportunities and the salary gap. However it is still a difficult issue to talk about. And sometimes this issue is completely denied.This communication campaign about the gender salary gap was so relevant that it took over the web, discussions on blogs, and caused a great buzz. It immediately reached Political Institutions such as the Italian Senate and also the Vatican addressed the issue through the voice of the Pope in person. Strategy Target audience:Organizations, companies of all types and sizes, opinion leaders, men and women of all ages.Approach:The campaign is based on the idea that the target must recognize the problem to accept it. To make this happen for an issue of this kind it is fundamental to avoid narrative superfluity.That’s why we chose to use a documentary approach, making people face up to the problem itself in all its brutality, instead of giving them a representation of the issue. Campaign Description Sending the same person as a woman and as a man to very same job interview and then clearly showing, with no filter, the different the different behaviours of the interviewers towards them. Synopsis Situation:According to Global Gender Gap Index 2014, presented at the World Economic Forum, Italy is placed at 69th place out of 142 countries regarding gender equality. Brief: In Italy, the gender salary gap is a relevant reality, it can be from 7% up to 30% for graduate employees.Objectives:In a country where most people still think this problem doesn't exist, raise awareness among public institutions, companies, and opinion leaders, about this issue.

    The Interview

    案例简介:结果 -在活动启动后不久在媒体上发表140篇文章-在国家和地方电视频道上获得30分钟的知名度-赢得媒体: 2,979,000 €-该活动的社会价值如此之高,以至于媒体所有者联系我们在他们的渠道上开展活动,并免费提供所有媒体空间。-媒体价值: 2.403.000 €-意大利各地的314电影院免费提供媒体空间。政治机构立即对我们的竞选活动造成的挑衅作出反应。意大利政府参议院的副总统公开宣称: “这是一场让人们和组织思考的运动。从想法到行动,多亏了网站上的建议,这项运动为在工作领域实现真正的性别平等提供了相关支持。“。社会影响如此之大,以至于教皇在梵蒂冈的周日演讲中也感到有必要解决这个微妙的问题。 执行 我们用隐藏的相机拍摄了一些工作面试,其中有一位参与该项目的女演员。最初,她以女人的身份出现,然后以男人的身份出现,这要归功于彻底的改头换面,新衣服和声音的变化。两位候选人都声明了相同的教育背景和相同的专业经历,他们都对head-hunters.Yet给出了相同的答案,当到了谈论薪水期望的时候,很明显,猎头的人有不同的方法。工作面试的镜头被用来制作一部纪录片,结尾是一个行动号召: “做一个女人仍然是一项困难的工作。让我们给它正确的价值 ”。时间线: 从2015年7月28日到1月31日播出2016位置: 网络,电视和电影院30英寸和60英寸,印刷品,海报哦,网络展示,网站www.puntosudite.it,Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pubblicitaprogresso, YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/PProgresso 相关性 该项目旨在提高人们对性别薪酬歧视的认识,并针对意大利的组织,公司和舆论领袖。关于职业机会和薪酬差距,这个问题在每个人的眼中,尤其是在商业中。然而,这仍然是一个很难谈论的问题。有时这个问题被完全否认。这场关于性别工资差距的宣传活动非常相关,以至于它接管了网络,博客上的讨论,并引起了极大的轰动。它立即到达了意大利参议院等政治机构,梵蒂冈也亲自通过教皇的声音解决了这个问题。 战略 目标受众: 各种类型和规模的组织,意见领袖,所有年龄段的男性和女性。方法: 该活动基于这样的想法,即目标必须认识到问题才能接受。为了使这种问题发生,避免叙事多余是至关重要的。这就是为什么我们选择使用纪录片的方法,让人们直面问题本身的残酷,而不是给他们一个问题的代表。 活动描述 把同一个人作为一个女人和一个男人送到同一个工作面试,然后在没有过滤的情况下清楚地展示面试官对他们的不同行为。 概要 情况: 根据在世界经济论坛上提出的全球性别差距指数2014,意大利在性别平等方面在142个国家中排名第69位。简介: 在意大利,性别工资差距是一个相关的现实,对于应届毕业生来说,这一差距可能从7% 到30%。目标: 在一个大多数人仍然认为这个问题不存在的国家,提高公共机构、公司和意见领袖对这个问题的认识。

    The Interview

    案例简介:Outcome -140 articles in the press just after the launch of the campaign-30 minutes of visibility on national and local tv channels-Earned media: 2,979,000 €-The social value of the campaign was so high that media owners contacted us to run the campaign on their channels and offered all the media spaces for free.-Media value: 2.403.000 €-314 cinemas all over Italy offered media spaces for free.Political institutions reacted immediately to the provocation created by our campaign. The V.P. of the Italian Government Senate publicly declared: “It’s a campaign which makes people and organisations think. From an idea to action then, thanks to the suggestions on the website this campaign gives relevant support to reach a real gender equality in the job field.” The social impact was so high that even the Pope felt the the need to address this delicate issue during his Sunday speech in the Vatican. Execution With a hidden camera we filmed some job interviews, featuring an actress who was involved in the project. Initially she presented herself as a woman, then as a man, thanks to a complete makeover, new outfit and changed voice. Both candidates declared the same educational background and the same professional experience, both of them gave the same answers to the head-hunters.Yet, when it was the time to talk about salary expectations, it was clear that the head-hunters had a different approach.The footage of the job interviews was then used to create a docu-film, ending with a call-to-action: “To be a woman is still a difficult job. Let’s give it the right value”.Timeline:ON AIR from July 28, 2015 to 31 January 2016Placement:Web, TV and cinema 30’’ and 60’’, print, posters OOH, web display, website www.puntosudite.it, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pubblicitaprogresso, YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/PProgresso Relevancy This project was created to raise awareness of the gender pay discrimination and was directed at organizations, companies, opinion leaders in Italy. This problem is under everyone's eyes, especially in business, regarding career opportunities and the salary gap. However it is still a difficult issue to talk about. And sometimes this issue is completely denied.This communication campaign about the gender salary gap was so relevant that it took over the web, discussions on blogs, and caused a great buzz. It immediately reached Political Institutions such as the Italian Senate and also the Vatican addressed the issue through the voice of the Pope in person. Strategy Target audience:Organizations, companies of all types and sizes, opinion leaders, men and women of all ages.Approach:The campaign is based on the idea that the target must recognize the problem to accept it. To make this happen for an issue of this kind it is fundamental to avoid narrative superfluity.That’s why we chose to use a documentary approach, making people face up to the problem itself in all its brutality, instead of giving them a representation of the issue. Campaign Description Sending the same person as a woman and as a man to very same job interview and then clearly showing, with no filter, the different the different behaviours of the interviewers towards them. Synopsis Situation:According to Global Gender Gap Index 2014, presented at the World Economic Forum, Italy is placed at 69th place out of 142 countries regarding gender equality. Brief: In Italy, the gender salary gap is a relevant reality, it can be from 7% up to 30% for graduate employees.Objectives:In a country where most people still think this problem doesn't exist, raise awareness among public institutions, companies, and opinion leaders, about this issue.



    The Interview










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