案例简介:今天,我们宣布了在我们的运营和供应链2040年中实现 # 零温室气体排放的雄心。我们还设定了2030目标,以帮助我们在最需要的时候 -- 现在 -- 取得有意义的进展。我们新的《气候转型行动计划》详细阐述了我们在整个价值链中采取的气候行动的范围、广度和深度。我们在气候方面的行动始于十多年前,我们知道还有更多的工作要做。为了实现净零未来,我们将需要使用今天可用的工具和尚不存在的工具,这将需要发明,创造力和合作伙伴关系。在此过程中,我们将分享我们的成功和挫折,以便我们能够共同学习并推动集体进步。净零发射全球图形科学已经清楚地表明,我们需要采取大胆的行动,以避免气候变化的影响恶化。查看我们的 # linkinbio以了解更多信息。# ItsOurHome # NetZero
案例简介:Today we announced our ambition to achieve #NetZero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2040. We also set 2030 targets to help us make meaningful progress when it’s needed most – now. Our new Climate Transition Action Plan lays out the detailed scope, breadth and depth of our climate actions across our value chain. Our action on climate began more than a decade ago, and we know there is more work to do. To achieve a net zero future, we will need to use both the tools available to us today and those that don’t exist yet, which will require invention, creativity and partnership. Along the way, we’ll share both our successes and setbacks so that we can all learn together and advance collective progress. Net zero launch globe graphic Science has made it clear that we need to take bold action to avoid the worsening impacts of climate change. Take a look at our #linkinbio to learn more. #ItsOurHome #NetZero
宝洁 - Today we announced our ambition to achieve #NetZero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2040
案例简介:今天,我们宣布了在我们的运营和供应链2040年中实现 # 零温室气体排放的雄心。我们还设定了2030目标,以帮助我们在最需要的时候 -- 现在 -- 取得有意义的进展。我们新的《气候转型行动计划》详细阐述了我们在整个价值链中采取的气候行动的范围、广度和深度。我们在气候方面的行动始于十多年前,我们知道还有更多的工作要做。为了实现净零未来,我们将需要使用今天可用的工具和尚不存在的工具,这将需要发明,创造力和合作伙伴关系。在此过程中,我们将分享我们的成功和挫折,以便我们能够共同学习并推动集体进步。净零发射全球图形科学已经清楚地表明,我们需要采取大胆的行动,以避免气候变化的影响恶化。查看我们的 # linkinbio以了解更多信息。# ItsOurHome # NetZero
宝洁 - Today we announced our ambition to achieve #NetZero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2040
案例简介:Today we announced our ambition to achieve #NetZero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2040. We also set 2030 targets to help us make meaningful progress when it’s needed most – now. Our new Climate Transition Action Plan lays out the detailed scope, breadth and depth of our climate actions across our value chain. Our action on climate began more than a decade ago, and we know there is more work to do. To achieve a net zero future, we will need to use both the tools available to us today and those that don’t exist yet, which will require invention, creativity and partnership. Along the way, we’ll share both our successes and setbacks so that we can all learn together and advance collective progress. Net zero launch globe graphic Science has made it clear that we need to take bold action to avoid the worsening impacts of climate change. Take a look at our #linkinbio to learn more. #ItsOurHome #NetZero
宝洁 - Today we announced our ambition to achieve #NetZero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2040
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