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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 拥有106年历史的户外零售商L.Bean有一个新的品牌宗旨: 为户外的共同欢乐而制作。但是,仅靠付费,推送广告还不足以赢得消费者…… 尤其是在夏季 (历史上疲软的季节)。 该品牌需要一场公关活动,为其新目的创造证据。它需要大量赚取的媒体来做到这一点。 成为工作中的局外人就是这样做的,破坏了品牌的知名度,使有影响力的人感到高兴,并成为媒体的宠儿。这是一部复杂的戏剧,可以在媒体及其观众最不期望的时候为他们的报道打分。 背景 L.Bean被广泛称为秋冬品牌,在其标志性目录页面上的靴子和法兰绒在消费者心目中代表。 在最近或即将到来的情况下,没有有意义的积极的L.Bean品牌新闻,其竞争对手经常成为头条新闻和文化时代精神,从而推动了文化相关性和恶名。 L.Bean刚刚承诺了一个新的集会口号: 成为局外人。但很快就面临这样一个事实,即人们正在花费95% 的生命在里面。因此,我们的核心目标是: 1.赢得相关性: 抓住头条新闻,成为一个温暖天气的户外品牌,在失效和吸引 (但尚未赢得) 的消费者中。 2.消费者参与: 我们希望人们拥抱并分享L.Bean的品牌平台: “成为局外人”。 3.行为改变: 证明参与者花时间在外面并考虑L.Bean品牌的可能性增加。 描述创意 (投票20%) L.Bean着手改变人们在工作中的局外人的工作方式和地点。 我们与协作工作区提供商Industrious合作,开设了世界上第一个户外合作空间。来自谷歌,IBM,麦肯锡,联合利华,Superfly和Pinterest等顶级公司的数千名员工涌向这些创新的工作场所。 这项运动使全国的商业专业人员可以轻松地在外面工作。它包括一份研究驱动的白皮书,将全国的注意力集中在 “不在办公室” 工作的商业价值上; 原生数字每日提示,使外出工作变得容易; 以及挑衅性的现在,这一品牌内容开始了一场生动的对话。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 尽管L.Bean的消费者看起来很 “户外”,但他们的外出远远不够。 他们一生的95% 时间都在室内度过。其中50% 是在工作。 第一力把他们从外面阻止了吗?办公桌工作。 讽刺吗?人们在外面的时候工作得更好。 他们50% 更有效率。300% 更有创意。他们中的92% 人更快乐。学术研究人员已经对其进行了多年研究,并发表了研究结果。 我们看到了让工作成为我们所做的事情的机会,而不是我们去的地方。因此,我们创建了资产来明确: 这是一个不可抗拒的好主意。L.Bean在五个城市开设了世界上第一个户外合作空间。我们发表了由工作场所策略师和纽约时报畅销书《健康的工作场所》作者Leigh Stringer支持的初步研究。并且我们发布了有关外部工作的简单提示,例如使户外空间可在日历中预订,或者制作和采访外部视图。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) L.Bean与创新的协作工作区品牌Industrious合作开设了有史以来第一个户外合作空间。我们的伙伴关系对媒体来说是出乎意料的,这增加了信誉和兴趣。 为了确保我们实践了我们所宣讲的内容,我们开始在L.Bean自己的校园的Freeport进行优化,在外部条件下进行工作,培训经理并吸引员工。L.Bean还对外出工作进行了初步研究,并与杰出的工作场所策略师和纽约时报畅销书《健康的工作场所》的作者Leigh Stringer共同撰写了一份白皮书。 我们在纽约市麦迪逊广场公园为国家媒体、商业媒体、有影响力的人公开推出,并与当地分支机构进行了27次采访卫星媒体之旅。我们继续优先考虑区域市场 -- 波士顿、费城、麦迪逊 -- 以评估区域覆盖范围。 该演讲战略性地针对那些不定期报道L.Bean或其竞争对手的商业记者,因为我们知道会有更多的兴趣,并且我们的目标受众将看到他们的报道。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: L.比恩在外面工作。每个人都跟着。 新闻界说得最好: “办公空间的下一个前沿?户外。“-- 纽约时报 “L.Bean竞选活动为离职带来了新的意义。” -- 格言 “办公空间击中了户外。” -- 今日美国 第1层-获得相关性: L.Bean在478个位置 (目标的271%) 获得了406毫米的印象。这个故事登上了美国第一大报《今日美国》的头版。它也在 “纽约时报” 、 “福布斯” 、 “美国广播公司” 、 “美国全国广播公司” 、 “哥伦比亚广播公司” 和 “哥伦比亚广播公司” 等节目中获得了比以往任何时候都更多的报道。100% 了PR消息拉通,83% 携带两个或更多消息。 第2层-消费者参与度: L.Bean的社交参与度是行业平均水平的4.4倍,在4MM数字视频观看和86k的社交反应中。在哈里斯民意测验 (Harris Poll) 的美国100家 “最知名公司” 的2019企业声誉排名中,其企业声誉飙升至第4位,比前一年上升了11位。L.Bean的组织特征在美国排名第二,而前一年却没有排名。 第3层-行为改变: 对L.Bean的兴趣显着增加,在启动时产生了品牌搜索查询的73% 提升,并在活动期间14% 提升,从而推动了其电子商务业务。作为一个知道自己在消费者外出时会获胜的品牌,理想的是,95% 接受调查的参与者表示他们将来会在外面工作。 Inc.拥有最终决定权: “你错过了吗?请求L.Bean再做一次。"


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? L.L.Bean, a 106 year-old outdoor retailer, had a new brand purpose: Made for the shared joy of the outdoors. But paid, push advertising alone wasn’t enough win consumers… especially during the Summer (a historically weak season). The brand needed a PR campaign that would create proof on its new purpose. And it needed massive amounts of earned media to do it. Be an Outsider at Work did just that, disrupting brand perception, delighting influencers and becoming a media darling. It was a sophisticated play to score coverage by targeted the media and its audience when they least expected it. Background L.L.Bean was widely known as a fall and winter brand, represented in consumers’ minds by the boots and flannel on the pages of its iconic catalogues. With no meaningfully positive L.L.Bean brand news in the recent past or on the horizon, its competitors were regularly making capturing headlines and the cultural zeitgeist, driving cultural relevance and notoriety. And L.L.Bean had just committed to a new rallying cry: Be an Outsider. But quickly faced the fact that people are spending 95% of their lives inside. As such, our core objectives were: 1. Earned Relevance: Capture headlines to become relevant as a warm weather outdoor brand among lapsed and attracted (but not yet won) consumers. 2. Consumer Engagement: We wanted people to embrace and share L.L.Bean’s brand platform: “Be an Outsider.” 3. Behavior Change: Demonstrate an increased likelihood for participants to spend time outside and consider the L.L.Bean brand. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) L.L.Bean set out to change how – and where – people work with Be an Outsider at Work. We opened the world’s first-ever outdoor co-working spaces, in partnership with Industrious, a collaborative workspace provider. Thousands of employees from top companies, including Google, IBM, McKinsey, Unilever, Superfly and Pinterest flocked to these innovative workplaces. The campaign made it easy for business professionals nationwide to work outside. It included a research-driven white paper that focused national attention on the business value of working “out of office”; native digital daily tips that made work outside easy; and provocative NowThis branded content that started a lively conversation. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Despite how “outdoorsy” L.L.Bean’s consumers may seem, they’re not getting outside nearly enough. They spend 95% of their lives indoors. 50% of that is at work. The #1 force holding them back from time outside? Desk jobs. The irony? People actually work better when they’re outside. They’re 50% more productive. 300% more creative. 92% of them are happier. Academic researchers have studied it for years and published the results. We saw an opportunity to make work a thing we do, instead of a place we go. So we created assets to make it clear: this is an irresistibly good idea. L.L.Bean opened the world’s first-ever outdoor co-working spaces in five cities. We published primary research, backed by workplace strategist and NYT bestselling author of “The Healthy Workplace,” Leigh Stringer. And we released easy tips for outside work, like making outdoor spaces bookable in calendars or making and interview an outerview. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) L.L.Bean opened the first-ever outdoor co-working space in partnership with innovative collaborative workspace brand Industrious. Our partnership was unexpected for the media, which added credibility and interest. To ensure we practiced what we were preaching, we began in Freeport on L.L.Bean’s own campus, optimizing work outside conditions, training managers and engaging employees. L.L.Bean also conducted primary research on working outside and co-authored a whitepaper with pre-eminent workplace strategist and NYT bestselling author of “The Healthy Workplace,” Leigh Stringer. We launched publicly in NYC in Madison Square Park for national press, business press, influencers and a 27-interview satellite media tour with local affiliates. We continued to priority regional markets – Boston, Philadelphia, Madison – to score regional coverage. The pitch strategically focused on business reporters who didn’t regularly cover L.L.Bean or its competitors, as we knew there would be more interest and that our target audience would be seeing their coverage. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: L.L.Bean took work outside. And everyone followed. The press said it best: “The next frontier in office space? The outdoors.” – The New York Times “L.L.Bean campaign brings new meaning to Out of Office.” – AdAge “Office space hits the great outdoors.” – USA Today Tier 1 – Earned Relevance: L.L.Bean earned 406MM impressions across 478 placements (271% of goal). The story landed on the front page of USA Today, America’s #1 newspaper. It also earned more coverage than ever in The New York Times, Inc., Forbes, ABC, NBC, CBS and more. PR message pull-through was 100%, with 83% carrying two or more messages. Tier 2 – Consumer Engagement: L.L.Bean’s social engagement rate was 4.4x the industry average, across 4MM digital video views and 86K social reactions. Its corporate reputation skyrocketed to #4 on The Harris Poll’s 2019 Corporate Reputation Rankings of the 100 “most visible companies” in America, up 11 spots from the year prior. L.L.Bean’s ranked #2 in America for Organizational Character, which it hadn’t ranked for the year before. Tier 3 – Behavior Change: Interest in L.L.Bean significantly increased, yielding a 73% lift in branded search queries at launch and 14% lift during the life of the campaign, driving to its E-Commerce business. And as a brand that knows it wins when its consumers get outside, it was ideal that 95% of participants surveyed said they’ll work outside in the future. Inc. has the final word: “Upset you missed it? Petition L.L.Bean to do it again."

    Be an Outsider at Work

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 拥有106年历史的户外零售商L.Bean有一个新的品牌宗旨: 为户外的共同欢乐而制作。但是,仅靠付费,推送广告还不足以赢得消费者…… 尤其是在夏季 (历史上疲软的季节)。 该品牌需要一场公关活动,为其新目的创造证据。它需要大量赚取的媒体来做到这一点。 成为工作中的局外人就是这样做的,破坏了品牌的知名度,使有影响力的人感到高兴,并成为媒体的宠儿。这是一部复杂的戏剧,可以在媒体及其观众最不期望的时候为他们的报道打分。 背景 L.Bean被广泛称为秋冬品牌,在其标志性目录页面上的靴子和法兰绒在消费者心目中代表。 在最近或即将到来的情况下,没有有意义的积极的L.Bean品牌新闻,其竞争对手经常成为头条新闻和文化时代精神,从而推动了文化相关性和恶名。 L.Bean刚刚承诺了一个新的集会口号: 成为局外人。但很快就面临这样一个事实,即人们正在花费95% 的生命在里面。因此,我们的核心目标是: 1.赢得相关性: 抓住头条新闻,成为一个温暖天气的户外品牌,在失效和吸引 (但尚未赢得) 的消费者中。 2.消费者参与: 我们希望人们拥抱并分享L.Bean的品牌平台: “成为局外人”。 3.行为改变: 证明参与者花时间在外面并考虑L.Bean品牌的可能性增加。 描述创意 (投票20%) L.Bean着手改变人们在工作中的局外人的工作方式和地点。 我们与协作工作区提供商Industrious合作,开设了世界上第一个户外合作空间。来自谷歌,IBM,麦肯锡,联合利华,Superfly和Pinterest等顶级公司的数千名员工涌向这些创新的工作场所。 这项运动使全国的商业专业人员可以轻松地在外面工作。它包括一份研究驱动的白皮书,将全国的注意力集中在 “不在办公室” 工作的商业价值上; 原生数字每日提示,使外出工作变得容易; 以及挑衅性的现在,这一品牌内容开始了一场生动的对话。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 尽管L.Bean的消费者看起来很 “户外”,但他们的外出远远不够。 他们一生的95% 时间都在室内度过。其中50% 是在工作。 第一力把他们从外面阻止了吗?办公桌工作。 讽刺吗?人们在外面的时候工作得更好。 他们50% 更有效率。300% 更有创意。他们中的92% 人更快乐。学术研究人员已经对其进行了多年研究,并发表了研究结果。 我们看到了让工作成为我们所做的事情的机会,而不是我们去的地方。因此,我们创建了资产来明确: 这是一个不可抗拒的好主意。L.Bean在五个城市开设了世界上第一个户外合作空间。我们发表了由工作场所策略师和纽约时报畅销书《健康的工作场所》作者Leigh Stringer支持的初步研究。并且我们发布了有关外部工作的简单提示,例如使户外空间可在日历中预订,或者制作和采访外部视图。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) L.Bean与创新的协作工作区品牌Industrious合作开设了有史以来第一个户外合作空间。我们的伙伴关系对媒体来说是出乎意料的,这增加了信誉和兴趣。 为了确保我们实践了我们所宣讲的内容,我们开始在L.Bean自己的校园的Freeport进行优化,在外部条件下进行工作,培训经理并吸引员工。L.Bean还对外出工作进行了初步研究,并与杰出的工作场所策略师和纽约时报畅销书《健康的工作场所》的作者Leigh Stringer共同撰写了一份白皮书。 我们在纽约市麦迪逊广场公园为国家媒体、商业媒体、有影响力的人公开推出,并与当地分支机构进行了27次采访卫星媒体之旅。我们继续优先考虑区域市场 -- 波士顿、费城、麦迪逊 -- 以评估区域覆盖范围。 该演讲战略性地针对那些不定期报道L.Bean或其竞争对手的商业记者,因为我们知道会有更多的兴趣,并且我们的目标受众将看到他们的报道。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: L.比恩在外面工作。每个人都跟着。 新闻界说得最好: “办公空间的下一个前沿?户外。“-- 纽约时报 “L.Bean竞选活动为离职带来了新的意义。” -- 格言 “办公空间击中了户外。” -- 今日美国 第1层-获得相关性: L.Bean在478个位置 (目标的271%) 获得了406毫米的印象。这个故事登上了美国第一大报《今日美国》的头版。它也在 “纽约时报” 、 “福布斯” 、 “美国广播公司” 、 “美国全国广播公司” 、 “哥伦比亚广播公司” 和 “哥伦比亚广播公司” 等节目中获得了比以往任何时候都更多的报道。100% 了PR消息拉通,83% 携带两个或更多消息。 第2层-消费者参与度: L.Bean的社交参与度是行业平均水平的4.4倍,在4MM数字视频观看和86k的社交反应中。在哈里斯民意测验 (Harris Poll) 的美国100家 “最知名公司” 的2019企业声誉排名中,其企业声誉飙升至第4位,比前一年上升了11位。L.Bean的组织特征在美国排名第二,而前一年却没有排名。 第3层-行为改变: 对L.Bean的兴趣显着增加,在启动时产生了品牌搜索查询的73% 提升,并在活动期间14% 提升,从而推动了其电子商务业务。作为一个知道自己在消费者外出时会获胜的品牌,理想的是,95% 接受调查的参与者表示他们将来会在外面工作。 Inc.拥有最终决定权: “你错过了吗?请求L.Bean再做一次。"

    Be an Outsider at Work

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? L.L.Bean, a 106 year-old outdoor retailer, had a new brand purpose: Made for the shared joy of the outdoors. But paid, push advertising alone wasn’t enough win consumers… especially during the Summer (a historically weak season). The brand needed a PR campaign that would create proof on its new purpose. And it needed massive amounts of earned media to do it. Be an Outsider at Work did just that, disrupting brand perception, delighting influencers and becoming a media darling. It was a sophisticated play to score coverage by targeted the media and its audience when they least expected it. Background L.L.Bean was widely known as a fall and winter brand, represented in consumers’ minds by the boots and flannel on the pages of its iconic catalogues. With no meaningfully positive L.L.Bean brand news in the recent past or on the horizon, its competitors were regularly making capturing headlines and the cultural zeitgeist, driving cultural relevance and notoriety. And L.L.Bean had just committed to a new rallying cry: Be an Outsider. But quickly faced the fact that people are spending 95% of their lives inside. As such, our core objectives were: 1. Earned Relevance: Capture headlines to become relevant as a warm weather outdoor brand among lapsed and attracted (but not yet won) consumers. 2. Consumer Engagement: We wanted people to embrace and share L.L.Bean’s brand platform: “Be an Outsider.” 3. Behavior Change: Demonstrate an increased likelihood for participants to spend time outside and consider the L.L.Bean brand. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) L.L.Bean set out to change how – and where – people work with Be an Outsider at Work. We opened the world’s first-ever outdoor co-working spaces, in partnership with Industrious, a collaborative workspace provider. Thousands of employees from top companies, including Google, IBM, McKinsey, Unilever, Superfly and Pinterest flocked to these innovative workplaces. The campaign made it easy for business professionals nationwide to work outside. It included a research-driven white paper that focused national attention on the business value of working “out of office”; native digital daily tips that made work outside easy; and provocative NowThis branded content that started a lively conversation. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Despite how “outdoorsy” L.L.Bean’s consumers may seem, they’re not getting outside nearly enough. They spend 95% of their lives indoors. 50% of that is at work. The #1 force holding them back from time outside? Desk jobs. The irony? People actually work better when they’re outside. They’re 50% more productive. 300% more creative. 92% of them are happier. Academic researchers have studied it for years and published the results. We saw an opportunity to make work a thing we do, instead of a place we go. So we created assets to make it clear: this is an irresistibly good idea. L.L.Bean opened the world’s first-ever outdoor co-working spaces in five cities. We published primary research, backed by workplace strategist and NYT bestselling author of “The Healthy Workplace,” Leigh Stringer. And we released easy tips for outside work, like making outdoor spaces bookable in calendars or making and interview an outerview. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) L.L.Bean opened the first-ever outdoor co-working space in partnership with innovative collaborative workspace brand Industrious. Our partnership was unexpected for the media, which added credibility and interest. To ensure we practiced what we were preaching, we began in Freeport on L.L.Bean’s own campus, optimizing work outside conditions, training managers and engaging employees. L.L.Bean also conducted primary research on working outside and co-authored a whitepaper with pre-eminent workplace strategist and NYT bestselling author of “The Healthy Workplace,” Leigh Stringer. We launched publicly in NYC in Madison Square Park for national press, business press, influencers and a 27-interview satellite media tour with local affiliates. We continued to priority regional markets – Boston, Philadelphia, Madison – to score regional coverage. The pitch strategically focused on business reporters who didn’t regularly cover L.L.Bean or its competitors, as we knew there would be more interest and that our target audience would be seeing their coverage. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: L.L.Bean took work outside. And everyone followed. The press said it best: “The next frontier in office space? The outdoors.” – The New York Times “L.L.Bean campaign brings new meaning to Out of Office.” – AdAge “Office space hits the great outdoors.” – USA Today Tier 1 – Earned Relevance: L.L.Bean earned 406MM impressions across 478 placements (271% of goal). The story landed on the front page of USA Today, America’s #1 newspaper. It also earned more coverage than ever in The New York Times, Inc., Forbes, ABC, NBC, CBS and more. PR message pull-through was 100%, with 83% carrying two or more messages. Tier 2 – Consumer Engagement: L.L.Bean’s social engagement rate was 4.4x the industry average, across 4MM digital video views and 86K social reactions. Its corporate reputation skyrocketed to #4 on The Harris Poll’s 2019 Corporate Reputation Rankings of the 100 “most visible companies” in America, up 11 spots from the year prior. L.L.Bean’s ranked #2 in America for Organizational Character, which it hadn’t ranked for the year before. Tier 3 – Behavior Change: Interest in L.L.Bean significantly increased, yielding a 73% lift in branded search queries at launch and 14% lift during the life of the campaign, driving to its E-Commerce business. And as a brand that knows it wins when its consumers get outside, it was ideal that 95% of participants surveyed said they’ll work outside in the future. Inc. has the final word: “Upset you missed it? Petition L.L.Bean to do it again."



    Be an Outsider at Work










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