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    案例简介:结果 -超过一千人通过在我们的 Facebook 个人资料或网页上讲述他们的故事加入了我们的事业。 -提供医疗服务的公共实体决定从目前预算中投资 8.5% 来翻新建筑和医疗设备。 -同一实体将在 2017年雇佣 283 名医疗专家,这意味着比去年增加 600%。 -730,000 美元的公关价值是在没有任何运动投资的情况下产生的,并帮助人们了解这个问题。 -总统候选人甚至解决了这个问题,作为他们明年选举竞选承诺的一部分年 概要 在哥斯达黎加,有些人已经等待了长达 9 年的医疗预约,或者在等待时死亡。在一个只有 100万人口的国家,已经报告了 480万多例病例。简要介绍政治家,唯一能做些什么来改变这种情况的人,他们已经忽视了很长时间。这就是为什么我们必须向他们和整个国家表明这一点,以便要求解决办法。目的面对政治家这个问题,以要求改变以减少长时间等待医疗预约。 相关性 通过一次行动,我们设法重振了一个问题,并迫使唯一能够真正改变我们国家的人 -- 政治家 -- 做出了回答。我们为以前只有公共卫生机构知道的问题提供了证据。这一证据促使当地媒体和民众施加变革压力,这使得国会无法忽视。 活动描述 痛苦日历的创建是为了首次公开等待的病人的医疗档案。 执行 我们通过社会运动的粉丝页面收集文件。我们制作了痛苦日历,并制作了 500 份。 1月16日,政治家的第一个工作日,我们在国会交付了 57 份副本。 1月17日,我们向所有媒体发送了副本。 18 日、 19 日和 1月20日,痛苦的日历引发了该国主要媒体的对话。总统候选人在竞选中谈到了这个问题。仅在一个月后的 2月27日,该实体发表讲话,宣布雇用 283 名专家来减少等候名单。从年度就业百分比增加 600%。 4月第1,该实体宣布将 8.5% 的医疗预算投资于设备和基础设施。此外,该国的 5 家医院将启动一项紧急计划,进行 22,000 例等待手术。 战略 首先,我们通过我们的 Facebook 页面创建了一条直接的沟通渠道,允许人们与我们分享他们在公共卫生机构等候名单中的病例。这表明患者并不是唯一患有这个问题的人,它通过社交网络暴露了这个主题。我们建立了一个公关策略,在这个策略中我们创建了不同的压力点。我们直接向主要媒体、记者和公众人物发送日历,并迫使公共卫生机构为仍在等待名单上的人寻找解决方案。这就是我们如何到达我们真正想要的,哥斯达黎加政治家。


    案例简介:Outcome -More than a thousand people joined our cause by telling their stories on our Facebook profile or web page.-The public entity that provides the health service decided to invest 8.5% from their current budget to renovate buildings and medical equipment.-The same entity will hire 283 medical specialists in 2017, which means an increase of 600% from last year.-$ 730,000 in PR value was generated without any investment from the movement and helped inform people about the issue.- Presidential candidates even addressed the issue as part of their campaign promises for next year’s election- The entity announced that 22 000 pending surgeries will be performed this year Synopsis SituationIn Costa Rica, there are people who have waited as long as 9 years for medical appointments, or have died while waiting. More that one million cases have been reported in a country with a population of only 4.8 million. Brief Politicians, the only people who can do something to change this situation, and who have been ignoring it for a long time. That’s why we have to make it evident to them, and to the entire country, in order to demand a solution. ObjectivesFace politicians with this problem in order to demand a change to reduce the long waits for medical appointments. Relevancy With a single action we managed to revive an issue and force an answer from the only people than can really make a change in our country, the politicians. We provided evidence for a problem that was previously only known to the public health institution. This evidence motivated the local media and population to apply pressure for change, which made it impossible for congress to ignore. CampaignDescription The Calendar of Pain was created to make public, for the first time, the medical files of patients left waiting. Execution We gathered the files by means of the fan page of the social movement Salud sin Filas.We created the Calendar of Pain and made 500 copies.On January 16, the first working day for politicians, we delivered 57 copies in congress.On January 17, we sent copies to all the media.The 18th, 19th and 20th of January, the Calendar of Pain sparked conversation on the country’s main media.Candidates for presidency addressed the subject in their campaigns.On February 27, only a month later, the entity spoke announcing the employment of 283 specialists to diminish waiting lists. An increase of 600% from the annual employment percentage.On the 1st of April, the entity announced it will invest 8.5% of its healthcare budget on equipment and infrastructure.Also 5 hospitals in the country will start an emergency plan to perform 22,000 surgeries that had been waitlisted until now. Strategy First we created a direct line of communication through our Facebook page that allowed people to share with us their cases from the waiting list of the public health institution. This showed patients that they weren’t the only ones to suffer from this problem, and it exposed the subject through the social network.We established a PR strategy in which we created different pressure points. We delivered the calendar directly to the main media, journalists, and public figures and also force the public health institution to look for a solution for the people who were still on the waiting list. And that’s how we reached the ones we really wanted to, the Costa Rican politicians.

    Calendar of Pain

    案例简介:结果 -超过一千人通过在我们的 Facebook 个人资料或网页上讲述他们的故事加入了我们的事业。 -提供医疗服务的公共实体决定从目前预算中投资 8.5% 来翻新建筑和医疗设备。 -同一实体将在 2017年雇佣 283 名医疗专家,这意味着比去年增加 600%。 -730,000 美元的公关价值是在没有任何运动投资的情况下产生的,并帮助人们了解这个问题。 -总统候选人甚至解决了这个问题,作为他们明年选举竞选承诺的一部分年 概要 在哥斯达黎加,有些人已经等待了长达 9 年的医疗预约,或者在等待时死亡。在一个只有 100万人口的国家,已经报告了 480万多例病例。简要介绍政治家,唯一能做些什么来改变这种情况的人,他们已经忽视了很长时间。这就是为什么我们必须向他们和整个国家表明这一点,以便要求解决办法。目的面对政治家这个问题,以要求改变以减少长时间等待医疗预约。 相关性 通过一次行动,我们设法重振了一个问题,并迫使唯一能够真正改变我们国家的人 -- 政治家 -- 做出了回答。我们为以前只有公共卫生机构知道的问题提供了证据。这一证据促使当地媒体和民众施加变革压力,这使得国会无法忽视。 活动描述 痛苦日历的创建是为了首次公开等待的病人的医疗档案。 执行 我们通过社会运动的粉丝页面收集文件。我们制作了痛苦日历,并制作了 500 份。 1月16日,政治家的第一个工作日,我们在国会交付了 57 份副本。 1月17日,我们向所有媒体发送了副本。 18 日、 19 日和 1月20日,痛苦的日历引发了该国主要媒体的对话。总统候选人在竞选中谈到了这个问题。仅在一个月后的 2月27日,该实体发表讲话,宣布雇用 283 名专家来减少等候名单。从年度就业百分比增加 600%。 4月第1,该实体宣布将 8.5% 的医疗预算投资于设备和基础设施。此外,该国的 5 家医院将启动一项紧急计划,进行 22,000 例等待手术。 战略 首先,我们通过我们的 Facebook 页面创建了一条直接的沟通渠道,允许人们与我们分享他们在公共卫生机构等候名单中的病例。这表明患者并不是唯一患有这个问题的人,它通过社交网络暴露了这个主题。我们建立了一个公关策略,在这个策略中我们创建了不同的压力点。我们直接向主要媒体、记者和公众人物发送日历,并迫使公共卫生机构为仍在等待名单上的人寻找解决方案。这就是我们如何到达我们真正想要的,哥斯达黎加政治家。

    Calendar of Pain

    案例简介:Outcome -More than a thousand people joined our cause by telling their stories on our Facebook profile or web page.-The public entity that provides the health service decided to invest 8.5% from their current budget to renovate buildings and medical equipment.-The same entity will hire 283 medical specialists in 2017, which means an increase of 600% from last year.-$ 730,000 in PR value was generated without any investment from the movement and helped inform people about the issue.- Presidential candidates even addressed the issue as part of their campaign promises for next year’s election- The entity announced that 22 000 pending surgeries will be performed this year Synopsis SituationIn Costa Rica, there are people who have waited as long as 9 years for medical appointments, or have died while waiting. More that one million cases have been reported in a country with a population of only 4.8 million. Brief Politicians, the only people who can do something to change this situation, and who have been ignoring it for a long time. That’s why we have to make it evident to them, and to the entire country, in order to demand a solution. ObjectivesFace politicians with this problem in order to demand a change to reduce the long waits for medical appointments. Relevancy With a single action we managed to revive an issue and force an answer from the only people than can really make a change in our country, the politicians. We provided evidence for a problem that was previously only known to the public health institution. This evidence motivated the local media and population to apply pressure for change, which made it impossible for congress to ignore. CampaignDescription The Calendar of Pain was created to make public, for the first time, the medical files of patients left waiting. Execution We gathered the files by means of the fan page of the social movement Salud sin Filas.We created the Calendar of Pain and made 500 copies.On January 16, the first working day for politicians, we delivered 57 copies in congress.On January 17, we sent copies to all the media.The 18th, 19th and 20th of January, the Calendar of Pain sparked conversation on the country’s main media.Candidates for presidency addressed the subject in their campaigns.On February 27, only a month later, the entity spoke announcing the employment of 283 specialists to diminish waiting lists. An increase of 600% from the annual employment percentage.On the 1st of April, the entity announced it will invest 8.5% of its healthcare budget on equipment and infrastructure.Also 5 hospitals in the country will start an emergency plan to perform 22,000 surgeries that had been waitlisted until now. Strategy First we created a direct line of communication through our Facebook page that allowed people to share with us their cases from the waiting list of the public health institution. This showed patients that they weren’t the only ones to suffer from this problem, and it exposed the subject through the social network.We established a PR strategy in which we created different pressure points. We delivered the calendar directly to the main media, journalists, and public figures and also force the public health institution to look for a solution for the people who were still on the waiting list. And that’s how we reached the ones we really wanted to, the Costa Rican politicians.



    Calendar of Pain










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