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    案例简介:Lowe SSP3 哥伦比亚发射行动伯利恒对多奖项获奖的 “光之河” 的后续行动 光之轴引导恐怖分子走出丛林 桑托斯总统将于 12月17日 12 月 12 日点燃的最后一盏明灯 2012:-Lowe 和合作伙伴的哥伦比亚机构 Lowe SSP3, 宣布了非常成功的 “圣诞节行动” 和 “光之河” 活动的后续活动,它赢得了戛纳钛狮子和 IPA 效力大奖赛,并在 2012年获得了唯一的 D & AD 黑色铅笔奖。 “伯利恒行动” 继续这项旨在鼓励哥伦比亚革命武装力量游击队复员的工作,这是哥伦比亚长期内战的核心大约 60 多年。圣诞节期间精心设定目标的复员信息在过去的运动中被证明是成功的,今年的 “伯利恒行动” 运动更加深刻,因为哥伦比亚目前正在古巴进行和平谈判。使用军事情报报告,Lowe SSP3 发现游击队指挥所在哥伦比亚各地重新定位,以防止开小差。伯利恒行动的主要目标是给哥伦比亚革命武装力量游击队指明方向,让他们在圣诞节走向自由和家人。团队与军队一起旅行和海军保护,位于哥伦比亚革命武装力量营地附近的关键城镇。在一场使用电视、广告牌和灯光的运动中,由 Lowe 和 Partners 首席创意官何塞 · 米格尔 · 索科洛夫领导的该机构在主要城市广场放置了强大的灯塔。他们目前每天晚上都在照亮天空,当他们晚上逃离营地时,给复员的游击队一个方向。为了确保哥伦比亚革命武装力量成员知道光之轴,该机构将以下活动纳入组合。军队在丛林中沿着关键的游击队路线徒步和直升机上扔下了 10,000 多盏 led灯,旨在引导游击队在夜间逃跑。该机构在黑暗的贴纸上创造了光芒,军队徒步展示了这些贴纸,沿着战略路径的树木。 lowe SSP3 与军事情报机构合作,确定了为游击队运送物资的车辆经过的路径,并将黑暗贴纸中的发光装置贴在上面。考虑到河流是丛林的高速公路,他们还在黑暗的广告牌上安装了发光装置,上面写着以下信息: “游击队,“跟随光明” 军事情报还显示,在圣诞节期间,一些游击队与家人交流。这就是为什么我们制作了广播节目,邀请这些家庭在圣诞节跟随灯光告诉他们的游击队亲属复员。这场运动的行动/终点是: “游击队,这个圣诞节跟随光明,它将引导你找到你的家人和自由。复员。圣诞节一切皆有可能 ”。


    案例简介:Lowe SSP3 Colombia Launches‘Operation Bethlehem’Follow-up to multi award winning ‘Rivers of Light’ Shafts of Light Guide terrorists out of the jungle Final beacon to be lit by President Santos on December 17thDecember 12th 2012:- Lowe and Partners’ Colombian agency, Lowe SSP3, has announced the follow up campaign to the phenomenally successful ‘Operation Christmas’ and ‘Rivers of Light’ campaigns, which won a Cannes Titanium Lion an IPA Effectiveness Grand Prix and the only D&AD Black Pencil awarded in 2012.‘Operation Bethlehem’ continues this body of work that is designed to encourage the demobilization of the FARC Guerrilla army, central to Colombia’s long running civil conflict of some 60+ years.Carefully targeted demobilization messages in the Christmas period have proven successful in past campaigns and this year’s ‘Operation Bethlehem’ campaign is all the more poignant as Colombia is currently in peace talks in Cuba.Using military intelligence reports, Lowe SSP3 found that the guerrilla command posts had been repositioned throughout different areas of Colombia, in an attempt to prevent desertion.Operation Bethlehem’s key objective is to give the FARC guerrillas a guiding light that leads their way to freedom and to their families at Christmas.The team travelled with army and navy protection, to key towns located close to FARC camps.In a campaign that uses TV, Billboards and light, the agency, led by Lowe and Partners Chief Creative Officer, Jose Miguel Sokoloff, placed powerful beacon lights in key town plazas. They are currently illuminating the sky every night, giving the demobilizing guerrillas a direction to go to when they escape from their camps at night.To ensure the FARC members are aware of the shafts of light, the agency incorporated the following activity into the mix.Over 10,000 LED lights were dropped by the Army on foot and from helicopters, along key Guerrillas routes in the jungle, designed to guide the guerrillas during their escapes at night.The agency created glow in the dark stickers, which the army laid out, on foot, on trees along strategic pathways.Working in conjunction with Military Intelligence, Lowe SSP3 identified pathways where vehicles carrying supplies for the guerrilla pass and attached the glow in the dark stickers to them.Taking into consideration that the rivers are the jungle’s highways, they also installed glow in the dark billboards carrying the following message: “Guerrilla, Follow the Light”Military intelligence also showed that during Christmas period, some guerrillas communicate with their families. That’s why we produced radio broadcasts inviting the families to tell their guerrilla relatives to demobilize by following the lights in Christmas time.The call to action/end line for the campaign is:-“Guerrilla, this Christmas follow the light, it will guide you to find your family and freedom. Demobilize. At Christmas everything is possible”.

    Operation Bethlehem

    案例简介:Lowe SSP3 哥伦比亚发射行动伯利恒对多奖项获奖的 “光之河” 的后续行动 光之轴引导恐怖分子走出丛林 桑托斯总统将于 12月17日 12 月 12 日点燃的最后一盏明灯 2012:-Lowe 和合作伙伴的哥伦比亚机构 Lowe SSP3, 宣布了非常成功的 “圣诞节行动” 和 “光之河” 活动的后续活动,它赢得了戛纳钛狮子和 IPA 效力大奖赛,并在 2012年获得了唯一的 D & AD 黑色铅笔奖。 “伯利恒行动” 继续这项旨在鼓励哥伦比亚革命武装力量游击队复员的工作,这是哥伦比亚长期内战的核心大约 60 多年。圣诞节期间精心设定目标的复员信息在过去的运动中被证明是成功的,今年的 “伯利恒行动” 运动更加深刻,因为哥伦比亚目前正在古巴进行和平谈判。使用军事情报报告,Lowe SSP3 发现游击队指挥所在哥伦比亚各地重新定位,以防止开小差。伯利恒行动的主要目标是给哥伦比亚革命武装力量游击队指明方向,让他们在圣诞节走向自由和家人。团队与军队一起旅行和海军保护,位于哥伦比亚革命武装力量营地附近的关键城镇。在一场使用电视、广告牌和灯光的运动中,由 Lowe 和 Partners 首席创意官何塞 · 米格尔 · 索科洛夫领导的该机构在主要城市广场放置了强大的灯塔。他们目前每天晚上都在照亮天空,当他们晚上逃离营地时,给复员的游击队一个方向。为了确保哥伦比亚革命武装力量成员知道光之轴,该机构将以下活动纳入组合。军队在丛林中沿着关键的游击队路线徒步和直升机上扔下了 10,000 多盏 led灯,旨在引导游击队在夜间逃跑。该机构在黑暗的贴纸上创造了光芒,军队徒步展示了这些贴纸,沿着战略路径的树木。 lowe SSP3 与军事情报机构合作,确定了为游击队运送物资的车辆经过的路径,并将黑暗贴纸中的发光装置贴在上面。考虑到河流是丛林的高速公路,他们还在黑暗的广告牌上安装了发光装置,上面写着以下信息: “游击队,“跟随光明” 军事情报还显示,在圣诞节期间,一些游击队与家人交流。这就是为什么我们制作了广播节目,邀请这些家庭在圣诞节跟随灯光告诉他们的游击队亲属复员。这场运动的行动/终点是: “游击队,这个圣诞节跟随光明,它将引导你找到你的家人和自由。复员。圣诞节一切皆有可能 ”。

    Operation Bethlehem

    案例简介:Lowe SSP3 Colombia Launches‘Operation Bethlehem’Follow-up to multi award winning ‘Rivers of Light’ Shafts of Light Guide terrorists out of the jungle Final beacon to be lit by President Santos on December 17thDecember 12th 2012:- Lowe and Partners’ Colombian agency, Lowe SSP3, has announced the follow up campaign to the phenomenally successful ‘Operation Christmas’ and ‘Rivers of Light’ campaigns, which won a Cannes Titanium Lion an IPA Effectiveness Grand Prix and the only D&AD Black Pencil awarded in 2012.‘Operation Bethlehem’ continues this body of work that is designed to encourage the demobilization of the FARC Guerrilla army, central to Colombia’s long running civil conflict of some 60+ years.Carefully targeted demobilization messages in the Christmas period have proven successful in past campaigns and this year’s ‘Operation Bethlehem’ campaign is all the more poignant as Colombia is currently in peace talks in Cuba.Using military intelligence reports, Lowe SSP3 found that the guerrilla command posts had been repositioned throughout different areas of Colombia, in an attempt to prevent desertion.Operation Bethlehem’s key objective is to give the FARC guerrillas a guiding light that leads their way to freedom and to their families at Christmas.The team travelled with army and navy protection, to key towns located close to FARC camps.In a campaign that uses TV, Billboards and light, the agency, led by Lowe and Partners Chief Creative Officer, Jose Miguel Sokoloff, placed powerful beacon lights in key town plazas. They are currently illuminating the sky every night, giving the demobilizing guerrillas a direction to go to when they escape from their camps at night.To ensure the FARC members are aware of the shafts of light, the agency incorporated the following activity into the mix.Over 10,000 LED lights were dropped by the Army on foot and from helicopters, along key Guerrillas routes in the jungle, designed to guide the guerrillas during their escapes at night.The agency created glow in the dark stickers, which the army laid out, on foot, on trees along strategic pathways.Working in conjunction with Military Intelligence, Lowe SSP3 identified pathways where vehicles carrying supplies for the guerrilla pass and attached the glow in the dark stickers to them.Taking into consideration that the rivers are the jungle’s highways, they also installed glow in the dark billboards carrying the following message: “Guerrilla, Follow the Light”Military intelligence also showed that during Christmas period, some guerrillas communicate with their families. That’s why we produced radio broadcasts inviting the families to tell their guerrilla relatives to demobilize by following the lights in Christmas time.The call to action/end line for the campaign is:-“Guerrilla, this Christmas follow the light, it will guide you to find your family and freedom. Demobilize. At Christmas everything is possible”.



    Operation Bethlehem








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