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    World Chess Championship 2018海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 1997年,世界象棋大师加里·卡斯帕罗夫 (Garry Kasparov) 被计算机击败-IBM的深蓝色。国际象棋失去了英雄,壮观和大多数观众。 2018世界象棋锦标赛品牌简介有三个主要目标: -使国际象棋再次具有吸引力和现代感; -增加媒体报道,按次付费广播销售和商品销售; -使所有媒体和数字平台连接一致。 我们进行了设计,其中反映了人类回到游戏中心的情况,因此从无聊到酷的根本转变。效果是病毒的。 描述创意 (投票40%) 世界象棋锦标赛的徽标和品牌,从历史上看是带有赛事名称或其地点隐喻的棋子。没有人把国际象棋锦标赛作为一种视觉体验,我们决定让它成为设计最好的体育赛事,同时也代表国际象棋的人性一面 -- 它是关于一对一的交流、互动、相互接近的。国际象棋是一种非常亲密和社交的事情。结果-一个非常挑衅的标志和视觉信封。两个人坐在棋盘上,身心交错。对于国际象棋比赛来说,冒险和挑衅的设计是如此不同寻常,以至于它成为历史上最受关注的国际象棋设计。 描述执行 (投票40%) 品牌全媒体,数字平台也是如此。位于伦敦市中心的Holborn令人惊讶的学院的外部和内部都装饰有关键的视觉图案。这些图案还应用于演员的服装,这些演员在维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的开幕式上表演,将图形与艺术联系起来。有趣的插图和在线广播平台的设计 (包括玩家的肖像,聊天,时间表和结果表) 使观看困难的游戏变得容易。 2017年11月 释放关键视觉效果。 3月2018日 在柏林世界国际象棋大奖赛系列赛中首次重塑商业用途。广播平台开通。商品的在线预售。 2018年8月 伦敦霍尔本学院的场地品牌开始。 2018年11月8日 世界国际象棋锦标赛开幕式 9-2018年11月28日 世界象棋锦标赛2018 列出结果 (投票20%) 在 “Pawnagraphic” 运动之后,2018年世界国际象棋锦标赛成为1972年最受关注的国际象棋赛事,覆盖了1,9亿联系人 (Metrica),21000篇文章和超过100万的在线流量。所有主要媒体都对此进行了报道,包括《金融时报》的头版头条新闻。媒体称其为年度最重要的体育赛事之一。 得益于由此产生的报道,该活动的按次付费广播销量增加了251%。商品销售额增长了140%。 这项运动已经冒险走出了舒适区,这一信息被媒体放大了,媒体喜欢世界上最保守的运动使用挑衅性视觉语言的想法。 在国际象棋中,消费者也是国际象棋棋手,该活动使他们能够与最终被认为很酷的东西联系在一起。


    案例简介:Background In 1997 world chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov was defeated by a computer — IBM’s Deep Blue. Chess lost its heroes, spectacularity and most of the audience. The brief for 2018 World Chess Championship branding had three main objectives: - to make chess attractive and contemporary again; - to increase media coverage, Pay-Per-View broadcast sales and merchandise sales; - to make all media and digital platform connected and consistent. We made the design, in which the returning of human to the center of the game reflected, so as the radical shift from boring to cool. And the effect was viral. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Logos and branding for the World Chess Championships, historically were chess pieces with the name of the event or its place metaphor. No one has approached chess championships as a visual experience, and we have decided to make it the best-designed sporting event, but also to represent the human side of chess — that it’s about one-on-one communication, interaction, being close to each other. Chess is a very intimate and social affair. The result — a very provocative logo and visual envelope. Two people sitting across the chess board in a close body and mind interlaced position. The risky and provocative design was so unusual for a chess event that it became the most talked-about chess design in history. Describe the execution (40% of vote) Branded was all media, so as the digital platform. The exterior and interior of the astonishing The College in Holborn at the center of London was decorated with key visual patterns. The patterns were also applied to the costumes of actors, who performed during the opening ceremony at the Victoria and Albert Museum, which connected the graphics to art. Playful illustrations and design of the online broadcasting platform (including the portraits of players, the chat, the schedule, and the results tables) made watching the difficult game easy. November 2017 Release of key visuals. March 2018 First rebranding commercial use during World Chess Grand Prix Series in Berlin. Broadcasting platform is opened. Online presale of merchandise. August 2018 Start of venue branding at London’s The College in Holborn. 8 November 2018 World Chess Championship opening ceremony 9 – 28 November 2018 World Chess Championship 2018 List the results (20% of vote) Following the “Pawnagraphic” campaign, the 2018 World Chess Championship became the most covered chess event since 1972, with the reach of 1,9 bln contacts (Metrica), 21000 articles and over 100 mln in online traffic. It was covered by all major media outlets, including an above the fold front page feature by the Financial Times. Media called it one of the most important sporting events of the year. Thanks to the resulting coverage, the event increased its Pay-Per-View broadcast sales by 251%. Merchandise sales increased by 140%. The sport has taken the risk by going outside its comfort zone, the message was amplified by the media, which loved the idea that the most conservative sport in the world used a provocative visual language. In chess, the consumer is also a chess player, and the campaign allowed them to be associated with something that finally was considered cool.

    World Chess Championship 2018

    案例简介:背景 1997年,世界象棋大师加里·卡斯帕罗夫 (Garry Kasparov) 被计算机击败-IBM的深蓝色。国际象棋失去了英雄,壮观和大多数观众。 2018世界象棋锦标赛品牌简介有三个主要目标: -使国际象棋再次具有吸引力和现代感; -增加媒体报道,按次付费广播销售和商品销售; -使所有媒体和数字平台连接一致。 我们进行了设计,其中反映了人类回到游戏中心的情况,因此从无聊到酷的根本转变。效果是病毒的。 描述创意 (投票40%) 世界象棋锦标赛的徽标和品牌,从历史上看是带有赛事名称或其地点隐喻的棋子。没有人把国际象棋锦标赛作为一种视觉体验,我们决定让它成为设计最好的体育赛事,同时也代表国际象棋的人性一面 -- 它是关于一对一的交流、互动、相互接近的。国际象棋是一种非常亲密和社交的事情。结果-一个非常挑衅的标志和视觉信封。两个人坐在棋盘上,身心交错。对于国际象棋比赛来说,冒险和挑衅的设计是如此不同寻常,以至于它成为历史上最受关注的国际象棋设计。 描述执行 (投票40%) 品牌全媒体,数字平台也是如此。位于伦敦市中心的Holborn令人惊讶的学院的外部和内部都装饰有关键的视觉图案。这些图案还应用于演员的服装,这些演员在维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的开幕式上表演,将图形与艺术联系起来。有趣的插图和在线广播平台的设计 (包括玩家的肖像,聊天,时间表和结果表) 使观看困难的游戏变得容易。 2017年11月 释放关键视觉效果。 3月2018日 在柏林世界国际象棋大奖赛系列赛中首次重塑商业用途。广播平台开通。商品的在线预售。 2018年8月 伦敦霍尔本学院的场地品牌开始。 2018年11月8日 世界国际象棋锦标赛开幕式 9-2018年11月28日 世界象棋锦标赛2018 列出结果 (投票20%) 在 “Pawnagraphic” 运动之后,2018年世界国际象棋锦标赛成为1972年最受关注的国际象棋赛事,覆盖了1,9亿联系人 (Metrica),21000篇文章和超过100万的在线流量。所有主要媒体都对此进行了报道,包括《金融时报》的头版头条新闻。媒体称其为年度最重要的体育赛事之一。 得益于由此产生的报道,该活动的按次付费广播销量增加了251%。商品销售额增长了140%。 这项运动已经冒险走出了舒适区,这一信息被媒体放大了,媒体喜欢世界上最保守的运动使用挑衅性视觉语言的想法。 在国际象棋中,消费者也是国际象棋棋手,该活动使他们能够与最终被认为很酷的东西联系在一起。

    World Chess Championship 2018

    案例简介:Background In 1997 world chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov was defeated by a computer — IBM’s Deep Blue. Chess lost its heroes, spectacularity and most of the audience. The brief for 2018 World Chess Championship branding had three main objectives: - to make chess attractive and contemporary again; - to increase media coverage, Pay-Per-View broadcast sales and merchandise sales; - to make all media and digital platform connected and consistent. We made the design, in which the returning of human to the center of the game reflected, so as the radical shift from boring to cool. And the effect was viral. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Logos and branding for the World Chess Championships, historically were chess pieces with the name of the event or its place metaphor. No one has approached chess championships as a visual experience, and we have decided to make it the best-designed sporting event, but also to represent the human side of chess — that it’s about one-on-one communication, interaction, being close to each other. Chess is a very intimate and social affair. The result — a very provocative logo and visual envelope. Two people sitting across the chess board in a close body and mind interlaced position. The risky and provocative design was so unusual for a chess event that it became the most talked-about chess design in history. Describe the execution (40% of vote) Branded was all media, so as the digital platform. The exterior and interior of the astonishing The College in Holborn at the center of London was decorated with key visual patterns. The patterns were also applied to the costumes of actors, who performed during the opening ceremony at the Victoria and Albert Museum, which connected the graphics to art. Playful illustrations and design of the online broadcasting platform (including the portraits of players, the chat, the schedule, and the results tables) made watching the difficult game easy. November 2017 Release of key visuals. March 2018 First rebranding commercial use during World Chess Grand Prix Series in Berlin. Broadcasting platform is opened. Online presale of merchandise. August 2018 Start of venue branding at London’s The College in Holborn. 8 November 2018 World Chess Championship opening ceremony 9 – 28 November 2018 World Chess Championship 2018 List the results (20% of vote) Following the “Pawnagraphic” campaign, the 2018 World Chess Championship became the most covered chess event since 1972, with the reach of 1,9 bln contacts (Metrica), 21000 articles and over 100 mln in online traffic. It was covered by all major media outlets, including an above the fold front page feature by the Financial Times. Media called it one of the most important sporting events of the year. Thanks to the resulting coverage, the event increased its Pay-Per-View broadcast sales by 251%. Merchandise sales increased by 140%. The sport has taken the risk by going outside its comfort zone, the message was amplified by the media, which loved the idea that the most conservative sport in the world used a provocative visual language. In chess, the consumer is also a chess player, and the campaign allowed them to be associated with something that finally was considered cool.



    World Chess Championship 2018










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