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    Harry Caray's Last Call短视频广告营销案例



    哈里 · 卡雷最后一通电话

    案例简介:概要 今天,品牌比以往任何时候都需要以文化的速度前进,以保持相关性。但不是每个品牌都应该融入每个热门话题。挑战是找到一个对那个品牌、那个观众和那个时刻都是真实的。找到完美的时刻并不容易,但在 2016年10月,百威做到了。芝加哥小熊队的球迷已经等了一个多世纪的世界大赛冠军。作为美国职业棒球大联盟的长期赞助商,百威一直陪伴着他们前进的每一步。当小熊队在世界系列赛中获得一席之地时,离第一场比赛只有五天了。所以我们很快就开始创造一个发自内心和真实的内容来庆祝 108 年的胜利。 活动描述 我们的目标是在真实和发自内心的层面上与小熊队球迷产生共鸣 -- 我们的方式是通过他们对哈里 · 卡雷的爱。作为一名受人喜爱的芝加哥体育节目主持人,卡莱代表了几代从未见过小熊锦标赛的球迷。他也被称为小范,芽人。因为卡雷自己从来没有看到他的球队赢得世界系列赛,所以他称之为历史性的比赛是合适的。这个想法是将多年的音频片段拼接在一起,让他最终出局。但是我们也需要真正的情感来让这一刻的巨大变得栩栩如生。父亲和儿子,兄弟姐妹,祖父和孙子 -- 这些人将展示真正的情感。我们的计划是将这些视觉效果与 Caray 的档案音频结合起来。 结果 第二天,当人们谈论小熊时,他们谈论百威啤酒。百威成为历史上第一个同时在 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 YouTube 上发布最吸引人帖子的品牌。该视频在脸谱网和 YouTube 上流行,浏览量超过 3100万次。它在 Facebook 上被分享了 242,000 次,在 Twitter 上被转发了 17,000 次。该视频击败了所有 A-BI 的数字内容基准,包括 “最投入” 、 “高绩效” 和 “观点”。 “百威啤酒在谷歌/YouTube 搜索中看到了 487% 的提升,这些用户看到了推广的创意。视频 10% 的完成率比基准高出 5 倍,15.8% 的观看率比基准高出 8 倍。凭借 98% 的积极情绪,该视频获得了 625 的媒体投放和 3.25亿的媒体印象。在世界大赛之后的几个月里,百威在芝加哥的市场份额有所增长。 战略 百威的目标是成为棒球的同义词,并在情感层面上与我们的目标受众 -- 千禧一代棒球粉丝 -- 产生共鸣。为了实现这一目标,百威必须了解在哪里吸引我们的消费者,如何构建真正适合这些平台的内容,以及如何吸引我们的观众。我们关注数字频道 -- Facebook 、 Twitter 和 YouTube -- 因为它们允许我们大规模实现目标。一旦小熊队获胜,消费者自然也会转向这些平台。为了突破毫无疑问会是拥挤的对话,这段视频不能成为典型的: 30 秒啤酒广告。它必须及时,吸引注意力,吸引观众观看,并捕捉到当下的真实情感和规模。因此,当历史性的胜利最终发生时,百威啤酒不仅会加入对话,而且会成为对话的中心。 执行 从概念到最终输出,我们在 13 天内创建了视频。我们与哈里 · 卡雷的庄园和芝加哥当地的新闻媒体 WGN 合作,从他 16 年的游戏中收集音频片段。同时,我们在芝加哥的地面上招募了一队队员,跟随球迷走过世界大赛的所有高潮和低谷。我们知道人们会在小熊队获胜的时候使用社交媒体。为了成为对话的一部分,并保持与当下的关系,我们必须迅速行动。所以当这座城市庆祝的时候,我们一起工作了一夜,拼接了多年的音频,让哈里 · 卡雷最终赢得了小熊世界系列赛。第二天早上上午8点,我们的视频在 Facebook 、 YouTube 和推特上直播。

    哈里 · 卡雷最后一通电话

    案例简介:Synopsis Today more than ever, brands need to move at the speed of culture to stay relevant. But not every brand should insert itself into every trending topic. The challenge is finding one that is authentic to that brand, that audience, and that moment. It’s not easy to find the perfect moment, but in October 2016, Budweiser did. Chicago Cubs fans had been waiting more than a century for a World Series championship. As a long-standing sponsor of Major League Baseball, Budweiser had been with them every step of the way. By the time the Cubs clinched their spot in the World Series, there were only five days until the first pitch. So we quickly set out to create a heartfelt and authentic piece of content celebrating a win 108 years in the making. CampaignDescription Our goal was to resonate with Cubs fans on an authentic and heartfelt level — and our way in was through their love for Harry Caray. A beloved Chicago sportscaster for over 16 years, Caray represented the generations of fans that had never seen a Cubs championship. He was also known as the Cub Fan, Bud Man. Because Caray himself never got to see his team win a World Series, it was only fitting that he call the historic game. The idea was to stitch together years of audio clips allowing him to call the final out. But we also needed real emotion to bring the enormity of this moment to life. Fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, grandfathers and grandkids — these were the people who would showcase true emotion. And our plan was to marry these visuals with Caray’s archival audio. Outcome The next day, when people talked about the Cubs, they talked about Budweiser. Budweiser became the first brand in history to simultaneously have the most engaging posts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The video trended across Facebook and YouTube, racking up over 31 million views. It was shared 242,000 times on Facebook and Retweeted over 17,000 times on Twitter. The video beat out every A-BI benchmark for digital content, including “Most Engaged With,” “High Performer,” and “Views.” Budweiser saw a 487% lift in Google/YouTube searches among users who saw the promoted creative. The video’s 10% completion rate was 5x higher than the benchmark and its 15.8% view-through rate was 8x longer than the benchmark. With 98% positive sentiment, the video garnered 625 media placements and 325 million earned media impressions. In the months following the World Series, Budweiser grew market share in Chicago. Strategy Budweiser’s goal was to become synonymous with baseball and resonate with our target audience — millennial baseball fans — on an emotional level. To achieve this, Budweiser had to understand where to engage our consumers, how to build content true to these platforms, and how to appeal to our audience. We homed in on digital channels — Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — as they allowed us to reach our target at scale. These platforms are also where consumers would naturally turn to once the Cubs won. To break through what would undoubtedly be a crowded conversation, the video couldn’t be a typical :30 second beer ad. It had to be timely, grab attention, entice viewers to watch, and capture the true emotion and magnitude of the moment. So when the historic win finally happened, Budweiser wouldn’t just join the conversation, it would be at the center of it. Execution From concept to final output, we created the video in 13 days. We worked with Harry Caray’s estate and local Chicago news outlet WGN to gather audio clips from his 16 years calling games. Simultaneously, we enlisted a crew on the ground in Chicago to follow fans through all of the highs and lows of the World Series. We knew people would take to social media the moment the Cubs won. In order to be a part of the conversation and remain relevant to the moment, we had to act fast. So as the city celebrated, we worked through the night stitching together years of audio letting Harry Caray finally call a Cubs World Series win. And by 8am the next morning, our video was live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

    Harry Caray's Last Call

    案例简介:概要 今天,品牌比以往任何时候都需要以文化的速度前进,以保持相关性。但不是每个品牌都应该融入每个热门话题。挑战是找到一个对那个品牌、那个观众和那个时刻都是真实的。找到完美的时刻并不容易,但在 2016年10月,百威做到了。芝加哥小熊队的球迷已经等了一个多世纪的世界大赛冠军。作为美国职业棒球大联盟的长期赞助商,百威一直陪伴着他们前进的每一步。当小熊队在世界系列赛中获得一席之地时,离第一场比赛只有五天了。所以我们很快就开始创造一个发自内心和真实的内容来庆祝 108 年的胜利。 活动描述 我们的目标是在真实和发自内心的层面上与小熊队球迷产生共鸣 -- 我们的方式是通过他们对哈里 · 卡雷的爱。作为一名受人喜爱的芝加哥体育节目主持人,卡莱代表了几代从未见过小熊锦标赛的球迷。他也被称为小范,芽人。因为卡雷自己从来没有看到他的球队赢得世界系列赛,所以他称之为历史性的比赛是合适的。这个想法是将多年的音频片段拼接在一起,让他最终出局。但是我们也需要真正的情感来让这一刻的巨大变得栩栩如生。父亲和儿子,兄弟姐妹,祖父和孙子 -- 这些人将展示真正的情感。我们的计划是将这些视觉效果与 Caray 的档案音频结合起来。 结果 第二天,当人们谈论小熊时,他们谈论百威啤酒。百威成为历史上第一个同时在 Facebook 、 Twitter 和 YouTube 上发布最吸引人帖子的品牌。该视频在脸谱网和 YouTube 上流行,浏览量超过 3100万次。它在 Facebook 上被分享了 242,000 次,在 Twitter 上被转发了 17,000 次。该视频击败了所有 A-BI 的数字内容基准,包括 “最投入” 、 “高绩效” 和 “观点”。 “百威啤酒在谷歌/YouTube 搜索中看到了 487% 的提升,这些用户看到了推广的创意。视频 10% 的完成率比基准高出 5 倍,15.8% 的观看率比基准高出 8 倍。凭借 98% 的积极情绪,该视频获得了 625 的媒体投放和 3.25亿的媒体印象。在世界大赛之后的几个月里,百威在芝加哥的市场份额有所增长。 战略 百威的目标是成为棒球的同义词,并在情感层面上与我们的目标受众 -- 千禧一代棒球粉丝 -- 产生共鸣。为了实现这一目标,百威必须了解在哪里吸引我们的消费者,如何构建真正适合这些平台的内容,以及如何吸引我们的观众。我们关注数字频道 -- Facebook 、 Twitter 和 YouTube -- 因为它们允许我们大规模实现目标。一旦小熊队获胜,消费者自然也会转向这些平台。为了突破毫无疑问会是拥挤的对话,这段视频不能成为典型的: 30 秒啤酒广告。它必须及时,吸引注意力,吸引观众观看,并捕捉到当下的真实情感和规模。因此,当历史性的胜利最终发生时,百威啤酒不仅会加入对话,而且会成为对话的中心。 执行 从概念到最终输出,我们在 13 天内创建了视频。我们与哈里 · 卡雷的庄园和芝加哥当地的新闻媒体 WGN 合作,从他 16 年的游戏中收集音频片段。同时,我们在芝加哥的地面上招募了一队队员,跟随球迷走过世界大赛的所有高潮和低谷。我们知道人们会在小熊队获胜的时候使用社交媒体。为了成为对话的一部分,并保持与当下的关系,我们必须迅速行动。所以当这座城市庆祝的时候,我们一起工作了一夜,拼接了多年的音频,让哈里 · 卡雷最终赢得了小熊世界系列赛。第二天早上上午8点,我们的视频在 Facebook 、 YouTube 和推特上直播。

    Harry Caray's Last Call

    案例简介:Synopsis Today more than ever, brands need to move at the speed of culture to stay relevant. But not every brand should insert itself into every trending topic. The challenge is finding one that is authentic to that brand, that audience, and that moment. It’s not easy to find the perfect moment, but in October 2016, Budweiser did. Chicago Cubs fans had been waiting more than a century for a World Series championship. As a long-standing sponsor of Major League Baseball, Budweiser had been with them every step of the way. By the time the Cubs clinched their spot in the World Series, there were only five days until the first pitch. So we quickly set out to create a heartfelt and authentic piece of content celebrating a win 108 years in the making. CampaignDescription Our goal was to resonate with Cubs fans on an authentic and heartfelt level — and our way in was through their love for Harry Caray. A beloved Chicago sportscaster for over 16 years, Caray represented the generations of fans that had never seen a Cubs championship. He was also known as the Cub Fan, Bud Man. Because Caray himself never got to see his team win a World Series, it was only fitting that he call the historic game. The idea was to stitch together years of audio clips allowing him to call the final out. But we also needed real emotion to bring the enormity of this moment to life. Fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, grandfathers and grandkids — these were the people who would showcase true emotion. And our plan was to marry these visuals with Caray’s archival audio. Outcome The next day, when people talked about the Cubs, they talked about Budweiser. Budweiser became the first brand in history to simultaneously have the most engaging posts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The video trended across Facebook and YouTube, racking up over 31 million views. It was shared 242,000 times on Facebook and Retweeted over 17,000 times on Twitter. The video beat out every A-BI benchmark for digital content, including “Most Engaged With,” “High Performer,” and “Views.” Budweiser saw a 487% lift in Google/YouTube searches among users who saw the promoted creative. The video’s 10% completion rate was 5x higher than the benchmark and its 15.8% view-through rate was 8x longer than the benchmark. With 98% positive sentiment, the video garnered 625 media placements and 325 million earned media impressions. In the months following the World Series, Budweiser grew market share in Chicago. Strategy Budweiser’s goal was to become synonymous with baseball and resonate with our target audience — millennial baseball fans — on an emotional level. To achieve this, Budweiser had to understand where to engage our consumers, how to build content true to these platforms, and how to appeal to our audience. We homed in on digital channels — Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — as they allowed us to reach our target at scale. These platforms are also where consumers would naturally turn to once the Cubs won. To break through what would undoubtedly be a crowded conversation, the video couldn’t be a typical :30 second beer ad. It had to be timely, grab attention, entice viewers to watch, and capture the true emotion and magnitude of the moment. So when the historic win finally happened, Budweiser wouldn’t just join the conversation, it would be at the center of it. Execution From concept to final output, we created the video in 13 days. We worked with Harry Caray’s estate and local Chicago news outlet WGN to gather audio clips from his 16 years calling games. Simultaneously, we enlisted a crew on the ground in Chicago to follow fans through all of the highs and lows of the World Series. We knew people would take to social media the moment the Cubs won. In order to be a part of the conversation and remain relevant to the moment, we had to act fast. So as the city celebrated, we worked through the night stitching together years of audio letting Harry Caray finally call a Cubs World Series win. And by 8am the next morning, our video was live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

    哈里 · 卡雷最后一通电话


    Harry Caray's Last Call






    广告公司: Vaynermedia (美国 纽约) 制作公司: VaynerMedia




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