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    案例简介:概要 在过去的八年里,AT&T的It Can Wait运动一直致力于与分心的驾驶作斗争。到目前为止,AT&T说服了2450万名消费者承诺不分心驾驶。问题是,虽然超过95% 人认识到在驾驶时使用智能手机的危险,但仍有83% 多名司机这样做。所以超越意识,我们需要改变行为。因此,我们开始展示一些如此琐碎和可以避免的事情的真正深度损失和长期影响,例如文本或社交媒体通知。我们不再是专门与青少年交谈。分心驾驶是一个巨大的问题,每年在美国造成多达4,000人死亡,我们中的许多人每天都会从事这种行为,而不考虑它是多么的不负责任。 战略 为了找出什么会改变司机的行为,我们针对不同的观众,针对多种见解,创建了39条具有不同音调和声音的短内容。我们在Instagram、Facebook、Snapchat和Twitter上使用了实时报告,以确定最有可能改变驱动程序行为的执行情况。每天在所有社交和数字平台上收集参与度指标,以告知分配方式。它是如何工作的: 步骤1: 使用现有的数据研究来开发创造性的执行步骤2: 使用基于数据的受众洞察的有针对性的媒体方法步骤3: 利用综合新闻策略最大化影响步骤4: 使用实时反馈来持续优化创意和媒体步骤5: 美联储竞选数据洞察回到中心执行,并再次开始这一过程 结果 作为运动的结果,60% 观众表示,这将改变他们的行为,在不到一周的时间内获得7300万媒体的印象和超过1300万的观点。我们在Facebook上实现了47% 的参与率和Twitter上的44%-实际上使过去所有AT&T品牌广告基准的平均参与率翻了一番,帮助它可以等待超过2000万承诺,结束分心驾驶。 执行 这些景点在4月份推出,这是分心的驾驶意识月。美国电话电报公司 (AT&T) 在全国大型配置场将这些地点推向市场,以推动接触、考虑,并最终鼓励人们承诺不会分心驾驶。制作过程耗时约五个月。这场运动于11月中旬获得批准,拍摄发生在12月的第一周。后期制作从12月下旬一直持续到4月。AT&T的Facebook和Twitter页面都有付费社交。高级强制-查看在线视频配置 (Hulu,CBS和Scripps Network)。电影院 (全国5,500剧院从4/27-7/1,然后在9月份。Spotify (去直播5/2)。潘多拉 (上线,5/4)。Kargo-移动配置 (W/O 5/7) CampaignDescription 我们与受害者家属、法医和视觉效果团队进行了仔细的合作,以 “复活” 两个在分心的驾驶事故中丧生的男孩,这样他们就可以用自己的话解释所有丢失的东西。在每个地方,我们都会打开一个年轻人对着镜头谈论他的生活可能会变得不同。当我们听到他的VO时,我们看到了他小时候的家庭视频片段。当我们削减他的时候,据透露,如果他没有被分心的司机杀死,这就是他今天的样子。然后我们交叉淡出他死亡的剪报。电视片开到两部在线纪录片,每个男孩一部,由埃罗尔 · 莫里斯拍摄。通过对家庭成员的扩展采访,电影探索了在这些事件之一之后留下的人所经历的真正的失落深度。


    案例简介:Synopsis For the last eight years, AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign has been dedicated to fighting distracted driving. So far, AT&T convinced 24.5 million consumers to take the pledge not to drive distracted. The problem is that while more than 95% of people recognize the danger in using their smartphones while driving, over 83% of drivers still do it. So beyond awareness, we needed to change behavior. So we set out to show the true depth of loss and long-term effects of something so trivial and avoidable such as a text or a social media notification. We are no longer talking exclusively to teens. Distracted driving is a huge problem, causing as many as 4,000 deaths a year in the U.S. Many of us engage in this behavior on a daily basis without a second thought about how truly irresponsible it is. Strategy In order to find out what would change drivers’ behavior, we created 39 pieces of short content with different tones and voices, against multiple insights, for different audiences. We used real-time reporting across Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter to identify the execution most likely to change driver behavior. Engagement metrics were collected daily across all social and digital platforms to inform the distribution approach. How it worked: Step 1: Used existing data research to develop creative executions Step 2: Targeted media approach using data-based audience insights Step 3: Utilized integrated press strategy to maximize impact Step 4: Used real-time feedback to continuously optimize creative and media Step 5: Fed campaign data insights back in to pivot executions and began the process again Outcome As a result of the campaign, 60% of viewers said it would change their behavior, garnering over 73 million media and earned media impressions and over 13 million views in less than a week. We achieved engagement rates of 47% on Facebook and 44% on Twitter – effectively doubling the average engagement rate of all past AT&T brand advertising benchmarks, helping It Can Wait surpass 20 million pledges to end distracted driving. Execution The spots were rolled out in April which is Distracted Driving Awareness month. AT&T pushed these spots out across channels in large national placements to drive reach, consideration and ultimately to encourage people to pledge to not drive distracted. The production process took about five months. The campaign was approved in Mid-November and the shoot happened in the first week of December. Post-production lasted from Late December until April. There was paid social across AT&T’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Premium Forced-View online video Placements (Hulu, CBS and Scripps Network). Cinema (5,500 theaters nationwide from 4/27-7/1 and then again in September. Spotify (Went live 5/2). Pandora (Going live, 5/4). Kargo – Mobile Placements (W/O 5/7) CampaignDescription We worked carefully with victims’ families, forensic artists, and visual effects teams to “resurrect” two boys who were killed in distracted driving accidents, so they could explain all that was lost in their own words. In each spot, we open on a young man speaking to camera about how his life might have turned out differently. As we hear his VO, we see home video footage of him as a young boy. When we cut back to him, it’s revealed that this is what he’d look like today if he hadn’t been killed by a distracted driver. We then cross-fade to a newspaper clipping of his death. The TV spots drove to two online documentaries, one for each boy, shot by Errol Morris. Through extended interviews with family members, the films explore the true depth of loss experienced by those left behind after one of these events.

    The Face of Distracted Driving

    案例简介:概要 在过去的八年里,AT&T的It Can Wait运动一直致力于与分心的驾驶作斗争。到目前为止,AT&T说服了2450万名消费者承诺不分心驾驶。问题是,虽然超过95% 人认识到在驾驶时使用智能手机的危险,但仍有83% 多名司机这样做。所以超越意识,我们需要改变行为。因此,我们开始展示一些如此琐碎和可以避免的事情的真正深度损失和长期影响,例如文本或社交媒体通知。我们不再是专门与青少年交谈。分心驾驶是一个巨大的问题,每年在美国造成多达4,000人死亡,我们中的许多人每天都会从事这种行为,而不考虑它是多么的不负责任。 战略 为了找出什么会改变司机的行为,我们针对不同的观众,针对多种见解,创建了39条具有不同音调和声音的短内容。我们在Instagram、Facebook、Snapchat和Twitter上使用了实时报告,以确定最有可能改变驱动程序行为的执行情况。每天在所有社交和数字平台上收集参与度指标,以告知分配方式。它是如何工作的: 步骤1: 使用现有的数据研究来开发创造性的执行步骤2: 使用基于数据的受众洞察的有针对性的媒体方法步骤3: 利用综合新闻策略最大化影响步骤4: 使用实时反馈来持续优化创意和媒体步骤5: 美联储竞选数据洞察回到中心执行,并再次开始这一过程 结果 作为运动的结果,60% 观众表示,这将改变他们的行为,在不到一周的时间内获得7300万媒体的印象和超过1300万的观点。我们在Facebook上实现了47% 的参与率和Twitter上的44%-实际上使过去所有AT&T品牌广告基准的平均参与率翻了一番,帮助它可以等待超过2000万承诺,结束分心驾驶。 执行 这些景点在4月份推出,这是分心的驾驶意识月。美国电话电报公司 (AT&T) 在全国大型配置场将这些地点推向市场,以推动接触、考虑,并最终鼓励人们承诺不会分心驾驶。制作过程耗时约五个月。这场运动于11月中旬获得批准,拍摄发生在12月的第一周。后期制作从12月下旬一直持续到4月。AT&T的Facebook和Twitter页面都有付费社交。高级强制-查看在线视频配置 (Hulu,CBS和Scripps Network)。电影院 (全国5,500剧院从4/27-7/1,然后在9月份。Spotify (去直播5/2)。潘多拉 (上线,5/4)。Kargo-移动配置 (W/O 5/7) CampaignDescription 我们与受害者家属、法医和视觉效果团队进行了仔细的合作,以 “复活” 两个在分心的驾驶事故中丧生的男孩,这样他们就可以用自己的话解释所有丢失的东西。在每个地方,我们都会打开一个年轻人对着镜头谈论他的生活可能会变得不同。当我们听到他的VO时,我们看到了他小时候的家庭视频片段。当我们削减他的时候,据透露,如果他没有被分心的司机杀死,这就是他今天的样子。然后我们交叉淡出他死亡的剪报。电视片开到两部在线纪录片,每个男孩一部,由埃罗尔 · 莫里斯拍摄。通过对家庭成员的扩展采访,电影探索了在这些事件之一之后留下的人所经历的真正的失落深度。

    The Face of Distracted Driving

    案例简介:Synopsis For the last eight years, AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign has been dedicated to fighting distracted driving. So far, AT&T convinced 24.5 million consumers to take the pledge not to drive distracted. The problem is that while more than 95% of people recognize the danger in using their smartphones while driving, over 83% of drivers still do it. So beyond awareness, we needed to change behavior. So we set out to show the true depth of loss and long-term effects of something so trivial and avoidable such as a text or a social media notification. We are no longer talking exclusively to teens. Distracted driving is a huge problem, causing as many as 4,000 deaths a year in the U.S. Many of us engage in this behavior on a daily basis without a second thought about how truly irresponsible it is. Strategy In order to find out what would change drivers’ behavior, we created 39 pieces of short content with different tones and voices, against multiple insights, for different audiences. We used real-time reporting across Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter to identify the execution most likely to change driver behavior. Engagement metrics were collected daily across all social and digital platforms to inform the distribution approach. How it worked: Step 1: Used existing data research to develop creative executions Step 2: Targeted media approach using data-based audience insights Step 3: Utilized integrated press strategy to maximize impact Step 4: Used real-time feedback to continuously optimize creative and media Step 5: Fed campaign data insights back in to pivot executions and began the process again Outcome As a result of the campaign, 60% of viewers said it would change their behavior, garnering over 73 million media and earned media impressions and over 13 million views in less than a week. We achieved engagement rates of 47% on Facebook and 44% on Twitter – effectively doubling the average engagement rate of all past AT&T brand advertising benchmarks, helping It Can Wait surpass 20 million pledges to end distracted driving. Execution The spots were rolled out in April which is Distracted Driving Awareness month. AT&T pushed these spots out across channels in large national placements to drive reach, consideration and ultimately to encourage people to pledge to not drive distracted. The production process took about five months. The campaign was approved in Mid-November and the shoot happened in the first week of December. Post-production lasted from Late December until April. There was paid social across AT&T’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Premium Forced-View online video Placements (Hulu, CBS and Scripps Network). Cinema (5,500 theaters nationwide from 4/27-7/1 and then again in September. Spotify (Went live 5/2). Pandora (Going live, 5/4). Kargo – Mobile Placements (W/O 5/7) CampaignDescription We worked carefully with victims’ families, forensic artists, and visual effects teams to “resurrect” two boys who were killed in distracted driving accidents, so they could explain all that was lost in their own words. In each spot, we open on a young man speaking to camera about how his life might have turned out differently. As we hear his VO, we see home video footage of him as a young boy. When we cut back to him, it’s revealed that this is what he’d look like today if he hadn’t been killed by a distracted driver. We then cross-fade to a newspaper clipping of his death. The TV spots drove to two online documentaries, one for each boy, shot by Errol Morris. Through extended interviews with family members, the films explore the true depth of loss experienced by those left behind after one of these events.



    The Face of Distracted Driving






    广告公司: 天联 (美国 纽约) 制作公司: Biscuit Films




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