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    If It's Meant To Be海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述创意 为了与拉斯维加斯其他喧闹的酒店区分开,这些酒店都在竞争成为拉斯维加斯大道上最响亮,最性感,最迷人的酒店,Park MGM的推出利用了拉斯维加斯大道的真正含义: 机会。我们通过使用Craigslist错过的年轻寻求刺激者对 “真爱” 的难以捉摸的搜索的联系,为活动的各个方面注入了机会,从我们的TVC到OOH,到短片。在公园米高梅,机会在每个门后面,每个游泳池里都在跳动。这是寻找命运,爱情或纸牌的地方。永远,或者只是今晚。因为如果是注定的,它将在米高梅公园。 描述执行情况 在TVC,Digital Video和Youtube 2018年上推出的第一个 “If It's Meant Be” 竞选广告是从我们所知道的互联网上最有希望和浪漫的地方诞生的: craigslist错过了联系。这个小巧,笨拙但有力的信息完全是爱情的无赖机会,真正是对命运之手的最美丽的吸引力。 在这些地方,我们看到世界真正相信一见钟情的力量。自然,这些信息成为我们剧本的声音和核心,它们将它们的文字与华丽构图的视觉效果结合在一起,这些视觉效果都是从上方拍摄的,并像两艘船在夜里经过一样低头看着这些偶然的相遇。 在酒店建成之前,我们想通过向观众做出盛大的姿态来保持竞选活动的势头。不断受到craigslist错过联系的意外脆弱性的启发,我们为一位年轻女子设计了一种体验,该体验使她的爱情和命运姿态受到考验。我们买了一个广告牌,并向全世界展示了她的craigslist错过的连接。不幸的是,那个穿黄色鞋子的家伙从未露面,但发生这种情况的机会就是这场竞选的全部内容。 最后,通过利用令人陶醉的机会潜力,并掌握了坠入爱河只需要8.2秒的知识,我们创作了 “拉斯维加斯爱情故事”,不是一部,而是六部8.2的第二部故事片-每部讲述命运,机会和爱的故事。 与奥斯卡金像奖得主米歇尔·贡德里 (Michel Gondry) 和他的兄弟奥利维尔 (Olivier) 合作创建,我们为电影提供了完整的红地毯处理,包括洛杉矶电影首映,好莱坞大道上的广告牌,精心设计的电影海报,戏剧预告片和官方IMDB每部电影的页面。


    案例简介:Describe the creative idea To set itself apart from other rowdy Las Vegas hotels all competing to be the loudest, sexiest and most glamorous on the Strip, the launch of Park MGM harnessed what the strip truly stands for: chance. We injected chance into every aspect of the campaign, from our TVC, to OOH, to short films, by using the Craigslist Missed Connections of young thrill-seekers on their elusive search for “true love.” At Park MGM chance pulses behind every door, in every pool. It’s the place to find fate, in love or in cards. Forever, or just tonight. Because if it’s meant to be, it will be at Park MGM. Describe the execution Launched across TVC, Digital Video, and Youtube in 2018, the first "If It’s Meant to Be" campaign commercials were born from the most hopeful and romantic place on the internet we know of: craigslist missed connections. This small, clunky-looking, but powerful messages are completely rogue chances at love, and truly the most beautiful appeals to the hands of fate. In these spots, we see that the world truly believes in the power of love at first sight. Naturally, these messages became the voice and heart of our script, which paired their words with gorgeously composed visuals that were all shot from above and looked down on these chance encounters like two ships passing in the night. Before the hotel was even completed, we wanted to keep up the campaign’s momentum by making a grand gesture to our audience. Continually inspired by the unexpected vulnerability of craigslist missed connections, we architected an experience for one young woman that put her gesture of love and fate to the test. We bought a billboard and displayed her craigslist missed connection for the world to see. Unfortunately, the guy in the yellow shoes never showed, but the chance of it happening was what this campaign was all about. Finally, by harnessing the intoxicating potential of chance, and armed with the knowledge that it only takes 8.2 seconds to fall in love, we created “Las Vegas Love Stories,” not one, but six 8.2 second feature films – each telling a story of fate, chance, and love. Created in collaboration with academy award winner Michel Gondry and his brother Olivier, we gave the films the full red carpet treatment, including an LA film premiere, billboards on Hollywood Boulevard, artfully designed film posters, a theatrical trailer, and an official IMDB page for each film.

    If It's Meant To Be

    案例简介:描述创意 为了与拉斯维加斯其他喧闹的酒店区分开,这些酒店都在竞争成为拉斯维加斯大道上最响亮,最性感,最迷人的酒店,Park MGM的推出利用了拉斯维加斯大道的真正含义: 机会。我们通过使用Craigslist错过的年轻寻求刺激者对 “真爱” 的难以捉摸的搜索的联系,为活动的各个方面注入了机会,从我们的TVC到OOH,到短片。在公园米高梅,机会在每个门后面,每个游泳池里都在跳动。这是寻找命运,爱情或纸牌的地方。永远,或者只是今晚。因为如果是注定的,它将在米高梅公园。 描述执行情况 在TVC,Digital Video和Youtube 2018年上推出的第一个 “If It's Meant Be” 竞选广告是从我们所知道的互联网上最有希望和浪漫的地方诞生的: craigslist错过了联系。这个小巧,笨拙但有力的信息完全是爱情的无赖机会,真正是对命运之手的最美丽的吸引力。 在这些地方,我们看到世界真正相信一见钟情的力量。自然,这些信息成为我们剧本的声音和核心,它们将它们的文字与华丽构图的视觉效果结合在一起,这些视觉效果都是从上方拍摄的,并像两艘船在夜里经过一样低头看着这些偶然的相遇。 在酒店建成之前,我们想通过向观众做出盛大的姿态来保持竞选活动的势头。不断受到craigslist错过联系的意外脆弱性的启发,我们为一位年轻女子设计了一种体验,该体验使她的爱情和命运姿态受到考验。我们买了一个广告牌,并向全世界展示了她的craigslist错过的连接。不幸的是,那个穿黄色鞋子的家伙从未露面,但发生这种情况的机会就是这场竞选的全部内容。 最后,通过利用令人陶醉的机会潜力,并掌握了坠入爱河只需要8.2秒的知识,我们创作了 “拉斯维加斯爱情故事”,不是一部,而是六部8.2的第二部故事片-每部讲述命运,机会和爱的故事。 与奥斯卡金像奖得主米歇尔·贡德里 (Michel Gondry) 和他的兄弟奥利维尔 (Olivier) 合作创建,我们为电影提供了完整的红地毯处理,包括洛杉矶电影首映,好莱坞大道上的广告牌,精心设计的电影海报,戏剧预告片和官方IMDB每部电影的页面。

    If It's Meant To Be

    案例简介:Describe the creative idea To set itself apart from other rowdy Las Vegas hotels all competing to be the loudest, sexiest and most glamorous on the Strip, the launch of Park MGM harnessed what the strip truly stands for: chance. We injected chance into every aspect of the campaign, from our TVC, to OOH, to short films, by using the Craigslist Missed Connections of young thrill-seekers on their elusive search for “true love.” At Park MGM chance pulses behind every door, in every pool. It’s the place to find fate, in love or in cards. Forever, or just tonight. Because if it’s meant to be, it will be at Park MGM. Describe the execution Launched across TVC, Digital Video, and Youtube in 2018, the first "If It’s Meant to Be" campaign commercials were born from the most hopeful and romantic place on the internet we know of: craigslist missed connections. This small, clunky-looking, but powerful messages are completely rogue chances at love, and truly the most beautiful appeals to the hands of fate. In these spots, we see that the world truly believes in the power of love at first sight. Naturally, these messages became the voice and heart of our script, which paired their words with gorgeously composed visuals that were all shot from above and looked down on these chance encounters like two ships passing in the night. Before the hotel was even completed, we wanted to keep up the campaign’s momentum by making a grand gesture to our audience. Continually inspired by the unexpected vulnerability of craigslist missed connections, we architected an experience for one young woman that put her gesture of love and fate to the test. We bought a billboard and displayed her craigslist missed connection for the world to see. Unfortunately, the guy in the yellow shoes never showed, but the chance of it happening was what this campaign was all about. Finally, by harnessing the intoxicating potential of chance, and armed with the knowledge that it only takes 8.2 seconds to fall in love, we created “Las Vegas Love Stories,” not one, but six 8.2 second feature films – each telling a story of fate, chance, and love. Created in collaboration with academy award winner Michel Gondry and his brother Olivier, we gave the films the full red carpet treatment, including an LA film premiere, billboards on Hollywood Boulevard, artfully designed film posters, a theatrical trailer, and an official IMDB page for each film.



    If It's Meant To Be










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