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    Instrument of Hope海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 在发生在帕克兰的斯通曼·道格拉斯高中发生的悲惨的大规模枪击事件之后,全世界都知道这所高中的学生有点不同。有些人在政治舞台上采取了行动。其他人把他们的努力转向艺术。这就是由Parkland幸存者组成的非营利组织Shine MSD的诞生。它的使命: 利用音乐和艺术的力量,在悲剧发生后激发希望和团结 -- 甚至写一首原创歌曲,成为他们变革的赞歌。这是一项了不起的事业,但他们需要一种更大声的方法,并确保其他人不会忘记。 描述创意 (投票40%) 不负责任的枪支所有权的鲜明象征是AR-15,帕克兰射手使用的武器以及随之而来的毁灭性炮弹。正如Shine的使命所表明的那样,将人们团结在一个事业周围的一种强有力的方式是音乐和艺术。 我们的想法通过引起痛苦和暴力,黄铜AR-15子弹壳,并将其变成一种独一无二的手工制作的黄铜小号来融合这些并列的事实,旨在传播希望,韧性和火花变化。 希望的工具立即成为Shine MSD战斗的象征,也是将枪支暴力对话保持在主要舞台上的有力方式。 描述执行情况 (投票40%) 我们与世界著名的铜管乐器设计师Josh Landress合作,设计和制造了希望小号乐器。 为什么是小号?从历史上看,小号是作为号召武器演奏的。我们想在这段历史的基础上再接再厉,创造一个小号,不仅用它发出的声音让人们团结起来,而且用它制造的材料 -- 用过的AR-15子弹壳。 小号对演奏它的每个人都产生了持久的影响。感觉他们指尖上的子弹头。看到子弹套管。听到它发出的独特声音。所有这些都提醒我们,导致痛苦的东西可以变成美丽的东西,激发积极的变化和希望。 但这不仅影响了音乐家。小号为演奏的歌曲增添了一些特别的内容,在音乐家和他们的歌迷之间创造了一个特殊的团结时刻。 列出结果 (投票20%) 在媒体预算为零的情况下,我们能够在短短两个月内接触到大量的人。惊慌!在迪斯科是第一个接听电话的人,其他人紧随其后: 复兴主义者,布莱恩·纽曼 (Lady Gaga的小号手),特别节目,凯恩·哈罗德,美国作家,阿莫斯·李,迈克尔·弗兰蒂,长号矮子和 “俄克拉荷马!” 百老汇演出。它不仅触动了音乐家,迈阿密热火NBA球队甚至要求用它演奏国歌。成千上万的人听到了现场演奏的小号。通过这些影响者,我们在社交网站上接触了1500万多人。通过我们的公关努力,超过10亿人在媒体上听到了这一信息。我们的追随者增加了525%,社交互动增加了2,614% 周。我们倡议成功的一个例子是,希望的乐器在百老汇音乐剧《俄克拉荷马州》中得到了体现,该音乐剧由NBC新闻报道: https:// youtu.be/BF2DljwHpv8


    案例简介:Background Following the tragic mass shooting that took place at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland FL, the world came to know the students of this high school were a bit different. Some jumped to action in the political arena. Others turned their efforts toward the arts. And that’s how Shine MSD, a nonprofit formed by Parkland survivors, was born. Its mission: harnessing the power of music and arts to inspire hope and unity in the aftermath of tragedy — even writing an original song that became their anthem for change. It’s an amazing undertaking, but they needed a way to be louder and make sure others don’t forget. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) A stark symbol of irresponsible gun ownership is the AR-15, the weapon used by the Parkland shooter, and the shells of destruction it leaves in its wake. A powerful way to unite people around a cause, as Shine’s mission has shown, is music and the arts. Our idea merged these juxtaposing truths by taking a cause of pain and violence, brass AR-15 bullet casings, and turning it into a one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted brass trumpet meant to spread hope, resilience and spark change. The Instrument of Hope immediately became a symbol of Shine MSD’s fight and a powerful way to keep the gun violence conversation on the main stage. Describe the execution (40% of vote) We worked with world renown brass instrument designer Josh Landress, the name in the custom instrument manufacturing, to design and build the Instrument of Hope trumpet. Why a trumpet? Historically the trumpet is played as a call to arms. We wanted to build upon this history, creating a trumpet that not only rallied people with the sound it makes, but also with the materials that it’s made from — spent AR-15 bullet casings. The trumpet had a lasting impact on everyone who played it. Feeling the bullet caps on their fingertips. Seeing the bullet casing tubing. Hearing the unique sound it makes. All a reminder that what causes pain can be turned into thing of beauty that sparks positive change and hope. But it didn’t only affect the musicians. The trumpet added something special to the songs it played, creating a special, uniting moment between musicians and their fans. List the results (20% of vote) With a media budget of zero, we were able to reach a remarkable number of people in just two months. Panic! At the Disco was the first to answer the call and others soon followed: The Revivalists, Brian Newman (Lady Gaga’s Trumpeter), The Specials, Keyon Harrold, American Authors, Amos Lee, Michael Franti, Trombone Shorty, and “Oklahoma!” the Broadway show. And it didn’t just touch musicians, the Miami Heat NBA team even requested to play the National Anthem with it. Tens of thousands heard the Trumpet played live. We reached over 15 million people on social through these influencers. Over a billion heard the message in the media through our PR efforts. We grew our followers by 525% and increased interactions on social by 2,614% week over week. One example of the success of our initiative is that the Instrument of Hope was featured in the Broadway Musical Oklahoma, which was covered by NBC News: https://youtu.be/BF2DljwHpv8

    Instrument of Hope

    案例简介:背景 在发生在帕克兰的斯通曼·道格拉斯高中发生的悲惨的大规模枪击事件之后,全世界都知道这所高中的学生有点不同。有些人在政治舞台上采取了行动。其他人把他们的努力转向艺术。这就是由Parkland幸存者组成的非营利组织Shine MSD的诞生。它的使命: 利用音乐和艺术的力量,在悲剧发生后激发希望和团结 -- 甚至写一首原创歌曲,成为他们变革的赞歌。这是一项了不起的事业,但他们需要一种更大声的方法,并确保其他人不会忘记。 描述创意 (投票40%) 不负责任的枪支所有权的鲜明象征是AR-15,帕克兰射手使用的武器以及随之而来的毁灭性炮弹。正如Shine的使命所表明的那样,将人们团结在一个事业周围的一种强有力的方式是音乐和艺术。 我们的想法通过引起痛苦和暴力,黄铜AR-15子弹壳,并将其变成一种独一无二的手工制作的黄铜小号来融合这些并列的事实,旨在传播希望,韧性和火花变化。 希望的工具立即成为Shine MSD战斗的象征,也是将枪支暴力对话保持在主要舞台上的有力方式。 描述执行情况 (投票40%) 我们与世界著名的铜管乐器设计师Josh Landress合作,设计和制造了希望小号乐器。 为什么是小号?从历史上看,小号是作为号召武器演奏的。我们想在这段历史的基础上再接再厉,创造一个小号,不仅用它发出的声音让人们团结起来,而且用它制造的材料 -- 用过的AR-15子弹壳。 小号对演奏它的每个人都产生了持久的影响。感觉他们指尖上的子弹头。看到子弹套管。听到它发出的独特声音。所有这些都提醒我们,导致痛苦的东西可以变成美丽的东西,激发积极的变化和希望。 但这不仅影响了音乐家。小号为演奏的歌曲增添了一些特别的内容,在音乐家和他们的歌迷之间创造了一个特殊的团结时刻。 列出结果 (投票20%) 在媒体预算为零的情况下,我们能够在短短两个月内接触到大量的人。惊慌!在迪斯科是第一个接听电话的人,其他人紧随其后: 复兴主义者,布莱恩·纽曼 (Lady Gaga的小号手),特别节目,凯恩·哈罗德,美国作家,阿莫斯·李,迈克尔·弗兰蒂,长号矮子和 “俄克拉荷马!” 百老汇演出。它不仅触动了音乐家,迈阿密热火NBA球队甚至要求用它演奏国歌。成千上万的人听到了现场演奏的小号。通过这些影响者,我们在社交网站上接触了1500万多人。通过我们的公关努力,超过10亿人在媒体上听到了这一信息。我们的追随者增加了525%,社交互动增加了2,614% 周。我们倡议成功的一个例子是,希望的乐器在百老汇音乐剧《俄克拉荷马州》中得到了体现,该音乐剧由NBC新闻报道: https:// youtu.be/BF2DljwHpv8

    Instrument of Hope

    案例简介:Background Following the tragic mass shooting that took place at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland FL, the world came to know the students of this high school were a bit different. Some jumped to action in the political arena. Others turned their efforts toward the arts. And that’s how Shine MSD, a nonprofit formed by Parkland survivors, was born. Its mission: harnessing the power of music and arts to inspire hope and unity in the aftermath of tragedy — even writing an original song that became their anthem for change. It’s an amazing undertaking, but they needed a way to be louder and make sure others don’t forget. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) A stark symbol of irresponsible gun ownership is the AR-15, the weapon used by the Parkland shooter, and the shells of destruction it leaves in its wake. A powerful way to unite people around a cause, as Shine’s mission has shown, is music and the arts. Our idea merged these juxtaposing truths by taking a cause of pain and violence, brass AR-15 bullet casings, and turning it into a one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted brass trumpet meant to spread hope, resilience and spark change. The Instrument of Hope immediately became a symbol of Shine MSD’s fight and a powerful way to keep the gun violence conversation on the main stage. Describe the execution (40% of vote) We worked with world renown brass instrument designer Josh Landress, the name in the custom instrument manufacturing, to design and build the Instrument of Hope trumpet. Why a trumpet? Historically the trumpet is played as a call to arms. We wanted to build upon this history, creating a trumpet that not only rallied people with the sound it makes, but also with the materials that it’s made from — spent AR-15 bullet casings. The trumpet had a lasting impact on everyone who played it. Feeling the bullet caps on their fingertips. Seeing the bullet casing tubing. Hearing the unique sound it makes. All a reminder that what causes pain can be turned into thing of beauty that sparks positive change and hope. But it didn’t only affect the musicians. The trumpet added something special to the songs it played, creating a special, uniting moment between musicians and their fans. List the results (20% of vote) With a media budget of zero, we were able to reach a remarkable number of people in just two months. Panic! At the Disco was the first to answer the call and others soon followed: The Revivalists, Brian Newman (Lady Gaga’s Trumpeter), The Specials, Keyon Harrold, American Authors, Amos Lee, Michael Franti, Trombone Shorty, and “Oklahoma!” the Broadway show. And it didn’t just touch musicians, the Miami Heat NBA team even requested to play the National Anthem with it. Tens of thousands heard the Trumpet played live. We reached over 15 million people on social through these influencers. Over a billion heard the message in the media through our PR efforts. We grew our followers by 525% and increased interactions on social by 2,614% week over week. One example of the success of our initiative is that the Instrument of Hope was featured in the Broadway Musical Oklahoma, which was covered by NBC News: https://youtu.be/BF2DljwHpv8



    Instrument of Hope






    广告公司: 阳狮 (美国 纽约) 制作公司: NICE PIXELS




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