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    The Power of Skin微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:SANEX用高露洁PALMOLIVE & CONTRAPUNTO BBDO揭示了你皮肤的力量 你有没有想过皮肤的力量?它如何有助于释放压力或作为对归属感的无声肯定,它如何是我们最强大的沟通方式之一?众所周知,语言是强大的,但是当它们出现时,我们才能真正体验到皮肤的力量。 自1984以来,Sanex承诺保持皮肤健康,在这个新的活动中,它提升了这个承诺并赋予了它新的意义。它比皮肤更深。它显示了关心它意味着承认它的力量,以及承认我们自己的力量来积极影响我们周围人的生活。这是Sanex在由Contrapunto BBDO创建的新股权活动中传达的信息,将其品牌宗旨变为现实。 弗格斯 · 斯托特哈特拍摄的40英寸视频宣言有多种改编,sanex在不同人谦逊的日常生活中闪耀着微妙而刺耳的光芒,让我们瞥见了他们最亲密和最重要的关系。每一个创造性的执行结合了科学和情感叙事来教育和激励观众记住皮肤的力量以及为什么保持健康如此重要。 “身体接触对我们的健康至关重要。无论年龄、性别、肤色或文化背景如何。通过这一令人心酸的运动,我们提升了健康皮肤承诺的情感和文化相关性。我们的目标是帮助人们认识到他们皮肤的力量以及与更好健康的直接联系,”高露洁-棕榈岛欧洲综合营销传播总监劳伦 · 卡耶特说。 该活动以戏剧性和高度可视化的执行方式开始,使用大胆、高调的位置来建立意识。在第二阶段,我们将利用数字互动接触点,以更深入、更个性化的方式探索我们的皮肤是如何工作的。在活动的最后阶段,我们将把讲故事变成故事,展示品牌致力于帮助人们释放皮肤的力量。 鉴于目前社会疏远隔离的氛围,现在是Sanex鼓励家庭成员和伴侣继续保持亲密关系的好时机。“当今世界的悖论是“ 保持联系 ”,Contrapunto的创意总监卡洛斯 · 德 · 哈维尔说;“ 这是一个更常用于虚拟而不是物理联系的短语。结果,我们正在失去人类接触的真正健康益处。让我们扭转这种局面。"


    案例简介:SANEX REVEALS THE POWER OF YOUR SKIN WITH COLGATE PALMOLIVE & CONTRAPUNTO BBDO Have you ever thought about the power of skin? How it can help to release stress or act as a silent affirmation of belonging, how it’s one of our most powerful means of communication? As we all know, words are powerful, but it’s when they come up short that we truly experience the power of skin. Since 1984, Sanex has promised to keep skin healthy and in this new campaign, it elevates this promise and gives it new meaning. It goes much deeper than skin. It shows how caring for it means recognising its powers, as well as acknowledging our own power to positively impact the lives of those around us. This is the message that Sanex delivers, bringing to life its brand purpose, in the new equity campaign created by Contrapunto BBDO. With a 40” video manifesto shot by Fergus Stothart with multiple adaptations, Sanex shines a delicate yet piercing light on the unassuming day-to-day lives of different people and gives us a glimpse into their most intimate and important relationships. Each creative execution combines science with an emotional narrative to educate as well as inspire its audience to remember the power of skin and why it’s so important to keep it healthy. “Physical contact is vital to our health. Regardless of age, gender, skin colour, or cultural background. With this poignant campaign, we elevate the emotional and cultural relevance of our healthy skin promise. Our ambition is to contribute to making people realise the power of their skin and the direct correlation with better health” says Laurent Cayet, Colgate-Palmolive Europe Director of Integrated Marketing Communications. The campaign launches with dramatic and highly visual executions to build awareness using bold, high profile placements. In the second phase, we will leverage digital, interactive touchpoints to explore in a deeper and more personalized way how our skin works. In the campaign’s final phase, we will turn storytelling into story doing, demonstrating the brand’s commitment to helping people to unleash the power of their skin. Given the current climate of social distancing and isolation, now is as good a time as any for Sanex to encourage the continuation of closeness between family members and partners. “The paradox of today’s world is “staying in touch”, says Contrapunto’s Creative Director Carlos de Javier; “a phrase far more commonly used in reference to virtual rather than a physical connection. As a result, we’re losing the real health benefit of human touch. Let’s reverse this.”

    The Power of Skin

    案例简介:SANEX用高露洁PALMOLIVE & CONTRAPUNTO BBDO揭示了你皮肤的力量 你有没有想过皮肤的力量?它如何有助于释放压力或作为对归属感的无声肯定,它如何是我们最强大的沟通方式之一?众所周知,语言是强大的,但是当它们出现时,我们才能真正体验到皮肤的力量。 自1984以来,Sanex承诺保持皮肤健康,在这个新的活动中,它提升了这个承诺并赋予了它新的意义。它比皮肤更深。它显示了关心它意味着承认它的力量,以及承认我们自己的力量来积极影响我们周围人的生活。这是Sanex在由Contrapunto BBDO创建的新股权活动中传达的信息,将其品牌宗旨变为现实。 弗格斯 · 斯托特哈特拍摄的40英寸视频宣言有多种改编,sanex在不同人谦逊的日常生活中闪耀着微妙而刺耳的光芒,让我们瞥见了他们最亲密和最重要的关系。每一个创造性的执行结合了科学和情感叙事来教育和激励观众记住皮肤的力量以及为什么保持健康如此重要。 “身体接触对我们的健康至关重要。无论年龄、性别、肤色或文化背景如何。通过这一令人心酸的运动,我们提升了健康皮肤承诺的情感和文化相关性。我们的目标是帮助人们认识到他们皮肤的力量以及与更好健康的直接联系,”高露洁-棕榈岛欧洲综合营销传播总监劳伦 · 卡耶特说。 该活动以戏剧性和高度可视化的执行方式开始,使用大胆、高调的位置来建立意识。在第二阶段,我们将利用数字互动接触点,以更深入、更个性化的方式探索我们的皮肤是如何工作的。在活动的最后阶段,我们将把讲故事变成故事,展示品牌致力于帮助人们释放皮肤的力量。 鉴于目前社会疏远隔离的氛围,现在是Sanex鼓励家庭成员和伴侣继续保持亲密关系的好时机。“当今世界的悖论是“ 保持联系 ”,Contrapunto的创意总监卡洛斯 · 德 · 哈维尔说;“ 这是一个更常用于虚拟而不是物理联系的短语。结果,我们正在失去人类接触的真正健康益处。让我们扭转这种局面。"

    The Power of Skin

    案例简介:SANEX REVEALS THE POWER OF YOUR SKIN WITH COLGATE PALMOLIVE & CONTRAPUNTO BBDO Have you ever thought about the power of skin? How it can help to release stress or act as a silent affirmation of belonging, how it’s one of our most powerful means of communication? As we all know, words are powerful, but it’s when they come up short that we truly experience the power of skin. Since 1984, Sanex has promised to keep skin healthy and in this new campaign, it elevates this promise and gives it new meaning. It goes much deeper than skin. It shows how caring for it means recognising its powers, as well as acknowledging our own power to positively impact the lives of those around us. This is the message that Sanex delivers, bringing to life its brand purpose, in the new equity campaign created by Contrapunto BBDO. With a 40” video manifesto shot by Fergus Stothart with multiple adaptations, Sanex shines a delicate yet piercing light on the unassuming day-to-day lives of different people and gives us a glimpse into their most intimate and important relationships. Each creative execution combines science with an emotional narrative to educate as well as inspire its audience to remember the power of skin and why it’s so important to keep it healthy. “Physical contact is vital to our health. Regardless of age, gender, skin colour, or cultural background. With this poignant campaign, we elevate the emotional and cultural relevance of our healthy skin promise. Our ambition is to contribute to making people realise the power of their skin and the direct correlation with better health” says Laurent Cayet, Colgate-Palmolive Europe Director of Integrated Marketing Communications. The campaign launches with dramatic and highly visual executions to build awareness using bold, high profile placements. In the second phase, we will leverage digital, interactive touchpoints to explore in a deeper and more personalized way how our skin works. In the campaign’s final phase, we will turn storytelling into story doing, demonstrating the brand’s commitment to helping people to unleash the power of their skin. Given the current climate of social distancing and isolation, now is as good a time as any for Sanex to encourage the continuation of closeness between family members and partners. “The paradox of today’s world is “staying in touch”, says Contrapunto’s Creative Director Carlos de Javier; “a phrase far more commonly used in reference to virtual rather than a physical connection. As a result, we’re losing the real health benefit of human touch. Let’s reverse this.”



    The Power of Skin






    广告公司: 天联 (西班牙 马德里) 制作公司: Possible Films




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