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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 一个很小的慈善机构,预算甚至更少,首先使用技术世界来劫持一些最具标志性的伦敦圣诞灯,并带有孩子的心跳,这是一个故事。还有一个儿童心脏慈善机构,微小的股票,成功地创造了克服困难的机会,以消除节日的消费主义,并促进对儿童心脏病患者的捐款; 谁错过了圣诞节的魔力。 “Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart” 是一个创新的公关特技,覆盖了31个国家,慈善捐款增加了一倍,推动了慈善网络流量的365% 增长,并实现了对微小股票的积极情绪的492% 增长。 背景 现代圣诞故事是消费主义之一。买什么礼物最合适?我们会收到什么?相比之下,所有年轻的心脏病患者都希望圣诞节有更多的时间。 Tiny Tickers是一家小型慈善机构,为这些婴儿和儿童提供支持-节日期间是提高人们对他们困境的认识的关键时刻,并在来年为重要的医疗支持设备捐款。 但是,随着节日购物主导的12月文化对话,儿童心脏病患者的困境消失了。因此,捐赠也是如此。 我们的简介是改变这一点-消除节日消费主义的喧嚣,讲述他们的故事并筹集资金。 目标: -将12月捐赠水平提高20% (相对于2017) -提高主流公众对微小股票和儿童心脏病患者困境的认识 (英国和国际) -12月网络流量增加40% (比2017) 描述创意 (投票20%) Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart…。在圣诞节前的最后一个购物周,我们将比利的心脏监护仪; 一位2岁的心脏病患者,连接到伦敦著名购物区的标志性圣诞灯-七个表盘 (被称为西区的 “心脏”)。 在数百英里之外,他的实时心跳通过专门设计的技术控制了灯光的脉冲-在4公里的电缆和12,672个led上创造了一个情感奇观,这是历史性的灯光在他们的历史上第一次脉冲。虽然这种奇观扰乱了人们的购物之旅,但我们的内容和由此产生的报道故事在全球范围内传播; 通过我们的信息超越了语言障碍。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 我们已经意识到,我们对节日消费主义的挑战也带来了机遇: 1) 购物区的人流量增加,伴随着媒体的关注; 2) 公众已经处于 “礼品购买” 模式,因此捐赠可以被定位为购买儿童患者的 “时间礼物”。 我们的策略?以超越语言障碍的视觉特技劫持了伦敦圣诞节购物 (和新闻报道) 的心脏,并吸引了英国和全球公众18-65岁的信息,即儿童心脏病患者错过了我们认为理所当然的圣诞节魔术。并呼吁通过捐赠给予 “时间的礼物”。 通过给媒体另一个角度来探讨他们喜欢报道的圣诞节购物这一巨大的新闻主题,我们知道由此产生的故事和视觉效果将与节日消费主义的报道形成鲜明对比。一个有点喜庆的故事。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 比利的心跳控制了20 12月24日的七个拨号盘圣诞灯,并在现场显示了针对过往购物者的数字显示。内容创作专注于提供视觉奇观; 旨在超越覆盖范围的语言障碍: -我们拍摄了一部简短的社交电影,讲述了比利的故事并介绍了特技。在发布时,它通过新闻稿,剧照和与比利妈妈的访谈机会分发给了高价值的英国和国际广播,在线和印刷媒体。 -同时,这部电影在Facebook和高度共享的在线社区中进行了有机播种,重点是针对新父母。 -英国和国际媒体摄制组在地面上覆盖了奇观。 -与高流量在线媒体协商了慈善网络链接的嵌入,以有机地提高流量和SEO性能。 -我们有机地针对流行的 # sevendials社交主题标签,将人们对灯光的兴趣引向闪烁的小心脏。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 第1层: -在全球范围内为Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart提供438条媒体报道,包括黄金时段电视新闻,全国印刷头版和主要国家媒体的整版。 -31个国家。这个故事在全球31个国家/地区进行了报道和对话。包括美国、德国、意大利和泰国。 -173米的OTS -报道的100% 是积极的语气。 -覆盖范围的95% 包含完整的消息传递。 -100万 + 视频观看次数,无付费预算 -500,000 + 人亲眼看到了特技表演 第2层: -D圣诞节活动捐款同比增加,这是有史以来第一次来自全球各地。 -在活动期间 (同比),365% 网络流量增加到微小的股票代码。 -与微小的股票相关的积极情绪的560% 增加 (例如,伟大,惊人,爱,好,美好,快乐,可爱,希望等)-在新闻和社会报道: 同比-2017年12月11日对2018年1月15日对2018年12月11日对2019年1月15日。 -对新闻和社会报道的微小股票的积极情绪增加了492%,全球同比-2017年12月11日2018年1月15日与2018年12月11日2019年1月15日


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? A tiny charity, with an even tinier budget, using a technological world first to hijack some of the most iconic London Christmas lights with a child’s heartbeat is quite a story. And one that child heart charity, Tiny Tickers, successfully created against the odds to cut-through the festive consumerism and promote donations to child heart patients; who miss out on the magic of Christmas. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart” was an innovative PR stunt covered in 31 countries, doubling charity donations, driving a 365% increase in charity web traffic and achieving a 492% increase in positive sentiment for Tiny Tickers. Background The modern Christmas story is one of consumerism. What is the perfect present to buy? What will we receive? In contrast, all young heart patients want for Christmas is more time. Tiny Tickers is a small charity that supports these babies and children – with the festive period a key time to raise awareness of their plight, and donations for vital medical support equipment in the year ahead. But with the cultural conversation in December dominated by festive shopping, the plight of child heart patients gets lost. And thus, so do donations. Our brief was to change this – cutting through the noise around festive consumerism to tell their story and raise money. Objectives: - Increase December donation levels by 20% (against 2017) - Increase mainstream public awareness of Tiny Tickers and the plight of child heart patients (UK & internationally) - Increase December web traffic by 40% (against 2017) Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart…In the last shopping week before Christmas day, we connected the heart monitor of Billy; a 2-year old heart patient, to the iconic Christmas lights of London’s famous shopping district - Seven Dials (known as the ‘heart’ of the West End). From hundreds of miles away, his live heartbeat controlled the pulsing of lights via specially-designed technology - creating an emotive spectacle across 4 kilometers of cabling and 12,672 LEDs as the historic lights pulsed for the first time in their history. While the spectacle disrupted people’s shopping trips, our content and resulting coverage story spread around the globe; transcended language barriers with our message. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) We had realized that our challenge of festive consumerism also presented opportunities: 1) foot traffic in shopping areas increases, accompanied by media attention and 2) the public are already in ‘gift buying’ mode, so a donation could be positioned as buying a child patient ‘the gift of time’. Our strategy? Hijack the heart of London’s Christmas shopping (and news coverage) with a visual stunt that transcended language barriers and engaged UK and global general public 18 – 65 with the message that child heart patients miss the Christmas magic we take for granted. And call for giving the ‘gift of time’ via a donation. By giving the media another angle to take on the huge news theme of Christmas shopping they love covering, we knew the resulting story and visuals would land heavily as a counterpoint to the coverage of festive consumerism. A tale with a little festive heart. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Billy’s heartbeat controlled the Seven Dials Christmas lights 20 – 24 December, with digital displays on-location targeting passing shoppers. Content creation focused on delivering the visual spectacle; designed to transcend language barriers in coverage: - We shot a short social film telling Billy’s story and introducing the stunt. At launch, this was distributed to high value UK & international broadcast, online and print media with the press release, stills and interview opportunities with Billy’s mum. - Simultaneously, the film was organically seeded across Facebook and high sharing online communities, with an emphasis on targeting new parents. - UK & international media film crews covered the spectacle on the ground. - Embeds of charity weblinks were negotiated with high traffic online media to organically boost traffic and SEO performance. - We organically targeting the popular #sevendials social hashtags to direct general interest in the lights towards Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Tier 1: - 438 PIECES OF MEDIA COVERAGE for Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart globally including high quality placements on prime time TV news, national print front pages and full page spreads in key country media. - 31 COUNTRIES. The story went global with coverage and conversation in 31 countries. Including the US, Germany, Italy and Thailand. - OTS of 173.9m - 100% of coverage was positive in tone. - 95% of coverage contained complete message delivery. - 1million + video views, no paid budget - 500,000+ people saw the stunt spectacle in person Tier 2: - DOUBLED Christmas campaign donations YOY, with fundraising coming from around the globe for the first time ever. - 365% WEB TRAFFIC INCREASE to Tiny Tickers in the campaign period (YoY). - 560% increase in positive emotions linked to Tiny Tickers (e.g. great, amazing, love, good, wonderful, happy. lovely, hope etc) – in news and social coverage: YoY comparison – Dec 11th 2017 to Jan 15th 2018 vs Dec 11th 2018 to Jan 15th 2019. - 492% increase in positive sentiment towards Tiny Tickers in news and social coverage, Global YoY comparison –Dec 11th 2017 to Jan 15th 2018 vs Dec 11th 2018 to Jan 15th 2019

    Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 一个很小的慈善机构,预算甚至更少,首先使用技术世界来劫持一些最具标志性的伦敦圣诞灯,并带有孩子的心跳,这是一个故事。还有一个儿童心脏慈善机构,微小的股票,成功地创造了克服困难的机会,以消除节日的消费主义,并促进对儿童心脏病患者的捐款; 谁错过了圣诞节的魔力。 “Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart” 是一个创新的公关特技,覆盖了31个国家,慈善捐款增加了一倍,推动了慈善网络流量的365% 增长,并实现了对微小股票的积极情绪的492% 增长。 背景 现代圣诞故事是消费主义之一。买什么礼物最合适?我们会收到什么?相比之下,所有年轻的心脏病患者都希望圣诞节有更多的时间。 Tiny Tickers是一家小型慈善机构,为这些婴儿和儿童提供支持-节日期间是提高人们对他们困境的认识的关键时刻,并在来年为重要的医疗支持设备捐款。 但是,随着节日购物主导的12月文化对话,儿童心脏病患者的困境消失了。因此,捐赠也是如此。 我们的简介是改变这一点-消除节日消费主义的喧嚣,讲述他们的故事并筹集资金。 目标: -将12月捐赠水平提高20% (相对于2017) -提高主流公众对微小股票和儿童心脏病患者困境的认识 (英国和国际) -12月网络流量增加40% (比2017) 描述创意 (投票20%) Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart…。在圣诞节前的最后一个购物周,我们将比利的心脏监护仪; 一位2岁的心脏病患者,连接到伦敦著名购物区的标志性圣诞灯-七个表盘 (被称为西区的 “心脏”)。 在数百英里之外,他的实时心跳通过专门设计的技术控制了灯光的脉冲-在4公里的电缆和12,672个led上创造了一个情感奇观,这是历史性的灯光在他们的历史上第一次脉冲。虽然这种奇观扰乱了人们的购物之旅,但我们的内容和由此产生的报道故事在全球范围内传播; 通过我们的信息超越了语言障碍。 描述公关策略 (投票30%) 我们已经意识到,我们对节日消费主义的挑战也带来了机遇: 1) 购物区的人流量增加,伴随着媒体的关注; 2) 公众已经处于 “礼品购买” 模式,因此捐赠可以被定位为购买儿童患者的 “时间礼物”。 我们的策略?以超越语言障碍的视觉特技劫持了伦敦圣诞节购物 (和新闻报道) 的心脏,并吸引了英国和全球公众18-65岁的信息,即儿童心脏病患者错过了我们认为理所当然的圣诞节魔术。并呼吁通过捐赠给予 “时间的礼物”。 通过给媒体另一个角度来探讨他们喜欢报道的圣诞节购物这一巨大的新闻主题,我们知道由此产生的故事和视觉效果将与节日消费主义的报道形成鲜明对比。一个有点喜庆的故事。 描述PR执行 (投票20%) 比利的心跳控制了20 12月24日的七个拨号盘圣诞灯,并在现场显示了针对过往购物者的数字显示。内容创作专注于提供视觉奇观; 旨在超越覆盖范围的语言障碍: -我们拍摄了一部简短的社交电影,讲述了比利的故事并介绍了特技。在发布时,它通过新闻稿,剧照和与比利妈妈的访谈机会分发给了高价值的英国和国际广播,在线和印刷媒体。 -同时,这部电影在Facebook和高度共享的在线社区中进行了有机播种,重点是针对新父母。 -英国和国际媒体摄制组在地面上覆盖了奇观。 -与高流量在线媒体协商了慈善网络链接的嵌入,以有机地提高流量和SEO性能。 -我们有机地针对流行的 # sevendials社交主题标签,将人们对灯光的兴趣引向闪烁的小心脏。 列出结果 (投票30%),必须至少包括以下两个层: 第1层: -在全球范围内为Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart提供438条媒体报道,包括黄金时段电视新闻,全国印刷头版和主要国家媒体的整版。 -31个国家。这个故事在全球31个国家/地区进行了报道和对话。包括美国、德国、意大利和泰国。 -173米的OTS -报道的100% 是积极的语气。 -覆盖范围的95% 包含完整的消息传递。 -100万 + 视频观看次数,无付费预算 -500,000 + 人亲眼看到了特技表演 第2层: -D圣诞节活动捐款同比增加,这是有史以来第一次来自全球各地。 -在活动期间 (同比),365% 网络流量增加到微小的股票代码。 -与微小的股票相关的积极情绪的560% 增加 (例如,伟大,惊人,爱,好,美好,快乐,可爱,希望等)-在新闻和社会报道: 同比-2017年12月11日对2018年1月15日对2018年12月11日对2019年1月15日。 -对新闻和社会报道的微小股票的积极情绪增加了492%,全球同比-2017年12月11日2018年1月15日与2018年12月11日2019年1月15日

    Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? A tiny charity, with an even tinier budget, using a technological world first to hijack some of the most iconic London Christmas lights with a child’s heartbeat is quite a story. And one that child heart charity, Tiny Tickers, successfully created against the odds to cut-through the festive consumerism and promote donations to child heart patients; who miss out on the magic of Christmas. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart” was an innovative PR stunt covered in 31 countries, doubling charity donations, driving a 365% increase in charity web traffic and achieving a 492% increase in positive sentiment for Tiny Tickers. Background The modern Christmas story is one of consumerism. What is the perfect present to buy? What will we receive? In contrast, all young heart patients want for Christmas is more time. Tiny Tickers is a small charity that supports these babies and children – with the festive period a key time to raise awareness of their plight, and donations for vital medical support equipment in the year ahead. But with the cultural conversation in December dominated by festive shopping, the plight of child heart patients gets lost. And thus, so do donations. Our brief was to change this – cutting through the noise around festive consumerism to tell their story and raise money. Objectives: - Increase December donation levels by 20% (against 2017) - Increase mainstream public awareness of Tiny Tickers and the plight of child heart patients (UK & internationally) - Increase December web traffic by 40% (against 2017) Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart…In the last shopping week before Christmas day, we connected the heart monitor of Billy; a 2-year old heart patient, to the iconic Christmas lights of London’s famous shopping district - Seven Dials (known as the ‘heart’ of the West End). From hundreds of miles away, his live heartbeat controlled the pulsing of lights via specially-designed technology - creating an emotive spectacle across 4 kilometers of cabling and 12,672 LEDs as the historic lights pulsed for the first time in their history. While the spectacle disrupted people’s shopping trips, our content and resulting coverage story spread around the globe; transcended language barriers with our message. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) We had realized that our challenge of festive consumerism also presented opportunities: 1) foot traffic in shopping areas increases, accompanied by media attention and 2) the public are already in ‘gift buying’ mode, so a donation could be positioned as buying a child patient ‘the gift of time’. Our strategy? Hijack the heart of London’s Christmas shopping (and news coverage) with a visual stunt that transcended language barriers and engaged UK and global general public 18 – 65 with the message that child heart patients miss the Christmas magic we take for granted. And call for giving the ‘gift of time’ via a donation. By giving the media another angle to take on the huge news theme of Christmas shopping they love covering, we knew the resulting story and visuals would land heavily as a counterpoint to the coverage of festive consumerism. A tale with a little festive heart. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) Billy’s heartbeat controlled the Seven Dials Christmas lights 20 – 24 December, with digital displays on-location targeting passing shoppers. Content creation focused on delivering the visual spectacle; designed to transcend language barriers in coverage: - We shot a short social film telling Billy’s story and introducing the stunt. At launch, this was distributed to high value UK & international broadcast, online and print media with the press release, stills and interview opportunities with Billy’s mum. - Simultaneously, the film was organically seeded across Facebook and high sharing online communities, with an emphasis on targeting new parents. - UK & international media film crews covered the spectacle on the ground. - Embeds of charity weblinks were negotiated with high traffic online media to organically boost traffic and SEO performance. - We organically targeting the popular #sevendials social hashtags to direct general interest in the lights towards Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Tier 1: - 438 PIECES OF MEDIA COVERAGE for Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart globally including high quality placements on prime time TV news, national print front pages and full page spreads in key country media. - 31 COUNTRIES. The story went global with coverage and conversation in 31 countries. Including the US, Germany, Italy and Thailand. - OTS of 173.9m - 100% of coverage was positive in tone. - 95% of coverage contained complete message delivery. - 1million + video views, no paid budget - 500,000+ people saw the stunt spectacle in person Tier 2: - DOUBLED Christmas campaign donations YOY, with fundraising coming from around the globe for the first time ever. - 365% WEB TRAFFIC INCREASE to Tiny Tickers in the campaign period (YoY). - 560% increase in positive emotions linked to Tiny Tickers (e.g. great, amazing, love, good, wonderful, happy. lovely, hope etc) – in news and social coverage: YoY comparison – Dec 11th 2017 to Jan 15th 2018 vs Dec 11th 2018 to Jan 15th 2019. - 492% increase in positive sentiment towards Tiny Tickers in news and social coverage, Global YoY comparison –Dec 11th 2017 to Jan 15th 2018 vs Dec 11th 2018 to Jan 15th 2019



    Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart










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