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    Bees Can Find Sugar Where You Least Suspect It短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 该活动产生了 3,87 百万。累积媒体影响力,300 有机社交媒体影响力,网站流量增长 30%,商店访问量增长 10%。 相关性 为了实现其中一个目标,为人们每天的食物提供更健康的解决方案,我们向最初引起轰动的食物博客和记者发送了带有我们奇怪蜂蜜样本的直接邮件。 活动描述 由于糖是隐藏的,我们不得不从一个人那里寻求帮助,他可以在任何地方找到糖 -- 一只蜜蜂。我们雇佣了 150 名这些专家来帮助我们证明食物中的糖含量。我们给他们吃了几天不同的食物。由于蜜蜂可以从任何含有 15% 以上糖的东西中生产蜂蜜,我们向世界推出了第一款汉堡蜂蜜、番茄酱蜂蜜、沙拉酱蜂蜜、谷物蜂蜜和速溶汤蜜。 战略 每个捷克商店在超市和消费加工食品每天基地。这给了我们几乎整个国家的谈话,但由于我们的竞选是关于食物的, 对于我们直接邮件的目标受众来说,最好的选择是美食博客和记者,他们拥有对我们信息感兴趣的大量粉丝。我们的行动呼吁很清楚: 糖藏在哪里!控制你的健康,开始注意你吃的东西。 执行 正如我们所知,加工食品中存在隐藏的糖,我们的目标是捷克共和国最常见的食品, 我们把糖的量翻译成百分比,这给了我们一个蜜蜂从这些食物中制造蜂蜜的可能性。由于每种食物都含有 15% 以上的糖,蜜蜂真的制造了蜂蜜,并指出食物中含有大量的糖。这些蜂蜜的样本后来成为我们的直接邮件。 概要 在捷克共和国,有 840 糖尿病患者。每天,有 150 新的耐心被诊断出患有这种疾病。主要原因之一是糖的过度消耗。这种过度消费的原因是,人们不知道他们所有的糖,因为大部分糖隐藏在各种加工食品中。根据世卫组织的研究,我们国家在预防方面失败了。因此,一个全国性的生物食品连锁店 n á sh Grunt 决定帮助 -- 教育并提供一个解决方案 -- 诚实的产品形成天然成分,没有隐藏的糖。


    案例简介:Outcome The campaign resulted in 3,87 mil. accumulated media reach, 300 000 organic social media reach, website traffic increased by 30 %, store visits increased by 10 %. Relevancy To fulfill one of the goals, to offer people healthier solution to their every day food, we sent direct mails with samples of our weird honeys to the food bloggers and journalists who created the initial buzz. Campaign Description As the sugar is hidden, we had to search help from someone, who can find sugar everywhere - a bee. We hired 150 000 of these experts to help us demonstrate the amounts of sugar in our food. We fed them different foods for several days. As bees can produce honey from anything containing 15% and more of sugar, we introduced the world the a very first Hamburger honey, Ketchup honey, Salad dressing honey, Cereal honey and Instant soup honey. Strategy Every Czech shops in supermarkets and consumes processed food on every day bases. That gives us almost a whole nation to talk to, but as our campaign is about food, the best choice for target audience of our direct mails were food bloggers and journalists who have big fan bases of people who will be interested about our message. Our call to action was clear: Sugar is hiding everywhere! Get your health under control and start paying attention to what you eat. Execution As we know about the presence of hidden sugar in processed food, we target the ones that are most commonly consumed in the Czech republic, we translated the amounts of sugar into percentage and that gave us an idea of the possibility of bees making honey from these foods. As each of the food contains more than 15 % of sugar, the bees really made the honey and pointed out the big amounts of sugar in the food. Samples of these honeys then became our Direct mails. Synopsis In the Czech republic, there is 840 000 people with diabetes. Every day, there are 150 new patience diagnosed with this disease. One of the main reasons is overconsumption of sugar.The reason for such overconsumption is, that people don't know about all the sugar they, as most of it is hidden in all kinds of processed food. Based on the WHO research, our country fails in prevention.So a national chain of bio groceries Náš Grunt decided to help - educate and offer a solution - honest products form natural ingredients without hidden sugar.

    Bees Can Find Sugar Where You Least Suspect It

    案例简介:结果 该活动产生了 3,87 百万。累积媒体影响力,300 有机社交媒体影响力,网站流量增长 30%,商店访问量增长 10%。 相关性 为了实现其中一个目标,为人们每天的食物提供更健康的解决方案,我们向最初引起轰动的食物博客和记者发送了带有我们奇怪蜂蜜样本的直接邮件。 活动描述 由于糖是隐藏的,我们不得不从一个人那里寻求帮助,他可以在任何地方找到糖 -- 一只蜜蜂。我们雇佣了 150 名这些专家来帮助我们证明食物中的糖含量。我们给他们吃了几天不同的食物。由于蜜蜂可以从任何含有 15% 以上糖的东西中生产蜂蜜,我们向世界推出了第一款汉堡蜂蜜、番茄酱蜂蜜、沙拉酱蜂蜜、谷物蜂蜜和速溶汤蜜。 战略 每个捷克商店在超市和消费加工食品每天基地。这给了我们几乎整个国家的谈话,但由于我们的竞选是关于食物的, 对于我们直接邮件的目标受众来说,最好的选择是美食博客和记者,他们拥有对我们信息感兴趣的大量粉丝。我们的行动呼吁很清楚: 糖藏在哪里!控制你的健康,开始注意你吃的东西。 执行 正如我们所知,加工食品中存在隐藏的糖,我们的目标是捷克共和国最常见的食品, 我们把糖的量翻译成百分比,这给了我们一个蜜蜂从这些食物中制造蜂蜜的可能性。由于每种食物都含有 15% 以上的糖,蜜蜂真的制造了蜂蜜,并指出食物中含有大量的糖。这些蜂蜜的样本后来成为我们的直接邮件。 概要 在捷克共和国,有 840 糖尿病患者。每天,有 150 新的耐心被诊断出患有这种疾病。主要原因之一是糖的过度消耗。这种过度消费的原因是,人们不知道他们所有的糖,因为大部分糖隐藏在各种加工食品中。根据世卫组织的研究,我们国家在预防方面失败了。因此,一个全国性的生物食品连锁店 n á sh Grunt 决定帮助 -- 教育并提供一个解决方案 -- 诚实的产品形成天然成分,没有隐藏的糖。

    Bees Can Find Sugar Where You Least Suspect It

    案例简介:Outcome The campaign resulted in 3,87 mil. accumulated media reach, 300 000 organic social media reach, website traffic increased by 30 %, store visits increased by 10 %. Relevancy To fulfill one of the goals, to offer people healthier solution to their every day food, we sent direct mails with samples of our weird honeys to the food bloggers and journalists who created the initial buzz. Campaign Description As the sugar is hidden, we had to search help from someone, who can find sugar everywhere - a bee. We hired 150 000 of these experts to help us demonstrate the amounts of sugar in our food. We fed them different foods for several days. As bees can produce honey from anything containing 15% and more of sugar, we introduced the world the a very first Hamburger honey, Ketchup honey, Salad dressing honey, Cereal honey and Instant soup honey. Strategy Every Czech shops in supermarkets and consumes processed food on every day bases. That gives us almost a whole nation to talk to, but as our campaign is about food, the best choice for target audience of our direct mails were food bloggers and journalists who have big fan bases of people who will be interested about our message. Our call to action was clear: Sugar is hiding everywhere! Get your health under control and start paying attention to what you eat. Execution As we know about the presence of hidden sugar in processed food, we target the ones that are most commonly consumed in the Czech republic, we translated the amounts of sugar into percentage and that gave us an idea of the possibility of bees making honey from these foods. As each of the food contains more than 15 % of sugar, the bees really made the honey and pointed out the big amounts of sugar in the food. Samples of these honeys then became our Direct mails. Synopsis In the Czech republic, there is 840 000 people with diabetes. Every day, there are 150 new patience diagnosed with this disease. One of the main reasons is overconsumption of sugar.The reason for such overconsumption is, that people don't know about all the sugar they, as most of it is hidden in all kinds of processed food. Based on the WHO research, our country fails in prevention.So a national chain of bio groceries Náš Grunt decided to help - educate and offer a solution - honest products form natural ingredients without hidden sugar.



    Bees Can Find Sugar Where You Least Suspect It










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