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    The World's First Baby Marathon短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 我们在竞争对手主导的市场中的情况/简介/目标 (Huggies 是第二大品牌) 我们的任务是驾驶 Huggies 活动婴儿尿布系列的试验,并展示我们有最好的婴儿尿布,以便将竞争对手忠诚的人换成我们的品牌, 并最终扩大中等收入母亲的品牌渗透率。我们的挑战一旦妈妈们购买了竞争对手的尿布品牌 (通常在新生儿阶段),他们很少重新考虑他们对品牌的选择。相反,他们开始购买自动驾驶,简单地继续评估他们最喜欢的品牌的产品系列,直到他们的孩子不再需要尿布。我们需要让他们摆脱这种状况,并对我们的尿布进行试验,因为在这个市场上的试验通常会导致转换。 战略 我们要快的中等收入的妈妈们的竞争对手--品牌代购自动驾驶仪通过创建一个重新触发时主动阶段。要做到这一点,我们想: 1) 抓住他们,让他们在一个地方度过大部分活跃的媒体消费时间,即。在线; 2) 向他们展示一些关于他们孩子的完全令人惊讶的东西,同时让他们意识到他们从来不知道自己孩子有什么需要。然后,我们想把我们的尿布系列作为解决这一需求的唯一答案。一旦我们确定了世界上第一个婴儿马拉松的想法,我们的媒体计划就变成了让妈妈们在网上体验实时比赛, 而不仅仅是一个版本的品牌内涵。我们选择了让我们媒体的时间取决于宝宝的实时运行数据,重定目标和建设我们的观众从预告的收尾阶段。 相关性 尿布活动通常由一个电视广告,打印和店内的消息。毫不奇怪,很难让妈妈们关注竞争对手的品牌,因为一切都变成了 “壁纸”。然而,我们的妈妈实际上花了很多时间在网上,或者在社交网站上,或者在相关网站上积极寻找关于他们孩子的信息。这一点,再加上婴儿每天可以移动超过 3千米 * 的洞察力 (纽约大学),让我们想到了世界上第一个婴儿马拉松 -- 这个想法, 由于其本质 (实时在线竞赛),只能通过改变游戏规则的渠道策略来执行。 结果 • 在马拉松比赛,可以增加 28.9% 的尿布销售 • 会上就 29:1 投资回报率的 • • 共有超过 840万场的意见吧获得超过 2400 万卢比的公关点击率比行业平均水平高 194%,加上马拉松在 9 小时内推出 10 分钟内的趋势 执行 预告开始日期: 2017年8月28日。长跑启动日期: 2017年9月18日。马拉松比赛中发生的实际时间为将要采取的日子,与第一个宝宝撞线在 5.8 天。开展了多个数字和社交平台 (脸谱,搜索,移动/高级显示和 YouTube) 的月周的总和。这包括一个为期三周的传情相来建设我们的听众,两周的马拉松,四周的总结的运动。在我们的预告阶段,我们还使用了有限的电视和电影支持,以及有针对性的 instore 促销。这项活动包括我们的活动页面、 1X75 秒的宣传片、 3X10 秒的预告片、各种推广的 “提问者” 社交帖子 (我们四个婴儿的简介、婴儿热身、倒计时计时器等)并在店内和在线比赛父母能赢品牌好奇的世界上第一个宝宝马拉松装备为自己和自己的孩子。 活动描述 我们的见解: 婴儿的移动方式比他们的父母意识到的要多 -- 每天超过 3千米 *。* 美国纽约大学的漏洞: 世界上第一个宝宝马拉松。来自 Huggies。证明了多少孩子可移动的一天,把好奇纸尿裤的舒适与合身的测试, ,从而清楚地表明这些尿布是最好的选择为主动的小家伙,我们选择了四个孩子,给他们一个胆大包天的目标: 21 成人长公里。我们定制的距离跟踪设备: 由于婴儿定制设计的距离跟踪设备收集的数据,我们的小运动员能够在我们的在线比赛过程中相互比赛, 在真正的时间,而在自己舒适的家。他们的进展被包装成一系列的亮点影片,公布在多个数字平台,直到第一个宝宝越过终点线后 5.8 天。


    案例简介:Synopsis Our situation/brief/objectives In a market dominated by the competitor (where Huggies is the number two brand) we were tasked to drive trial of the Huggies active baby diaper range and show we have the best nappy for moving babies, in order to switch competitor-loyalists to our brand, and ultimately grow brand penetration amongst middle-income moms. Our challenge Once moms have bought into the rival diaper brand (usually at the newborn baby stage), they rarely reconsider their choice of brand. Instead they go into purchasing auto-pilot, and simply continue sizing up through their favourite brand’s range of products, until their child no longer requires diapers. We needed to snap them out of this and induce trial of our diapers, because trial in this market generally always leads to conversion. Strategy We wanted to snap our middle-income moms out of competitor-brand purchasing auto-pilot by creating a reconsideration trigger at the active baby stage. To do this, we wanted to: 1) catch them in a place they were spending most of their active media-consumption time, ie. online; and 2) show them something completely surprising about their baby, consequently making them aware of a need they never knew their baby had. We then wanted to position our diaper-range as the only answer to this need. Once we’d settled on the idea of The World’s First Baby Marathon, our media planning became about letting moms experience the real-time race as it unfolded online, as opposed to just a release of branded content. We chose to let our media timings be dictated by the babies’ real-time movement data, retargeting and building our audience from teaser to wrap-up phase. Relevancy Diaper campaigns typically consist of a TV commercial, print and instore messaging. Not surprising it’s difficult to get moms to pay attention to a competitor brand, as everything becomes ‘wallpaper’. Yet our moms actually spend a lot of time online, either on social, or actively seeking out info about their baby on relevant websites. This, coupled with the insight that babies can move over 3km* a day (*New York University), led us to The World’s First Baby Marathon – an idea that, due to its very nature (a real-time online race), could only be executed via a game-changing channel strategy. Outcome • The marathon led to a 28.9% increase in diaper sales • It generated a 29:1 return on investment • There were over 8.4 million views of the campaign • It resulted in over R2.4 million in earned PR • The click-through rate was 194% higher than industry average • Plus the marathon trended within 10 minutes of launch for 9 hours Execution Teaser start-date: 28 August 2017. Marathon start-date: 18 September 2017. The marathon unfolded in real time for 13 days, with the first baby crossing the finish line in 5.8 days. The campaign was promoted across multiple digital and social platforms (Facebook, search, mobile/premium display and YouTube) for 9 weeks in total. This included a three-week teaser phase to build our audience, two weeks of real-time marathon, and a four-week sum-up of the campaign. During our teaser phase, we also used limited TV and cinema support, as well as targeted instore promotion. The campaign consisted of our campaign page, 1 X 75 second promo film, 3 X 10 second teaser films, various promoted ‘teaser’ social posts (profiles of our four babies, baby warm-ups, a countdown timer, etc) and an instore and online competition where parents could win branded Huggies World’s First Baby Marathon gear for both themselves and their babies. CampaignDescription Our insight: Babies move way more than their parents realise – over 3km* a day. *New York University Our execution: The World’s First Baby Marathon. From Huggies. To prove just how much babies can move in a day, to put the comfort and fit of Huggies diapers to the test, and to thereby clearly demonstrate why these nappies are the best choice for active little ones, we chose four babies and gave them an audacious goal: 21 adult-length kilometers. Our custom-made distance-tracking device: Thanks to the data collected by the babies’ custom-designed distance-tracking devices, our little athletes were able to race one another on our online race course, in real time, from the comfort of their own homes. Their progress was packaged as a series of highlights videos, which were released across multiple digital platforms, until the first baby crossed the finish line 5.8 days later.

    The World's First Baby Marathon

    案例简介:概要 我们在竞争对手主导的市场中的情况/简介/目标 (Huggies 是第二大品牌) 我们的任务是驾驶 Huggies 活动婴儿尿布系列的试验,并展示我们有最好的婴儿尿布,以便将竞争对手忠诚的人换成我们的品牌, 并最终扩大中等收入母亲的品牌渗透率。我们的挑战一旦妈妈们购买了竞争对手的尿布品牌 (通常在新生儿阶段),他们很少重新考虑他们对品牌的选择。相反,他们开始购买自动驾驶,简单地继续评估他们最喜欢的品牌的产品系列,直到他们的孩子不再需要尿布。我们需要让他们摆脱这种状况,并对我们的尿布进行试验,因为在这个市场上的试验通常会导致转换。 战略 我们要快的中等收入的妈妈们的竞争对手--品牌代购自动驾驶仪通过创建一个重新触发时主动阶段。要做到这一点,我们想: 1) 抓住他们,让他们在一个地方度过大部分活跃的媒体消费时间,即。在线; 2) 向他们展示一些关于他们孩子的完全令人惊讶的东西,同时让他们意识到他们从来不知道自己孩子有什么需要。然后,我们想把我们的尿布系列作为解决这一需求的唯一答案。一旦我们确定了世界上第一个婴儿马拉松的想法,我们的媒体计划就变成了让妈妈们在网上体验实时比赛, 而不仅仅是一个版本的品牌内涵。我们选择了让我们媒体的时间取决于宝宝的实时运行数据,重定目标和建设我们的观众从预告的收尾阶段。 相关性 尿布活动通常由一个电视广告,打印和店内的消息。毫不奇怪,很难让妈妈们关注竞争对手的品牌,因为一切都变成了 “壁纸”。然而,我们的妈妈实际上花了很多时间在网上,或者在社交网站上,或者在相关网站上积极寻找关于他们孩子的信息。这一点,再加上婴儿每天可以移动超过 3千米 * 的洞察力 (纽约大学),让我们想到了世界上第一个婴儿马拉松 -- 这个想法, 由于其本质 (实时在线竞赛),只能通过改变游戏规则的渠道策略来执行。 结果 • 在马拉松比赛,可以增加 28.9% 的尿布销售 • 会上就 29:1 投资回报率的 • • 共有超过 840万场的意见吧获得超过 2400 万卢比的公关点击率比行业平均水平高 194%,加上马拉松在 9 小时内推出 10 分钟内的趋势 执行 预告开始日期: 2017年8月28日。长跑启动日期: 2017年9月18日。马拉松比赛中发生的实际时间为将要采取的日子,与第一个宝宝撞线在 5.8 天。开展了多个数字和社交平台 (脸谱,搜索,移动/高级显示和 YouTube) 的月周的总和。这包括一个为期三周的传情相来建设我们的听众,两周的马拉松,四周的总结的运动。在我们的预告阶段,我们还使用了有限的电视和电影支持,以及有针对性的 instore 促销。这项活动包括我们的活动页面、 1X75 秒的宣传片、 3X10 秒的预告片、各种推广的 “提问者” 社交帖子 (我们四个婴儿的简介、婴儿热身、倒计时计时器等)并在店内和在线比赛父母能赢品牌好奇的世界上第一个宝宝马拉松装备为自己和自己的孩子。 活动描述 我们的见解: 婴儿的移动方式比他们的父母意识到的要多 -- 每天超过 3千米 *。* 美国纽约大学的漏洞: 世界上第一个宝宝马拉松。来自 Huggies。证明了多少孩子可移动的一天,把好奇纸尿裤的舒适与合身的测试, ,从而清楚地表明这些尿布是最好的选择为主动的小家伙,我们选择了四个孩子,给他们一个胆大包天的目标: 21 成人长公里。我们定制的距离跟踪设备: 由于婴儿定制设计的距离跟踪设备收集的数据,我们的小运动员能够在我们的在线比赛过程中相互比赛, 在真正的时间,而在自己舒适的家。他们的进展被包装成一系列的亮点影片,公布在多个数字平台,直到第一个宝宝越过终点线后 5.8 天。

    The World's First Baby Marathon

    案例简介:Synopsis Our situation/brief/objectives In a market dominated by the competitor (where Huggies is the number two brand) we were tasked to drive trial of the Huggies active baby diaper range and show we have the best nappy for moving babies, in order to switch competitor-loyalists to our brand, and ultimately grow brand penetration amongst middle-income moms. Our challenge Once moms have bought into the rival diaper brand (usually at the newborn baby stage), they rarely reconsider their choice of brand. Instead they go into purchasing auto-pilot, and simply continue sizing up through their favourite brand’s range of products, until their child no longer requires diapers. We needed to snap them out of this and induce trial of our diapers, because trial in this market generally always leads to conversion. Strategy We wanted to snap our middle-income moms out of competitor-brand purchasing auto-pilot by creating a reconsideration trigger at the active baby stage. To do this, we wanted to: 1) catch them in a place they were spending most of their active media-consumption time, ie. online; and 2) show them something completely surprising about their baby, consequently making them aware of a need they never knew their baby had. We then wanted to position our diaper-range as the only answer to this need. Once we’d settled on the idea of The World’s First Baby Marathon, our media planning became about letting moms experience the real-time race as it unfolded online, as opposed to just a release of branded content. We chose to let our media timings be dictated by the babies’ real-time movement data, retargeting and building our audience from teaser to wrap-up phase. Relevancy Diaper campaigns typically consist of a TV commercial, print and instore messaging. Not surprising it’s difficult to get moms to pay attention to a competitor brand, as everything becomes ‘wallpaper’. Yet our moms actually spend a lot of time online, either on social, or actively seeking out info about their baby on relevant websites. This, coupled with the insight that babies can move over 3km* a day (*New York University), led us to The World’s First Baby Marathon – an idea that, due to its very nature (a real-time online race), could only be executed via a game-changing channel strategy. Outcome • The marathon led to a 28.9% increase in diaper sales • It generated a 29:1 return on investment • There were over 8.4 million views of the campaign • It resulted in over R2.4 million in earned PR • The click-through rate was 194% higher than industry average • Plus the marathon trended within 10 minutes of launch for 9 hours Execution Teaser start-date: 28 August 2017. Marathon start-date: 18 September 2017. The marathon unfolded in real time for 13 days, with the first baby crossing the finish line in 5.8 days. The campaign was promoted across multiple digital and social platforms (Facebook, search, mobile/premium display and YouTube) for 9 weeks in total. This included a three-week teaser phase to build our audience, two weeks of real-time marathon, and a four-week sum-up of the campaign. During our teaser phase, we also used limited TV and cinema support, as well as targeted instore promotion. The campaign consisted of our campaign page, 1 X 75 second promo film, 3 X 10 second teaser films, various promoted ‘teaser’ social posts (profiles of our four babies, baby warm-ups, a countdown timer, etc) and an instore and online competition where parents could win branded Huggies World’s First Baby Marathon gear for both themselves and their babies. CampaignDescription Our insight: Babies move way more than their parents realise – over 3km* a day. *New York University Our execution: The World’s First Baby Marathon. From Huggies. To prove just how much babies can move in a day, to put the comfort and fit of Huggies diapers to the test, and to thereby clearly demonstrate why these nappies are the best choice for active little ones, we chose four babies and gave them an audacious goal: 21 adult-length kilometers. Our custom-made distance-tracking device: Thanks to the data collected by the babies’ custom-designed distance-tracking devices, our little athletes were able to race one another on our online race course, in real time, from the comfort of their own homes. Their progress was packaged as a series of highlights videos, which were released across multiple digital platforms, until the first baby crossed the finish line 5.8 days later.



    The World's First Baby Marathon










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