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    Holland For Gold episode 3微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 在韩国2018年的冬季奥运会前夕,喜力希望荷兰喜力之家在荷兰人民的心中更加活跃。在超过25年的时间里,喜力与荷兰奥委会NOC * NSF合作,在每届奥运会上都建造了这座房子,作为运动员,家庭,媒体和球迷的国家之家。我们的主要目标是展示房子的相关性,摆脱豪华啤酒大厅的形象,并向全国观众展示它在奥运村中脱颖而出的原因。此外,喜力旨在使荷兰喜力之家更接近自己的品牌。喜力将这所房子视为庆祝荷兰奥运会成功的开创性地点。喜力对此感到非常自豪,并希望与荷兰公众分享这种情感。 战略 一部关于品牌活动的纪录片,它的相关性足以在国家电视台免费播放,需要有独立的观点。此外,要吸引并吸引观众24分钟的注意力,它不应该被烙印。这需要客户进行一定程度的自我检查。最重要的是,它需要一个好故事。具有数十年传统的荷兰喜力之家拥有以上所有内容-然后是一些。你可以看出,人们和他们的故事是这个项目的核心,它的品牌方面不是重点。目的是展示运动员如何取得胜利,以及企业家力量如何塑造庆祝体育成功的方式。用真实而引人入胜的故事来娱乐观众,这是一种简单而有效的策略,讲述了著名奥运镜头背后的个人经历。 相关性 体育和情感是奥运会体验的支柱。在荷兰喜力之家,不仅对球迷,而且对运动员也是如此。自几十年前成立以来,这座房子已成为荷兰体育遗产的有形组成部分,但其相关性从未被告知。对于运动员来说,经过多年的奉献和训练,胜利庆祝活动是顶峰。在荷兰获得金牌,六名金牌得主与HHH的建筑师一起,将观众带回他们赢得奥运会最大胜利的地方,并解释他们为取得成功所克服的一切。 结果 它在1月21日,28日和2月4日日在全国范围内播出。在电视上播出后,该系列节目已在荷兰在线SBS平台上播放。每24分钟平均有100万名观众观看,因为人类关于克服逆境的故事令人信服。Holland for Gold帮助人们开始了一种新的思考方式,即Holland Heineken House与运动员和热爱运动的人们的相关性。它还显示了喜力作为企业家在通过体育的力量帮助团结所有荷兰人方面发挥的独特作用。作为意想不到的结果,它给了一些运动员一个新的职业生涯,成为媒体人物。 执行 我们带着一个由四个人组成的小型纪录片团队,去了五大洲的六个国家。每个奥林匹克城市,我们与荷兰喜力之家的一名运动员和一名建筑师 (企业家力量) 一起拍摄了三天。每集都有两个运动员的故事。拍摄没有Heineken Marcom在场,因为我们被允许制作和拍摄自己的故事。最终结果包括三个24分钟的情节,讲述了六个故事。由于引人入胜的故事和系列的整体质量,国家电视频道SBS6同意播放由三部分组成的纪录片系列,而无需客户付费。 运动描述 荷兰喜力之家 (Holland Heineken House) 取得了成功-而且有点臭名昭著-因为荷兰在那里庆祝奥运会胜利的方式。通过制作一个由三部分组成的长篇纪录片系列,借鉴了丰富的历史并着重于现实生活中的经历,我们翻转了派对场地的形象。六名金牌得主回到他们最大的奥运胜利之地,重温记忆和情感。他们的职业生涯以在荷兰喜力之家 (Holland Heineken House) 庆祝胜利而达到顶峰,每一集都在原始场地结束,并在原始场地上投射了他们年轻的自我的惊喜图像。此外,这座房子的建筑师以庆祝体育成功的方式讲述了它在奥运会上的发展和不断增长的作用。通过众所周知的奥运成功背后的未知个人故事来展示房屋的相关性,这些故事使观众和粉丝产生共鸣。


    案例简介:Synopsis In the run-up to the Olympic Winter Games of 2018 in South Korea, Heineken wanted the Holland Heineken House to come more alive in the hearts and minds of the Dutch people. For over 25 years, the House is built at every Olympics as a national home for athletes, family, media and fans, in a collaboration between Heineken and the Dutch Olympic committee NOC*NSF. Our main objectives were to show the relevance of the House, to shake off the image of a boozy beer hall, and to demonstrate to national audiences what makes it stand out in the Olympic Village. Additionally, Heineken aimed to draw the Holland Heineken House closer toward its own brand. Heineken views the House as the seminal location to celebrate Dutch Olympic success. That’s something that Heineken is very proud of and hopes to share that emotion with the Dutch public. Strategy A documentary about a branded event, which is relevant enough to be broadcast for free on national television, needs an independent point of view. Moreover, to capture and hold the attention of the audience for 24 minutes, it shouldn’t feel branded. That requires a level of self-examination on the client’s part. And most of all, it needs a good story. Holland Heineken House with a tradition spanning decades has all of the above – and then some. You can tell that the people and their stories are at the heart of this project, and that the branded aspect of it was not the focus. The goal was to show how athletes achieved their victories and how entrepreneurial power shaped the way that sporting success is celebrated. Entertaining the audience with real and compelling stories, which tell of personal experience behind well-known Olympic footage, was a simple and effective strategy. Relevancy Sports and emotion are the pillars of the Olympics experience. Nowhere more so than at the Holland Heineken House, not only to fans but to athletes too. Since its establishment decades ago, the House has become a tangible part of Dutch sporting heritage, but its relevance has never been told before. To athletes the victory celebrations are the pinnacle after years of dedication and training. In Holland for Gold, six gold medalists, together with architects of HHH, take the audience back to the place where they won their greatest Olympic victory and explain what they overcame in order to succeed. Outcome It was broadcasted nation-wide on January 21st, 28th, and February 4th. After the broadcast on television, the series was made available on the Dutch online SBS platform. Averaging one million viewers per 24-minute episode, it was watched because the human stories over overcoming adversity were compelling. Holland for Gold helped to kick start a new way of thinking about the relevance of the Holland Heineken House to athletes and people who love sports. It also showed the unique role that Heineken plays as an entrepreneur in helping to unite all Dutch people through the power of sports. As an unintended outcome, it gave a few of the athletes a new career as media personalities. Execution With a small documentary crew of four people, we traveled to six countries on five continents. Per Olympic city we shot for three days with an athlete and an architect (entrepreneurial force) of the Holland Heineken House. Each episode features two athletes’ stories. The shoot was without Heineken Marcom presence, because we were allowed to make and shoot our own story. The end result consisted of three 24-minute episodes, telling six stories. Because of the captivating stories and the overall quality of the series, national television channel SBS6 agreed to broadcast the three-part documentary series without the client paying for it. CampaignDescription The Holland Heineken House has become a success – and a bit infamous – because of the way Dutch Olympic victories are celebrated there. By making a three-part long-form documentary series, drawing on a rich history and focusing on real-life experiences, we flipped the image of a party venue on its head. Six gold medalists travel back to the place of their greatest Olympic victory to relive memories and emotions. Their careers culminated with the celebration of their win at the Holland Heineken House, and each episode ends at the original venue, onto which as a surprise images of their younger selves are projected. Furthermore, architects of the House tell of its development and ever-growing role at the Games in the way that sporting success is celebrated. The relevance of the House is shown through unknown personal stories behind well-known Olympic successes, which make emotions resonate with viewers and fans.

    Holland For Gold episode 3

    案例简介:概要 在韩国2018年的冬季奥运会前夕,喜力希望荷兰喜力之家在荷兰人民的心中更加活跃。在超过25年的时间里,喜力与荷兰奥委会NOC * NSF合作,在每届奥运会上都建造了这座房子,作为运动员,家庭,媒体和球迷的国家之家。我们的主要目标是展示房子的相关性,摆脱豪华啤酒大厅的形象,并向全国观众展示它在奥运村中脱颖而出的原因。此外,喜力旨在使荷兰喜力之家更接近自己的品牌。喜力将这所房子视为庆祝荷兰奥运会成功的开创性地点。喜力对此感到非常自豪,并希望与荷兰公众分享这种情感。 战略 一部关于品牌活动的纪录片,它的相关性足以在国家电视台免费播放,需要有独立的观点。此外,要吸引并吸引观众24分钟的注意力,它不应该被烙印。这需要客户进行一定程度的自我检查。最重要的是,它需要一个好故事。具有数十年传统的荷兰喜力之家拥有以上所有内容-然后是一些。你可以看出,人们和他们的故事是这个项目的核心,它的品牌方面不是重点。目的是展示运动员如何取得胜利,以及企业家力量如何塑造庆祝体育成功的方式。用真实而引人入胜的故事来娱乐观众,这是一种简单而有效的策略,讲述了著名奥运镜头背后的个人经历。 相关性 体育和情感是奥运会体验的支柱。在荷兰喜力之家,不仅对球迷,而且对运动员也是如此。自几十年前成立以来,这座房子已成为荷兰体育遗产的有形组成部分,但其相关性从未被告知。对于运动员来说,经过多年的奉献和训练,胜利庆祝活动是顶峰。在荷兰获得金牌,六名金牌得主与HHH的建筑师一起,将观众带回他们赢得奥运会最大胜利的地方,并解释他们为取得成功所克服的一切。 结果 它在1月21日,28日和2月4日日在全国范围内播出。在电视上播出后,该系列节目已在荷兰在线SBS平台上播放。每24分钟平均有100万名观众观看,因为人类关于克服逆境的故事令人信服。Holland for Gold帮助人们开始了一种新的思考方式,即Holland Heineken House与运动员和热爱运动的人们的相关性。它还显示了喜力作为企业家在通过体育的力量帮助团结所有荷兰人方面发挥的独特作用。作为意想不到的结果,它给了一些运动员一个新的职业生涯,成为媒体人物。 执行 我们带着一个由四个人组成的小型纪录片团队,去了五大洲的六个国家。每个奥林匹克城市,我们与荷兰喜力之家的一名运动员和一名建筑师 (企业家力量) 一起拍摄了三天。每集都有两个运动员的故事。拍摄没有Heineken Marcom在场,因为我们被允许制作和拍摄自己的故事。最终结果包括三个24分钟的情节,讲述了六个故事。由于引人入胜的故事和系列的整体质量,国家电视频道SBS6同意播放由三部分组成的纪录片系列,而无需客户付费。 运动描述 荷兰喜力之家 (Holland Heineken House) 取得了成功-而且有点臭名昭著-因为荷兰在那里庆祝奥运会胜利的方式。通过制作一个由三部分组成的长篇纪录片系列,借鉴了丰富的历史并着重于现实生活中的经历,我们翻转了派对场地的形象。六名金牌得主回到他们最大的奥运胜利之地,重温记忆和情感。他们的职业生涯以在荷兰喜力之家 (Holland Heineken House) 庆祝胜利而达到顶峰,每一集都在原始场地结束,并在原始场地上投射了他们年轻的自我的惊喜图像。此外,这座房子的建筑师以庆祝体育成功的方式讲述了它在奥运会上的发展和不断增长的作用。通过众所周知的奥运成功背后的未知个人故事来展示房屋的相关性,这些故事使观众和粉丝产生共鸣。

    Holland For Gold episode 3

    案例简介:Synopsis In the run-up to the Olympic Winter Games of 2018 in South Korea, Heineken wanted the Holland Heineken House to come more alive in the hearts and minds of the Dutch people. For over 25 years, the House is built at every Olympics as a national home for athletes, family, media and fans, in a collaboration between Heineken and the Dutch Olympic committee NOC*NSF. Our main objectives were to show the relevance of the House, to shake off the image of a boozy beer hall, and to demonstrate to national audiences what makes it stand out in the Olympic Village. Additionally, Heineken aimed to draw the Holland Heineken House closer toward its own brand. Heineken views the House as the seminal location to celebrate Dutch Olympic success. That’s something that Heineken is very proud of and hopes to share that emotion with the Dutch public. Strategy A documentary about a branded event, which is relevant enough to be broadcast for free on national television, needs an independent point of view. Moreover, to capture and hold the attention of the audience for 24 minutes, it shouldn’t feel branded. That requires a level of self-examination on the client’s part. And most of all, it needs a good story. Holland Heineken House with a tradition spanning decades has all of the above – and then some. You can tell that the people and their stories are at the heart of this project, and that the branded aspect of it was not the focus. The goal was to show how athletes achieved their victories and how entrepreneurial power shaped the way that sporting success is celebrated. Entertaining the audience with real and compelling stories, which tell of personal experience behind well-known Olympic footage, was a simple and effective strategy. Relevancy Sports and emotion are the pillars of the Olympics experience. Nowhere more so than at the Holland Heineken House, not only to fans but to athletes too. Since its establishment decades ago, the House has become a tangible part of Dutch sporting heritage, but its relevance has never been told before. To athletes the victory celebrations are the pinnacle after years of dedication and training. In Holland for Gold, six gold medalists, together with architects of HHH, take the audience back to the place where they won their greatest Olympic victory and explain what they overcame in order to succeed. Outcome It was broadcasted nation-wide on January 21st, 28th, and February 4th. After the broadcast on television, the series was made available on the Dutch online SBS platform. Averaging one million viewers per 24-minute episode, it was watched because the human stories over overcoming adversity were compelling. Holland for Gold helped to kick start a new way of thinking about the relevance of the Holland Heineken House to athletes and people who love sports. It also showed the unique role that Heineken plays as an entrepreneur in helping to unite all Dutch people through the power of sports. As an unintended outcome, it gave a few of the athletes a new career as media personalities. Execution With a small documentary crew of four people, we traveled to six countries on five continents. Per Olympic city we shot for three days with an athlete and an architect (entrepreneurial force) of the Holland Heineken House. Each episode features two athletes’ stories. The shoot was without Heineken Marcom presence, because we were allowed to make and shoot our own story. The end result consisted of three 24-minute episodes, telling six stories. Because of the captivating stories and the overall quality of the series, national television channel SBS6 agreed to broadcast the three-part documentary series without the client paying for it. CampaignDescription The Holland Heineken House has become a success – and a bit infamous – because of the way Dutch Olympic victories are celebrated there. By making a three-part long-form documentary series, drawing on a rich history and focusing on real-life experiences, we flipped the image of a party venue on its head. Six gold medalists travel back to the place of their greatest Olympic victory to relive memories and emotions. Their careers culminated with the celebration of their win at the Holland Heineken House, and each episode ends at the original venue, onto which as a surprise images of their younger selves are projected. Furthermore, architects of the House tell of its development and ever-growing role at the Games in the way that sporting success is celebrated. The relevance of the House is shown through unknown personal stories behind well-known Olympic successes, which make emotions resonate with viewers and fans.



    Holland For Gold episode 3






    广告公司: New Amsterdam 制作公司: New Amsterdam




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