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    案例简介:战略 鉴于对蚊子的日益担忧,巴西 2亿人口对疫苗、药品和驱虫剂的需求飙升。然而,对于大城市以外的许多巴西人来说,这些解决方案是不可用或负担得起的。相比之下,驱蚊书籍、蜡笔和儿童服装可能成为任何孩子都能使用的熟悉物品。这个想法如此简单,但如此复杂,直到现在还没有人想到。我们的企业社会责任运动将为最需要保护孩子的巴西家庭提供援助。乘飞机、乘船,最后步行,我们瞄准了亚马逊雨林中蚊子传播疾病肆虐的村庄。鉴于现代通信技术手段有限,我们的战略依赖于直接、门到门的产品分销以及 1:1 的教育和口碑。为了建立信任和信誉,我们与当地关系的非营利组织 IPAM 合作。巴西媒体与我们一起旅行是在全国范围内扩大报道的关键。 结果 每个主要的巴西媒体都报道了这个故事,报道蔓延到 30 个国家,将塔帕 · 米里变成了一个全球测试场所,用来测试驱赶蚊子的日常用品。67,000 多个媒体报道在我们访问后的三周内出现,达到 5亿人。另外 300 个故事在社交媒体上流传,被观看和分享了 4.5 多次。我们的运动赢得了巴西卫生部的支持,卫生部部长曾经说过,“我们正在以一种丑陋的方式输掉与蚊子的战斗。 “安全收集赢得了分发批准。儿科医生和 IPAM 也支持它。这些书已经被添加到帕拉州的课程中。根据 IPAM 的说法,90% 的 Tapara Miri 儿童在几周后穿着斗篷看书。村里没有疟疾或黄热病爆发的新报告。IPAM 将每三个月补充一次包; 20,000 个包正在分发给其他村庄。 执行 Ananse 花了一年时间开发涂层技术来密封纸张、织物和蜡笔。在此期间,我们写了《亚马逊战士》,将战士的神话带到生命中,召唤他们拯救森林。与 IPAM 合作,我们首先参观了帕拉的塔帕米里,这是一个由 1,896 人组成的孤立社区,生活在充满蚊子、鳄鱼和蛇的沼泽地。G1 是该国最大的电视网络 Globo TV 的一个部门,通过飞机、吉普车和船与我们一起徒步 4,000千米,打破了这个故事。最初,村民们怀疑陌生人带着意想不到的礼物。我们的志愿者走访了每个家庭,为每个孩子提供一个集合。我们用书和蜡笔填满学校,用新的课程和驱蚊工具武装教师。今天,有一个受欢迎的新景象: 穿着超级英雄斗篷的亚马逊儿童。这个故事已经传到了 50 亿人口。 活动描述 如果我们可以用一种被触摸和运动激活的驱虫剂密封起来,把纸和织物制成的日常物品变成蚊子的保护,那会怎么样?我们的客户 Ananse 对此很感兴趣。我们能发明一种全新的驱虫剂 -- 甚至更好 -- 一种完全由天然驱虫剂成分制成的驱虫剂吗?它从未做过。为了吸引那些不喜欢粘性难闻的局部驱虫剂的孩子,我们会让这些产品在学校和游戏时间使用起来更有教育意义和乐趣。我们聘请了一位作者来撰写和说明一个故事,这个故事将使该地区丰富的亚马逊战士神话栩栩如生。为了创造一个系列,我们为富有想象力的孩子制作了一本令人厌恶的着色书、蜡笔和一件超级英雄的斗篷。仅仅通过移动就能激活,密封在这些物体内部的驱蚊剂将创造一个 6 小时的防蚊窗口,直径高达 5英尺,持续三个月。 相关性 这种蚊子每年夺去 100万人的生命,并以黄热病和疟疾等疾病折磨 7亿人。巴西广阔的亚马逊地区受到高感染率的困扰。偏远、贫困村庄的家庭获得疫苗的机会有限,驱虫剂负担不起,供应短缺,使儿童特别脆弱。我们与巴西化学制造商领导者 Ananse 接触,提出了 CSR 的想法,发明一种新的保护形式,将日常用品 (书籍、玩具) 变成安全、天然的驱蚊剂。分发第一个收藏品,将蚊子保护变成 “儿童游戏”,需要在丛林深处挨家挨户送货。 概要 由埃及伊蚊传播的黄热病是 “巴西瘟疫”,杀伤率相当于埃博拉病毒。巴西目前的 YF 爆发 (有 144 人确认死亡) 是自 1980 年代以来最大的一次。疟疾病例在一年内上升了 35%,有 2,000 人感染。儿童面临风险; 全球 86% 的疟疾死亡发生在五岁以下。巴西卫生部很难阻止这种传播。疫苗存在YF,但巴西的状态以及疫苗短缺意味着普遍接种在偏远地区,可能需要数年时间。与此同时,在亚马逊,外用驱虫剂在很大程度上是不可达到的,也是负担不起的。亚马逊是一个天然的蚊子繁殖地,包含了地球上一半的雨林。我们联系了我们的客户 Ananse,一家领先的化工公司,该公司为消费品开发高科技涂料和密封剂,并提出了开发一种新的蚊子保护形式的想法,以帮助该国最脆弱的人群。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 这个新系列的产品,驱除蚊子而非药物的处方。驱蚊配方中的对象依靠天然成分,经卫生部批准在巴西。该系列可销售无任何限制。 简要解释


    案例简介:Strategy Given growing concern over mosquitos, demand for vaccines, medicines and repellents among Brazil’s 200 million population has skyrocketed. However, for many Brazilians outside large cities, these solutions aren’t available or affordable. In contrast, mosquito-repellent books, crayons and children’s costumes could become familiar items any child could use. The idea was so simple, yet so complex, no one had thought of it, until now.Our CSR campaign would bring aid to Brazilian families who most needed protection for their children. By plane, boat and finally on foot, we targeted villages in the Amazon rainforest where mosquito-borne diseases raged. Our strategy relied on direct, door-to-door distribution of products and 1:1 education and word of mouth, given the limited means of modern communication technology. To establish trust and credibility, we teamed up with IPAM, a nonprofit with local relationships. Brazilian media journeying with us were key to amplifying the story throughout the country. Outcome Every major Brazilian media outlet covered the story, and coverage spilled to 30 countries, transforming Tapara Miri into a global testing ground for everyday objects that repel mosquitoes. 67,000+ earned media stories appeared within three weeks of our visit, reaching 500 million people. Another 300 stories ran on social media, viewed and shared 4.5+ million times.Our campaign won the endorsement of the Brazilian Health Department, whose minister once said, “We’re losing the battle against the mosquito in an ugly way.” Safe Collection won approval for distribution. Pediatricians and IPAM also endorse it. The books have been added to curricula in Pará State. According to IPAM, 90% of Tapara Miri children are wearing the capes and reading the books weeks later. There are no new reports of a malaria or yellow fever outbreak in the village. IPAM will replenish kits every three months; 20,000 are being distributed to other villages. Execution Ananse spent a year developing the coating technology to seal in repellent to paper, fabric and crayons. During this time, we wrote “Amazon Warriors,” bringing a mythology of warriors, summoned to save the forest from devastation, to life. Working with IPAM, we first visited Tapara Miri in Pará, an isolated community of 1,896 people, living in swampland teeming with mosquitoes, crocodiles, and snakes. G1, a division of Globo TV, the country’s largest TV network, trekked 4,000 km with us—via aircraft, jeep and boat—to break the story. Initially, villagers were suspicious of strangers bearing unexpected gifts. Our volunteers visited every home to provide a collection to every child. We filled the school with books and crayons, arming teachers with new lessons and mosquito-fighting tools. Today, there’s a welcome new sight: Amazonian children wearing superhero capes.The story has reached a half-billion people. CampaignDescription What if we could turn everyday objects made of paper and fabric into protection from mosquitoes by sealing in a repellent activated by touch and movement? Our client, Ananse, was intrigued. Could we invent an entirely new class of repellent – and even better -- one made entirely of natural repellent ingredients? It had never been done. To appeal to children, who dislike sticky, smelly topical repellents, we’d make the products educational and fun to use at school and playtime. We tapped an author to write and illustrate a story that would bring the region’s rich mythology of Amazon Warriors to life. To create a collection, we produced a repellent coloring book, crayons and a superhero’s cape for imaginative children. Activated by mere movement, the repellent sealed inside these objects would create a six-hour window of mosquito protection, extending up to five feet in diameter, and lasting three months. Relevancy The mosquito claims one million lives and afflicts 700 million people annually with diseases like yellow fever and malaria. Brazil’s vast Amazon is plagued by high rates of infection. Families in remote, impoverished villages have limited access to vaccines, and repellents are unaffordable and in short supply, leaving children especially vulnerable. We approached Brazilian chemical manufacturer leader Ananse with a CSR idea to invent a new form of protection that would turn everyday objects (books, toys) into safe, natural mosquito repellents. Distribution of the first collection, turning mosquito protection into “child’s play,” would require door-to-door delivery, deep in the jungle. Synopsis Yellow fever (YF), spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, is the “Brazilian plague,” with a kill rate equal to Ebola’s. Brazil’s current YF outbreak (with 144 confirmed deaths) is the largest since the 1980s. Malaria cases have risen 35% in one year, with 2,000 infections. Children are at risk; 86% of malaria deaths globally occur under age five. Brazil’s Health Ministry is hard-pressed to stop the spread. A vaccine exists for YF, but the sheer size of Brazil coupled with vaccine shortages mean that widespread inoculation in remote regions could take years.Meanwhile, topical repellents are largely unattainable and unaffordable in the Amazon, a natural mosquito breeding ground containing half of the planet’s rainforests. We approached our client Ananse, a leading chemical company that develops high tech coatings and sealants for consumer products, with an idea to develop a new form of mosquito protection to aid the country’s most vulnerable. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes This new collection of products that repel mosquitoes does not involve a drug or a prescription. The repellent formula contained in the objects relies on natural ingredients, and is approved by the Health Ministry in Brazil. The collection can be marketed without any communication restrictions. BriefExplanation

    Amazon Warriors Safe Collection

    案例简介:战略 鉴于对蚊子的日益担忧,巴西 2亿人口对疫苗、药品和驱虫剂的需求飙升。然而,对于大城市以外的许多巴西人来说,这些解决方案是不可用或负担得起的。相比之下,驱蚊书籍、蜡笔和儿童服装可能成为任何孩子都能使用的熟悉物品。这个想法如此简单,但如此复杂,直到现在还没有人想到。我们的企业社会责任运动将为最需要保护孩子的巴西家庭提供援助。乘飞机、乘船,最后步行,我们瞄准了亚马逊雨林中蚊子传播疾病肆虐的村庄。鉴于现代通信技术手段有限,我们的战略依赖于直接、门到门的产品分销以及 1:1 的教育和口碑。为了建立信任和信誉,我们与当地关系的非营利组织 IPAM 合作。巴西媒体与我们一起旅行是在全国范围内扩大报道的关键。 结果 每个主要的巴西媒体都报道了这个故事,报道蔓延到 30 个国家,将塔帕 · 米里变成了一个全球测试场所,用来测试驱赶蚊子的日常用品。67,000 多个媒体报道在我们访问后的三周内出现,达到 5亿人。另外 300 个故事在社交媒体上流传,被观看和分享了 4.5 多次。我们的运动赢得了巴西卫生部的支持,卫生部部长曾经说过,“我们正在以一种丑陋的方式输掉与蚊子的战斗。 “安全收集赢得了分发批准。儿科医生和 IPAM 也支持它。这些书已经被添加到帕拉州的课程中。根据 IPAM 的说法,90% 的 Tapara Miri 儿童在几周后穿着斗篷看书。村里没有疟疾或黄热病爆发的新报告。IPAM 将每三个月补充一次包; 20,000 个包正在分发给其他村庄。 执行 Ananse 花了一年时间开发涂层技术来密封纸张、织物和蜡笔。在此期间,我们写了《亚马逊战士》,将战士的神话带到生命中,召唤他们拯救森林。与 IPAM 合作,我们首先参观了帕拉的塔帕米里,这是一个由 1,896 人组成的孤立社区,生活在充满蚊子、鳄鱼和蛇的沼泽地。G1 是该国最大的电视网络 Globo TV 的一个部门,通过飞机、吉普车和船与我们一起徒步 4,000千米,打破了这个故事。最初,村民们怀疑陌生人带着意想不到的礼物。我们的志愿者走访了每个家庭,为每个孩子提供一个集合。我们用书和蜡笔填满学校,用新的课程和驱蚊工具武装教师。今天,有一个受欢迎的新景象: 穿着超级英雄斗篷的亚马逊儿童。这个故事已经传到了 50 亿人口。 活动描述 如果我们可以用一种被触摸和运动激活的驱虫剂密封起来,把纸和织物制成的日常物品变成蚊子的保护,那会怎么样?我们的客户 Ananse 对此很感兴趣。我们能发明一种全新的驱虫剂 -- 甚至更好 -- 一种完全由天然驱虫剂成分制成的驱虫剂吗?它从未做过。为了吸引那些不喜欢粘性难闻的局部驱虫剂的孩子,我们会让这些产品在学校和游戏时间使用起来更有教育意义和乐趣。我们聘请了一位作者来撰写和说明一个故事,这个故事将使该地区丰富的亚马逊战士神话栩栩如生。为了创造一个系列,我们为富有想象力的孩子制作了一本令人厌恶的着色书、蜡笔和一件超级英雄的斗篷。仅仅通过移动就能激活,密封在这些物体内部的驱蚊剂将创造一个 6 小时的防蚊窗口,直径高达 5英尺,持续三个月。 相关性 这种蚊子每年夺去 100万人的生命,并以黄热病和疟疾等疾病折磨 7亿人。巴西广阔的亚马逊地区受到高感染率的困扰。偏远、贫困村庄的家庭获得疫苗的机会有限,驱虫剂负担不起,供应短缺,使儿童特别脆弱。我们与巴西化学制造商领导者 Ananse 接触,提出了 CSR 的想法,发明一种新的保护形式,将日常用品 (书籍、玩具) 变成安全、天然的驱蚊剂。分发第一个收藏品,将蚊子保护变成 “儿童游戏”,需要在丛林深处挨家挨户送货。 概要 由埃及伊蚊传播的黄热病是 “巴西瘟疫”,杀伤率相当于埃博拉病毒。巴西目前的 YF 爆发 (有 144 人确认死亡) 是自 1980 年代以来最大的一次。疟疾病例在一年内上升了 35%,有 2,000 人感染。儿童面临风险; 全球 86% 的疟疾死亡发生在五岁以下。巴西卫生部很难阻止这种传播。疫苗存在YF,但巴西的状态以及疫苗短缺意味着普遍接种在偏远地区,可能需要数年时间。与此同时,在亚马逊,外用驱虫剂在很大程度上是不可达到的,也是负担不起的。亚马逊是一个天然的蚊子繁殖地,包含了地球上一半的雨林。我们联系了我们的客户 Ananse,一家领先的化工公司,该公司为消费品开发高科技涂料和密封剂,并提出了开发一种新的蚊子保护形式的想法,以帮助该国最脆弱的人群。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 这个新系列的产品,驱除蚊子而非药物的处方。驱蚊配方中的对象依靠天然成分,经卫生部批准在巴西。该系列可销售无任何限制。 简要解释

    Amazon Warriors Safe Collection

    案例简介:Strategy Given growing concern over mosquitos, demand for vaccines, medicines and repellents among Brazil’s 200 million population has skyrocketed. However, for many Brazilians outside large cities, these solutions aren’t available or affordable. In contrast, mosquito-repellent books, crayons and children’s costumes could become familiar items any child could use. The idea was so simple, yet so complex, no one had thought of it, until now.Our CSR campaign would bring aid to Brazilian families who most needed protection for their children. By plane, boat and finally on foot, we targeted villages in the Amazon rainforest where mosquito-borne diseases raged. Our strategy relied on direct, door-to-door distribution of products and 1:1 education and word of mouth, given the limited means of modern communication technology. To establish trust and credibility, we teamed up with IPAM, a nonprofit with local relationships. Brazilian media journeying with us were key to amplifying the story throughout the country. Outcome Every major Brazilian media outlet covered the story, and coverage spilled to 30 countries, transforming Tapara Miri into a global testing ground for everyday objects that repel mosquitoes. 67,000+ earned media stories appeared within three weeks of our visit, reaching 500 million people. Another 300 stories ran on social media, viewed and shared 4.5+ million times.Our campaign won the endorsement of the Brazilian Health Department, whose minister once said, “We’re losing the battle against the mosquito in an ugly way.” Safe Collection won approval for distribution. Pediatricians and IPAM also endorse it. The books have been added to curricula in Pará State. According to IPAM, 90% of Tapara Miri children are wearing the capes and reading the books weeks later. There are no new reports of a malaria or yellow fever outbreak in the village. IPAM will replenish kits every three months; 20,000 are being distributed to other villages. Execution Ananse spent a year developing the coating technology to seal in repellent to paper, fabric and crayons. During this time, we wrote “Amazon Warriors,” bringing a mythology of warriors, summoned to save the forest from devastation, to life. Working with IPAM, we first visited Tapara Miri in Pará, an isolated community of 1,896 people, living in swampland teeming with mosquitoes, crocodiles, and snakes. G1, a division of Globo TV, the country’s largest TV network, trekked 4,000 km with us—via aircraft, jeep and boat—to break the story. Initially, villagers were suspicious of strangers bearing unexpected gifts. Our volunteers visited every home to provide a collection to every child. We filled the school with books and crayons, arming teachers with new lessons and mosquito-fighting tools. Today, there’s a welcome new sight: Amazonian children wearing superhero capes.The story has reached a half-billion people. CampaignDescription What if we could turn everyday objects made of paper and fabric into protection from mosquitoes by sealing in a repellent activated by touch and movement? Our client, Ananse, was intrigued. Could we invent an entirely new class of repellent – and even better -- one made entirely of natural repellent ingredients? It had never been done. To appeal to children, who dislike sticky, smelly topical repellents, we’d make the products educational and fun to use at school and playtime. We tapped an author to write and illustrate a story that would bring the region’s rich mythology of Amazon Warriors to life. To create a collection, we produced a repellent coloring book, crayons and a superhero’s cape for imaginative children. Activated by mere movement, the repellent sealed inside these objects would create a six-hour window of mosquito protection, extending up to five feet in diameter, and lasting three months. Relevancy The mosquito claims one million lives and afflicts 700 million people annually with diseases like yellow fever and malaria. Brazil’s vast Amazon is plagued by high rates of infection. Families in remote, impoverished villages have limited access to vaccines, and repellents are unaffordable and in short supply, leaving children especially vulnerable. We approached Brazilian chemical manufacturer leader Ananse with a CSR idea to invent a new form of protection that would turn everyday objects (books, toys) into safe, natural mosquito repellents. Distribution of the first collection, turning mosquito protection into “child’s play,” would require door-to-door delivery, deep in the jungle. Synopsis Yellow fever (YF), spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, is the “Brazilian plague,” with a kill rate equal to Ebola’s. Brazil’s current YF outbreak (with 144 confirmed deaths) is the largest since the 1980s. Malaria cases have risen 35% in one year, with 2,000 infections. Children are at risk; 86% of malaria deaths globally occur under age five. Brazil’s Health Ministry is hard-pressed to stop the spread. A vaccine exists for YF, but the sheer size of Brazil coupled with vaccine shortages mean that widespread inoculation in remote regions could take years.Meanwhile, topical repellents are largely unattainable and unaffordable in the Amazon, a natural mosquito breeding ground containing half of the planet’s rainforests. We approached our client Ananse, a leading chemical company that develops high tech coatings and sealants for consumer products, with an idea to develop a new form of mosquito protection to aid the country’s most vulnerable. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes This new collection of products that repel mosquitoes does not involve a drug or a prescription. The repellent formula contained in the objects relies on natural ingredients, and is approved by the Health Ministry in Brazil. The collection can be marketed without any communication restrictions. BriefExplanation



    Amazon Warriors Safe Collection










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