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    案例简介:SONIC UNION 和 DEUTSCH 为微软提供复古的 “tad” 谈判 纽约,纽约,2012年4月13日: 多伊奇 · 纽约和纽约科斯莫街,纽约编辑亚伦 · 兰利与纽约的声波联盟混音器保罗 · 韦斯合作,制作了一个 3 分钟/: 30/: 15 个 TED 演讲恶搞 “TAD 演讲”,宣传微软新的私有云 IT 解决方案。扩展的视频和裁剪功能是一个复古的 Tad 角色,兜售过时的 it管理技术和哲学。 “TAD talk” (3 分钟的网络电影) 在一个类似 TED 的演讲中打开了一个女人,向全神贯注的观众真诚地说,“我们可以充分发挥人类的潜力。她很快被泰德取代,泰德是一个复古的角色,长着羽毛和车把胡子,他宣称: “进步!它可能没有你想象的那么普通。 ”然后,他继续用戏剧炒作过时的信息技术服务和哲学,包括在香蕉座自行车上跳过一个铁环和男子汉般的姿态。这部网络电影在超级电影《不要被困在过去》中结束,紧随其后的是微软的标志和链接,以查看更多 Tad 的演讲。 该活动还包括: 30/: 15s “自行车” 、 “五彩纸屑” 、 “眼罩” 、 “因果报应” 、 “精神动物” 和 “手铐”。" 关于索尼克联盟 纽约 Sonic Union 是 2008年诞生的一个概念,在著名的混音器迈克尔 · 马林内利和史蒂夫 · 罗森以及总经理亚当 · 巴龙之间。该团队开始在纽约创建最好的音响商店,同时在反映和支持客户舒适的地方保持家庭般的感觉, 自然光线和艺术家对工艺坚定不移的热爱。三年后,Sonic Union 的作品获得了最高奖项,他们的员工和客户下班后一起玩, 它俯瞰联合广场树木的建筑重要空间已经成为每个混在那里的人的家外之家。 Sonic Union 的团队由工作室经理贾丝汀 · 科特尔领导,包括罗布 · 麦基弗、大卫 · 帕帕和保罗 · 韦斯的才华。随着资深配音演员导演玛丽亚 · 帕帕拉多的加入,其他学科也在发展,她为该团队带来了 15 年的代理经验。 Sonic Union 蓬勃发展的运动图形和视觉特效工作室通过设计、动画和视觉效果追逐新的想法,为一系列创意客户提供智能和新鲜的作品。以无与伦比的奉献精神完成意想不到的事情,这个过程充满了平等的爱与魔法。进来看看我们联盟的状态…


    案例简介:SONIC UNION AND DEUTSCH DELIVER RETRO ‘TAD’ TALKS FOR MICROSOFT New York, NY, April 13, 2012: Deutsch NY and Cosmo Street, NY editor Aaron Langley team up with NY-based Sonic Union mixer Paul Weiss to create a 3-minute/:30/:15 TED Talks spoof “TAD Talks,” promoting Microsoft’s new private cloud IT solutions. The extended video and cut-downs feature a retro-fied Tad character touting dated IT management techniques and philosophy. “TAD Talks” (3-minute web film) opens on a woman at a TED-like talk, stating earnestly to a rapt audience, “We can unleash the full scope of human potential.” She’s quickly ushered off stage to be replaced by Tad, a retro-outfitted character with feathered hair and a handlebar mustache, who declares, “Progress! It may not be as groovy as you all think it is.” He then goes on to hype outdated IT services and philosophies with theatrics that include jumping through a hoop on a banana-seat bike and macho posturing. The web film closes on the super, “Don’t get stuck in the IT past,” followed by the Microsoft logo and links to see more of Tad’s Talks. The campaign also includes the :30/:15s “Bike,” “Confetti,” “Blindfold,” “Karma,” “Spirit Animal” and “Handcuff.” ABOUT SONIC UNION Sonic Union, New York was a concept born in 2008 between lauded mixers Michael Marinelli and Steve Rosen, and Managing Director Adam Barone. The team set out to create the finest audio shop in New York, while also maintaining a family-like feel in a location that reflected—and supported—client comfort, natural light and the artists’ unwavering love of the craft. Three years later, Sonic Union’s work has won top awards, their employees and clients play together after work, and its architecturally significant space overlooking the trees of Union Square has become a home-away-from-home for everyone who mixes there. Sonic Union's team, headed by Studio Manager Justine Cortale, includes the talents of Rob McIver, David Papa, and Paul Weiss. Other disciplines are growing, with the addition of veteran voiceover Casting Director Maria Pappalardo, who brings 15 years of agency experience to the group. Sonic Union’s flourishing Motion Graphics and VFX studio chases new ideas through design, animation and visual effects, delivering smart and fresh work for an array of creative clients. Pulling off the unexpected with unrivaled dedication, the process is infused with equal parts love and magic. Come in and check out the state of our Union…


    案例简介:SONIC UNION 和 DEUTSCH 为微软提供复古的 “tad” 谈判 纽约,纽约,2012年4月13日: 多伊奇 · 纽约和纽约科斯莫街,纽约编辑亚伦 · 兰利与纽约的声波联盟混音器保罗 · 韦斯合作,制作了一个 3 分钟/: 30/: 15 个 TED 演讲恶搞 “TAD 演讲”,宣传微软新的私有云 IT 解决方案。扩展的视频和裁剪功能是一个复古的 Tad 角色,兜售过时的 it管理技术和哲学。 “TAD talk” (3 分钟的网络电影) 在一个类似 TED 的演讲中打开了一个女人,向全神贯注的观众真诚地说,“我们可以充分发挥人类的潜力。她很快被泰德取代,泰德是一个复古的角色,长着羽毛和车把胡子,他宣称: “进步!它可能没有你想象的那么普通。 ”然后,他继续用戏剧炒作过时的信息技术服务和哲学,包括在香蕉座自行车上跳过一个铁环和男子汉般的姿态。这部网络电影在超级电影《不要被困在过去》中结束,紧随其后的是微软的标志和链接,以查看更多 Tad 的演讲。 该活动还包括: 30/: 15s “自行车” 、 “五彩纸屑” 、 “眼罩” 、 “因果报应” 、 “精神动物” 和 “手铐”。" 关于索尼克联盟 纽约 Sonic Union 是 2008年诞生的一个概念,在著名的混音器迈克尔 · 马林内利和史蒂夫 · 罗森以及总经理亚当 · 巴龙之间。该团队开始在纽约创建最好的音响商店,同时在反映和支持客户舒适的地方保持家庭般的感觉, 自然光线和艺术家对工艺坚定不移的热爱。三年后,Sonic Union 的作品获得了最高奖项,他们的员工和客户下班后一起玩, 它俯瞰联合广场树木的建筑重要空间已经成为每个混在那里的人的家外之家。 Sonic Union 的团队由工作室经理贾丝汀 · 科特尔领导,包括罗布 · 麦基弗、大卫 · 帕帕和保罗 · 韦斯的才华。随着资深配音演员导演玛丽亚 · 帕帕拉多的加入,其他学科也在发展,她为该团队带来了 15 年的代理经验。 Sonic Union 蓬勃发展的运动图形和视觉特效工作室通过设计、动画和视觉效果追逐新的想法,为一系列创意客户提供智能和新鲜的作品。以无与伦比的奉献精神完成意想不到的事情,这个过程充满了平等的爱与魔法。进来看看我们联盟的状态…


    案例简介:SONIC UNION AND DEUTSCH DELIVER RETRO ‘TAD’ TALKS FOR MICROSOFT New York, NY, April 13, 2012: Deutsch NY and Cosmo Street, NY editor Aaron Langley team up with NY-based Sonic Union mixer Paul Weiss to create a 3-minute/:30/:15 TED Talks spoof “TAD Talks,” promoting Microsoft’s new private cloud IT solutions. The extended video and cut-downs feature a retro-fied Tad character touting dated IT management techniques and philosophy. “TAD Talks” (3-minute web film) opens on a woman at a TED-like talk, stating earnestly to a rapt audience, “We can unleash the full scope of human potential.” She’s quickly ushered off stage to be replaced by Tad, a retro-outfitted character with feathered hair and a handlebar mustache, who declares, “Progress! It may not be as groovy as you all think it is.” He then goes on to hype outdated IT services and philosophies with theatrics that include jumping through a hoop on a banana-seat bike and macho posturing. The web film closes on the super, “Don’t get stuck in the IT past,” followed by the Microsoft logo and links to see more of Tad’s Talks. The campaign also includes the :30/:15s “Bike,” “Confetti,” “Blindfold,” “Karma,” “Spirit Animal” and “Handcuff.” ABOUT SONIC UNION Sonic Union, New York was a concept born in 2008 between lauded mixers Michael Marinelli and Steve Rosen, and Managing Director Adam Barone. The team set out to create the finest audio shop in New York, while also maintaining a family-like feel in a location that reflected—and supported—client comfort, natural light and the artists’ unwavering love of the craft. Three years later, Sonic Union’s work has won top awards, their employees and clients play together after work, and its architecturally significant space overlooking the trees of Union Square has become a home-away-from-home for everyone who mixes there. Sonic Union's team, headed by Studio Manager Justine Cortale, includes the talents of Rob McIver, David Papa, and Paul Weiss. Other disciplines are growing, with the addition of veteran voiceover Casting Director Maria Pappalardo, who brings 15 years of agency experience to the group. Sonic Union’s flourishing Motion Graphics and VFX studio chases new ideas through design, animation and visual effects, delivering smart and fresh work for an array of creative clients. Pulling off the unexpected with unrivaled dedication, the process is infused with equal parts love and magic. Come in and check out the state of our Union…









    广告公司: Deutsch (美国 纽约) 制作公司: Moxie Pictures




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