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    # TrainingFor2032

    案例简介:大纲 在 2016,好奇的小游泳者被视为水的便便捕手。父母看不出我们的游泳尿布有什么价值。最多,他们每年购买一包,用于旅行和特殊场合。我们需要一种方法让父母对和他们的孩子一起游泳更加兴奋。每个父母都希望他们的孩子成功,但是许多人没有意识到婴儿游泳有多少健康益处。我们的目标是为父母创造一个新的理由,让他们和孩子一起安全游泳,并将品牌重新焕发活力,成为相关和可取的东西。 策略 父母喜欢和他们的孩子一起游泳,但是对美国大多数人来说,游泳季节很短。我们的目标没有看到好奇的小游泳者有足够的价值来证明购买一整包是合理的。在出生率下降和类别之间,我们需要一种方法让新父母和他们的孩子更频繁地下水。定量研究告诉我们,父母没有将游泳与其重要的发展益处联系起来。正是这种洞察力导致了我们的策略: 每天给它们浇水。不久之后,迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯生了一个叫布玛儿的男婴,他立刻成为社交媒体的轰动人物。那一刻,我们意识到我们的品牌没有比这更合适的代言人了,# TrainingFor2032 诞生了。好奇的小游泳者终于有了更大的目的。通过为婴儿创建一个奥林匹克训练平台,我们激励家庭定期在水中锻炼,并加强安全游泳的好处。 相关性 好奇的小游泳者创造了一个全年运行的项目,激励父母和穿着我们游泳尿布的婴儿一起安全游泳。利用迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯,有史以来最伟大的游泳运动员,我们在我们的品牌、一个主要的社会影响者和我们的消费者之间建立了联系。这个项目跨越了我们的社交平台以及菲尔普斯全家的平台。我们不仅增强了对我们品牌的信任和亲和力。我们创造了新一代健康、安全的游泳者,他们穿着我们的游泳尿布。 结果 # TrainingFor2032 成功将一个便便捕手改造成奥林匹克训练工具,让父母和婴儿对安全游泳感到兴奋。赢得的媒体和影响者激活达到 3.71亿,并导致全球 851 个媒体投放。包括《人物》、《 Mashable 》、《父母》杂志、《今日美国》和《今日美国》在内的媒体分享了关于 # trainingfor2032 的热情报道。小游泳者在社交媒体上的提及增加了 900%,包括在脸书上的 1500万次参与和 132,000 次积极反应。新父母使用 # trainingfor2032 分享了他们婴儿全年训练的照片和照片。与 2016年同期的-2.5% 相比,游泳旺季的销售额增长了 7%。他们获得了 34% 的分销增长和 500,000 美元的销售额增长。# TrainingFor2032 超越了所有预期。父母爱上了我们的品牌,我们创造了新一代健康、安全的游泳者。然而,我们的竞选活动的真正结果不会在 2032年公布,这有望成为有史以来最具竞争力的奥运会。 执行 这一切都始于去年5月,当时迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯在脸书直播上向全世界宣布他将为 2032 进行训练。在迈克尔举行新闻发布会之前,社交媒体爆发了猜测,披露他将为 2032 奥运会训练他的儿子婴儿潮一代和各地的婴儿。然后,我们全年在社交媒体上推出一系列内容,向家长教授宝贵的课程、健康益处和安全提示。为了制造轰动,我们邀请顶级记者和他们的孩子加入迈克尔和布玛儿的私人游泳课,由迈克尔最初的游泳教练教授。我们还与育儿和生活方式影响者合作,分享他们如何为 2032 进行培训。所有这些努力共同激励了世界各地的父母竞争和分享他们的婴儿穿着小游泳者使用 # trainingfor2032 的视频。 活动描述 # Trainingfor2032。好奇的小游泳运动员让迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯退休,为 2032 奥运会训练他的儿子婴儿潮一代和各地的婴儿。我们为婴儿创造了第一个奥林匹克训练平台,激励各地的家庭与迈克尔和布玛儿一起竞争。我们的平台包括各种方法,让父母有效地训练他们的婴儿,教育他们许多健康益处,并提供重要的安全提示。我们还把我们的游泳尿布变成了奥林匹克训练工具,在整个项目中把它作为官方服装。# TrainingFor2032 激励新一代游泳运动员创造了有史以来最具竞争力的奥运会。

    # TrainingFor2032

    案例简介:Synopsis In 2016, Huggies Little Swimmers were looked at as nothing more than poo catchers for the water. Parents didn’t see any value in our swim diapers. At most, they were buying one pack a year and using them for traveling and special occasions. We needed a way to get parents more excited about swimming with their babies. Every parent wants their child to succeed, but many didn’t realize how many health benefits are associated with baby swimming. Our objective was to create a new reason for parents to safely swim with their babies and to reinvigorate the brand into something relevant and desirable. Strategy Parents enjoy swimming with their babies but for most of the us, the swim season is pretty short. Our target didn’t see enough value in Huggies Little Swimmers to justify buying a whole pack. Between a declining birthrate and category, we needed a way to get new parents and their babies in the water more often. Quantitative research told us that parents didn’t connect swimming with its important developmental benefits. It was this insight that led to our strategy: water them daily. Shortly after, Michael Phelps had a baby boy named Boomer who instantly became a social media sensation. At that moment, we realized there couldn’t be a better fitting spokesman for our brand and #TrainingFor2032 was born. Huggies Little Swimmers finally had a bigger purpose. By creating an Olympic training platform for babies, we inspired families to exercise in the water regularly and reinforced the benefits of safe swimming. Relevancy Huggies Little Swimmers created a program that ran throughout the year, inspiring parents to safely swim with their babies wearing our swim diapers. Using Michael Phelps, the greatest swimmer of all time, we created a bond between our brand, a major social influencer and our consumers. The program ran across our social platforms as well as the platforms of the entire Phelps family. We didn’t just boost trust and affinity with our brand. We created a whole new generation of healthy, safe swimmers wearing our swim diapers. Outcome #TrainingFor2032 successfully transformed a poo catcher into an Olympic training tool, getting a new era of parents and babies excited about safe swimming. Earned media and influencer activations reached 371 million and resulted in 851 media placements globally. Outlets including People, Mashable, Parents Magazine, Today and USA Today shared enthusiastic coverage about #TrainingFor2032. Little Swimmers enjoyed a 900% increase in social media mentions, including 15 million engagements and 132,000 positive reactions on Facebook. New parents shared pics and photos of their babies training throughout the year using #TrainingFor2032. Sales increased 2.5% during peak swim season compared to the -7% hit they took during the same period in 2016. They earned a 34% increase in distribution and a $500,000 boost in sales. #TrainingFor2032 surpassed all expectations. Parents fell in love with our brand and we created a new generation of healthy, safe swimmers. However, the real results of our campaign won’t be known until 2032, which promises to be the most competitive Olympics ever. Execution It all began last May, when Michael Phelps announced to the world on Facebook Live that he would be training for 2032. Social media erupted with speculation before Michael held a press conference revealing that he’ll be training his son Boomer and babies everywhere for the 2032 Olympics. We then rolled out a content series across social media throughout the year teaching parents valuable lessons, health benefits and safety tips. To build buzz, we invited top-tier journalists and their babies to join Michael and Boomer for a private swim class taught by Michael’s original swim instructor. We also partnered with parenting and lifestyle influencers to share how they are training for 2032. All of these efforts combined inspired parents around the world to compete and share videos of their babies wearing Little Swimmers using #TrainingFor2032. CampaignDescription #TrainingFor2032. Huggies Little Swimmers brought Michael Phelps out of retirement to train his son Boomer and babies everywhere for the 2032 Olympics. We created the first Olympic training platform for babies, inspiring families everywhere to compete alongside Michael and Boomer. Our platform included a variety of methods for parents to effectively train their babies, educated them on the many health benefits and provided important safety tips. We also turned our swim diaper into an Olympic training tool, featuring it as official attire throughout the program. #TrainingFor2032 inspired a new generation of swimmers creating what promises to be the most competitive Olympics ever.


    案例简介:大纲 在 2016,好奇的小游泳者被视为水的便便捕手。父母看不出我们的游泳尿布有什么价值。最多,他们每年购买一包,用于旅行和特殊场合。我们需要一种方法让父母对和他们的孩子一起游泳更加兴奋。每个父母都希望他们的孩子成功,但是许多人没有意识到婴儿游泳有多少健康益处。我们的目标是为父母创造一个新的理由,让他们和孩子一起安全游泳,并将品牌重新焕发活力,成为相关和可取的东西。 策略 父母喜欢和他们的孩子一起游泳,但是对美国大多数人来说,游泳季节很短。我们的目标没有看到好奇的小游泳者有足够的价值来证明购买一整包是合理的。在出生率下降和类别之间,我们需要一种方法让新父母和他们的孩子更频繁地下水。定量研究告诉我们,父母没有将游泳与其重要的发展益处联系起来。正是这种洞察力导致了我们的策略: 每天给它们浇水。不久之后,迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯生了一个叫布玛儿的男婴,他立刻成为社交媒体的轰动人物。那一刻,我们意识到我们的品牌没有比这更合适的代言人了,# TrainingFor2032 诞生了。好奇的小游泳者终于有了更大的目的。通过为婴儿创建一个奥林匹克训练平台,我们激励家庭定期在水中锻炼,并加强安全游泳的好处。 相关性 好奇的小游泳者创造了一个全年运行的项目,激励父母和穿着我们游泳尿布的婴儿一起安全游泳。利用迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯,有史以来最伟大的游泳运动员,我们在我们的品牌、一个主要的社会影响者和我们的消费者之间建立了联系。这个项目跨越了我们的社交平台以及菲尔普斯全家的平台。我们不仅增强了对我们品牌的信任和亲和力。我们创造了新一代健康、安全的游泳者,他们穿着我们的游泳尿布。 结果 # TrainingFor2032 成功将一个便便捕手改造成奥林匹克训练工具,让父母和婴儿对安全游泳感到兴奋。赢得的媒体和影响者激活达到 3.71亿,并导致全球 851 个媒体投放。包括《人物》、《 Mashable 》、《父母》杂志、《今日美国》和《今日美国》在内的媒体分享了关于 # trainingfor2032 的热情报道。小游泳者在社交媒体上的提及增加了 900%,包括在脸书上的 1500万次参与和 132,000 次积极反应。新父母使用 # trainingfor2032 分享了他们婴儿全年训练的照片和照片。与 2016年同期的-2.5% 相比,游泳旺季的销售额增长了 7%。他们获得了 34% 的分销增长和 500,000 美元的销售额增长。# TrainingFor2032 超越了所有预期。父母爱上了我们的品牌,我们创造了新一代健康、安全的游泳者。然而,我们的竞选活动的真正结果不会在 2032年公布,这有望成为有史以来最具竞争力的奥运会。 执行 这一切都始于去年5月,当时迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯在脸书直播上向全世界宣布他将为 2032 进行训练。在迈克尔举行新闻发布会之前,社交媒体爆发了猜测,披露他将为 2032 奥运会训练他的儿子婴儿潮一代和各地的婴儿。然后,我们全年在社交媒体上推出一系列内容,向家长教授宝贵的课程、健康益处和安全提示。为了制造轰动,我们邀请顶级记者和他们的孩子加入迈克尔和布玛儿的私人游泳课,由迈克尔最初的游泳教练教授。我们还与育儿和生活方式影响者合作,分享他们如何为 2032 进行培训。所有这些努力共同激励了世界各地的父母竞争和分享他们的婴儿穿着小游泳者使用 # trainingfor2032 的视频。 活动描述 # Trainingfor2032。好奇的小游泳运动员让迈克尔 · 菲尔普斯退休,为 2032 奥运会训练他的儿子婴儿潮一代和各地的婴儿。我们为婴儿创造了第一个奥林匹克训练平台,激励各地的家庭与迈克尔和布玛儿一起竞争。我们的平台包括各种方法,让父母有效地训练他们的婴儿,教育他们许多健康益处,并提供重要的安全提示。我们还把我们的游泳尿布变成了奥林匹克训练工具,在整个项目中把它作为官方服装。# TrainingFor2032 激励新一代游泳运动员创造了有史以来最具竞争力的奥运会。


    案例简介:Synopsis In 2016, Huggies Little Swimmers were looked at as nothing more than poo catchers for the water. Parents didn’t see any value in our swim diapers. At most, they were buying one pack a year and using them for traveling and special occasions. We needed a way to get parents more excited about swimming with their babies. Every parent wants their child to succeed, but many didn’t realize how many health benefits are associated with baby swimming. Our objective was to create a new reason for parents to safely swim with their babies and to reinvigorate the brand into something relevant and desirable. Strategy Parents enjoy swimming with their babies but for most of the us, the swim season is pretty short. Our target didn’t see enough value in Huggies Little Swimmers to justify buying a whole pack. Between a declining birthrate and category, we needed a way to get new parents and their babies in the water more often. Quantitative research told us that parents didn’t connect swimming with its important developmental benefits. It was this insight that led to our strategy: water them daily. Shortly after, Michael Phelps had a baby boy named Boomer who instantly became a social media sensation. At that moment, we realized there couldn’t be a better fitting spokesman for our brand and #TrainingFor2032 was born. Huggies Little Swimmers finally had a bigger purpose. By creating an Olympic training platform for babies, we inspired families to exercise in the water regularly and reinforced the benefits of safe swimming. Relevancy Huggies Little Swimmers created a program that ran throughout the year, inspiring parents to safely swim with their babies wearing our swim diapers. Using Michael Phelps, the greatest swimmer of all time, we created a bond between our brand, a major social influencer and our consumers. The program ran across our social platforms as well as the platforms of the entire Phelps family. We didn’t just boost trust and affinity with our brand. We created a whole new generation of healthy, safe swimmers wearing our swim diapers. Outcome #TrainingFor2032 successfully transformed a poo catcher into an Olympic training tool, getting a new era of parents and babies excited about safe swimming. Earned media and influencer activations reached 371 million and resulted in 851 media placements globally. Outlets including People, Mashable, Parents Magazine, Today and USA Today shared enthusiastic coverage about #TrainingFor2032. Little Swimmers enjoyed a 900% increase in social media mentions, including 15 million engagements and 132,000 positive reactions on Facebook. New parents shared pics and photos of their babies training throughout the year using #TrainingFor2032. Sales increased 2.5% during peak swim season compared to the -7% hit they took during the same period in 2016. They earned a 34% increase in distribution and a $500,000 boost in sales. #TrainingFor2032 surpassed all expectations. Parents fell in love with our brand and we created a new generation of healthy, safe swimmers. However, the real results of our campaign won’t be known until 2032, which promises to be the most competitive Olympics ever. Execution It all began last May, when Michael Phelps announced to the world on Facebook Live that he would be training for 2032. Social media erupted with speculation before Michael held a press conference revealing that he’ll be training his son Boomer and babies everywhere for the 2032 Olympics. We then rolled out a content series across social media throughout the year teaching parents valuable lessons, health benefits and safety tips. To build buzz, we invited top-tier journalists and their babies to join Michael and Boomer for a private swim class taught by Michael’s original swim instructor. We also partnered with parenting and lifestyle influencers to share how they are training for 2032. All of these efforts combined inspired parents around the world to compete and share videos of their babies wearing Little Swimmers using #TrainingFor2032. CampaignDescription #TrainingFor2032. Huggies Little Swimmers brought Michael Phelps out of retirement to train his son Boomer and babies everywhere for the 2032 Olympics. We created the first Olympic training platform for babies, inspiring families everywhere to compete alongside Michael and Boomer. Our platform included a variety of methods for parents to effectively train their babies, educated them on the many health benefits and provided important safety tips. We also turned our swim diaper into an Olympic training tool, featuring it as official attire throughout the program. #TrainingFor2032 inspired a new generation of swimmers creating what promises to be the most competitive Olympics ever.

    # TrainingFor2032












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