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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 当大多数婴儿配方奶粉品牌都在与母乳喂养的母亲交流他们对婴儿有多好时,illuma决定设身处地为自己着想,这表明我们了解他们的痛苦和信念。 由于illuma SN2-PA了最接近真正母乳的成分,因此我们与妈妈们有着相同的信念: 母乳是婴儿的最佳营养来源。然而,没有人知道他们在工作时坚持母乳喂养有多难。因此,我们决定提供免费的母乳喂养,以证明我们一直是母乳喂养妈妈的最佳队友。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 台湾政府禁止任何婴儿配方奶粉品牌直接声称它们与母乳相似。 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 没有人能理解,在成为母亲之前,坚持母乳喂养之旅是多么困难。Illuma不仅希望以最好的营养照顾婴儿,而且还希望采取行动支持母乳喂养的妈妈,让他们知道自己并不孤单。 背景 在台湾,妈妈们认为母乳是最好的。因此,许多品牌都试图在其成分和 “母乳” 之间建立联系,例如雀巢HA3和Neoangelac Plus。Illuma还被定位为最接近母乳的婴儿配方奶粉品牌,SN2-PA是母乳中发现的成分。由于illuma是台湾市场的后来者,仅凭12% 意识就可以了,因此我们如何说服新生婴儿的母亲,illuma应该是母乳之后最喜欢的选择,而许多竞争对手也提出了同样的要求? 描述创意 (投票30%) 想法: 母亲的爱情快递 我们不只是说illuma可以提供什么,而是决定为这些母乳喂养的妈妈做些事情。我们了解妈妈们重返工作岗位后继续母乳喂养是多么困难,所以我们想帮助他们在母乳喂养的过程中,并说服他们我们在同一个团队中: illuma相信母乳是最好的,就像他们一样。 因此,illuma提供了一项名为 “母亲的爱心快车” 的免费服务,可以在婴儿泵出母乳后立即将其提供给婴儿,以便婴儿立即享受母乳。上班的妈妈在办公室时不再需要担心。他们可以随时向婴儿发送爱。 描述策略 (投票20%) 在台湾,工作妈妈只有56天的产假,而中国为98天,美国为84天。由于产假短,办公室环境对母乳喂养不友好,55.3% 的妈妈在回去工作后立即放弃母乳喂养。 这些工作的妈妈知道母乳无疑是婴儿的最佳营养来源。但是,您能想象他们只是搁置工作并定期抽牛奶有多困难吗?他们陷入了事业和他们所爱的小孩子之间的两难境地。没有人知道他们是如何挣扎的。 这就是为什么illuma希望在他们重返工作岗位后成为他们最好的队友来支持他们。总有一天,当他们不能再母乳喂养时,illuma会和他们在一起。 描述执行 (投票20%) illuma通过数字媒体和Facebook定向广告宣布了这项新的交付服务。妈妈们可以在竞选网站上预订接送时间和地点。送货员收到新鲜的母乳后,便将其保存在一个特殊的保温瓶中,以确保母乳得到良好的保护。当母乳到达家中时,妈妈们可以选择观看直播,并见证婴儿享受牛奶的那一刻。 我们还开发了一部纪录片来记录整个过程,包括这些妈妈对这项周到服务的反应。这部电影帮助更多的妈妈了解了illuma如何关心他们,并真的想在母乳喂养的过程中帮助他们。 同时,我们与一些新生儿母亲的kol一起工作。他们描绘了母亲在工作中母乳喂养时面临的真正困难,并与更多的母亲分享了我们可爱的服务。 列出结果 (投票30%) 1.在没有任何特别优惠或折扣的情况下,市场份额在活动启动一个月后创下了5.7% 的历史新高。(过去6个月的平均市场份额为4.2%。) 2.提到illuma的社交媒体评论的55.8% 还包括与 “母乳” 相关的关键字,这是所有竞争对手中发生率最高的。(第二高的只有31.6%。) 3.Facebook上的品牌视频在一个月内产生了2.67万观看次数和14.6k分享(而竞争对手最受欢迎的视频达到了100万次观看和5k次分享)。 4.Facebook粉丝页面上的粉丝数量在一个月内32.9% 增加。(活动启动后,粉丝数量从8,575人增加到11,399人。) 5.该案例赢得了全球雀巢戛纳创意奖的大奖赛。这是雀巢全球2018年中的第一名。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? When most infant formula brands were communicating with breastfeeding mothers about how good they are for babies, illuma decided to put ourselves in their shoes, demonstrating that we understand their pain and convictions. Since illuma has SN2-PA, the ingredient closest to real breastmilk, we share the same belief with moms: breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. Yet no one understands how hard it is for them to persevere in breastfeeding while working too. So we decided to offer free mother’s milk delivery, to demonstrate we are the best teammate of breastfeeding moms all along the way. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: The Taiwan government prohibits any infant formula brand from directly claiming they are similar to breastmilk. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? No one can understand how difficult it is to persevere on a breastfeeding journey until they become a mother. Illuma wants not only to take care of babies with the best nutrition, but also to take action to support breastfeeding moms and let them know they are not alone. Background In Taiwan, moms believe breastmilk is the best. Therefore, many brands have tried to build an association between their ingredients and “breastmilk,” such as Nestle HA3 and Neoangelac Plus. Illuma is also positioned as the infant formula brand closest to breastmilk, with SN2-PA, the ingredient found in breastmilk. As illuma was a latecomer to the Taiwan market with unaided awareness of merely 12%, how could we convince mothers of newborn babies that illuma should be their most preferred choice after breastmilk, while many competitors were making the same claims? Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) IDEA: Mother’s Love Express Instead of just saying what illuma can offer, we decide to do something for these breastfeeding moms. We understand how hard it is for moms to continue breastfeeding after they return to work, so we wanted to help them along their breastfeeding journey and to convince them we are on the same team: illuma believes breastmilk is the best, just as they do. Hence, illuma offered a free service called “Mother’s Love Express” to deliver moms’ breastmilk to their babies as soon they pumped it, so that their babies could enjoy breastmilk right away. Working moms did not need to worry anymore when they were at the office. They could send their love to their babies anytime. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) In Taiwan, working moms only have 56 days of maternity leave, compared to 98 days in China and 84 days in the USA. With the short maternity leave and office environments that are not friendly for breastfeeding, 55.3% of moms give up breastfeeding right after they go back to work. These working moms know that breastmilk is unquestionably the best source of nutrition for their babies. But can you imagine how difficult it is for them to just set aside work and go pump milk at regular intervals? They are trapped in a dilemma between their careers and the little ones they love. No one understands how they are struggling. That is why illuma hopes to become their best teammate to support them after they go back to work. And someday, illuma will stay with them on their breastfeeding journey when they cannot breastfeed anymore. Describe the execution (20% of vote) illuma announced this new delivery service through digital media and Facebook targeted ads. Moms could make a reservation for a pickup time and location on the campaign website. Once the delivery boy received the fresh breastmilk, he preserved it inside a special insulated bottle, to make sure the mother’s milk was well protected. When the breastmilk arrived at home, moms could choose to watch a live stream and witness the moment their babies enjoyed their milk. We also developed a documentary film to record the whole process, including the ways these moms reacted to this thoughtful service. The film helped more moms understand how illuma cares about them and really wants to help them on their breastfeeding journey. Meanwhile, we worked with some KOLs who were mothers of newborn babies. They portrayed real difficulties that mothers face when they breastfeed at work and shared our lovely service with more moms. List the results (30% of vote) 1. Without any special offers or discounts, market share hit a record high of 5.7% one month after the campaign was launched. (Average market share throughout the previous 6 months was 4.2%.) 2. 55.8% of social media comments mentioning illuma also included keywords related to “breastmilk,” which was the highest incidence among all competitors. (The second highest was only 31.6%.) 3. The brand video on Facebook generated 2.67M views and 14.6K shares within one month (while the competitor’s most popular video reached 1M views and 5K shares). 4. The number of fans on Facebook’s fan page increased 32.9% within one month. (The number of fans grew from 8,575 to 11,399 after the campaign launched.) 5. The case won the Grand Prix at the Global Nestle Cannes Creative Awards. It was the No. 1 case among Nestle Worldwide in 2018.

    Mother's Love Express

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 当大多数婴儿配方奶粉品牌都在与母乳喂养的母亲交流他们对婴儿有多好时,illuma决定设身处地为自己着想,这表明我们了解他们的痛苦和信念。 由于illuma SN2-PA了最接近真正母乳的成分,因此我们与妈妈们有着相同的信念: 母乳是婴儿的最佳营养来源。然而,没有人知道他们在工作时坚持母乳喂养有多难。因此,我们决定提供免费的母乳喂养,以证明我们一直是母乳喂养妈妈的最佳队友。 描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 台湾政府禁止任何婴儿配方奶粉品牌直接声称它们与母乳相似。 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 没有人能理解,在成为母亲之前,坚持母乳喂养之旅是多么困难。Illuma不仅希望以最好的营养照顾婴儿,而且还希望采取行动支持母乳喂养的妈妈,让他们知道自己并不孤单。 背景 在台湾,妈妈们认为母乳是最好的。因此,许多品牌都试图在其成分和 “母乳” 之间建立联系,例如雀巢HA3和Neoangelac Plus。Illuma还被定位为最接近母乳的婴儿配方奶粉品牌,SN2-PA是母乳中发现的成分。由于illuma是台湾市场的后来者,仅凭12% 意识就可以了,因此我们如何说服新生婴儿的母亲,illuma应该是母乳之后最喜欢的选择,而许多竞争对手也提出了同样的要求? 描述创意 (投票30%) 想法: 母亲的爱情快递 我们不只是说illuma可以提供什么,而是决定为这些母乳喂养的妈妈做些事情。我们了解妈妈们重返工作岗位后继续母乳喂养是多么困难,所以我们想帮助他们在母乳喂养的过程中,并说服他们我们在同一个团队中: illuma相信母乳是最好的,就像他们一样。 因此,illuma提供了一项名为 “母亲的爱心快车” 的免费服务,可以在婴儿泵出母乳后立即将其提供给婴儿,以便婴儿立即享受母乳。上班的妈妈在办公室时不再需要担心。他们可以随时向婴儿发送爱。 描述策略 (投票20%) 在台湾,工作妈妈只有56天的产假,而中国为98天,美国为84天。由于产假短,办公室环境对母乳喂养不友好,55.3% 的妈妈在回去工作后立即放弃母乳喂养。 这些工作的妈妈知道母乳无疑是婴儿的最佳营养来源。但是,您能想象他们只是搁置工作并定期抽牛奶有多困难吗?他们陷入了事业和他们所爱的小孩子之间的两难境地。没有人知道他们是如何挣扎的。 这就是为什么illuma希望在他们重返工作岗位后成为他们最好的队友来支持他们。总有一天,当他们不能再母乳喂养时,illuma会和他们在一起。 描述执行 (投票20%) illuma通过数字媒体和Facebook定向广告宣布了这项新的交付服务。妈妈们可以在竞选网站上预订接送时间和地点。送货员收到新鲜的母乳后,便将其保存在一个特殊的保温瓶中,以确保母乳得到良好的保护。当母乳到达家中时,妈妈们可以选择观看直播,并见证婴儿享受牛奶的那一刻。 我们还开发了一部纪录片来记录整个过程,包括这些妈妈对这项周到服务的反应。这部电影帮助更多的妈妈了解了illuma如何关心他们,并真的想在母乳喂养的过程中帮助他们。 同时,我们与一些新生儿母亲的kol一起工作。他们描绘了母亲在工作中母乳喂养时面临的真正困难,并与更多的母亲分享了我们可爱的服务。 列出结果 (投票30%) 1.在没有任何特别优惠或折扣的情况下,市场份额在活动启动一个月后创下了5.7% 的历史新高。(过去6个月的平均市场份额为4.2%。) 2.提到illuma的社交媒体评论的55.8% 还包括与 “母乳” 相关的关键字,这是所有竞争对手中发生率最高的。(第二高的只有31.6%。) 3.Facebook上的品牌视频在一个月内产生了2.67万观看次数和14.6k分享(而竞争对手最受欢迎的视频达到了100万次观看和5k次分享)。 4.Facebook粉丝页面上的粉丝数量在一个月内32.9% 增加。(活动启动后,粉丝数量从8,575人增加到11,399人。) 5.该案例赢得了全球雀巢戛纳创意奖的大奖赛。这是雀巢全球2018年中的第一名。

    Mother's Love Express

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? When most infant formula brands were communicating with breastfeeding mothers about how good they are for babies, illuma decided to put ourselves in their shoes, demonstrating that we understand their pain and convictions. Since illuma has SN2-PA, the ingredient closest to real breastmilk, we share the same belief with moms: breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. Yet no one understands how hard it is for them to persevere in breastfeeding while working too. So we decided to offer free mother’s milk delivery, to demonstrate we are the best teammate of breastfeeding moms all along the way. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: The Taiwan government prohibits any infant formula brand from directly claiming they are similar to breastmilk. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? No one can understand how difficult it is to persevere on a breastfeeding journey until they become a mother. Illuma wants not only to take care of babies with the best nutrition, but also to take action to support breastfeeding moms and let them know they are not alone. Background In Taiwan, moms believe breastmilk is the best. Therefore, many brands have tried to build an association between their ingredients and “breastmilk,” such as Nestle HA3 and Neoangelac Plus. Illuma is also positioned as the infant formula brand closest to breastmilk, with SN2-PA, the ingredient found in breastmilk. As illuma was a latecomer to the Taiwan market with unaided awareness of merely 12%, how could we convince mothers of newborn babies that illuma should be their most preferred choice after breastmilk, while many competitors were making the same claims? Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) IDEA: Mother’s Love Express Instead of just saying what illuma can offer, we decide to do something for these breastfeeding moms. We understand how hard it is for moms to continue breastfeeding after they return to work, so we wanted to help them along their breastfeeding journey and to convince them we are on the same team: illuma believes breastmilk is the best, just as they do. Hence, illuma offered a free service called “Mother’s Love Express” to deliver moms’ breastmilk to their babies as soon they pumped it, so that their babies could enjoy breastmilk right away. Working moms did not need to worry anymore when they were at the office. They could send their love to their babies anytime. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) In Taiwan, working moms only have 56 days of maternity leave, compared to 98 days in China and 84 days in the USA. With the short maternity leave and office environments that are not friendly for breastfeeding, 55.3% of moms give up breastfeeding right after they go back to work. These working moms know that breastmilk is unquestionably the best source of nutrition for their babies. But can you imagine how difficult it is for them to just set aside work and go pump milk at regular intervals? They are trapped in a dilemma between their careers and the little ones they love. No one understands how they are struggling. That is why illuma hopes to become their best teammate to support them after they go back to work. And someday, illuma will stay with them on their breastfeeding journey when they cannot breastfeed anymore. Describe the execution (20% of vote) illuma announced this new delivery service through digital media and Facebook targeted ads. Moms could make a reservation for a pickup time and location on the campaign website. Once the delivery boy received the fresh breastmilk, he preserved it inside a special insulated bottle, to make sure the mother’s milk was well protected. When the breastmilk arrived at home, moms could choose to watch a live stream and witness the moment their babies enjoyed their milk. We also developed a documentary film to record the whole process, including the ways these moms reacted to this thoughtful service. The film helped more moms understand how illuma cares about them and really wants to help them on their breastfeeding journey. Meanwhile, we worked with some KOLs who were mothers of newborn babies. They portrayed real difficulties that mothers face when they breastfeed at work and shared our lovely service with more moms. List the results (30% of vote) 1. Without any special offers or discounts, market share hit a record high of 5.7% one month after the campaign was launched. (Average market share throughout the previous 6 months was 4.2%.) 2. 55.8% of social media comments mentioning illuma also included keywords related to “breastmilk,” which was the highest incidence among all competitors. (The second highest was only 31.6%.) 3. The brand video on Facebook generated 2.67M views and 14.6K shares within one month (while the competitor’s most popular video reached 1M views and 5K shares). 4. The number of fans on Facebook’s fan page increased 32.9% within one month. (The number of fans grew from 8,575 to 11,399 after the campaign launched.) 5. The case won the Grand Prix at the Global Nestle Cannes Creative Awards. It was the No. 1 case among Nestle Worldwide in 2018.



    Mother's Love Express






    广告公司: 奥美 (中国 台北)




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