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    Switching Saddles - Victoria Pendleton短视频广告营销案例



    转换鞍座-维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿

    案例简介:相关性 “换鞍” 是一种独特的赞助方式,这是前所未有的。Betfair 与英国最成功的女奥运选手维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿合作,挑战她将运动从自行车运动员转变为骑师,并在切尔滕纳姆节上驾驶一匹赛马参加竞技比赛。这不是一个有发光二极管或衬衫上有标志的媒体购买,而是一个拥有赛马专业知识的品牌和一个奥运金牌自行车运动员之间的合作。它改变了人们对赛马的看法,并将 Betfair 置于全国每个印刷和数字频道的中心。 执行 与传统的赞助不同,这项活动是围绕可公关的内容展开的,视频、摄影和采访资产用于推动报道。在这一年里,我们发布了十个视频,四篇照片文章,举办了八个媒体日,发布了二十多个新闻稿,提供了英国媒体的广泛报道。切换马鞍跑了 12 个月:-2015年3月: 切尔滕纳姆节启动-2015年4月: 大国家训练更新-2015年7月: 第一次公共比赛-2015年8月:业余执照考试-9 月 2015 日: 第一次业余平板比赛-2015年11月: 第一次点对点比赛-2015年2月: 第一次全国狩猎比赛-2016年3月: 切尔滕纳姆 2016 公告-2016年3月: 切尔滕纳姆 2016 Foxhunters Chase Switching Saddles 是一项长达一年的赞助,受到了英国媒体和其他媒体的报道。它将 Betfair 置于赛马的中心,并给赛马和切尔滕纳姆节的传统赞助蒙上了阴影。 战略 观众是 “核心” 投注者 (18-44 岁的男性,每周至少下注一次或更多) 和 “娱乐” 投注者 (男性和女性大型投注者)。随着英国体育议程由足球主导,我们需要一个有广度的赞助,让它与足球并驾齐驱,并延伸到 “体育” 页面之外。维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿的名人给了我们这个机会,通过在男性主导的运动中支持女性,我们的运动超越了核心投注者观众。 “换装” 是战略性规划的,竞选里程碑围绕 Betfair 的关键收入期进行,包括大全国和足球赛季的开始。我们像赛跑一样接近竞选。从砰的一声开始,保持中间的速度,然后带着一个大的终点回家,在维多利亚的转变之后,带着英国进行了一年的旅程, 在切尔滕纳姆节 2016 的猎狐追逐中达到高潮。 概要 切尔滕纳姆节是赛马最大的四天,这四天的赌注比体育日历上的任何其他时间都多。赛马市场充满了赞助,骑师、赛马会和个人比赛都与众多不同的博彩品牌保持一致。切尔滕纳姆节也没有什么不同。2015 年,Betfair 没有在切尔滕纳姆节的赞助上投入巨资,但希望有一种独特的赞助方式,“切尔滕纳姆 2015 最受关注的博彩品牌”。 1。提高 Betfair 在英国的品牌知名度在 2015 和 2016 切尔滕纳姆节之前和期间。2.在核心投注人和娱乐博彩观众中,生成 Betfair 和赛马之间的积极联系。3.在切尔滕纳姆节期间,驱动新客户访问 Betfair 应用程序和网站 结果 -Betfair 在赛马行业的声誉得到了积极的转变, 随着对赛马运动媒体的情绪 82% 积极 -- 该运动在一年的时间里提供了 830 件 Betfair 品牌的报道,大道超过 600万英镑 -- 不到一半 (49.3%)在 830 项报道中,有 2% 项是在国家媒体上进行的 -- 这项活动帮助 Betfair 在活动启动后自发提高了的品牌知名度 (2015年3月)Betfair 以 1.6亿英镑的赌注实现了迄今为止最好的切尔滕纳姆节 -- 与前一年 (12.4%) 相比,赌注增加了 20142016 福克斯亨特追逐赛的 Betfair Sportsbook 同比增长 49%,使其成为英国年度十大赛事之一 -- Betfair 交易所获得了 5 英镑。 100万匹配 2016 猎狐人的追逐,向上同比 35% 活动描述 我们的想法很简单,赞助一个著名的运动员,帮助他们转换运动,成为业余骑师,目的是参加 2016 切尔滕纳姆节比赛。然而,要使这成为一个可以有效激活的赞助,找到合适的运动员是至关重要的。经过深思熟虑,维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿是唯一可信的选择 -- 一个骑自行车的传奇人物、民族英雄、骑在自行车马鞍上的世界级人物,但是骑在马鞍上的新手。Betfair 对维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿的赞助充满了危险和未知,但是她成功的动力和运动能力意味着挑战只是可能性的领域 -- 戏剧和运动的完美结合期望从个人的品牌赞助中推动公关报道。这是一个世界第一的赞助理念,由一个雄心勃勃的品牌和一个勇敢的运动员承担,他们都愿意为实现宏伟目标而努力。

    转换鞍座-维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿

    案例简介:Relevancy ‘Switching Saddles’ is a unique approach to sponsorship like no other before it. Betfair partnered with Britain’s most successful female Olympian, Victoria Pendleton, and challenged her to switch sports from cyclist to jockey, and pilot a racehorse in a competitive race at the Cheltenham Festival. This wasn’t a media buy with LEDs or a logo on a shirt, it was a partnership between a brand with expertise in horse racing and an Olympic gold winning cyclist. It changed the way horse racing is perceived and put Betfair front and centre of every print and digital channel in the country. Execution Unlike traditional sponsorships, this campaign was built around PR-able content, with video, photography and interview assets used to drive coverage. Over the course of the year we released ten videos, four photo essays, held eight media days and issued over a twenty press releases, delivering widespread UK media coverage.Switching Saddles ran for twelve months:-March 2015: Cheltenham Festival launch-April 2015: Grand National training update -July 2015: First public race -August 2015: Amateur licence exam -Sept 2015: First amateur flat race -November 2015: First Point to Point race -February 2015: First National Hunt race -March 2016: Cheltenham 2016 announcement-March 2016: Cheltenham 2016 Foxhunters Chase Switching Saddles was a yearlong sponsorship which was covered by every UK media outlet and beyond. It put Betfair at the heart of horse racing and overshadowed traditional sponsorships within horse racing and at Cheltenham Festival. Strategy The audience was ‘core’ bettors (men aged 18 – 44 who bet at least once a week or more), and ‘recreational' bettors (male and female big occasion bettors). With the UK sports agenda dominated by football, we needed a sponsorship that had the breadth to stand out alongside football as well as reach outside the ‘sports’ pages. Victoria Pendleton’s celebrity gave us this opportunity and, by championing a female in a male dominated sport, our campaign had appeal beyond the core bettor audience.‘Switching Saddles’ was strategically planned, with campaign milestones orientated around key revenue periods for Betfair including the Grand National and the start of the Football Season.We approached the campaign like a race. Start with a bang, maintain pace through the middle, then come home with a big finish, taking the UK on a yearlong journey following Victoria’s transformation, culminating in the Foxhunter’s Chase at the Cheltenham Festival 2016. Synopsis The Cheltenham Festival is the biggest four days in horse racing, with more bets placed during those four days than any other period in the sporting calendar. The horse racing market is saturated with sponsorships, with jockeys, race meets, and individual races all aligned to numerous different betting brands. Cheltenham Festival is no different. In 2015 Betfair hadn’t invested heavily in sponsorship at Cheltenham Festival, but wanted a unique approach to sponsorship that would “the most talked about betting brand at Cheltenham 2015”.1.Increase Betfair brand awareness in the UK in the lead-up to and during the 2015 and 2016 Cheltenham Festivals2.Generate a positive association between Betfair and horse racing amongst the core bettor and recreational betting audiences3.Drive new customers to the Betfair App and website during the Cheltenham Festival Outcome -Betfair’s reputation in the horse racing industry received a positive shift, with sentiment for the campaign amongst horse racing media registering 82% positive-The campaign delivered 830 items of Betfair branded coverage in the space of a year with an AVE of more than £6 million-Just under half (49.3%) of the 830 items of coverage were in national media-The campaign helped Betfair to secure a spontaneous brand awareness increase of 2%-On the back of the campaign launch (March 2015) Betfair achieved its best Cheltenham to date with £160 million bet on the festival - a 12.4% increase in the volume of bets placed compared to the previous year (2014)-The volume of bets on the Betfair Sportsbook for the 2016 Foxhunter’s Chase increased by 49% YOY making it one of the top ten UK races of the year-The Betfair Exchange saw £5.1 million matched on the 2016 Foxhunter’s Chase, up 35%YOY Campaign Description Our idea was simple, sponsor a famous sportsperson and help them to switch sports and become amateur jockey, with the aim of competing at Cheltenham Festival 2016. However to make this a sponsorship that could be activated effectively, finding the right sportsperson was essential. After much deliberation, Victoria Pendleton was the only credible option - a cycling legend, National hero, world class on a bike saddle, but total novice in a horse saddle. Betfair’s sponsorship of Victoria Pendleton was filled with jeopardy and the unknown, but her drive to succeed and athleticism meant the challenge set was just in the realms of possibility – the perfect blend of drama and anticipation to drive PR coverage from a brand sponsorship of an individual. This was a world-first sponsorship idea, undertaken by an ambitious brand and a brave sportsperson, both willing to put themselves on the line to achieve something magnificent.

    Switching Saddles - Victoria Pendleton

    案例简介:相关性 “换鞍” 是一种独特的赞助方式,这是前所未有的。Betfair 与英国最成功的女奥运选手维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿合作,挑战她将运动从自行车运动员转变为骑师,并在切尔滕纳姆节上驾驶一匹赛马参加竞技比赛。这不是一个有发光二极管或衬衫上有标志的媒体购买,而是一个拥有赛马专业知识的品牌和一个奥运金牌自行车运动员之间的合作。它改变了人们对赛马的看法,并将 Betfair 置于全国每个印刷和数字频道的中心。 执行 与传统的赞助不同,这项活动是围绕可公关的内容展开的,视频、摄影和采访资产用于推动报道。在这一年里,我们发布了十个视频,四篇照片文章,举办了八个媒体日,发布了二十多个新闻稿,提供了英国媒体的广泛报道。切换马鞍跑了 12 个月:-2015年3月: 切尔滕纳姆节启动-2015年4月: 大国家训练更新-2015年7月: 第一次公共比赛-2015年8月:业余执照考试-9 月 2015 日: 第一次业余平板比赛-2015年11月: 第一次点对点比赛-2015年2月: 第一次全国狩猎比赛-2016年3月: 切尔滕纳姆 2016 公告-2016年3月: 切尔滕纳姆 2016 Foxhunters Chase Switching Saddles 是一项长达一年的赞助,受到了英国媒体和其他媒体的报道。它将 Betfair 置于赛马的中心,并给赛马和切尔滕纳姆节的传统赞助蒙上了阴影。 战略 观众是 “核心” 投注者 (18-44 岁的男性,每周至少下注一次或更多) 和 “娱乐” 投注者 (男性和女性大型投注者)。随着英国体育议程由足球主导,我们需要一个有广度的赞助,让它与足球并驾齐驱,并延伸到 “体育” 页面之外。维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿的名人给了我们这个机会,通过在男性主导的运动中支持女性,我们的运动超越了核心投注者观众。 “换装” 是战略性规划的,竞选里程碑围绕 Betfair 的关键收入期进行,包括大全国和足球赛季的开始。我们像赛跑一样接近竞选。从砰的一声开始,保持中间的速度,然后带着一个大的终点回家,在维多利亚的转变之后,带着英国进行了一年的旅程, 在切尔滕纳姆节 2016 的猎狐追逐中达到高潮。 概要 切尔滕纳姆节是赛马最大的四天,这四天的赌注比体育日历上的任何其他时间都多。赛马市场充满了赞助,骑师、赛马会和个人比赛都与众多不同的博彩品牌保持一致。切尔滕纳姆节也没有什么不同。2015 年,Betfair 没有在切尔滕纳姆节的赞助上投入巨资,但希望有一种独特的赞助方式,“切尔滕纳姆 2015 最受关注的博彩品牌”。 1。提高 Betfair 在英国的品牌知名度在 2015 和 2016 切尔滕纳姆节之前和期间。2.在核心投注人和娱乐博彩观众中,生成 Betfair 和赛马之间的积极联系。3.在切尔滕纳姆节期间,驱动新客户访问 Betfair 应用程序和网站 结果 -Betfair 在赛马行业的声誉得到了积极的转变, 随着对赛马运动媒体的情绪 82% 积极 -- 该运动在一年的时间里提供了 830 件 Betfair 品牌的报道,大道超过 600万英镑 -- 不到一半 (49.3%)在 830 项报道中,有 2% 项是在国家媒体上进行的 -- 这项活动帮助 Betfair 在活动启动后自发提高了的品牌知名度 (2015年3月)Betfair 以 1.6亿英镑的赌注实现了迄今为止最好的切尔滕纳姆节 -- 与前一年 (12.4%) 相比,赌注增加了 20142016 福克斯亨特追逐赛的 Betfair Sportsbook 同比增长 49%,使其成为英国年度十大赛事之一 -- Betfair 交易所获得了 5 英镑。 100万匹配 2016 猎狐人的追逐,向上同比 35% 活动描述 我们的想法很简单,赞助一个著名的运动员,帮助他们转换运动,成为业余骑师,目的是参加 2016 切尔滕纳姆节比赛。然而,要使这成为一个可以有效激活的赞助,找到合适的运动员是至关重要的。经过深思熟虑,维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿是唯一可信的选择 -- 一个骑自行车的传奇人物、民族英雄、骑在自行车马鞍上的世界级人物,但是骑在马鞍上的新手。Betfair 对维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿的赞助充满了危险和未知,但是她成功的动力和运动能力意味着挑战只是可能性的领域 -- 戏剧和运动的完美结合期望从个人的品牌赞助中推动公关报道。这是一个世界第一的赞助理念,由一个雄心勃勃的品牌和一个勇敢的运动员承担,他们都愿意为实现宏伟目标而努力。

    Switching Saddles - Victoria Pendleton

    案例简介:Relevancy ‘Switching Saddles’ is a unique approach to sponsorship like no other before it. Betfair partnered with Britain’s most successful female Olympian, Victoria Pendleton, and challenged her to switch sports from cyclist to jockey, and pilot a racehorse in a competitive race at the Cheltenham Festival. This wasn’t a media buy with LEDs or a logo on a shirt, it was a partnership between a brand with expertise in horse racing and an Olympic gold winning cyclist. It changed the way horse racing is perceived and put Betfair front and centre of every print and digital channel in the country. Execution Unlike traditional sponsorships, this campaign was built around PR-able content, with video, photography and interview assets used to drive coverage. Over the course of the year we released ten videos, four photo essays, held eight media days and issued over a twenty press releases, delivering widespread UK media coverage.Switching Saddles ran for twelve months:-March 2015: Cheltenham Festival launch-April 2015: Grand National training update -July 2015: First public race -August 2015: Amateur licence exam -Sept 2015: First amateur flat race -November 2015: First Point to Point race -February 2015: First National Hunt race -March 2016: Cheltenham 2016 announcement-March 2016: Cheltenham 2016 Foxhunters Chase Switching Saddles was a yearlong sponsorship which was covered by every UK media outlet and beyond. It put Betfair at the heart of horse racing and overshadowed traditional sponsorships within horse racing and at Cheltenham Festival. Strategy The audience was ‘core’ bettors (men aged 18 – 44 who bet at least once a week or more), and ‘recreational' bettors (male and female big occasion bettors). With the UK sports agenda dominated by football, we needed a sponsorship that had the breadth to stand out alongside football as well as reach outside the ‘sports’ pages. Victoria Pendleton’s celebrity gave us this opportunity and, by championing a female in a male dominated sport, our campaign had appeal beyond the core bettor audience.‘Switching Saddles’ was strategically planned, with campaign milestones orientated around key revenue periods for Betfair including the Grand National and the start of the Football Season.We approached the campaign like a race. Start with a bang, maintain pace through the middle, then come home with a big finish, taking the UK on a yearlong journey following Victoria’s transformation, culminating in the Foxhunter’s Chase at the Cheltenham Festival 2016. Synopsis The Cheltenham Festival is the biggest four days in horse racing, with more bets placed during those four days than any other period in the sporting calendar. The horse racing market is saturated with sponsorships, with jockeys, race meets, and individual races all aligned to numerous different betting brands. Cheltenham Festival is no different. In 2015 Betfair hadn’t invested heavily in sponsorship at Cheltenham Festival, but wanted a unique approach to sponsorship that would “the most talked about betting brand at Cheltenham 2015”.1.Increase Betfair brand awareness in the UK in the lead-up to and during the 2015 and 2016 Cheltenham Festivals2.Generate a positive association between Betfair and horse racing amongst the core bettor and recreational betting audiences3.Drive new customers to the Betfair App and website during the Cheltenham Festival Outcome -Betfair’s reputation in the horse racing industry received a positive shift, with sentiment for the campaign amongst horse racing media registering 82% positive-The campaign delivered 830 items of Betfair branded coverage in the space of a year with an AVE of more than £6 million-Just under half (49.3%) of the 830 items of coverage were in national media-The campaign helped Betfair to secure a spontaneous brand awareness increase of 2%-On the back of the campaign launch (March 2015) Betfair achieved its best Cheltenham to date with £160 million bet on the festival - a 12.4% increase in the volume of bets placed compared to the previous year (2014)-The volume of bets on the Betfair Sportsbook for the 2016 Foxhunter’s Chase increased by 49% YOY making it one of the top ten UK races of the year-The Betfair Exchange saw £5.1 million matched on the 2016 Foxhunter’s Chase, up 35%YOY Campaign Description Our idea was simple, sponsor a famous sportsperson and help them to switch sports and become amateur jockey, with the aim of competing at Cheltenham Festival 2016. However to make this a sponsorship that could be activated effectively, finding the right sportsperson was essential. After much deliberation, Victoria Pendleton was the only credible option - a cycling legend, National hero, world class on a bike saddle, but total novice in a horse saddle. Betfair’s sponsorship of Victoria Pendleton was filled with jeopardy and the unknown, but her drive to succeed and athleticism meant the challenge set was just in the realms of possibility – the perfect blend of drama and anticipation to drive PR coverage from a brand sponsorship of an individual. This was a world-first sponsorship idea, undertaken by an ambitious brand and a brave sportsperson, both willing to put themselves on the line to achieve something magnificent.

    转换鞍座-维多利亚 · 彭德尔顿


    Switching Saddles - Victoria Pendleton






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