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    A/R 约旦

    案例简介:概要 在迈克尔·乔丹和多米尼克 · 威尔金斯的 1988 次扣篮比赛中,乔丹做出了创造历史的举动。他用全场跑道从罚球线内起飞,双手抓住右臂,踢腿,在慈善条纹和篮筐之间的 15英尺处。这是历史上最伟大的高飞扣篮表演之一。从那里,乔丹品牌起飞了。•简介我们受到乔丹品牌的挑战,在 nba全明星周末开发一个专注于伟大的数字计划。我们需要以一种令人难忘的标志性方式预先推出乔丹航空第三版补锅匠,这是乔丹运动鞋的最新版本。•目标我们的任务是让这个品牌与今天的千禧一代运动鞋爱好者相关,就像 30 年前迈克尔·乔丹标志性的扣篮时刻一样。 战略 乔丹品牌拥有世界上最热情的社区之一。他们很聪明,以数字为母语,知道他们不想要什么,就像他们想要什么一样。作为个人,他们有不同的目标、梦想和野心,但有一件事是常见的,那就是他们对意想不到的事情的渴望。他们在寻找他们从未见过的东西。所以我们给了他们一些以前从未做过的事情。我们让他们使用他们每天第一次接触的平台在手机上购买一双运动鞋。 结果 一个 snapcode 达到了 580万个唯一用户。SnapChat 在其平台上注册了 4 倍的正常用户参与度 -- 这是该品牌历史上前所未有的表现。我们第一次将电子商务和 SnapChat 结合在一起,让人们可以在平台上购买一双运动鞋。他们在 23 分钟内就卖完了。 执行 我们引进了四名关键球员: NBA 2k,他在标志性的灌篮姿势中提供了迈克尔·乔丹的 3D 模型,SnapChat 的体验设计师, shopify 的电子商务专家和两小时送货风险公司 Darkstore 在不到两小时内将运动鞋送到粉丝手中。镜头在 nba全明星周末直播,并在世界各地传播。这是第一次有人可以在 SnapChat 上购买东西,而尚未发布的乔丹航空三世补锅匠在短短 23 分钟内就卖完了。 活动描述 我们把篮球史上不朽的 MJ 变成了有史以来最具标志性的掉鞋时刻。从 NBA 2k 的迈克尔复制品和 SnapChat 的 3D 艺术家团队开始,我们在增强现实中永垂不朽地展示了 MJ 的偶像灌篮,并在世界各地发布了这个镜头。使用 SnapChat,粉丝们可以购买迈克尔穿的最新版本的鞋子,Air Jordan III Tinkers,这是有史以来第一次将电子商务和 SnapChat 结合在一起。

    A/R 约旦

    案例简介:Synopsis • Situation During the 1988 slam dunk contest between Michael Jordan and Dominique Wilkins, Jordan made a move that made history. He used a full-court runway to take off from just inside the free-throw line, double-clutching his right arm and kicking his legs for the 15 feet between the charity stripe and the rim. It was one of the greatest high-flying slam dunk displays in history. From there, the Jordan brand took off. • Brief We were challenged by Jordan Brand to develop a digital initiative with a focus on greatness at the NBA All-Star weekend. We needed to pre-launch the Air Jordan III Tinkers, the latest version of the sneakers MJ was wearing, in a memorable and iconic way. • Objectives We were tasked with making the brand as relevant today with millennial sneaker lovers, as it was 30 years ago during Michael Jordan’s iconic slam dunk moment. Strategy Jordan Brand has one of the world’s most passionate communities. They’re smart, digitally native, and know what they don’t want as much as what they do want. As individuals, they have varied goals, dreams and ambitions, but one thing that is common is their desire for the unexpected. They’re looking for things they’ve never seen before. So we gave them something that’s never been done before. We let them purchase a pair of sneakers on their mobile phones using a platform they engage with every day for the first time ever. Outcome One snapcode reached 5.8 million unique users. SnapChat registered 4x the normal user engagement on their platform - unprecedented performance in the history of the brand. For the first time ever, we brought e-commerce and SnapChat together making it possible for someone to purchase a pair of sneakers on the platform. They sold out in just 23 minutes. Execution We pulled in four key players: NBA 2K who provided a 3D model of Michael Jordan in his iconic slam dunk pose, experience designers at SnapChat, e-commerce experts at Shopify and two-hour delivery venture company Darkstore who delivered the sneakers to fans in under two hours. The lens went live at the NBA All-Star weekend, and spread around the world. It was the first time that someone could purchase something on SnapChat, and the yet-to-be-released Air Jordan III Tinkers sold out in just 23 minutes. CampaignDescription We turned a moment that immortalized MJ in basketball history, into the most iconic shoe drop to ever go down. Starting with a replica of Michael from NBA 2k, and a team of 3D artists at SnapChat, we immortalized MJ’s icon slam dunk in Augmented Reality and released the lens around the world. Using SnapChat, fans were able to shop the latest version of the shoes Michael was wearing, the Air Jordan III Tinkers, bringing e-commerce and SnapChat together for the first time ever.

    A/R Jordan

    案例简介:概要 在迈克尔·乔丹和多米尼克 · 威尔金斯的 1988 次扣篮比赛中,乔丹做出了创造历史的举动。他用全场跑道从罚球线内起飞,双手抓住右臂,踢腿,在慈善条纹和篮筐之间的 15英尺处。这是历史上最伟大的高飞扣篮表演之一。从那里,乔丹品牌起飞了。•简介我们受到乔丹品牌的挑战,在 nba全明星周末开发一个专注于伟大的数字计划。我们需要以一种令人难忘的标志性方式预先推出乔丹航空第三版补锅匠,这是乔丹运动鞋的最新版本。•目标我们的任务是让这个品牌与今天的千禧一代运动鞋爱好者相关,就像 30 年前迈克尔·乔丹标志性的扣篮时刻一样。 战略 乔丹品牌拥有世界上最热情的社区之一。他们很聪明,以数字为母语,知道他们不想要什么,就像他们想要什么一样。作为个人,他们有不同的目标、梦想和野心,但有一件事是常见的,那就是他们对意想不到的事情的渴望。他们在寻找他们从未见过的东西。所以我们给了他们一些以前从未做过的事情。我们让他们使用他们每天第一次接触的平台在手机上购买一双运动鞋。 结果 一个 snapcode 达到了 580万个唯一用户。SnapChat 在其平台上注册了 4 倍的正常用户参与度 -- 这是该品牌历史上前所未有的表现。我们第一次将电子商务和 SnapChat 结合在一起,让人们可以在平台上购买一双运动鞋。他们在 23 分钟内就卖完了。 执行 我们引进了四名关键球员: NBA 2k,他在标志性的灌篮姿势中提供了迈克尔·乔丹的 3D 模型,SnapChat 的体验设计师, shopify 的电子商务专家和两小时送货风险公司 Darkstore 在不到两小时内将运动鞋送到粉丝手中。镜头在 nba全明星周末直播,并在世界各地传播。这是第一次有人可以在 SnapChat 上购买东西,而尚未发布的乔丹航空三世补锅匠在短短 23 分钟内就卖完了。 活动描述 我们把篮球史上不朽的 MJ 变成了有史以来最具标志性的掉鞋时刻。从 NBA 2k 的迈克尔复制品和 SnapChat 的 3D 艺术家团队开始,我们在增强现实中永垂不朽地展示了 MJ 的偶像灌篮,并在世界各地发布了这个镜头。使用 SnapChat,粉丝们可以购买迈克尔穿的最新版本的鞋子,Air Jordan III Tinkers,这是有史以来第一次将电子商务和 SnapChat 结合在一起。

    A/R Jordan

    案例简介:Synopsis • Situation During the 1988 slam dunk contest between Michael Jordan and Dominique Wilkins, Jordan made a move that made history. He used a full-court runway to take off from just inside the free-throw line, double-clutching his right arm and kicking his legs for the 15 feet between the charity stripe and the rim. It was one of the greatest high-flying slam dunk displays in history. From there, the Jordan brand took off. • Brief We were challenged by Jordan Brand to develop a digital initiative with a focus on greatness at the NBA All-Star weekend. We needed to pre-launch the Air Jordan III Tinkers, the latest version of the sneakers MJ was wearing, in a memorable and iconic way. • Objectives We were tasked with making the brand as relevant today with millennial sneaker lovers, as it was 30 years ago during Michael Jordan’s iconic slam dunk moment. Strategy Jordan Brand has one of the world’s most passionate communities. They’re smart, digitally native, and know what they don’t want as much as what they do want. As individuals, they have varied goals, dreams and ambitions, but one thing that is common is their desire for the unexpected. They’re looking for things they’ve never seen before. So we gave them something that’s never been done before. We let them purchase a pair of sneakers on their mobile phones using a platform they engage with every day for the first time ever. Outcome One snapcode reached 5.8 million unique users. SnapChat registered 4x the normal user engagement on their platform - unprecedented performance in the history of the brand. For the first time ever, we brought e-commerce and SnapChat together making it possible for someone to purchase a pair of sneakers on the platform. They sold out in just 23 minutes. Execution We pulled in four key players: NBA 2K who provided a 3D model of Michael Jordan in his iconic slam dunk pose, experience designers at SnapChat, e-commerce experts at Shopify and two-hour delivery venture company Darkstore who delivered the sneakers to fans in under two hours. The lens went live at the NBA All-Star weekend, and spread around the world. It was the first time that someone could purchase something on SnapChat, and the yet-to-be-released Air Jordan III Tinkers sold out in just 23 minutes. CampaignDescription We turned a moment that immortalized MJ in basketball history, into the most iconic shoe drop to ever go down. Starting with a replica of Michael from NBA 2k, and a team of 3D artists at SnapChat, we immortalized MJ’s icon slam dunk in Augmented Reality and released the lens around the world. Using SnapChat, fans were able to shop the latest version of the shoes Michael was wearing, the Air Jordan III Tinkers, bringing e-commerce and SnapChat together for the first time ever.

    A/R 约旦


    A/R Jordan






    广告公司: R/GA (美国 波特兰) 制作公司: R/GA




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