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    Lamp Post短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:摘要 迷你神话还活着。在几个月的时间里,迷你运动掀起了一波兴奋的浪潮。它已将 MINI 国际定位为紧凑型细分市场的高端汽车。其 2002 的销售目标被超过 45%,使 MINI 成为宝马历史上最成功的一年的主要贡献者。 上下文 活动目标 营销目标: 将 MINI 建立为紧凑型汽车领域的高级车型。 2002年在全球销售超过 100,000 枚迷你车。(媒体也公开宣布了这一目标) 为了实现这些雄心勃勃的目标,商定了以下传播目标: 提高品牌和产品知名度 为每个细分市场实现高于平均水平的广告意识 除了英国之外,所有相关的欧洲市场都使用了该活动。 为了 clarity,由于一些市场没有市场研究数据,广告有效性的证据主要指德国、西班牙和意大利市场。 目标受众 目标群体的定义不仅考虑了心理集群,还考虑了社会人口因素。目标群体是后现代潮流引领者、现代主流和现代上层阶级。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 迷你代表纯粹的情感。研究表明,这反映在目标群体的人生观中: 我希望我的生活充满兴奋。 爱是最高最美丽的兴奋。汽车和司机之间的情感关系是广告活动的核心 -- 浓缩在标语中: “这是爱吗?” 这个口号提供了一个情感的保护伞,在所有市场都是同样容易获得的。为了保持这种情绪化的方法,竞选强调迷你体验,而不是在技术细节上失去自我。 这一方法有助于建立一场国际有效的运动,其影响不会因具体国家的要求而减弱。 其他传播方案 在 “是爱吗?” 伞下,利用所有媒体 (在线、 POS 促销、直接营销、活动等) 发起了一项综合活动。)) 营销支出总额 超过 2000 万英镑 媒体战略 新闻广告和电视广告构成了媒体战略的经典支柱,并辅之以广播和电影。迷你是一件非常特别的事情,这就是为什么每一个迷你广告机会都被变成了一个媒体事件。 这一战略的例子包括: -预告活动旨在让人们对品牌活动感到好奇。为了实现这一目标,电视节目和新闻广告中响亮的重击心跳被可视化。这种兴奋的迹象的原因当然是新的迷你。但是直到实际的形象活动开始和销售开始,这才被揭示出来。 -一小片感温薄膜附在新闻广告上,作为一种确定观看迷你广告时兴奋程度的方法所有读数都不合格。


    案例简介:SUMMARY The MINI mythos is alive. In the space of a few months the campaign for the MINI has created a wave of excitement. It has positioned the MINI internationally as the premium car in the compact segment. Its 2002 sales target was exceeded by more than 45%, making MINI a major contributor to the most successful year in the history of BMW. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES Marketing objectives: – To establish the MINI as the premium model in the compact car segment. – To sell over 100,000 MINIs worldwide in 2002. (This objective was also publicly announced in the press) In order to achieve these ambitious goals, the following communication objectives were agreed: – Increase brand and product awareness – Achieve above-average advertising awareness for each market segment The campaign was used in all relevant European markets, with the exception of the UK. For clarity’s sake and due to the unavailability of market research data for some markets, evidence of advertising effectiveness refers primarily to the German, Spanish and Italian markets. TARGET AUDIENCE The target groups were defined by taking into account not only psychographic clusters but also socio-demographic factors. The target groups are post-modern trendsetters, modern mainstream and modern upper class. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY The MINI represents pure emotion. Research demonstrated that this is reflected in the target group’s outlook on life: “I want my life to be full of excitement.” Love is the highest and most beautiful form of excitement. The emotional relationship between car and driver is at the core of the advertising campaign - condensed in the tagline: “Is it love?” This tagline provided an emotional umbrella that is equally accessible in all markets. In order to preserve this emotional approach, the campaign stresses the MINI experience rather than loosing itself in technical details. This approach facilitated the creation of an internationally effective campaign whose impact wasn’t diminished by country-specific requirements. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES Under the “Is it love?” umbrella, an integrated campaign was launched utilizing all media (online, POS-promotions, direct marketing, events etc.) TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Over €20 million MEDIA STRATEGY Press ads and TV spots formed the classic backbone of the media strategy and were complemented by radio and cinema. The MINI is something very special, which is why every MINI advertising opportunity was turned into a media event in its own right. Examples of this strategy include: - the teaser campaign was intended to make people curious about the brand campaign. To achieve this, a loud thumping heartbeat in TV spots and press ads was visualised. The reason for this sign of excitement was, of course, the new MINI. But this wasn’t revealed until the start of the actual image campaign and sales commenced. - a small piece of thermo-sensitive film was attached to a press ad as a way of determining the degree of excitement felt when looking at the MINI ad – of course, all readings were off the scale.

    Lamp Post

    案例简介:摘要 迷你神话还活着。在几个月的时间里,迷你运动掀起了一波兴奋的浪潮。它已将 MINI 国际定位为紧凑型细分市场的高端汽车。其 2002 的销售目标被超过 45%,使 MINI 成为宝马历史上最成功的一年的主要贡献者。 上下文 活动目标 营销目标: 将 MINI 建立为紧凑型汽车领域的高级车型。 2002年在全球销售超过 100,000 枚迷你车。(媒体也公开宣布了这一目标) 为了实现这些雄心勃勃的目标,商定了以下传播目标: 提高品牌和产品知名度 为每个细分市场实现高于平均水平的广告意识 除了英国之外,所有相关的欧洲市场都使用了该活动。 为了 clarity,由于一些市场没有市场研究数据,广告有效性的证据主要指德国、西班牙和意大利市场。 目标受众 目标群体的定义不仅考虑了心理集群,还考虑了社会人口因素。目标群体是后现代潮流引领者、现代主流和现代上层阶级。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 迷你代表纯粹的情感。研究表明,这反映在目标群体的人生观中: 我希望我的生活充满兴奋。 爱是最高最美丽的兴奋。汽车和司机之间的情感关系是广告活动的核心 -- 浓缩在标语中: “这是爱吗?” 这个口号提供了一个情感的保护伞,在所有市场都是同样容易获得的。为了保持这种情绪化的方法,竞选强调迷你体验,而不是在技术细节上失去自我。 这一方法有助于建立一场国际有效的运动,其影响不会因具体国家的要求而减弱。 其他传播方案 在 “是爱吗?” 伞下,利用所有媒体 (在线、 POS 促销、直接营销、活动等) 发起了一项综合活动。)) 营销支出总额 超过 2000 万英镑 媒体战略 新闻广告和电视广告构成了媒体战略的经典支柱,并辅之以广播和电影。迷你是一件非常特别的事情,这就是为什么每一个迷你广告机会都被变成了一个媒体事件。 这一战略的例子包括: -预告活动旨在让人们对品牌活动感到好奇。为了实现这一目标,电视节目和新闻广告中响亮的重击心跳被可视化。这种兴奋的迹象的原因当然是新的迷你。但是直到实际的形象活动开始和销售开始,这才被揭示出来。 -一小片感温薄膜附在新闻广告上,作为一种确定观看迷你广告时兴奋程度的方法所有读数都不合格。

    Lamp Post

    案例简介:SUMMARY The MINI mythos is alive. In the space of a few months the campaign for the MINI has created a wave of excitement. It has positioned the MINI internationally as the premium car in the compact segment. Its 2002 sales target was exceeded by more than 45%, making MINI a major contributor to the most successful year in the history of BMW. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES Marketing objectives: – To establish the MINI as the premium model in the compact car segment. – To sell over 100,000 MINIs worldwide in 2002. (This objective was also publicly announced in the press) In order to achieve these ambitious goals, the following communication objectives were agreed: – Increase brand and product awareness – Achieve above-average advertising awareness for each market segment The campaign was used in all relevant European markets, with the exception of the UK. For clarity’s sake and due to the unavailability of market research data for some markets, evidence of advertising effectiveness refers primarily to the German, Spanish and Italian markets. TARGET AUDIENCE The target groups were defined by taking into account not only psychographic clusters but also socio-demographic factors. The target groups are post-modern trendsetters, modern mainstream and modern upper class. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY The MINI represents pure emotion. Research demonstrated that this is reflected in the target group’s outlook on life: “I want my life to be full of excitement.” Love is the highest and most beautiful form of excitement. The emotional relationship between car and driver is at the core of the advertising campaign - condensed in the tagline: “Is it love?” This tagline provided an emotional umbrella that is equally accessible in all markets. In order to preserve this emotional approach, the campaign stresses the MINI experience rather than loosing itself in technical details. This approach facilitated the creation of an internationally effective campaign whose impact wasn’t diminished by country-specific requirements. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES Under the “Is it love?” umbrella, an integrated campaign was launched utilizing all media (online, POS-promotions, direct marketing, events etc.) TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Over €20 million MEDIA STRATEGY Press ads and TV spots formed the classic backbone of the media strategy and were complemented by radio and cinema. The MINI is something very special, which is why every MINI advertising opportunity was turned into a media event in its own right. Examples of this strategy include: - the teaser campaign was intended to make people curious about the brand campaign. To achieve this, a loud thumping heartbeat in TV spots and press ads was visualised. The reason for this sign of excitement was, of course, the new MINI. But this wasn’t revealed until the start of the actual image campaign and sales commenced. - a small piece of thermo-sensitive film was attached to a press ad as a way of determining the degree of excitement felt when looking at the MINI ad – of course, all readings were off the scale.



    Lamp Post










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