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    Broken Crayons微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 虐待儿童的迹象虽然有时隐藏在显眼的地方,但很容易被忽视。受到受虐儿童经常在他们的图画中隐藏潜意识线索的洞察力的启发,我们着手向公众通报这些无声的警告信号,并提高人们对所有形式的虐待儿童的认识。在有力的证据,令人心碎的故事和惊喜元素的驱动下,这种执行方式创新了如何通过以意想不到的方式利用艺术平台来创建和策划引人注目的PSA。处决面临着一个严峻而充满情感挑战的话题,尽管无处不在,但很少出现在集体对话的最前沿。最终,目标是与公众分享重要信息,并传播没有虐待儿童的借口的信息。 战略 在我们的推销工作中,我们牢记了特定的目标受众-尽管PSA是每个人都必须关注的对象。为了利用我们的目标,我们将开幕之夜的接待仅限于严格的媒体和有影响力的人。我们还组织了一个晚上,我们只邀请了行业专业人士,如学校老师和心理学家。最后,PSA视频的结果被跨文化地传播给了当地和国家媒体以及贸易出版物,重点是心理学和教育。 相关性 有时,防止虐待儿童所需要的只是认识到它的许多迹象。该运动的公共关系工作的主要目标是通过强大的多媒体举措提高认识并鼓励人们对虐待儿童的微妙迹象更加警惕。所有信息都强调了我们客户对防止虐待儿童和忽视儿童的承诺和使命,我们的公关努力提高了该组织的知名度,并在全球范围内引发了关于这一重要对话的对话。 结果 强大的PSA,如果没有适当的媒体报道,该运动将无法成功提高人们的认识。最后,通过媒体宣传和有线发布,结果总共产生了148,724,173个印象。在媒体输出方面,该活动在各个本地广播电台 (包括英语和西班牙语媒体报道) 中进行了宣传,并在格言,鼓,世界广告中获得了提及,仅举几例。该消息在出版物和平台之间保持一致。在分享PSA视频的链接时,记者还敦促社区提高对孩子的警惕,并注意经常被忽视的微妙迹象。报道的质量可以从标题中看到,例如格言中的文章标题为: “可爱的孩子的图画是这场令人不安的运动中进入黑暗的窗口。PSA显示了如何容易忽略滥用行为。”参与者的反应帮助我们衡量了受众的结果以及意识和观念的即时变化。我们为两个主要受众组织了两个单独的活动: 一个针对媒体和有影响力的人,另一个针对教育工作者。媒体活动的一位嘉宾评论说,他不知道走进画廊要揭开的面纱。第二天,他观察到,“我希望这能教会我们,尤其是负责幼儿的老师、教育者、保姆,提高警惕…… 因为有时,敌人在家里。” 执行 该团队开发了有关令人jaw目结舌的统计数据和虐待儿童迹象的凝聚力消息,谈话要点和新闻材料,以及强大的PSA视频,以分发给媒体和有影响力的人。这项工作在画廊活动开始前三周开始,重点是活动本身,以及在日历列表和RSVP上的人员以及媒体和VIP影响者参加的位置。一旦活动发生并且PSA视频完成,PR的工作就改变了重点。现在,这是关于把消息传出去,让人们观看PSA。除了向媒体发送新闻材料外,我们还在社交媒体上进行了大力推动。在三个月内,该视频在62个国家/地区获得了超过一百万的观看次数。 运动描述 邀请公众参观一个看似普通的艺术装置,展示真实儿童的真实绘画,后来发现其中包括令人不安的虐待儿童迹象。将观众的诚实,无脚本的反应转变为在线电影和虚拟美术馆支持的强大PSA。


    案例简介:Synopsis Signs of child abuse, although sometimes hidden in plain sight, can easily be overlooked. Inspired by the insight that abused children often hide subconscious clues in their drawings, we set out to inform the general public of these silent warning signs and raise awareness of child abuse in all of its forms. Driven by powerful evidence, heart-wrenching stories, and the element of surprise - this execution innovates on how to create and curate a compelling PSA by utilizing an art platform in an unexpected way. The execution confronts a grim and emotionally challenging topic that, although pervasive, is seldom at the forefront of collective dialogue. Ultimately, the goal is to share vital information with the general public and propagate the message that there is no excuse for child abuse. Strategy In our pitching efforts, specific target audiences were kept in mind –even though the PSA is a must-watch for everyone. In order to leverage our targets, we limited the opening night reception to strictly media and influencers. We also organized a night where we invited only industry professionals, such as school teachers and psychologists. In the end, the results of the PSA video were pitched cross-culturally to both local and national media as well as trade publications, with a focus on psychology and education. Relevancy Sometimes all it takes to prevent child abuse is recognizing its many signs. The main goal for the campaign’s public relations efforts was to generate awareness and encourage people to be more vigilant of the subtle signs of child abuse via a powerful multimedia initiative. Our client’s commitment and mission to prevent child abuse and neglect was highlighted in all messages, and our PR efforts elevated the organization's’ visibility and sparked dialogue about this important conversation at a global scale. Outcome A powerful PSA, the campaign would not have succeeded in raising awareness had it not been for proper media coverage. In the end, the results generated a total of 148,724,173 impressions via media outreach and wire release distribution. In regards to media outputs, the campaign was featured across various local broadcast stations -- of both English and Spanish language media coverage -- as well as garnered mentions in AdAge, The Drum, Ads of the World, to name a few. The message remained consistent across publications and platforms. When sharing the link of the PSA video reporters were also urging the community to be more vigilant of their children and look out for subtle signs that often go unnoticed. The quality of the coverage can be seen in headlines such as the article featured in AdAge titled: “Adorable kids’ drawings are a window into darkness in this disturbing campaign. PSA shows how abuse can be easily overlooked.” The attendees’ reactions helped us measure audience outcomes and instant changes in awareness and perceptions. We organized two separate events for two key audiences: One for media and influencers, and another for educators. One guest at the media event commented how he had no idea walking into the gallery what he was about to unveil. The following day, he observed, “I hope this teaches us and especially teachers, educators, nannies, who are in charge of small children to be more vigilant… because sometimes, the enemy is at home.” Execution The team developed cohesive messaging, talking points, and press materials about the jaw-dropping statistics and signs of child abuse to distribute to media and influencers, along with the powerful PSA video. The efforts began three weeks before the gallery event with a focus on the event itself, and in getting placement on calendar listings and people to RSVP, as well as media and VIP influencers to attend. Once the event took place and the PSA video was complete, the PR efforts changed focus. Now, it was about getting the word out and getting people to watch the PSA. In addition to sending the press material to the media, we did a heavy push across social media. Within three months, the video amassed over one million views in 62 countries. CampaignDescription Invite the public to a seemingly ordinary art installation that showcases real drawings by real children, which later turn out to include troubling signs of child abuse. Transform the honest, unscripted reactions of our audience into a powerful PSA supported by an online film and a virtual art gallery.

    Broken Crayons

    案例简介:概要 虐待儿童的迹象虽然有时隐藏在显眼的地方,但很容易被忽视。受到受虐儿童经常在他们的图画中隐藏潜意识线索的洞察力的启发,我们着手向公众通报这些无声的警告信号,并提高人们对所有形式的虐待儿童的认识。在有力的证据,令人心碎的故事和惊喜元素的驱动下,这种执行方式创新了如何通过以意想不到的方式利用艺术平台来创建和策划引人注目的PSA。处决面临着一个严峻而充满情感挑战的话题,尽管无处不在,但很少出现在集体对话的最前沿。最终,目标是与公众分享重要信息,并传播没有虐待儿童的借口的信息。 战略 在我们的推销工作中,我们牢记了特定的目标受众-尽管PSA是每个人都必须关注的对象。为了利用我们的目标,我们将开幕之夜的接待仅限于严格的媒体和有影响力的人。我们还组织了一个晚上,我们只邀请了行业专业人士,如学校老师和心理学家。最后,PSA视频的结果被跨文化地传播给了当地和国家媒体以及贸易出版物,重点是心理学和教育。 相关性 有时,防止虐待儿童所需要的只是认识到它的许多迹象。该运动的公共关系工作的主要目标是通过强大的多媒体举措提高认识并鼓励人们对虐待儿童的微妙迹象更加警惕。所有信息都强调了我们客户对防止虐待儿童和忽视儿童的承诺和使命,我们的公关努力提高了该组织的知名度,并在全球范围内引发了关于这一重要对话的对话。 结果 强大的PSA,如果没有适当的媒体报道,该运动将无法成功提高人们的认识。最后,通过媒体宣传和有线发布,结果总共产生了148,724,173个印象。在媒体输出方面,该活动在各个本地广播电台 (包括英语和西班牙语媒体报道) 中进行了宣传,并在格言,鼓,世界广告中获得了提及,仅举几例。该消息在出版物和平台之间保持一致。在分享PSA视频的链接时,记者还敦促社区提高对孩子的警惕,并注意经常被忽视的微妙迹象。报道的质量可以从标题中看到,例如格言中的文章标题为: “可爱的孩子的图画是这场令人不安的运动中进入黑暗的窗口。PSA显示了如何容易忽略滥用行为。”参与者的反应帮助我们衡量了受众的结果以及意识和观念的即时变化。我们为两个主要受众组织了两个单独的活动: 一个针对媒体和有影响力的人,另一个针对教育工作者。媒体活动的一位嘉宾评论说,他不知道走进画廊要揭开的面纱。第二天,他观察到,“我希望这能教会我们,尤其是负责幼儿的老师、教育者、保姆,提高警惕…… 因为有时,敌人在家里。” 执行 该团队开发了有关令人jaw目结舌的统计数据和虐待儿童迹象的凝聚力消息,谈话要点和新闻材料,以及强大的PSA视频,以分发给媒体和有影响力的人。这项工作在画廊活动开始前三周开始,重点是活动本身,以及在日历列表和RSVP上的人员以及媒体和VIP影响者参加的位置。一旦活动发生并且PSA视频完成,PR的工作就改变了重点。现在,这是关于把消息传出去,让人们观看PSA。除了向媒体发送新闻材料外,我们还在社交媒体上进行了大力推动。在三个月内,该视频在62个国家/地区获得了超过一百万的观看次数。 运动描述 邀请公众参观一个看似普通的艺术装置,展示真实儿童的真实绘画,后来发现其中包括令人不安的虐待儿童迹象。将观众的诚实,无脚本的反应转变为在线电影和虚拟美术馆支持的强大PSA。

    Broken Crayons

    案例简介:Synopsis Signs of child abuse, although sometimes hidden in plain sight, can easily be overlooked. Inspired by the insight that abused children often hide subconscious clues in their drawings, we set out to inform the general public of these silent warning signs and raise awareness of child abuse in all of its forms. Driven by powerful evidence, heart-wrenching stories, and the element of surprise - this execution innovates on how to create and curate a compelling PSA by utilizing an art platform in an unexpected way. The execution confronts a grim and emotionally challenging topic that, although pervasive, is seldom at the forefront of collective dialogue. Ultimately, the goal is to share vital information with the general public and propagate the message that there is no excuse for child abuse. Strategy In our pitching efforts, specific target audiences were kept in mind –even though the PSA is a must-watch for everyone. In order to leverage our targets, we limited the opening night reception to strictly media and influencers. We also organized a night where we invited only industry professionals, such as school teachers and psychologists. In the end, the results of the PSA video were pitched cross-culturally to both local and national media as well as trade publications, with a focus on psychology and education. Relevancy Sometimes all it takes to prevent child abuse is recognizing its many signs. The main goal for the campaign’s public relations efforts was to generate awareness and encourage people to be more vigilant of the subtle signs of child abuse via a powerful multimedia initiative. Our client’s commitment and mission to prevent child abuse and neglect was highlighted in all messages, and our PR efforts elevated the organization's’ visibility and sparked dialogue about this important conversation at a global scale. Outcome A powerful PSA, the campaign would not have succeeded in raising awareness had it not been for proper media coverage. In the end, the results generated a total of 148,724,173 impressions via media outreach and wire release distribution. In regards to media outputs, the campaign was featured across various local broadcast stations -- of both English and Spanish language media coverage -- as well as garnered mentions in AdAge, The Drum, Ads of the World, to name a few. The message remained consistent across publications and platforms. When sharing the link of the PSA video reporters were also urging the community to be more vigilant of their children and look out for subtle signs that often go unnoticed. The quality of the coverage can be seen in headlines such as the article featured in AdAge titled: “Adorable kids’ drawings are a window into darkness in this disturbing campaign. PSA shows how abuse can be easily overlooked.” The attendees’ reactions helped us measure audience outcomes and instant changes in awareness and perceptions. We organized two separate events for two key audiences: One for media and influencers, and another for educators. One guest at the media event commented how he had no idea walking into the gallery what he was about to unveil. The following day, he observed, “I hope this teaches us and especially teachers, educators, nannies, who are in charge of small children to be more vigilant… because sometimes, the enemy is at home.” Execution The team developed cohesive messaging, talking points, and press materials about the jaw-dropping statistics and signs of child abuse to distribute to media and influencers, along with the powerful PSA video. The efforts began three weeks before the gallery event with a focus on the event itself, and in getting placement on calendar listings and people to RSVP, as well as media and VIP influencers to attend. Once the event took place and the PSA video was complete, the PR efforts changed focus. Now, it was about getting the word out and getting people to watch the PSA. In addition to sending the press material to the media, we did a heavy push across social media. Within three months, the video amassed over one million views in 62 countries. CampaignDescription Invite the public to a seemingly ordinary art installation that showcases real drawings by real children, which later turn out to include troubling signs of child abuse. Transform the honest, unscripted reactions of our audience into a powerful PSA supported by an online film and a virtual art gallery.



    Broken Crayons










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