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    蝙蝠侠 | Batman_ENG短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:逃避现实面对现实: 蝙蝠侠和一个年轻的难民成了最好的朋友 MassiveMusic 确保标志性的女王轨道,以提高及时的信息 Warchild 国际音乐机构 MassiveMusic 与战争儿童、火灾事件、索尼和环球合作,制作了一部及时而有力的新电影,突出了年轻难民的困境。 在这部迷人的电影中,一个年轻的难民男孩与蝙蝠侠建立了一种不太可能的友谊,这部电影也包含了一拳。在女王的感觉良好的轨道上,“你是我最好的朋友”,它跟随了不可分割的二人组,他们把难民营变成了他们的操场 -- 踢足球、摔跤, 和捉迷藏。 当蒙面十字军被揭露一直是男孩的父亲时,温暖人心的心情发生了令人惊讶的变化, 这是由于儿童构建的幻想世界作为一种应对机制来逃避他生活中的严峻现实。 MassiveMusic 的任务是寻找并授权一首歌曲,这首歌可以突出电影充满希望的开场场景和悲惨的结局之间的对比,这带来了更强烈的情感信息。在对一位艺术家进行了广泛的搜索,该艺术家将允许他们的曲目用于电影, 女王拥抱了证明他们标志性的轨道是完美的叙事和信息的事业。 由于所有合作伙伴之间的紧密合作 -- 战争儿童,在火灾的情况下,导演杰伦 · 摩尔,RNDBT 制片人莱克斯 · 斯赞托, 索尼和通用-MassiveMusic 成功地获得了标签和出版商的无偿参与。由于这些努力,慈善机构能够在世界范围内分发这部电影,并传播一个信息,在大规模移民和日益高涨的排斥言论时代,这个信息现在比以往任何时候都更加相关。 MassiveMusic 的 Samuel Taselaar 评论道: “通过扮演一个谦虚的角色来为这部令人惊叹的电影做出贡献真的很特别。我们从一开始就爱上了这个小男孩和他与蝙蝠侠的关系。结局是打击我们所有人的事情,尤其是在困难时期。我希望这部电影能尽可能多地打动人心。" 全世界约有 2.5亿儿童在战争中成长,其中许多人被迫逃离家园。这些儿童每天都面临武装冲突的可怕影响。他们不能总是独自处理他们的经历。 卡达尔被迫离开了他的家。和他父亲一起他的英雄。他不会谈论他所经历的一切: 爆炸。攻击。恐怖。“所有我见过的东西。他们伤了我的心 ”。 幻想往往是像卡达尔这样的孩子逃避现实的唯一途径。战争儿童向儿童提供至关重要的保护、教育和心理支持。所以他们并不孤单,可以更好地应对他们的可怕经历。为自己建设一个更美好的未来。

    案例简介:Escaping Reality to Face Reality: Batman Becomes Best Friends with a Young Refugee MassiveMusic secures iconic Queen track to heighten timely message Warchild International music agency MassiveMusic has teamed up with War Child, In Case of Fire, Sony and Universal to create a timely and powerful new film that highlights the plight of young refugees. A young refugee boy strikes up an unlikely friendship with Batman in this charming film that also packs a pertinent punch. Set to Queen’s feel-good track, ‘You’re My Best Friend’, it follows the inseparable duo as they transform the refugee camp into their playground - playing football, arm-wrestling, and hide-and-seek. The heart-warming mood takes a surprising twist as the masked crusader is revealed to have been the boy’s father all along, and a result of the fantasy world constructed by the child as a coping mechanism to escape the grim reality of his life. MassiveMusic was tasked with finding and licensing a song that could highlight the contrast between the hopeful opening scenes of the film and the harrowing ending, which brings out the stronger emotional message. After an extensive search for an artist that would give permission for their track to be used for the film, Queen embraced the cause proving their iconic track to be the perfect fit for the narrative and the message. Thanks to the tight collaboration between all the partners – War Child, In Case of Fire, director Jeroen Mol, RNDBT producer Lex Szanto, Sony and Universal - MassiveMusic successfully secured the label and publisher’s pro bono involvement. As a result of these efforts, the charity is able to distribute the film worldwide and spread a message that’s now more relevant than ever in these times of mass migration and rising rhetoric of exclusion. MassiveMusic’s Samuel Taselaar comments: “Contributing to this amazing film by playing a humble part has been really special. We fell in love with the little boy and his relationship with Batman right from the start. The ending is something that hits us all, especially in these times of difficulty. I hope the film will move as many hearts as possible.” Some 250 million children across the world are growing up in the midst of war - many of whom have been forced to flee their homes. These children are confronted daily with the terrible effects of armed conflict. They can’t always handle their experiences alone. Kadar was forced to leave his home. Together with his father. His hero. He won’t talk about all he has experienced: The bombings. The attacks. The terror. “All the things I’ve seen. They break my heart”. Fantasy is often the only way for children like Kadar to escape their reality. War Child supports children with vital protection, education and psychosocial support. So they are not alone and can better cope with their terrible experiences. And build a better future for themselves.

    蝙蝠侠 | Batman_ENG

    案例简介:逃避现实面对现实: 蝙蝠侠和一个年轻的难民成了最好的朋友 MassiveMusic 确保标志性的女王轨道,以提高及时的信息 Warchild 国际音乐机构 MassiveMusic 与战争儿童、火灾事件、索尼和环球合作,制作了一部及时而有力的新电影,突出了年轻难民的困境。 在这部迷人的电影中,一个年轻的难民男孩与蝙蝠侠建立了一种不太可能的友谊,这部电影也包含了一拳。在女王的感觉良好的轨道上,“你是我最好的朋友”,它跟随了不可分割的二人组,他们把难民营变成了他们的操场 -- 踢足球、摔跤, 和捉迷藏。 当蒙面十字军被揭露一直是男孩的父亲时,温暖人心的心情发生了令人惊讶的变化, 这是由于儿童构建的幻想世界作为一种应对机制来逃避他生活中的严峻现实。 MassiveMusic 的任务是寻找并授权一首歌曲,这首歌可以突出电影充满希望的开场场景和悲惨的结局之间的对比,这带来了更强烈的情感信息。在对一位艺术家进行了广泛的搜索,该艺术家将允许他们的曲目用于电影, 女王拥抱了证明他们标志性的轨道是完美的叙事和信息的事业。 由于所有合作伙伴之间的紧密合作 -- 战争儿童,在火灾的情况下,导演杰伦 · 摩尔,RNDBT 制片人莱克斯 · 斯赞托, 索尼和通用-MassiveMusic 成功地获得了标签和出版商的无偿参与。由于这些努力,慈善机构能够在世界范围内分发这部电影,并传播一个信息,在大规模移民和日益高涨的排斥言论时代,这个信息现在比以往任何时候都更加相关。 MassiveMusic 的 Samuel Taselaar 评论道: “通过扮演一个谦虚的角色来为这部令人惊叹的电影做出贡献真的很特别。我们从一开始就爱上了这个小男孩和他与蝙蝠侠的关系。结局是打击我们所有人的事情,尤其是在困难时期。我希望这部电影能尽可能多地打动人心。" 全世界约有 2.5亿儿童在战争中成长,其中许多人被迫逃离家园。这些儿童每天都面临武装冲突的可怕影响。他们不能总是独自处理他们的经历。 卡达尔被迫离开了他的家。和他父亲一起他的英雄。他不会谈论他所经历的一切: 爆炸。攻击。恐怖。“所有我见过的东西。他们伤了我的心 ”。 幻想往往是像卡达尔这样的孩子逃避现实的唯一途径。战争儿童向儿童提供至关重要的保护、教育和心理支持。所以他们并不孤单,可以更好地应对他们的可怕经历。为自己建设一个更美好的未来。

    蝙蝠侠 | Batman_ENG

    案例简介:Escaping Reality to Face Reality: Batman Becomes Best Friends with a Young Refugee MassiveMusic secures iconic Queen track to heighten timely message Warchild International music agency MassiveMusic has teamed up with War Child, In Case of Fire, Sony and Universal to create a timely and powerful new film that highlights the plight of young refugees. A young refugee boy strikes up an unlikely friendship with Batman in this charming film that also packs a pertinent punch. Set to Queen’s feel-good track, ‘You’re My Best Friend’, it follows the inseparable duo as they transform the refugee camp into their playground - playing football, arm-wrestling, and hide-and-seek. The heart-warming mood takes a surprising twist as the masked crusader is revealed to have been the boy’s father all along, and a result of the fantasy world constructed by the child as a coping mechanism to escape the grim reality of his life. MassiveMusic was tasked with finding and licensing a song that could highlight the contrast between the hopeful opening scenes of the film and the harrowing ending, which brings out the stronger emotional message. After an extensive search for an artist that would give permission for their track to be used for the film, Queen embraced the cause proving their iconic track to be the perfect fit for the narrative and the message. Thanks to the tight collaboration between all the partners – War Child, In Case of Fire, director Jeroen Mol, RNDBT producer Lex Szanto, Sony and Universal - MassiveMusic successfully secured the label and publisher’s pro bono involvement. As a result of these efforts, the charity is able to distribute the film worldwide and spread a message that’s now more relevant than ever in these times of mass migration and rising rhetoric of exclusion. MassiveMusic’s Samuel Taselaar comments: “Contributing to this amazing film by playing a humble part has been really special. We fell in love with the little boy and his relationship with Batman right from the start. The ending is something that hits us all, especially in these times of difficulty. I hope the film will move as many hearts as possible.” Some 250 million children across the world are growing up in the midst of war - many of whom have been forced to flee their homes. These children are confronted daily with the terrible effects of armed conflict. They can’t always handle their experiences alone. Kadar was forced to leave his home. Together with his father. His hero. He won’t talk about all he has experienced: The bombings. The attacks. The terror. “All the things I’ve seen. They break my heart”. Fantasy is often the only way for children like Kadar to escape their reality. War Child supports children with vital protection, education and psychosocial support. So they are not alone and can better cope with their terrible experiences. And build a better future for themselves.


    蝙蝠侠 | Batman_ENG










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