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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 虽然广告经常做出大胆的声明,但我们选择了有意义的行动来代表米饼零食。这是因为需要一个利基社区 -- 盲人儿童 -- 来参与品牌分享爱的目的。但它引起了任何有不同感觉的人的共鸣。 我们创造了一个分享爱的机会,在没有其他东西存在的地方,用爱的信息来代表包容。 这表明,即使是分享爱和支持的小行为也能做指数级的好事,改变人们对品牌的看法。 背景 Rice Krispies Treats希望在杂乱的返校时间表中提高有孩子的千禧家庭的认知度和渗透率。为了取得突破,我们无法在功能性产品属性上竞争,但需要用只有Rice Krispies Treats才能拥有的信息来赢得消费者的心。 我们的研究显示: 1) 随着新学年的到来,孩子们感到高度的脆弱性和焦虑,因为他们想融入其中。2) 父母经常把笔记藏在孩子的午餐盒里,以增强他们的信心。3) 多样性和包容性处于历史最高水平,社会变得更加接受和宽容。 有了这些发现,我们更深入地了解到人口的一个子集-62,000 个失明或视力低下的孩子 -- 在他们的午餐盒里无法收到爱和支持的书面信息。这给我们带来了机会 -- 把Rice krspies treats的写包装纸变成了一个与文化相关的分享爱的工具。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 米饼一直是关于分享爱的。但是为了真正实现品牌目标,我们需要与所有人分享爱,而不仅仅是一些人。 我们的想法是让每个孩子都能感受到爱。我们通过为失明或视力低下且无法看到手写笔记的儿童创建盲文和音频 “爱心笔记” 来开始这项任务。 这个简单的行为意味着失明的孩子可以像其他孩子一样分享来自家里的信息的快乐以及他们的甜蜜款待。所以,他们也可以带着爱和支持回到学校 -- 这是孩子们经常感到最脆弱的时候。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 洞察: 在返校阶段,覆盖范围通常侧重于交易和功能需求。虽然包容性一直是媒体领域的热门话题,但在此期间没有品牌拥有它。 关键信息: 每个孩子都应该得到返校的爱和支持。 目标: 关注一个利基社区,盲童家庭 (<02% 的人口),讲述一个爱和包容性的故事。这与我们更广泛的目标受众产生了共鸣,千禧一代的父母有 6-12 岁的孩子,他们是信仰驱动的买家。 资产: • 盲文贴纸和音频盒的品牌行为 全国盲人联合会 (NFB) 伙伴关系,以提高信誉、影响和确保所有资产的可及性 • 情感上令人振奋的视频,由一名盲人学生讲述我们的故事并吸引媒体关注 • 覆盖范围内使用的资产套件: 产品和项目图像、新闻稿、概况介绍、邮件、网站 • 资产也在付费和拥有的渠道之间进行杠杆化,以扩大覆盖面 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 我们部署了一个三阶段战略来接触我们的利基社区并确保主流吸引力: 种子: 我们在 7 月中旬分享了禁运下的新闻,为消费者、贸易、教育、生活方式、育儿、多样性 + 包容和商业垂直行业的记者量身定制了宣传。凭借我们的一套资产,全国各地的媒体都有他们所需要的东西来真实地讲述我们在广播、在线和社交领域的故事。 发布: 品牌在 7 月份开始返校交流,反映父母购买功能用品的情况。我们一直等到开学第一天临近时,家人都感到情绪激动。禁运于 8 月 7 日解除,包括赫芬顿邮报、《今日美国》和哥伦比亚广播公司在内的顶级媒体的报道激增。NFB和以残疾为重点的出版物验证了该计划的可信度,唤起了盲人社区的支持。大众报道推动了谈话价值和社交对话。 持续: 我们用付费支持来推动挣得的保险,向全世界传播我们的爱的信息。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 媒体输出: 媒体认为赫芬顿邮报的标题是 “米饼正在向包容性迈出真正的一步”。我们获得了超过 2.67亿个获得的印象和 471 个安置,超过目标 50%。我们的目标宣传包括《今日美国》、哥伦比亚广播公司早间新闻、雅虎!、美国在线、MSN、GMA智能简报、格言、自我、多样性规则、每日膳食、食物和酒等等。在 100% 的ar中,覆盖率有 93% 的积极情绪、 98% 的信息渗透和沉重的品牌Ticles. 目标受众结果: 消费者的反应非常积极,视频故事的浏览量超过 300万次,远远超过有盲童的家庭数量。在观看视频的人中,我们看到品牌召回有 30% 的提升。许多人通过在社交媒体上发布失明儿童的照片和视频来分享他们的兴奋,有些人甚至打电话给凯洛格的消费者事务部,感谢该品牌有意义的包容性行为。盲文贴纸和音频盒的库存在发布的头两周内耗尽,促使生产增加。 业务成果: 该计划对业务产生了有意义的影响,包括千禧一代家庭渗透率增加 6.3 个百分点 (总计 32.4%),与一年前相比,该计划后四周的美元销售额增加了 9.3%,我们的公关激活带来了 2.81 美元的投资回报率。 “爱情笔记” 带来了显著的成果,有效地发展了米饼对待商业,并说服信仰驱动的千禧一代买家热爱这个品牌。它所需要的只是包容性的立场。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? While advertising often makes bold statements, we chose meaningful action to speak for Rice Krispies Treats. This was born from a need for a niche community - blind children - to take part in the brand’s purpose of sharing love. But it resonated with anyone who’s ever felt different. We created an opportunity to share love where nothing else like it existed, taking a stand for inclusivity with a message of love for all. This demonstrated that even a small act of sharing love and support can do exponential good and change people’s perception of a brand. Background Rice Krispies Treats wanted to increase awareness and penetration in Millennial households with kids during the cluttered back-to-school timeframe. To breakthrough, we couldn’t compete on functional product attributes but needed to win consumers’ hearts with a message only Rice Krispies Treats could own. Our research revealed: 1) With the new school year, kids feel a high level of vulnerability and anxiety because they want to fit in. 2) Parents often hide notes in their kid’s lunchboxes to boost their confidence. 3) Diversity and inclusiveness are at an all-time high with society becoming more accepting and tolerant. Armed with these findings, we dug deeper to learn that a subset of the population—62,000 kids who are blind or low-vision—cannot receive written messages of love and support in their lunchbox. This led to our opportunity—transform Rice Krispies Treats’ write-on wrapper into a culturally relevant vehicle for sharing love. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Rice Krispies Treats has always been about sharing love. But to truly live the brand purpose, we needed to share love with all—not just some. Our idea was to make Rice Krispies Treats write-on wrappers accessible for every child to feel the love. We started this mission by creating Braille and audio ‘Love Notes’ for children who are blind or low vision and can’t physically see handwritten notes. This simple act meant blind children could share in the joy of a message from home along with their sweet treat, like any other kid. So, they too could go back to school—a time when kids often feel the most vulnerable—with love and support. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) INSIGHT: At back-to-school, coverage typically focuses on deals and functional needs. While inclusivity has been a trending topic within the media landscape, no brand was owning it during this timeframe. KEY MESSAGE: EVERY child deserves love and support for back-to-school. TARGET: Focused on a niche community, families of blind children (< .02% of the population), to tell a story of love and inclusivity. This resonated with our broader target audience, Millennial parents with kids 6-12 years old, who are belief-driven buyers. ASSETS: •Brand act of Braille stickers and audio boxes •National Federation of the Blind (NFB) partnership to drive credibility, influence and ensure accessibility of all assets •Emotionally uplifting video featuring a blind student to tell our story and grab media attention •Suite of assets for use in coverage: product and program imagery, press release, fact sheet, mailers, website •Assets also leveraged across paid and owned channels to broaden reach Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) We deployed a three-phased strategy to reach our niche community and ensure mainstream appeal: SEED: We shared the news under embargo in mid-July, tailoring pitches to reach reporters across Consumer, Trade, Education, Lifestyle, Parenting, Diversity + Inclusion and Business verticals. Armed with our suite of assets, media across the country had what they needed to authentically tell our story across broadcast, online and social. LAUNCH: Brands begin back-to-school communication by July, mirroring when parents shop for functional supplies. We waited until families were feeling emotional as the first day of school approached. The embargo lifted August 7th with a groundswell of coverage from top-tier outlets including Huffington Post, USA Today and CBS. NFB and disability-focused publications validated the program’s credibility, evoking support from the blind community. Mass coverage drove talk value and social conversation. SUSTAIN: We fueled earned coverage with paid support, spreading our message of love far and wide. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: MEDIA OUTPUTS: Media deemed that “Rice Krispies Treats Just Took A Real Step Towards Inclusivity”, as headlined by Huffington Post. We secured over 267 million earned impressions and 471 placements, surpassing goals by over 50 percent. Coverage from our targeted pitches included USA Today, CBS Morning News, Yahoo!, aol, MSN, GMA SmartBrief, AdAge, SELF, Diversity Rules, The Daily Meal, Food & Wine and more. Coverage had 100% positive sentiment, 93% message penetration and heavy branding in 98% of articles. TARGET AUDIENCE OUTCOMES: Consumer reaction was overwhelmingly positive, with over 3 million views of the video story, far beyond the number of families with blind children. Of those who viewed the video, we saw a 30% lift in brand recall. Many shared their excitement by posting photos and videos of their blind children on social media, some even calling Kellogg’s Consumer Affairs to thank the brand for the meaningful act of inclusiveness. The inventory of Braille stickers and audio boxes was depleted within the first two weeks of launch, prompting incremental production. BUSINESS OUTCOMES: The program delivered a meaningful impact on the business, including a 6.3 point increase in household penetration among Millennials (total of 32.4%), 9.3% increase in dollar sales for the four weeks after the program versus one year ago, and an ROI of $2.81 from our PR activation. ‘Love Notes’ delivered significant results, effectively growing the Rice Krispies Treats business and convincing belief-driven Millennial buyers to love the brand. All it took was a stand for inclusivity.

    Rice Krispies Treats® Love Notes

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 虽然广告经常做出大胆的声明,但我们选择了有意义的行动来代表米饼零食。这是因为需要一个利基社区 -- 盲人儿童 -- 来参与品牌分享爱的目的。但它引起了任何有不同感觉的人的共鸣。 我们创造了一个分享爱的机会,在没有其他东西存在的地方,用爱的信息来代表包容。 这表明,即使是分享爱和支持的小行为也能做指数级的好事,改变人们对品牌的看法。 背景 Rice Krispies Treats希望在杂乱的返校时间表中提高有孩子的千禧家庭的认知度和渗透率。为了取得突破,我们无法在功能性产品属性上竞争,但需要用只有Rice Krispies Treats才能拥有的信息来赢得消费者的心。 我们的研究显示: 1) 随着新学年的到来,孩子们感到高度的脆弱性和焦虑,因为他们想融入其中。2) 父母经常把笔记藏在孩子的午餐盒里,以增强他们的信心。3) 多样性和包容性处于历史最高水平,社会变得更加接受和宽容。 有了这些发现,我们更深入地了解到人口的一个子集-62,000 个失明或视力低下的孩子 -- 在他们的午餐盒里无法收到爱和支持的书面信息。这给我们带来了机会 -- 把Rice krspies treats的写包装纸变成了一个与文化相关的分享爱的工具。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 米饼一直是关于分享爱的。但是为了真正实现品牌目标,我们需要与所有人分享爱,而不仅仅是一些人。 我们的想法是让每个孩子都能感受到爱。我们通过为失明或视力低下且无法看到手写笔记的儿童创建盲文和音频 “爱心笔记” 来开始这项任务。 这个简单的行为意味着失明的孩子可以像其他孩子一样分享来自家里的信息的快乐以及他们的甜蜜款待。所以,他们也可以带着爱和支持回到学校 -- 这是孩子们经常感到最脆弱的时候。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 洞察: 在返校阶段,覆盖范围通常侧重于交易和功能需求。虽然包容性一直是媒体领域的热门话题,但在此期间没有品牌拥有它。 关键信息: 每个孩子都应该得到返校的爱和支持。 目标: 关注一个利基社区,盲童家庭 (<02% 的人口),讲述一个爱和包容性的故事。这与我们更广泛的目标受众产生了共鸣,千禧一代的父母有 6-12 岁的孩子,他们是信仰驱动的买家。 资产: • 盲文贴纸和音频盒的品牌行为 全国盲人联合会 (NFB) 伙伴关系,以提高信誉、影响和确保所有资产的可及性 • 情感上令人振奋的视频,由一名盲人学生讲述我们的故事并吸引媒体关注 • 覆盖范围内使用的资产套件: 产品和项目图像、新闻稿、概况介绍、邮件、网站 • 资产也在付费和拥有的渠道之间进行杠杆化,以扩大覆盖面 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 我们部署了一个三阶段战略来接触我们的利基社区并确保主流吸引力: 种子: 我们在 7 月中旬分享了禁运下的新闻,为消费者、贸易、教育、生活方式、育儿、多样性 + 包容和商业垂直行业的记者量身定制了宣传。凭借我们的一套资产,全国各地的媒体都有他们所需要的东西来真实地讲述我们在广播、在线和社交领域的故事。 发布: 品牌在 7 月份开始返校交流,反映父母购买功能用品的情况。我们一直等到开学第一天临近时,家人都感到情绪激动。禁运于 8 月 7 日解除,包括赫芬顿邮报、《今日美国》和哥伦比亚广播公司在内的顶级媒体的报道激增。NFB和以残疾为重点的出版物验证了该计划的可信度,唤起了盲人社区的支持。大众报道推动了谈话价值和社交对话。 持续: 我们用付费支持来推动挣得的保险,向全世界传播我们的爱的信息。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 媒体输出: 媒体认为赫芬顿邮报的标题是 “米饼正在向包容性迈出真正的一步”。我们获得了超过 2.67亿个获得的印象和 471 个安置,超过目标 50%。我们的目标宣传包括《今日美国》、哥伦比亚广播公司早间新闻、雅虎!、美国在线、MSN、GMA智能简报、格言、自我、多样性规则、每日膳食、食物和酒等等。在 100% 的ar中,覆盖率有 93% 的积极情绪、 98% 的信息渗透和沉重的品牌Ticles. 目标受众结果: 消费者的反应非常积极,视频故事的浏览量超过 300万次,远远超过有盲童的家庭数量。在观看视频的人中,我们看到品牌召回有 30% 的提升。许多人通过在社交媒体上发布失明儿童的照片和视频来分享他们的兴奋,有些人甚至打电话给凯洛格的消费者事务部,感谢该品牌有意义的包容性行为。盲文贴纸和音频盒的库存在发布的头两周内耗尽,促使生产增加。 业务成果: 该计划对业务产生了有意义的影响,包括千禧一代家庭渗透率增加 6.3 个百分点 (总计 32.4%),与一年前相比,该计划后四周的美元销售额增加了 9.3%,我们的公关激活带来了 2.81 美元的投资回报率。 “爱情笔记” 带来了显著的成果,有效地发展了米饼对待商业,并说服信仰驱动的千禧一代买家热爱这个品牌。它所需要的只是包容性的立场。

    Rice Krispies Treats® Love Notes

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? While advertising often makes bold statements, we chose meaningful action to speak for Rice Krispies Treats. This was born from a need for a niche community - blind children - to take part in the brand’s purpose of sharing love. But it resonated with anyone who’s ever felt different. We created an opportunity to share love where nothing else like it existed, taking a stand for inclusivity with a message of love for all. This demonstrated that even a small act of sharing love and support can do exponential good and change people’s perception of a brand. Background Rice Krispies Treats wanted to increase awareness and penetration in Millennial households with kids during the cluttered back-to-school timeframe. To breakthrough, we couldn’t compete on functional product attributes but needed to win consumers’ hearts with a message only Rice Krispies Treats could own. Our research revealed: 1) With the new school year, kids feel a high level of vulnerability and anxiety because they want to fit in. 2) Parents often hide notes in their kid’s lunchboxes to boost their confidence. 3) Diversity and inclusiveness are at an all-time high with society becoming more accepting and tolerant. Armed with these findings, we dug deeper to learn that a subset of the population—62,000 kids who are blind or low-vision—cannot receive written messages of love and support in their lunchbox. This led to our opportunity—transform Rice Krispies Treats’ write-on wrapper into a culturally relevant vehicle for sharing love. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Rice Krispies Treats has always been about sharing love. But to truly live the brand purpose, we needed to share love with all—not just some. Our idea was to make Rice Krispies Treats write-on wrappers accessible for every child to feel the love. We started this mission by creating Braille and audio ‘Love Notes’ for children who are blind or low vision and can’t physically see handwritten notes. This simple act meant blind children could share in the joy of a message from home along with their sweet treat, like any other kid. So, they too could go back to school—a time when kids often feel the most vulnerable—with love and support. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) INSIGHT: At back-to-school, coverage typically focuses on deals and functional needs. While inclusivity has been a trending topic within the media landscape, no brand was owning it during this timeframe. KEY MESSAGE: EVERY child deserves love and support for back-to-school. TARGET: Focused on a niche community, families of blind children (< .02% of the population), to tell a story of love and inclusivity. This resonated with our broader target audience, Millennial parents with kids 6-12 years old, who are belief-driven buyers. ASSETS: •Brand act of Braille stickers and audio boxes •National Federation of the Blind (NFB) partnership to drive credibility, influence and ensure accessibility of all assets •Emotionally uplifting video featuring a blind student to tell our story and grab media attention •Suite of assets for use in coverage: product and program imagery, press release, fact sheet, mailers, website •Assets also leveraged across paid and owned channels to broaden reach Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) We deployed a three-phased strategy to reach our niche community and ensure mainstream appeal: SEED: We shared the news under embargo in mid-July, tailoring pitches to reach reporters across Consumer, Trade, Education, Lifestyle, Parenting, Diversity + Inclusion and Business verticals. Armed with our suite of assets, media across the country had what they needed to authentically tell our story across broadcast, online and social. LAUNCH: Brands begin back-to-school communication by July, mirroring when parents shop for functional supplies. We waited until families were feeling emotional as the first day of school approached. The embargo lifted August 7th with a groundswell of coverage from top-tier outlets including Huffington Post, USA Today and CBS. NFB and disability-focused publications validated the program’s credibility, evoking support from the blind community. Mass coverage drove talk value and social conversation. SUSTAIN: We fueled earned coverage with paid support, spreading our message of love far and wide. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: MEDIA OUTPUTS: Media deemed that “Rice Krispies Treats Just Took A Real Step Towards Inclusivity”, as headlined by Huffington Post. We secured over 267 million earned impressions and 471 placements, surpassing goals by over 50 percent. Coverage from our targeted pitches included USA Today, CBS Morning News, Yahoo!, aol, MSN, GMA SmartBrief, AdAge, SELF, Diversity Rules, The Daily Meal, Food & Wine and more. Coverage had 100% positive sentiment, 93% message penetration and heavy branding in 98% of articles. TARGET AUDIENCE OUTCOMES: Consumer reaction was overwhelmingly positive, with over 3 million views of the video story, far beyond the number of families with blind children. Of those who viewed the video, we saw a 30% lift in brand recall. Many shared their excitement by posting photos and videos of their blind children on social media, some even calling Kellogg’s Consumer Affairs to thank the brand for the meaningful act of inclusiveness. The inventory of Braille stickers and audio boxes was depleted within the first two weeks of launch, prompting incremental production. BUSINESS OUTCOMES: The program delivered a meaningful impact on the business, including a 6.3 point increase in household penetration among Millennials (total of 32.4%), 9.3% increase in dollar sales for the four weeks after the program versus one year ago, and an ROI of $2.81 from our PR activation. ‘Love Notes’ delivered significant results, effectively growing the Rice Krispies Treats business and convincing belief-driven Millennial buyers to love the brand. All it took was a stand for inclusivity.



    Rice Krispies Treats® Love Notes










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