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    案例简介:概要 Super Bock与音乐和艺术的关系非常密切。超级博克对城市艺术的承诺在国家创意产业奖和超级博克超级摇滚等活动中显而易见,该节日与弱者Farh 021.3合作。和Bordallo II。现在是时候让它变得更深入了。新品牌CORUJA是做到这一点的正确机会。简报很清楚。让CORUJA启动公共和城市艺术以及葡萄牙艺术家的投资平台。到2020,这个平台将推动葡萄牙公共和城市艺术的发展,作为一种社会表现形式和文化发展的重要因素。在这三年中,该品牌将实施一系列举措,其中一些与9位艺术家合作,并通过价值10 k的公共艺术奖来支持新的国家人才。 战略 葡萄牙和其他更成熟市场的消费者越来越多地寻求多样性。自2010以来,这种多样性已由国家手工啤酒品牌提供 (2016年底为 + 90)。一位24-35岁的自由派精明的消费者,在寻找当代性的同时,不会忘记其根源。不传统,关注发生的一切,总是醒着,寻找丰富他的新体验。该活动的目的是引起人们对发现超级博克·科鲁贾啤酒多样性的好奇心,定位为创造力和自由思维的灵感和推动者。 相关性 这项运动违反了品牌准则的惯例,并以一个想法和一个符号-艺术家和动物-而不是一个特定的品牌徽标来使其以其社会影响力而不仅仅是其外观而闻名。一项冒险向品牌求婚的运动,不是一种简单的销售啤酒的商业方法,而是一项为期3年的艺术投资计划。一个基于实时虚构叙事的活动通过社交媒体传播,所有学科-艺术,插图,设计,广告,特技,数字,运动,展览。 结果 2个月内40% 年度销售目标。汤姆广告知名度超过葡萄牙所有啤酒品牌,除了2个主要品牌品牌知名度超过葡萄牙所有啤酒品牌,除了2个主要市场份额超过主要竞争对手1个百分点-自2016年5月以来运营vs我们于3月推出2017。新科鲁雅啤酒的直接影响和意识在两周后的第一周销售一空-葡萄牙仅FB VID - 808 686 R - 567 k V - 2.2 k L FB VID 2 - 538 348 k R - 490 k V - 4.4 k L INSTA VID - 204 763 V - 3043 L 执行 在葡萄牙进行的为期3个月,为期6个阶段的活动,从1月下旬到4月 “Coruja - the artist”-一位城市艺术家通过接管户外活动来回应品牌发布。一场基于实时虚构叙事的活动通过社交媒体传播。9艺术家10人街头工作人员70插图800干预-粘贴,涂鸦,贴纸9艺术作品1展览9瓶标签9户外活动主题6电影4动画艺术插图设计广告: 电影,户外,广播,MB特技/激活-粘贴,贴纸,graffitti数字运动事件和环境 CampaignDescription CORUJA为葡萄牙的品牌参与艺术创造了新的基础,并刷新了传统和老派啤酒的交流。我们将此次发布作为对城市艺术的致敬,并宣布了一项为期3年的投资计划。虚构的叙述在 “CORUJA艺术家” 和CORUJA品牌之间造成了冲突,以此作为将品牌引入所需性能领域的一种方式。插图和艺术品将成为所有CORUJA交流的基础。我们首先聘请了9位顶级艺术家。这些吸引了大约70种不同的猫头鹰。在啤酒推出前2个月,我们发明了 “CORUJA”-一位新艺术家,他开始在葡萄牙绘画和粘贴这些不同的猫头鹰插图,并在社交网络上发表他的作品,产生巨大影响。然后,我们发起了传统啤酒运动,宣布了同名啤酒。。冲突产生了。


    案例简介:Synopsis Super Bock's relationship with music and art is close. Super Bock's commitment to Urban Art is evident at events such as the National Creative Industries Award and Super Bock Super Rock, a festival that has enjoyed partnerships with the Underdogs, Farh 021.3. and Bordallo II. The time has come to make it even deeper.The new brand CORUJA was the right opportunity to do it. The briefing was clear. Make the CORUJA launch the investment platform in public and urban art and in Portuguese artists. By 2020, this platform will motivate the development of Public and Urban Art in Portugal as a social manifestation and an important factor for cultural development. Throughout these three years, the brand will implement a number of initiatives, several in collaboration with the 9 artists, and also support the new national talents with a Public Art Award worth 10 k. Strategy Consumers in Portugal, and other more mature markets, are increasingly looking for diversity.Since 2010 this diversity has been delivered by national artisanal beer brands (+90 at the end of 2016). A 24-35 liberal savyy consumer, in search of contemporaneity, without forgetting its roots.Not conventional, attentive to everything that happens, always awake , looking for new experiences that enrich him The objective of the campaign was to generate curiosity for the discovery of the diversity of Super Bock CORUJA beers, positioning as an inspiration and promoter of creativity and free thinking. Relevancy This a campaign that defies conventions on brand guidelines and banks on an idea and a symbol - an artist and an animal - not a specific brand logo to make it known for its social impact rather than only its looks . A campaign that takes the risk of proposing to a brand not a simple commercial approach to selling a beer but a 3 year investment plan in art. A campaign based on a real-time fictional narrative spread through social media that all disciplines – art, illustration, design, advertising, stunt, digital , motion, exhibition. Outcome 40% of sales annual objective in 2 months. TOM ad awareness surpassing all beer brands in Portugal, except for the 2 main ones Brand awareness surpassing all beer brands in Portugal, except for the 2 main ones Volume Market share surpassing main competitor on 1 percentual point – operating since May 2016 vs our launch in March 2017. Immediate impact & awareness of new coruja beer Sell out first week launch TOP POSTS AFTER 2 WEEKS – PORTUGAL ONLY FB VID - 808 686 k R - 567 k V - 2.2 k L FB VID 2 - 538 348 k R - 490 k V - 4.4 k L INSTA VID - 204 763 V - 3043 L Execution A 3 month, 6 Phase campaign in Portugal, running from late January to April “Coruja - the artist” – a urban artists responds to a brand launch with a take over its outdoors. A campaign based on a real-time fictional narrative spread through social media. 9 artists 10 person street crew 70 illustrations 800 interventions –paste-ups, graffiti, stickers 9 art pieces 1 exhibition 9 bottle labels 9 outdoor campaign themes 6 movies 4 animations Art Illustration Design Advertising: Film, Outdoor, Radio, MB Stunt / Activation - paste ups, stickers, graffitti Digital Motion Event and Environments CampaignDescription CORUJA sets new ground for brand involvement with art in Portugal and to refresh traditional and old school beer communication. We made this launch a tribute to urban art and an announcement of a 3 year investment program. A fictional narrative that created a conflict between the "CORUJA Artist" and the CORUJA brand as a way to introduce the brand into the territory of desired performance. The illustration and artwork will be the basis of all CORUJA communication . We started by hiring 9 top artists. And these drew about 70 different owls. 2 months before the launch of Beer we invented "CORUJA" - a new artist who began to paint and paste these different owl illustrations in Portugal and to publish his work on social networks with great impact. Then we launched the traditional beer campaign that announced a beer with the same name. . The conflict was created.

    Coruja Lift Off

    案例简介:概要 Super Bock与音乐和艺术的关系非常密切。超级博克对城市艺术的承诺在国家创意产业奖和超级博克超级摇滚等活动中显而易见,该节日与弱者Farh 021.3合作。和Bordallo II。现在是时候让它变得更深入了。新品牌CORUJA是做到这一点的正确机会。简报很清楚。让CORUJA启动公共和城市艺术以及葡萄牙艺术家的投资平台。到2020,这个平台将推动葡萄牙公共和城市艺术的发展,作为一种社会表现形式和文化发展的重要因素。在这三年中,该品牌将实施一系列举措,其中一些与9位艺术家合作,并通过价值10 k的公共艺术奖来支持新的国家人才。 战略 葡萄牙和其他更成熟市场的消费者越来越多地寻求多样性。自2010以来,这种多样性已由国家手工啤酒品牌提供 (2016年底为 + 90)。一位24-35岁的自由派精明的消费者,在寻找当代性的同时,不会忘记其根源。不传统,关注发生的一切,总是醒着,寻找丰富他的新体验。该活动的目的是引起人们对发现超级博克·科鲁贾啤酒多样性的好奇心,定位为创造力和自由思维的灵感和推动者。 相关性 这项运动违反了品牌准则的惯例,并以一个想法和一个符号-艺术家和动物-而不是一个特定的品牌徽标来使其以其社会影响力而不仅仅是其外观而闻名。一项冒险向品牌求婚的运动,不是一种简单的销售啤酒的商业方法,而是一项为期3年的艺术投资计划。一个基于实时虚构叙事的活动通过社交媒体传播,所有学科-艺术,插图,设计,广告,特技,数字,运动,展览。 结果 2个月内40% 年度销售目标。汤姆广告知名度超过葡萄牙所有啤酒品牌,除了2个主要品牌品牌知名度超过葡萄牙所有啤酒品牌,除了2个主要市场份额超过主要竞争对手1个百分点-自2016年5月以来运营vs我们于3月推出2017。新科鲁雅啤酒的直接影响和意识在两周后的第一周销售一空-葡萄牙仅FB VID - 808 686 R - 567 k V - 2.2 k L FB VID 2 - 538 348 k R - 490 k V - 4.4 k L INSTA VID - 204 763 V - 3043 L 执行 在葡萄牙进行的为期3个月,为期6个阶段的活动,从1月下旬到4月 “Coruja - the artist”-一位城市艺术家通过接管户外活动来回应品牌发布。一场基于实时虚构叙事的活动通过社交媒体传播。9艺术家10人街头工作人员70插图800干预-粘贴,涂鸦,贴纸9艺术作品1展览9瓶标签9户外活动主题6电影4动画艺术插图设计广告: 电影,户外,广播,MB特技/激活-粘贴,贴纸,graffitti数字运动事件和环境 CampaignDescription CORUJA为葡萄牙的品牌参与艺术创造了新的基础,并刷新了传统和老派啤酒的交流。我们将此次发布作为对城市艺术的致敬,并宣布了一项为期3年的投资计划。虚构的叙述在 “CORUJA艺术家” 和CORUJA品牌之间造成了冲突,以此作为将品牌引入所需性能领域的一种方式。插图和艺术品将成为所有CORUJA交流的基础。我们首先聘请了9位顶级艺术家。这些吸引了大约70种不同的猫头鹰。在啤酒推出前2个月,我们发明了 “CORUJA”-一位新艺术家,他开始在葡萄牙绘画和粘贴这些不同的猫头鹰插图,并在社交网络上发表他的作品,产生巨大影响。然后,我们发起了传统啤酒运动,宣布了同名啤酒。。冲突产生了。

    Coruja Lift Off

    案例简介:Synopsis Super Bock's relationship with music and art is close. Super Bock's commitment to Urban Art is evident at events such as the National Creative Industries Award and Super Bock Super Rock, a festival that has enjoyed partnerships with the Underdogs, Farh 021.3. and Bordallo II. The time has come to make it even deeper.The new brand CORUJA was the right opportunity to do it. The briefing was clear. Make the CORUJA launch the investment platform in public and urban art and in Portuguese artists. By 2020, this platform will motivate the development of Public and Urban Art in Portugal as a social manifestation and an important factor for cultural development. Throughout these three years, the brand will implement a number of initiatives, several in collaboration with the 9 artists, and also support the new national talents with a Public Art Award worth 10 k. Strategy Consumers in Portugal, and other more mature markets, are increasingly looking for diversity.Since 2010 this diversity has been delivered by national artisanal beer brands (+90 at the end of 2016). A 24-35 liberal savyy consumer, in search of contemporaneity, without forgetting its roots.Not conventional, attentive to everything that happens, always awake , looking for new experiences that enrich him The objective of the campaign was to generate curiosity for the discovery of the diversity of Super Bock CORUJA beers, positioning as an inspiration and promoter of creativity and free thinking. Relevancy This a campaign that defies conventions on brand guidelines and banks on an idea and a symbol - an artist and an animal - not a specific brand logo to make it known for its social impact rather than only its looks . A campaign that takes the risk of proposing to a brand not a simple commercial approach to selling a beer but a 3 year investment plan in art. A campaign based on a real-time fictional narrative spread through social media that all disciplines – art, illustration, design, advertising, stunt, digital , motion, exhibition. Outcome 40% of sales annual objective in 2 months. TOM ad awareness surpassing all beer brands in Portugal, except for the 2 main ones Brand awareness surpassing all beer brands in Portugal, except for the 2 main ones Volume Market share surpassing main competitor on 1 percentual point – operating since May 2016 vs our launch in March 2017. Immediate impact & awareness of new coruja beer Sell out first week launch TOP POSTS AFTER 2 WEEKS – PORTUGAL ONLY FB VID - 808 686 k R - 567 k V - 2.2 k L FB VID 2 - 538 348 k R - 490 k V - 4.4 k L INSTA VID - 204 763 V - 3043 L Execution A 3 month, 6 Phase campaign in Portugal, running from late January to April “Coruja - the artist” – a urban artists responds to a brand launch with a take over its outdoors. A campaign based on a real-time fictional narrative spread through social media. 9 artists 10 person street crew 70 illustrations 800 interventions –paste-ups, graffiti, stickers 9 art pieces 1 exhibition 9 bottle labels 9 outdoor campaign themes 6 movies 4 animations Art Illustration Design Advertising: Film, Outdoor, Radio, MB Stunt / Activation - paste ups, stickers, graffitti Digital Motion Event and Environments CampaignDescription CORUJA sets new ground for brand involvement with art in Portugal and to refresh traditional and old school beer communication. We made this launch a tribute to urban art and an announcement of a 3 year investment program. A fictional narrative that created a conflict between the "CORUJA Artist" and the CORUJA brand as a way to introduce the brand into the territory of desired performance. The illustration and artwork will be the basis of all CORUJA communication . We started by hiring 9 top artists. And these drew about 70 different owls. 2 months before the launch of Beer we invented "CORUJA" - a new artist who began to paint and paste these different owl illustrations in Portugal and to publish his work on social networks with great impact. Then we launched the traditional beer campaign that announced a beer with the same name. . The conflict was created.



    Coruja Lift Off










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