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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 捏不仅具有药物的外观和填充,而且还发挥了作用,因为他意识到与使用过量盐一样严重的问题。 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康与健康沟通的任何限制或法规,包括: 在阿根廷,没有关于过量盐消费的法规。 健康与健康工作必须证明其如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 捏是一种减少人们食盐摄入量的想法。这种简单的行为不仅有助于人们的健康,而且还可以降低心脏病发作的死亡率。这使得政府使用更少的资源来提高人们对心脏病发作死亡率的认识。 背景 在阿根廷,平均消费量为每人每天11克盐,而世卫组织的建议为5克,因为较高的消费量会增加高血压的普遍患病率,这是心脏病发作,中风以及肾脏和心脏功能不全的主要危险因素。 Glaciar,低钠水致力于促进阿根廷人的健康习惯。 对于该品牌来说,谈论过量的钠是一个关键点,这就是为什么它每年都会在世界食盐意识周期间举办一次活动。 今年,他们试图通过寻求关于盐过量的更具体的想法来加倍赌注。Pinch就是这样诞生的。 描述创意 (投票20%) 在健康饮食的背景下,建议在膳食中消耗多达1克的每日添加盐。 如果无法计算,我们怎么知道我们在饭菜中添加了多少盐? 根据阿根廷心脏病学会的说法,捏是14剂的水泡,每剂含有500毫克食盐,每餐 (午餐和晚餐) 的最大可接受剂量。 按照医疗水泡的逻辑,我们创建了一个含有食盐的水泡。 因此,我们使用已经存在的资源获得了意识,并且已经得到了医学界的验证。 这使得捏捏是防止过量使用盐的最佳补救措施的信息非常容易理解。 描述策略 (投票20%) 关于盐的消费已经有很多想法。然而,大多数想法从未将问题视为医学问题。我们不仅要提高认识,还必须提供帮助。以说教,负责任的方式提供帮助,并以心脏病专家会治疗的严重性来治疗问题。这个想法是美丽的并且有反响是不够的。除此之外,你必须以问题需要的严肃性来对待问题。 描述执行情况 (投票30%) 遵循所有卫生过程并以医疗水泡为起点,我们用细盐填充水泡的每个气泡的内容物。500毫克的盐。因此能够强调 “补救”,并且非常易于使用。 列出结果 (投票30%) Pinch不仅帮助提高了消费者对阿根廷主要低盐水品牌Glaciar的认识,而且还提高了其品牌宗旨,即通过少吃盐来提高人们对健康生活方式的认识。在国际盐日活动结束后,IG帐户 (Glaciar的主要枢纽) 的流量上升至 + 310%。随着有影响力的人在活动中制作的内容,他们获得了少量样本,并经历了健康和健康讲座,我们甚至设法将这种意识转化为参与,因为Glaciar的追随者在 + 72% 增加。考虑到新闻频道,新闻文章和跳入的非付费影响者,整个广告系列的覆盖范围估计超过3.1美元,其中有1.5美元用于赚钱的媒体。

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? Pinch not only has the look and fill of a medicine, but also fulfills the role of being so given that he is aware of a problem as serious as the use of excess salt. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: In Argentina there is no type of regulation on the consumption of salt on excess. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Pinch is an idea that reduces the consumption of salt in people. That simple act not only helps people to health but also makes it possible to lower mortality from heart attacks. And that makes the government use fewer resources to raise awareness about mortality from heart attacks. Background In Argentina, the average consumption is 11 grams of salt per inhabitant per day, when the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) is 5 grams, given that a higher consumption increases the general prevalence of hypertension, which is the main risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and renal and cardiac insufficiency. Glaciar, the low in sodium water is committed to promoting healthy habits among Argentines. For the brand, talking about excess sodium is a key point, that is why every year it develops an event during the World Week on Salt Awareness. This year they sought to redouble the bet by seeking a more tangible idea about the excess of salt. That's how Pinch was born. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) In the context of a healthy diet, it is recommended to consume up to 1 gram of added daily salt in meals. How do we know how much salt we are adding to our meals, if it is impossible to calculate it? Pinch is a blister of 14 doses containing 500 mg of table salt each, the maximum acceptable dose per meal (lunch and dinner), according to the Argentine Society of Cardiology. Following the logic of a medical blister, we created a blister containing table salt. Thus, we achieved awareness using an already existing resource and already validated by the medical community. That made the message that Pinch is a the best remedy against the excess use of salt was very easy to understand. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) There are already many ideas around the consumption of salt. However, most ideas never treat the problem for what it is: a medical problem. Not only do we have to achieve awareness, we also have to help. Help in a didactic, responsible way and treating the problem with the seriousness that a cardiologist would treat. It is not enough that the idea is beautiful and has repercussion. In addition to that you have to treat the problem with the seriousness that the problem needs. Describe the execution (30% of vote) Following all the sanitary processes and taking as a starting point a medical blister, we fill the contents of each bubble of the blister with fine salt. Exactly with 500 mg of salt. Thus being able to emphasize "remedy" and be very easy to use. List the results (30% of vote) Pinch helped to drive consumer awareness not only of Glaciar, the main low-salt water brand in Argentina, but also of it’s brand purpose to raise awareness of healthy lifestyles by consuming less salt. After the event during the International Salt Day, the traffic to the IG account (Glaciar’s main hub) rose to +310%. With the content made in the event by influencers who were given Pinch samples and who experienced health and wellness talks, we even managed to turn that awareness into engagement, as Glaciar’s followers increased in +72%. The estimated reach of the whole campaign was more than +3.1M, with $1.5M in earned media, considering news channels, news articles and non-paid influencers who jumped in.


    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 捏不仅具有药物的外观和填充,而且还发挥了作用,因为他意识到与使用过量盐一样严重的问题。 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康与健康沟通的任何限制或法规,包括: 在阿根廷,没有关于过量盐消费的法规。 健康与健康工作必须证明其如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 捏是一种减少人们食盐摄入量的想法。这种简单的行为不仅有助于人们的健康,而且还可以降低心脏病发作的死亡率。这使得政府使用更少的资源来提高人们对心脏病发作死亡率的认识。 背景 在阿根廷,平均消费量为每人每天11克盐,而世卫组织的建议为5克,因为较高的消费量会增加高血压的普遍患病率,这是心脏病发作,中风以及肾脏和心脏功能不全的主要危险因素。 Glaciar,低钠水致力于促进阿根廷人的健康习惯。 对于该品牌来说,谈论过量的钠是一个关键点,这就是为什么它每年都会在世界食盐意识周期间举办一次活动。 今年,他们试图通过寻求关于盐过量的更具体的想法来加倍赌注。Pinch就是这样诞生的。 描述创意 (投票20%) 在健康饮食的背景下,建议在膳食中消耗多达1克的每日添加盐。 如果无法计算,我们怎么知道我们在饭菜中添加了多少盐? 根据阿根廷心脏病学会的说法,捏是14剂的水泡,每剂含有500毫克食盐,每餐 (午餐和晚餐) 的最大可接受剂量。 按照医疗水泡的逻辑,我们创建了一个含有食盐的水泡。 因此,我们使用已经存在的资源获得了意识,并且已经得到了医学界的验证。 这使得捏捏是防止过量使用盐的最佳补救措施的信息非常容易理解。 描述策略 (投票20%) 关于盐的消费已经有很多想法。然而,大多数想法从未将问题视为医学问题。我们不仅要提高认识,还必须提供帮助。以说教,负责任的方式提供帮助,并以心脏病专家会治疗的严重性来治疗问题。这个想法是美丽的并且有反响是不够的。除此之外,你必须以问题需要的严肃性来对待问题。 描述执行情况 (投票30%) 遵循所有卫生过程并以医疗水泡为起点,我们用细盐填充水泡的每个气泡的内容物。500毫克的盐。因此能够强调 “补救”,并且非常易于使用。 列出结果 (投票30%) Pinch不仅帮助提高了消费者对阿根廷主要低盐水品牌Glaciar的认识,而且还提高了其品牌宗旨,即通过少吃盐来提高人们对健康生活方式的认识。在国际盐日活动结束后,IG帐户 (Glaciar的主要枢纽) 的流量上升至 + 310%。随着有影响力的人在活动中制作的内容,他们获得了少量样本,并经历了健康和健康讲座,我们甚至设法将这种意识转化为参与,因为Glaciar的追随者在 + 72% 增加。考虑到新闻频道,新闻文章和跳入的非付费影响者,整个广告系列的覆盖范围估计超过3.1美元,其中有1.5美元用于赚钱的媒体。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? Pinch not only has the look and fill of a medicine, but also fulfills the role of being so given that he is aware of a problem as serious as the use of excess salt. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: In Argentina there is no type of regulation on the consumption of salt on excess. Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Pinch is an idea that reduces the consumption of salt in people. That simple act not only helps people to health but also makes it possible to lower mortality from heart attacks. And that makes the government use fewer resources to raise awareness about mortality from heart attacks. Background In Argentina, the average consumption is 11 grams of salt per inhabitant per day, when the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) is 5 grams, given that a higher consumption increases the general prevalence of hypertension, which is the main risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and renal and cardiac insufficiency. Glaciar, the low in sodium water is committed to promoting healthy habits among Argentines. For the brand, talking about excess sodium is a key point, that is why every year it develops an event during the World Week on Salt Awareness. This year they sought to redouble the bet by seeking a more tangible idea about the excess of salt. That's how Pinch was born. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) In the context of a healthy diet, it is recommended to consume up to 1 gram of added daily salt in meals. How do we know how much salt we are adding to our meals, if it is impossible to calculate it? Pinch is a blister of 14 doses containing 500 mg of table salt each, the maximum acceptable dose per meal (lunch and dinner), according to the Argentine Society of Cardiology. Following the logic of a medical blister, we created a blister containing table salt. Thus, we achieved awareness using an already existing resource and already validated by the medical community. That made the message that Pinch is a the best remedy against the excess use of salt was very easy to understand. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) There are already many ideas around the consumption of salt. However, most ideas never treat the problem for what it is: a medical problem. Not only do we have to achieve awareness, we also have to help. Help in a didactic, responsible way and treating the problem with the seriousness that a cardiologist would treat. It is not enough that the idea is beautiful and has repercussion. In addition to that you have to treat the problem with the seriousness that the problem needs. Describe the execution (30% of vote) Following all the sanitary processes and taking as a starting point a medical blister, we fill the contents of each bubble of the blister with fine salt. Exactly with 500 mg of salt. Thus being able to emphasize "remedy" and be very easy to use. List the results (30% of vote) Pinch helped to drive consumer awareness not only of Glaciar, the main low-salt water brand in Argentina, but also of it’s brand purpose to raise awareness of healthy lifestyles by consuming less salt. After the event during the International Salt Day, the traffic to the IG account (Glaciar’s main hub) rose to +310%. With the content made in the event by influencers who were given Pinch samples and who experienced health and wellness talks, we even managed to turn that awareness into engagement, as Glaciar’s followers increased in +72%. The estimated reach of the whole campaign was more than +3.1M, with $1.5M in earned media, considering news channels, news articles and non-paid influencers who jumped in.












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